Chapter . Exercises

Exercise 1.1: Enter, compile, and run HelloWorld on your system. 3

Exercise 1.2: Try changing parts of HelloWorld and see what errors you might get. 3

Exercise 1.3: Add a title to the printed list of the Fibonacci program. 6

Exercise 1.4: Write a program that generates a different sequence, such as a table of squares. 6

Exercise 1.5: Change the HelloWorld application to use a named string constant as the string to print. (A string constant can be initialized with a string literal.) 8

Exercise 1.6: Change your program from Exercise 1.3 to use a named string constant for the title. 8

Exercise 1.7: Change the loop in ImprovedFibonacci so that i counts backward instead of forward. 12

Exercise 1.8: Add a method to the Point class that sets the current object's coordinates to those of a passed in Point object. 17

Exercise 1.9: Modify the Fibonacci application to store the sequence into an array and print the list of values at the end. 20

Exercise 1.10: Modify the ImprovedFibonacci application to store its sequence in an array. Do this by creating a new class to hold both the value and a boolean value that says whether the value is even, and then having an array of object references to objects of that class. 20

Exercise 1.11: Modify the StringsDemo application to use different strings. 23

Exercise 1.12: Modify ImprovedFibonacci to store the String objects it creates into an array instead of invoking println with them directly. 23

Exercise 1.13: Rewrite the ImprovedFibonacci program using printf instead of println. 24

Exercise 1.14: Sketch out a set of classes that reflects the class structure of the Sony Walkman product family we have described. Use methods to hide the data, making all the data private and the methods public. What methods would belong in the Walkman class? Which methods would be added for which extended classes? 27

Exercise 1.15: Write an interface that extends Lookup to declare add and remove methods. Implement the extended interface in a new class. 29

Exercise 1.16: Add fields to BadDataSetException to hold the set name and the I/O exception that signaled the problem so that whoever catches the exception will know details about the error. 35

Exercise 2.1: Write a simple Vehicle class that has fields for (at least) current speed, current direction in degrees, and owner name. 44

Exercise 2.2: Write a LinkedList class that has a field of type Object and a reference to the next LinkedList element in the list. 44

Exercise 2.3: Add a static field to your Vehicle class to hold the next vehicle identification number, and a non-static field to the Vehicle class to hold each car's ID number. 46

Exercise 2.4: Consider your solution to Exercise 2.3. Do you think the identification number field should be final? 47

Exercise 2.5: Write a main method for your Vehicle class that creates a few vehicles and prints their field values. 50

Exercise 2.6: Write a main method for your LinkedList class that creates a few objects of type Vehicle and places them into successive nodes in the list. 50

Exercise 2.7: Add two constructors to Vehicle: a no-arg constructor and one that takes an initial owner's name. Modify the main program so that it generates the same output it did before. 54

Exercise 2.8: What constructors should you add to LinkedList? 54

Exercise 2.9: Add a static method to Vehicle that returns the highest identification number used thus far. 58

Exercise 2.10: Add a toString method to Vehicle. 60

Exercise 2.11: Add a toString method to LinkedList. 60

Exercise 2.12: Considering your Vehicle and LinkedList classes, can you think of a need for any methods that take a variable number of arguments? 61

Exercise 2.13: Make the fields in your Vehicle class private, and add accessor methods for the fields. Which fields should have methods to change them, and which should not? 68

Exercise 2.14: Make the fields in your LinkedList class private, and add accessor methods for the fields. Which fields should have methods to change them, and which should not? 68

Exercise 2.15: Add a changeSpeed method that changes the current speed of the vehicle to a passed-in value and add a stop method that sets the speed to zero. 68

Exercise 2.16: Add a method to LinkedList to return the number of elements in a list. 68

Exercise 2.17: Add two turn methods to Vehicle: one that takes a number of degrees to turn and one that takes either of the constants Vehicle.TURN_LEFT or Vehicle.TURN_RIGHT. 71

Exercise 2.18: Change Vehicle.main to create cars with owners whose names are specified on the command line, and then print them. 74

Exercise 3.1: Starting with the Vehicle class from the exercises in Chapter 2, create an extended class called PassengerVehicle to add a capability for counting the number of seats available in the car and the number currently occupied. Provide a new main method in PassengerVehicle to create a few of these objects and print them out. 79

