List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Number of forums by year in which the last message was posted in Nature Network 21
Figure 2.2 Evolution of the number of validated profiles in BiomedExperts 30
Figure 2.3 Personal profile in BiomedExperts (Nicholas et al., 2015) 31
Figure 3.1 Evolution of the number of articles posted to CiteULike 40
Figure 3.2 Number of groups by year in which the last post was made in CiteULike 42
Figure 3.3 Evolution of the number of profiles in CiteULike 45
Figure 3.4 Number of profiles by year in which the last paper was posted in CiteULike 46
Figure 3.5 Binned distribution of posted references by user in CiteULike (log-log plot; bin = 10) 47
Figure 3.6 Evolution of the number of items to BibSonomy 52
Figure 3.7 Number of members by year in which the last paper was posted in BibSonomy 54
Figure 3.8 Number of groups by year in which the last paper was posted in BibSonomy 58
Figure 4.1 Number of retrieved papers, assigned papers and open papers by research discipline in Mendeley 71
Figure 4.2 Binned distribution of readers by article in Mendeley (log-log plot; bin = 10) 73
Figure 4.3 Evolution of number of profiles in Mendeley 75
Figure 4.4 Number of profiles and publications by discipline in Mendeley 76
Figure 4.5 Binned distribution of publications by user in Mendeley (log-log plot; bin = 10) 77
Figure 4.6 Binned distribution of followers by user in Mendeley (log-log plot; bin = 10) 78
Figure 4.7 Number of profiles by academic status in Mendeley 79
Figure 4.8 Percentage of groups and papers posted to groups by research discipline in Mendeley 83
Figure 4.9 Number of groups by year in which the last action was made in Mendeley 85
Figure 4.10 Number of profiles by research area in Zotero 89
Figure 4.11 Binned distribution of followings and followers by profile in Zotero (log-log plot) 91
Figure 4.12 Evolution of the number of profiles in Zotero 92
Figure 4.13 Evolution of the number of groups in Zotero 94
Figure 4.14 Number of groups by year in which the last post was made in Zotero 94
Figure 5.1 Binned distribution of RG Scores in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 2.5) 105
Figure 5.2 Binned distribution of citations by document in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 10) 106
Figure 5.3 Binned distribution of documents by profile in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 10) 107
Figure 5.4 Binned distribution of views by document in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 10) 108
Figure 5.5 Binned distribution of downloads by full-text document in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 10) 109
Figure 5.6 Binned distribution of followings/followers by profile in ResearchGate (log-log plot; bin = 10) 110
Figure 5.7 Evolution of full-text papers in ResearchGate 115
Figure 5.8 Number of publications and full-text documents by research area in ResearchGate 117
Figure 5.9 Evolution of the number of profiles in ResearchGate 120
Figure 5.10 Number of profiles by academic status in ResearchGate 120
Figure 5.11 Number of profiles by research area in ResearchGate 121
Figure 5.12 Evolution of the number of questions in ResearchGate 125
Figure 5.13 Evolution of the number of profiles in 128
Figure 5.14 Number of profiles by academic status in 132
Figure 5.15 Binned distribution of profiles views by user in (log-log plot; bin = 10) 133
Figure 5.16 Venn diagrams of type of user by their actions: (a) all users; (b) only users with more than five followers and five posts 134
Figure 5.17 Binned distribution of followings/followers by user in (log-log plot; bin = 10) 135
Figure 5.18 Evolution of the number of documents in 136
Figure 5.19 Binned distribution of documents by profile in (log-log plot; bin = 10) 137
Figure 5.20 Binned distribution of views by profile in (log-log plot; bin = 10) 138
Figure 5.21 Evolution of the number of research interests in 139
Figure 5.22 Number of profiles and documents by research area in 140
Figure 6.1 Number of profiles and annual growth rate in each social site 150
Figure 6.2 Number of profiles by research area in each social site 152
Figure 6.3 Penetration index by country and Country Spreading index in each social site 154
Figure 6.4 Number of profiles by academic status in each social site 155
Figure 6.5 Number of items posted and annual growth rate in each social site 157
Figure 6.6 Number of publications by research area in each social site 159
Figure 6.7 Average of posts by user and percentage of users posting in each social site 160
Figure 6.8 Average of followers/followings and percentage of users with followers/followings 162
Figure 6.9 Number of groups, annual growth and percentage of items since 2014 in each social site 163
Figure 6.10 Activity, percentage of members and percentage of publications in each social site 164
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