Time for action - create TOC

To begin with, our book will have a chapter for a dog and a horse. We need to create clickable sprites to load into each chapter when we click on the entry in the table of contents.

  1. Let's create a new sprite by clicking on the paint new sprite button in Scratch.
  2. We need to add a button from Scratch's image library. From the Paint Editor, click the Import button to display the Import Image dialog box.
  3. Navigate to Costume | Things and select button. Click OK to add it to the Paint Editor's canvas.
  4. Use the Text tool to type Dog in any font you want.
  5. Resize the text and position the word Dog so that it fits inside the button. Don't make the button bigger or else you will compromise its quality.
  6. Click OK to save your work and add the new sprite to the project.
Time for action - create TOC

You can position the button anywhere on the screen, as shown in the previous screenshot.

What just happened?

We added the word Dog to a button to create our first table of contents entry. Using the Paint Editor, we imported a button sprite and then we layered text over it. When viewed on the stage, it displayed as a single button.

Have a go hero

Finish adding the following sprites to the table of contents page. Create a second button and label it "Horse." Then, create a heading that says "Table of Contents." Add a set of instructions that says, "Click an animal name to begin."

The Table of Contents heading and the instructions do not need to be placed on a button because we will try not to click on them during our project.

Feel free to experiment with your text or change it entirely. From this point onward, I'll assume you're working with a dog and a horse. However, if you want to work with a duck and a donkey, you won't hurt my feelings.

Add pages to our book

Now that we have a table of contents, let's add the corresponding pages.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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