
An unbelievable number of people contributed to this book through writing, editing, conversations about the content, or just moral support, so please forgive me if I leave anyone out. First, I need to thank Lindsey for putting up with my ridiculous schedule while writing this book and working a full-time job. Thanks to Trotter Cashion for writing Chapter 10, “Security”; to Bryan Helmkamp for writing Chapter 8, “Load Balancing and Caching”; and to Jake Howerton for writing Chapter 12, “Web Hooks and External Services.” Thanks to Trotter again and Jennifer Linder for providing excellent editing work and making sure that it makes sense. Thanks to Debra, my editor at Addison-Wesley, and to Michael, my development editor at AW. Thanks to the NYC.rb crew for being smart, fun people to hang out and discuss ideas with. Thanks to the entire team at KnowMore for putting up with me while I wrote and helping me refine my thinking. Finally, thanks to my business partner, Vivek, for providing encouragement during the final editing stages.

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