
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.

A, 6–7, 9–10, 10, 10–11, 11–12, 127–143
content, 167–168
metrics, for managing reputation and socializing, 172–173
networking activity, 160–161, 160f, 161–162, 162f
groups, 163–164
papers, 136–138, 136f, 137f, 138f
private over public interests, 171–172
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 154–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
publications, 156–157, 157–158, 157f, 158
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
research interests, 138–141, 139f, 140f, 140t
site usage, 168–170
tagging, 138–141
users, typology of, 168–170
viewers or producers network, 141–143
Academic Jobs, 10–11
Almetrics Manifesto, 6–7
American Physics Institute (AIP), 32
WayBack Machine, 14, 30, 39, 75, 91, 128–129, 136–137, 139, 5–6, 68–69
Association of Research Libraries, 4–5
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, 4–5


consolidation of, 165–166
content, 167–168
coverage, 52–53, 52f
German club, 53–55, 54f
local project, 60–61
metrics, for managing reputation and socializing, 172–173
networking activity, 160–161, 160f
groups, 163–164, 163f, 164, 164f, 165
private over public interests, 170
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
country distribution, 152–154, 154, 154–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152
publications, 156–157, 157f, 158
disciplinary distribution, 158–159
site usage, 168–170
social dimension, 55–60
meeting point, 55–58, 58f
tabs, linking documents, 58–60, 59t, 60t
users, typology of, 168–170
BibTex, 39, 51–52, 67, 67, 87
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 10–11
BiomedExperts, 10, 10–11, 11–12, 14, 19, 27–33, 33
content, 167–168
failure of, 33–35
interaction tools, 28–29
networking activity, 160–161
groups, 163–164
pre-elaborated profiles, 30–32, 30f, 31f
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
country distribution, 152–154
disciplinary distribution, 151–152
publications, 156–157, 157f, 158
disciplinary distribution, 158–159
scientist’s directory, 27–28
structure of, 29–30
Nature Network, 22
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 5–6
Budapest Open Access Initiative, 5–6
Business models, 10–11


Caddy, James, 38–39
Cameron, Richard, 38–39
CERN Document Server, 5–6
ResearchGate, 106, 106f
Citation Style Language (CSL), 87
CiteSeer, 96
community in decline, 44–48, 45f, 46f, 47f, 47t, 48t
consolidation of, 165–166
content, 167–168
as decayed database, 39, 40f
extended service, decay of, 50–51
networking activity, 160–161, 160f, 161–162
groups, 163–164, 163f, 164, 164f
private over public interests, 170
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 154, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
publications, 156–157, 157f, 158
disciplinary distribution, 158–159
research fields, 48–49, 49t
social library building, 40–44
groups, 41–44, 42f, 43t
tags, 40–41, 41t
scientist to, societal commitment of, 173–174
Cohen, Dan, 86
Collexis Holdings, 27, 32, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34
BiomedExperts, 10, 10–11
UniPHY, 10, 10–11
Comparative analysis, 149
networking activity, 160–165, 160f, 162f
groups, 162–165, 163f, 164f
profiles, 149–156, 150f
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 152–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
publications, 156–160, 157f
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
self-archiving platforms, consolidation of, 165–166
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR), 12
Connotea, 10, 28–29, 38, 51–52, 62, 67
Content, 167–168
Country penetration, 12–13
Country spending, 13
Country Spreading, 48, 53–54, 89–90, 154–155
Crow-sourced catalogue, 67–74, 68t, 69t, 71f, 73f
CSL JSON, 51–52, 87


Data extraction, 13
Delicious, 2–3, 37, 51–52
Desktop app, 67
Digg, 2–3, 51–52
Digital Bibliography and Library Project (DBLP), 51, 52–53, 56, 61
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 127
Diogenes Club, 170–172
Document sharing services, 10, 101
comparative analysis
networking activity, 160–165, 160f, 162f, 163f, 164f
profiles, 149–156, 150f, 152f, 154f, 155f
publications, 156–160, 157f, 159f
self-archiving platforms, consolidation of, 165–166
towards complete academic networking site, 143–146
ResearchGate, 108–109, 109f
Doximity, 3


ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge, 52–53
Egoism, social benefit of, 62–63
2collab, 38, 63
Emamy, Kevin, 38–39
EndNote, 11–12, 51–52, 65, 66, 67, 86
eScholarship Repository of the University of California, 5–6
European Union
Horizon 2020, 5–6
expert directories, 19


Facebook, 3, 11–12, 28–29
Fickenscher, Horst, 102
Figshare, 10, 11–12
Flickr, 2–3, 37
Föckler, Paul, 66–67
FolkRank, 58–59
Folksonomy, 37, 38, 39, 40, 59–60, 60, 61, 63
Followers/followings, 135, 135f
ResearchGate, 109–110, 110f
Nature Network, 20, 21f, 21t
Friendster, 3


