Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition


About the Author

Chapter 1    Signal Integrity Is in Your Future

1.1     What Are Signal Integrity, Power Integrity, and Electromagnetic Compatibility?

1.2     Signal-Integrity Effects on One Net

1.3     Cross Talk

1.4     Rail-Collapse Noise

1.5     Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

1.6     Two Important Signal-Integrity Generalizations

1.7     Trends in Electronic Products

1.8     The Need for a New Design Methodology

1.9     A New Product Design Methodology

1.10   Simulations

1.11   Modeling and Models

1.12   Creating Circuit Models from Calculation

1.13   Three Types of Measurements

1.14   The Role of Measurements

1.15   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 2    Time and Frequency Domains

2.1     The Time Domain

2.2     Sine Waves in the Frequency Domain

2.3     Shorter Time to a Solution in the Frequency Domain

2.4     Sine-Wave Features

2.5     The Fourier Transform

2.6     The Spectrum of a Repetitive Signal

2.7     The Spectrum of an Ideal Square Wave

2.8     From the Frequency Domain to the Time Domain

2.9     Effect of Bandwidth on Rise Time

2.10   Bandwidth and Rise Time

2.11   What Does Significant Mean?

2.12   Bandwidth of Real Signals

2.13   Bandwidth and Clock Frequency

2.14   Bandwidth of a Measurement

2.15   Bandwidth of a Model

2.16   Bandwidth of an Interconnect

2.17   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 3    Impedance and Electrical Models

3.1     Describing Signal-Integrity Solutions in Terms of Impedance

3.2     What Is Impedance?

3.3     Real Versus Ideal Circuit Elements

3.4     Impedance of an Ideal Resistor in the Time Domain

3.5     Impedance of an Ideal Capacitor in the Time Domain

3.6     Impedance of an Ideal Inductor in the Time Domain

3.7     Impedance in the Frequency Domain

3.8     Equivalent Electrical Circuit Models

3.9     Circuit Theory and SPICE

3.10   Introduction to Measurement-Based Modeling

3.11   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 4    The Physical Basis of Resistance

4.1     Translating Physical Design into Electrical Performance

4.2     The Only Good Approximation for the Resistance of Interconnects

4.3     Bulk Resistivity

4.4     Resistance per Length

4.5     Sheet Resistance

4.6     The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 5    The Physical Basis of Capacitance

5.1     Current Flow in Capacitors

5.2     The Capacitance of a Sphere

5.3     Parallel Plate Approximation

5.4     Dielectric Constant

5.5     Power and Ground Planes and Decoupling Capacitance

5.6     Capacitance per Length

5.7     2D Field Solvers

5.8     Effective Dielectric Constant

5.9     The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 6    The Physical Basis of Inductance

6.1     What Is Inductance?

6.2     Inductance Principle 1: There Are Circular Rings of Magnetic-Field Lines Around All Currents

6.3     Inductance Principle 2: Inductance Is the Number of Webers of Field Line Rings Around a Conductor per Amp of Current Through It

6.4     Self-Inductance and Mutual Inductance

6.5     Inductance Principle 3: When the Number of Field Line Rings Around a Conductor Changes, There Will Be a Voltage Induced Across the Ends of the Conductor

6.6     Partial Inductance

6.7     Effective, Total, or Net Inductance and Ground Bounce

6.8     Loop Self- and Mutual Inductance

6.9     The Power Distribution Network (PDN) and Loop Inductance

6.10   Loop Inductance per Square of Planes

6.11   Loop Inductance of Planes and Via Contacts

6.12   Loop Inductance of Planes with a Field of Clearance Holes

6.13   Loop Mutual Inductance

6.14   Equivalent Inductance of Multiple Inductors

6.15   Summary of Inductance

6.16   Current Distributions and Skin Depth

6.17   High-Permeability Materials

6.18   Eddy Currents

6.19   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 7    The Physical Basis of Transmission Lines

7.1     Forget the Word Ground

7.2     The Signal

7.3     Uniform Transmission Lines

7.4     The Speed of Electrons in Copper

7.5     The Speed of a Signal in a Transmission Line

7.6     Spatial Extent of the Leading Edge

7.7     “Be the Signal”

7.8     The Instantaneous Impedance of a Transmission Line

7.9     Characteristic Impedance and Controlled Impedance

7.10   Famous Characteristic Impedances

7.11   The Impedance of a Transmission Line

7.12   Driving a Transmission Line

7.13   Return Paths

7.14   When Return Paths Switch Reference Planes

7.15   A First-Order Model of a Transmission Line

7.16   Calculating Characteristic Impedance with Approximations

7.17   Calculating the Characteristic Impedance with a 2D Field Solver

7.18   An n-Section Lumped-Circuit Model

7.19   Frequency Variation of the Characteristic Impedance

7.20   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 8    Transmission Lines and Reflections

8.1     Reflections at Impedance Changes

8.2     Why Are There Reflections?

8.3     Reflections from Resistive Loads

8.4     Source Impedance

8.5     Bounce Diagrams

8.6     Simulating Reflected Waveforms

8.7     Measuring Reflections with a TDR

8.8     Transmission Lines and Unintentional Discontinuities

8.9     When to Terminate

8.10   The Most Common Termination Strategy for Point-to-Point Topology

8.11   Reflections from Short Series Transmission Lines

8.12   Reflections from Short-Stub Transmission Lines

8.13   Reflections from Capacitive End Terminations

8.14   Reflections from Capacitive Loads in the Middle of a Trace

8.15   Capacitive Delay Adders

8.16   Effects of Corners and Vias

8.17   Loaded Lines

8.18   Reflections from Inductive Discontinuities

8.19   Compensation

8.20   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 9    Lossy Lines, Rise-Time Degradation, and Material Properties