Exercise 3.2: Type in the classes X and Y as shown previously, and add print statements to trace the values of the masks. Add a main method and run it to see the results. (Hint: Use the printf method—shown in Chapter 1—with a format specifier of %x to print integers in hexadecimal format.) 83

Exercise 3.3: If it were critical to set up these masks using the values from the extended class during construction, how could you work around these problems? 83

Exercise 3.4: Which methods (if any) of Vehicle and PassengerVehicle might reasonably be made final? 97

Exercise 3.5: Write a new extended class that benchmarks something else, such as how long it takes to run a loop from zero to some passed-in parameter. 99

Exercise 3.6: Change Vehicle so that it has an EnergySource object reference, which is associated with the Vehicle in its constructor. EnergySource must be an abstract class, because a GasTank object's measure of fullness will differ from that of a Battery object. Put an abstractempty method in EnergySource and implement it in GasTank and Battery classes. Add a start method to Vehicle that ensures that the energy source isn't empty. 99

Exercise 3.7: Override equals and hashCode for ColorAttr. 101

Exercise 3.8: Make Vehicle and PassengerVehicle into Cloneable types.

Which of the four described attitudes should each class take toward cloning? Is the simple copying done by Object.clone correct for the clone methods of these classes? 107

Exercise 3.9: Write a Garage class whose objects can hold up to some number of Vehicle objects in an array. Make Garage a Cloneable type, and write a proper clone method for it. Write a Garage.main method to test it. 107

Exercise 3.10: Make your LinkedList class (from the exercises in Chapter 2) Cloneable, with clone returning a new list that refers to the same values as the original list, not clones of the values. In other words, changes to one list should not affect the other list, but changes to the objects referenced by the list would be visible in both lists. 107

Exercise 3.11: Find at least one security hole in SortDouble that would let a sorting algorithm cheat on its metrics without getting caught. Fix the security hole. Assume that the sorting algorithm author doesn't get to write main. 114

Exercise 3.12: Write a general-purpose SortHarness class that can sort any object type. How would you provide a way to represent ordering for the objects in a general way, given that you cannot use < to compare them? 114

Exercise 4.1: Rewrite your solution to Exercise 3.6 on page 99 using an interface for EnergySource instead of an abstract class. 131

Exercise 4.2: Rewrite your solution to Exercise 3.12 on page 114 using an interface if you didn't write it that way in the first place. 132

Exercise 4.3: Should the LinkedList class from previous exercises be an interface? Rewrite it that way with an implementation class before you decide. 132

Exercise 4.4: Design a collection class hierarchy using only interfaces. 132

Exercise 4.5: Think about whether the following types should be represented as interfaces, abstract classes, or concrete classes: (a) TreeNode to represent nodes in an N-ary tree; (b) TreeWalker to walk the tree in a particular order (such as depth-first or breadth-first); (c) Drawable for objects that can be drawn by a graphics system; (d) Application for programs that can be run from a graphical desktop. 132

Exercise 4.6: What changes in your assumptions about each of the problems in Exercise 4.5 would make you change your answers? 132

Exercise 5.1: Consider the Attr class and Attributed interface from Chapter 4. Should one of these be a nested type of the other? If so, which way makes the most sense? 136

Exercise 5.2: Create a version of BankAccount that records the last ten actions on the account. Add a history method that returns a History object that will return Action objects one at a time via a next method, returning null at the end of the list. Should History be a nested class? If so, should it be static or not? 138

Exercise 6.1: Define simple enums for the days of the week and traffic light colors. 152

Exercise 6.2: Redo your solution to Exercise 2.17 to use an enum to represent the TURN_LEFT and TURN_RIGHT constants. What advantage is there to using the enum? 152

Exercise 6.3: Redefine the Verbose interface from Section 4.2.1 on page 121 to use an enum for the verbosity level instead of integer constants. 152

Exercise 6.4: Expand your traffic light color enum from Exercise 6.1 on page 152 so that each enum constant has a suitable Color object that can be retrieved with getColor. 156

Exercise 6.5: Redo Exercise 6.4 making getColor an abstract method and defining constant-specific methods for each enum constant to return the correct Color object. Would you recommend using constant-specific methods to do this? 159

Exercise 7.1: Just for fun, write a “Hello, World” program entirely using Unicode escape sequences. 163