GitHub, 3
Google, 87–88
AdWords service, 10–11
Google Scholar, 157–158
Google Scholar Citations, 11–12
PageRank, 104
Greenberg, Josh, 86
Green open access, 5–6
CiteULike, 41–44, 42f, 43t
Mendeley, 81–84, 83f, 83t
Nature Network, 20–21, 22t
networking activity, 162–165, 163f, 164f
Zotero, 91–93, 92t, 94f, 94f


Hall, Chris, 38–39
Henning, Victor, 66–67
Hofmayer, Sören, 102
Horizon 2020, 5–6
HTML, 51–52
Nature Network, 21–22
Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL), 5–6


Impact points
ResearchGate, 105–106, 111
ImpactStory, 6–7
IngentaConnect, 5–6
Instagram, 2–3


Joint Academy Coding System (JACS), 48–49
Journal Citation Report, 105–106
JSTOR, 68–69


Knowledge organization, 37

L, 2–3
LibreOffice, 67
LinkedIn, 3
Lund, Ben, 127


Mac Word, 67
Madisch, Ijad, 102
consolidation of, 165–166
content, 167–168
crow-sourced catalogue, 67–74, 68t, 69t, 71f, 73f
desktop app, 67
metrics, for managing reputation and socializing, 172–173
networking activity, 160–161, 160f, 161–162, 162f
groups, 163–164, 163f, 164, 164f
private over public interests, 171
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 154, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
publications, 156–157, 157–158, 157f, 158
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
recommended papers, discovering, 84–86, 85f
site usage, 168–170
social network, 74–84
groups, 81–84, 83f, 83t
profiles, 74–81, 75f, 76f, 77f, 78f, 79f, 80t, 80t
tags or keywords, 74
users, typology of, 168–170
Metrics, for managing reputation and socializing, 172–173
Microsoft Academic Search, 28, 111
Microsoft Word, 67, 87
Mozilla Firefox, 86–87, 93–94
MS Office XML, 51–52
MySpace, 3


National Institute of Health (NIH)
Public Access Policy, 5–6
Research Councils, 5–6
Nature, 19–20
Nature Network, 10–11, 11–12, 14, 19–27, 122
blogs, 22
chatting room, 26–27
content, 167–168
failure of, 33–35
forums, 20, 21f, 21t
groups, 20–21, 22t
hubs, 21–22
natural community, 23–26, 24t, 25t, 25t
networking activity, 160–161
groups, 163–164, 163f, 164f
profiles, 150–151, 150f
country distribution, 154
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f, 154–155, 154f
publications, 156–157
disciplinary distribution, 158–159
Questions & Answers section, 22–23, 26–27
Workbench, 23, 26–27
Nature Publishing Group (NPG), 10–11, 19–20, 23, 24–25, 24, 25–26, 26–27, 34
Connotea, See Connotea
Networking activity, 160–165, 160f, 162f
groups, 162–165, 163f, 164f
90–9–1 rule, 168–170


Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), 69–70
Online social networks, 3
Open Access, 4–6, 127
Open Archive Initiative (OAI), 114
Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI–PMH), 114, 125–126
OpenOffice, 87
Open Review, 102–103
Oversity Ltd, 38–39


PageRank, 104
Papers, 10, 136–138, 136f, 137f, 138f
PDF reader, 67
Postmodern Culture, 5–6
Pretorius, Jarques, 127
Price, Richard, 127
ProCite, 65
Profiles, 149–156, 150f
comparative analysis, 149–156, 150f
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 152–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
Mendeley, 74–81, 75f, 76f, 77f, 78f, 79f, 80t, 80t
ResearchGate, 117–122, 120f, 120f, 121f, 122t
UniPHY, 32–33
Zotero, 87–91, 89f, 89t, 90t, 91f, 92f
ProQuest, 68–69
Psycoloquy, 5–6
Publications, 156–160, 157f
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
ResearchGate, 107, 107f, 114–117, 115f, 116t, 117f, 118t–119t
Pure, 27


Qiqqa, 10
Questions & Answers (Q&A) section, 172
Nature Network, 22–23, 26–27
ResearchGate, 102–103, 122–125, 124t, 125f