9.1     Why Worry About Lossy Lines?

9.2     Losses in Transmission Lines

9.3     Sources of Loss: Conductor Resistance and Skin Depth

9.4     Sources of Loss: The Dielectric

9.5     Dissipation Factor

9.6     The Real Meaning of Dissipation Factor

9.7     Modeling Lossy Transmission Lines

9.8     Characteristic Impedance of a Lossy Transmission Line

9.9     Signal Velocity in a Lossy Transmission Line

9.10   Attenuation and dB

9.11   Attenuation in Lossy Lines

9.12   Measured Properties of a Lossy Line in the Frequency Domain

9.13   The Bandwidth of an Interconnect

9.14   Time-Domain Behavior of Lossy Lines

9.15   Improving the Eye Diagram of a Transmission Line

9.16   How Much Attenuation Is Too Much?

9.17   The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 10  Cross Talk in Transmission Lines

10.1   Superposition

10.2   Origin of Coupling: Capacitance and Inductance

10.3   Cross Talk in Transmission Lines: NEXT and FEXT

10.4   Describing Cross Talk

10.5   The SPICE Capacitance Matrix

10.6   The Maxwell Capacitance Matrix and 2D Field Solvers

10.7   The Inductance Matrix

10.8   Cross Talk in Uniform Transmission Lines and Saturation Length

10.9   Capacitively Coupled Currents

10.10 Inductively Coupled Currents

10.11 Near-End Cross Talk

10.12 Far-End Cross Talk

10.13 Decreasing Far-End Cross Talk

10.14 Simulating Cross Talk

10.15 Guard Traces

10.16 Cross Talk and Dielectric Constant

10.17 Cross Talk and Timing

10.18 Switching Noise

10.19 Summary of Reducing Cross Talk

10.20 The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 11  Differential Pairs and Differential Impedance

11.1   Differential Signaling

11.2   A Differential Pair

11.3   Differential Impedance with No Coupling

11.4   The Impact from Coupling

11.5   Calculating Differential Impedance

11.6   The Return-Current Distribution in a Differential Pair

11.7   Odd and Even Modes

11.8   Differential Impedance and Odd-Mode Impedance

11.9   Common Impedance and Even-Mode Impedance

11.10 Differential and Common Signals and Odd- and Even-Mode Voltage Components

11.11 Velocity of Each Mode and Far-End Cross Talk

11.12 Ideal Coupled Transmission-Line Model or an Ideal Differential Pair

11.13 Measuring Even- and Odd-Mode Impedance

11.14 Terminating Differential and Common Signals

11.15 Conversion of Differential to Common Signals

11.16 EMI and Common Signals

11.17 Cross Talk in Differential Pairs

11.18 Crossing a Gap in the Return Path

11.19 To Tightly Couple or Not to Tightly Couple

11.20 Calculating Odd and Even Modes from Capacitance- and Inductance-Matrix Elements

11.21 The Characteristic Impedance Matrix

11.22 The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 12  S-Parameters for Signal-Integrity Applications

12.1   S-Parameters, the New Universal Metric

12.2   What Are S-Parameters?

12.3   Basic S-Parameter Formalism

12.4   S-Parameter Matrix Elements

12.5   Introducing the Return and Insertion Loss

12.6   A Transparent Interconnect

12.7   Changing the Port Impedance

12.8   The Phase of S21 for a Uniform 50-Ohm Transmission Line

12.9   The Magnitude of S21 for a Uniform Transmission Line

12.10 Coupling to Other Transmission Lines

12.11 Insertion Loss for Non-50-Ohm Transmission Lines

12.12 Data-Mining S-Parameters

12.13 Single-Ended and Differential S-Parameters

12.14 Differential Insertion Loss

12.15 The Mode Conversion Terms

12.16 Converting to Mixed-Mode S-Parameters

12.17 Time and Frequency Domains

12.18 The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Chapter 13  The Power Distribution Network (PDN)

13.1   The Problem

13.2   The Root Cause

13.3   The Most Important Design Guidelines for the PDN

13.4   Establishing the Target Impedance Is Hard

13.5   Every Product Has a Unique PDN Requirement

13.6   Engineering the PDN

13.7   The VRM

13.8   Simulating Impedance with SPICE

13.9   On-Die Capacitance

13.10 The Package Barrier

13.11 The PDN with No Decoupling Capacitors

13.12 The MLCC Capacitor

13.13 The Equivalent Series Inductance

13.14 Approximating Loop Inductance

13.15 Optimizing the Mounting of Capacitors

13.16 Combining Capacitors in Parallel

13.17 Engineering a Reduced Parallel Resonant Peak by Adding More Capacitors

13.18 Selecting Capacitor Values

13.19 Estimating the Number of Capacitors Needed

13.20 How Much Does a nH Cost?

13.21 Quantity or Specific Values?

13.22 Sculpting the Impedance Profiles: The Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method (FDTIM)

13.23 When Every pH Counts

13.24 Location, Location, Location

13.25 When Spreading Inductance Is the Limitation

13.26 The Chip View

13.27 Bringing It All Together

13.28 The Bottom Line

Review Questions

Appendix A 100+ General Design Guidelines to Minimize Signal-Integrity Problems

Appendix B 100 Collected Rules of Thumb to Help Estimate Signal-Integrity Effects

Appendix C Selected References

Appendix D Review Questions and Answers


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