Exercise 7.2: Write a class that declares a field for each of the primitive numeric types, and try to assign values using the different literal forms—for example, try to assign 3.5f to an int field. Which literals can be used with which type of field? Try changing the magnitude of the values used to see if that affects things. 169

Exercise 7.3: Write a program that calculates Pascal's triangle to a depth of 12, storing each row of the triangle in an array of the appropriate length and putting each of the row arrays into an array of 12 int arrays. Design your solution so that the results are printed by a method that prints the array of arrays using the lengths of each array, not a constant 12. Now change the code to use a constant other than 12 without modifying your printing method. 178

Exercise 9.1: Write a program that uses the operators +, , *, and /, on two infinite operands and show the result. Ensure that you try both same signed and opposite-signed infinity values. 203

Exercise 9.2: Write a method that determines the number of 1 bits in a passed-in int, by using just the bit manipulation operators (that is, don't use Integer.bitCount). Compare your solution with published algorithms for doing this—see the related reading for “General Programming Techniques” on page 758 for one source. 210

Exercise 9.3: Review your solution to Exercise 7.3 to see if it can be written more clearly or succinctly with the operators you've learned about in this chapter. 213

Exercise 9.4: Using what you've learned in this chapter but without writing code, figure out which of the following expressions are invalid and what the type and values are of the valid expressions: 223

Exercise 10.1: Using if–else in a loop, write a method that takes a string parameter and returns a string with all the special characters in the original string replaced by their language equivalents. For example, a string with a " in the middle of it should create a return value with that " replaced by ". (Section 7.2.3 on page 167 lists all special characters). 232

Exercise 10.2: Rewrite your method from Exercise 10.1 to use a switch. 235

Exercise 10.3: Using your “days of the week” enum from Exercise 6.1 write a method that takes a day of the week and returns true if it is a working day, and false otherwise. First use nested ifelse statements and then a switch statement. Which do you think results in clearer code? 235

Exercise 10.4: Select a few previous exercise solutions for which you have used a for loop and rewrite it using a while loop. Can you also rewrite it using a dowhile loop? Would you do so? If not, why not? 236

Exercise 10.5: Write a method that takes two char parameters and prints the characters between those two values, including the endpoints. 239

Exercise 11.1: Revisit the LinkedList class that you started back in Exercise 2.2 and rewrite it as a generic class. 252

Exercise 11.2: Rewrite the Attr class from Chapter 3 as a generic class. 252

Exercise 11.3: Was Exercise 11.2 a good idea? How does Attr being generic affect the Attributed interface defined in Chapter 4? What does it mean for Attributed objects? 252

Exercise 12.1: Create an ObjectNotFoundException class for the LinkedList class you built in previous exercises. Add a find method that looks for an object in the list and either returns the LinkedList object that contains the desired object or throws the exception if the object isn't found in the list. Why is this preferable to returning null if the object isn't found? What additional data if any should ObjectNotFoundException contain? 286

Exercise 12.2: Decide which way the following conditions should be communicated to the programmer: 295

Exercise 13.1: Write a method that counts the number of occurrences of a given character in a string. 308

Exercise 13.2: Write a method that counts the number of occurrences of a particular string in another string. 308

Exercise 13.3: As shown, the delimitedString method assumes only one such string per input string. Write a version that will pull out all the delimited strings and return an array. 316

Exercise 13.4: Write a program to read an input string with lines of the form “type value”, where type is one of the wrapper class names (Boolean, Character, and so on) and value is a string that the type's constructor can decode. For each such entry, create an object of that type with that value and add it to an ArrayList—see “ArrayList” on page 582. Display the final result when all the lines have been read. Assume a line is ended simply by the newline character ' '. 316

Exercise 13.5: Write a method to convert strings containing decimal numbers into comma-punctuated numbers, with a comma every third digit from the right. For example, given the string "1543729", the method should return the string "1,543,729". 335

Exercise 13.6: Modify the method to accept parameters specifying the separator character to use and the number of digits between separator characters. 336

Exercise 14.1: Write a program that displays the name of the thread that executes main. 341

Exercise 14.2: Modify the first version of PrintServer so that only the thread created in the constructor can successfully execute run, using the identity of the thread as suggested. 345

Exercise 14.3: Write a class whose objects hold a current value and have a method that will add to that value, printing the new value. Write a program that creates such an object, creates multiple threads, and invokes the adding method repeatedly from each thread. Write the class so that no addition can be lost. 354