RDF, 1–2
Readers, 65–66, 71–73, 78
club, 81–84, 83f, 83t
Recommended papers, discovering, 84–86, 85f
Reddit, 2–3, 37
Reed’s law, 149–150
Reference management sites, 10, 65
comparative analysis
networking activity, 160–165, 160f, 162f, 163f, 164f
profiles, 149–156, 150f, 152f, 154f, 155f
publications, 156–160, 157f, 159f
self-archiving platforms, consolidation of, 165–166
Mendeley, 66–86, 68t, 69t, 71f, 73f, 75f, 76f, 77f, 78f, 79f, 80t, 80t, 83f, 83t, 90t
See also Mendeley
as social site, 96–97
ReferenceManager, 51–52, 65
RefWorks, 65, 87
Reichelt, Jan, 66–67
RePEc, 5–6
Researchgate, 6–7, 9–10, 10, 10–11, 11–12, 102–127
content, 167–168
metrics, 103–110
citations, 106, 106f
downloads, 108–109, 109f
followers/followings, 109–110, 110f
impact points, 105–106
publications, 107, 107f
views, 107–108, 108f
networking activity, 160–161, 160f, 161–162, 162f
groups, 163–164
organizations, 110–114, 112t
private over public interests, 171–172
academic statuses, 155–156, 155f
country distribution, 154–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
Questions & Answers (Q&A), 102–103, 122–125, 124t, 125f
site usage, 168–170
users, typology of, 168–170
Research Information Network, 9–10
Research interests, 138–141, 139f, 140f, 140t
RIS, 39, 51–52, 67, 87
RSS, 1–2


Scholarly directories, 10
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), 4–5
Science 2.0, 39, 60, 102, 102, 127
Science Citation Index, 105
ScienceDirect, 5–6, 68–69
to citizenship, societal commitment of, 173–174
social networks sites for, 7–11
business models, 10–11
definition of, 8
functions of, 9
motivations and adoption, 9–10
typology of, 10
SciVal Expert, 27
Scopus, 24, 28, 68–69
Scribd, 2–3
Searchable Physics Information Notices (SPIN), 32, 34
Sherpa/RoMEO database, 114
Site usage, 168–170
Slashdot, 2–3
SlideShare, 2–3, 37
SOAP, 1–2
Social bookmarking sites, 10, 37
BibSonomy, 51–62, 52f, 54f, 58f, 59t, 60t
See also BibSonomy
CiteULike, 38–51, 40f, 41t, 42f, 43t, 45f, 46f, 47f, 47t, 48t, 49t
See also CiteULike
egoism, social benefit of, 62–63
comparative analysis
networking activity, 160–165, 160f, 162f, 163f, 164f
profiles, 149–156, 150f, 152f, 154f, 155f
publications, 156–160, 157f, 159f
self-archiving platforms, consolidation of, 165–166
Social networking sites (SNS), 3–4
definition of, 3–4
for scientists, 7–11
Spark Capital, 10–11
Spiceworks, 3
Springer, 4–5
Stillman, Dan, 86
Subversive Proposal, 4–5


Tagging, 39, 138–141
CiteULike, 40–41, 41t
Mendeley, 74
Thomson Reuters, 66, 86
Web of Science, 24, 105
True Ventures, 10–11
Tumblr, 2–3
Twitter, 2–3, 11–12, 28–29
2collab, 38, 63


UniPHY, 10, 10–11, 19, 32, 33
automatic profiles, static network of, 32–33
content, 167–168
failure of, 33–35
networking activity, 160–161
groups, 163–164
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
country distribution, 152–154
disciplinary distribution, 151–152
publications, 156–157
disciplinary distribution, 158–159
Users, typology of, 168–170


Vertical social networks, 3
Viewers or producers network, 141–143
ResearchGate, 107–108, 108f
Vimeo, 2–3, 37


Watkins, Andrew, 127
Wave, 3
WayBack Machine, 14, 30, 39, 75, 91, 128–129, 136–137, 139
Web, 1–3
Web 2.0, 1–3, 37
benefits of, 9–10
Web of Science of Thomson Reuters, 24, 105
Wikipedia, 2–3, 88
Wiley, 4–5, 5–6
WordPress, 87


XML, 1–2, 67


YouTube, 2–3, 37


Zotero, 10–11, 10, 11–12, 65, 66, 67, 86–96
consolidation of, 165–166
content, 167–168
metrics, for managing reputation and socializing, 172–173
networking activity, 160–161, 161–162, 162f
groups, 163–164, 163f, 164, 164f
private over public interests, 171
profiles, 150, 150–151, 150f
country distribution, 154, 154–155, 154f
disciplinary distribution, 151–152, 152f
publications, 156–157, 157f
disciplinary distribution, 158–159, 159f
references in cloud, 87–93
groups, 91–93, 92t, 94f, 94f
open source, close content, 93–96
profiles, 87–91, 89f, 89t, 90t, 91f, 92f
Zotero Server, 87
Zotero Standalone, 87, 93–94
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