Part V
Management of Software Testing

In Parts IIV, we have focused primarily on technical aspects of software testing, including test data generation, oracle design, test driver design, and test outcome analysis. In this part, we consider some managerial aspects of software testing, including software metrics, software tools, and software product line testing.

  • In Chapter 14, we review some software metrics that are relevant from the standpoint of software testing. These include metrics that quantify such aspects of software testing as fault density, error proneness, failure probability, fault tolerance, the ease of identifying faults from static analysis, and the ease of detecting errors at run time.
  • In Chapter 15, we review some representative software testing tools, which we classify into six broad, slightly overlapping families of tools: scripting tools that help engineers write test drivers; record and replay tools that help engineers record complex user interactions for the purpose of test replay; performance testing tools that enable the engineer to test a software product under specified operating conditions; oracle design tools that help the engineer to design and record a test oracle; exception discovery tools that help the engineer check a software product for possible run-time exceptions; and finally collaborative tools that are primarily intended to support collaborative multiparty communication in the context of software testing.
  • In Chapter 16, we briefly review the emerging paradigm of software product line engineering and discuss the unique issues that this paradigm raises with respect to software testing; we explore some general principles that pertain to the management of testing resources within this paradigm and illustrate them by a sample example.
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