Exercise 14.4: Modify your code from Exercise 14.3 to use static data and methods. 354

Exercise 14.5: Modify your code from Exercise 14.4 so that threads can safely decrement the value without using a static synchronized method. 354

Exercise 14.6: Write a program that prints the elapsed time each second from the start of execution, with another thread that prints a message every fifteen seconds. Have the message-printing thread be notified by the time-printing thread as each second passes by. Add another thread that prints a different message every seven seconds without modifying the time-printing thread. 358

Exercise 14.7: Run Babble multiple times and examine the output: Is it always the same? If possible, run it on different systems and compare. 362

Exercise 14.8: Experiment with the Friendly program. How often does the deadlock actually happen on your system? If you add yield calls, can you change the likelihood of deadlock? If you can, try this exercise on more than one kind of system. Remove the deadlock potential without getting rid of the synchronization. 364

Exercise 14.9: Write a method that takes a thread group and starts a thread that periodically prints the hierarchy of threads and thread groups within that group, using the methods just described. Test it with a program that creates several short-lived threads in various groups. 379

Exercise 16.1: Modify TypeDesc to skip printing anything for the Object class. It is redundant because everything ultimately extends it. Use the reference for the Class object for the Object type. 407

Exercise 16.2: Modify TypeDesc to show whether the named type is a nested type, and if so, what other type it is nested within. 408

Exercise 16.3: Modify ClassContents to show information for all declared and all public inherited members. Make sure you don't list anything twice. 411

Exercise 16.4: Write a program that prints all the available annotations applied to a given type. (Only annotations with a retention policy of RUNTIME will be available.) 415

Exercise 16.5: Expand ClassContents to include the available annotation information for each member. 416

Exercise 16.6: Create an Interpret program that creates an object of a requested type and allows the user to examine and modify fields of that object. 420

Exercise 16.7: Modify your Interpret program to invoke methods on the object. You should properly display any values returned or exceptions thrown. 422

Exercise 16.8: Modify your Interpret program further to let users invoke constructors of an arbitrary class, displaying any exceptions. If a construction is successful, let users invoke methods on the returned object. 425

Exercise 16.9: Use reflection to write a program that will print a full declaration of a named class, including everything except the import statements, comments, and code for initializers, constructors, and methods. The member declarations should appear just as you would write them. You will need to use all the reflection classes you have seen. Also note that the toString methods of many of the reflection objects will not provide the information you want in the correct format, so you will need to piece together the individual pieces of information. 429

Exercise 16.10: Modify Interpret further to allow users to specify a type and size of array to create; set and get the elements of that array; and access fields and invoke methods on specific elements of the array. 432

Exercise 16.11: Expand on Game and Player to implement a simple game, such as tic-tac-toe. Score some Player implementations over several runs each. 441

Exercise 16.12: Modify your results for Exercise 16.11 to allow player strategies to use attached resources by implementing findResource and findResources. 444

Exercise 17.1: Write a program to examine the amount of memory available on start up and after allocation of a number of objects. Try invoking the garbage collector explicitly to see how the amount of free memory changes—make sure you don't hold references to the newly allocated objects of course. 454

Exercise 17.2: Modify DataHandler so that lastFile is also stored weakly. 458

Exercise 17.3: Rework the resource implementation class so that it uses a reference object to keep track of the key instead of using the hash code. 464

Exercise 17.4: Modify the reaper thread so that it stays alive after shutdown until all the allocated resources can be released. 464

Exercise 17.5: Redesign the resource manager to not use a reaper thread. Be clear on what semantics the resource manager has and on when resources will be released. 464

Exercise 19.1: Add doc comments to your LinkedList class from Exercise 2.16. Generate the javadoc and ask someone else to write a simple program using your class. Repeat, improving your doc comments if needed, until someone can do so. 496

Exercise 19.2: Expand on Exercise 19.1 by including the private members. Generate the full (private members included) javadoc and ask someone else to explain the class to you. Repeat, improving your comments if needed, until someone can do so. 496

Exercise 20.1: Rewrite the TranslateByte program as a method that translates the contents of an InputStream onto an OutputStream, in which the mapping and the streams are parameters. For each type of InputStream and OutputStream you read about in this chapter, write a new main method that uses the translation method to operate on a stream of that type. If you have paired input and output streams, you can cover both in one main method. 506

Exercise 20.2: Rewrite the TranslateByte class as a filter. 518

Exercise 20.3: Create a pair of Filter stream classes that encrypt bytes using any algorithm you choose—such as XORing the bytes with some value—with your DecryptInputStream able to decrypt the bytes that your EncryptOutputStream class creates. 518

Exercise 20.4: Create a subclass of FilterReader that will return one line of input at a time via a method that blocks until a full line of input is available. 518

Exercise 20.5: Write a program that reads a specified file and searches for a specified word, printing each line number and line in which the word is found. 528

Exercise 20.6: Write a program that takes input of the form name op value, where name is one of three words of your choosing, op is +, -, or =, and value is a number. Apply each operator to the named value. When input is exhausted, print the three values. For extra credit, use the HashMap class that was used for AttributedImpl so that you can use an arbitrary number of named values. 536

Exercise 20.7: Add a method to the Attr class of Chapter 3 that writes the contents of an object to a DataOutputStream and add a constructor that will read the state from a DataInputStream. 539

Exercise 20.8: Write a program that reads a file with entries separated by lines starting with %% and creates a table file with the starting position of each such entry. Then write a program that uses that table to print a random entry (see the Math.random method described in “Math and StrictMath” on page 657). 543

Exercise 20.9: Write a method that, given one or more pathnames, will print all the information available about the file it represents (if any). 548

Exercise 20.10: Write a program that uses a StreamTokenizer object to break an input file into words and counts the number of times each word occurs in the file, printing the result. Use a HashMap to keep track of the words and counts. 548

Exercise 20.11: Using FilenameFilter or FileFilter, write a program that takes a directory and a suffix as parameters and prints all files it can find that have that suffix. 549

Exercise 21.1: Write a program that opens a file and reads its lines one at a time, storing each line in a List sorted by String.compareTo. The line-reading class you created for Exercise 20.4 should prove helpful. 584

Exercise 21.2: Rewrite the DataHandler class on page 457 to use a WeakHashMap to store the returned data instead of a single WeakReference. 593

Exercise 21.3: A WeakHashMap has weak keys and strong values. A WeakValueMap would have strong keys and weak values. Design a WeakValueMap. Be cautioned that this is not as simple as it might seem, in fact it is extremely complicated and requires a number of design choices to be made. For example, should iteration of values be allowed to yield null after hasNext has returned true, or should iteration keep the values alive while they are being iterated? Hint: Don't try to extend AbstractMap, delegate to a HashMap instead. 593

Exercise 21.4: Write a version of ShortStrings that implements ListIterator to filter a ListIterator object. Should your class extend ShortStrings? 611

Exercise 21.5: Implement a more efficient ListIterator for ArrayBunchList. Be careful of the specific contracts of ListIterator methods, such as set not being valid until either next or previous is invoked. 616

Exercise 21.6: Rewrite the example program Concat on page 528 so that it uses an implementation of Enumeration that has only one FileInputStream object open at a time. 617

Exercise 21.7: Implement a stack using ArrayList. Should your stack class be a subclass of ArrayList or use an ArrayList internally, providing different stack-specific methods? 619

Exercise 22.1: Write a method that takes an array of floating-point values and a number indicating how many columns to use, and prints the array contents. Try to ensure that the entries in each column line up neatly. Assume a line is 80 characters wide. 632

Exercise 22.2: The WhichChars class has a problem marking characters near the top of the Unicode range because the high character values will leave many unused bits in the lower ranges. Use a HashSet to solve this problem by storing Character objects for each character seen. 635

Exercise 22.3: Now use a HashMap to store a BitSet object for each different top byte (high 8 bits) encountered in the input string, with each BitSet storing the low bytes that have been seen with the particular high byte. 635

Exercise 22.4: Provide an implementation of the Attributed interface that uses Observer/Observable to notify observers of changes. 639

Exercise 22.5: Given a certain number of six-sided dice, you can calculate the theoretical probability of each possible total. For example, with two six-sided dice, the probability of a total of seven is one in six. Write a program that compares the theoretical distribution of sums for a given number of six-sided dice with the actual results over a large number of “rolls” using Random to generate numbers between one and six. Does it matter which of the number-generating methods you use? 641

Exercise 22.6: Write a program that tests nextGaussian, displaying the results of a large number of runs as a graph (a bar chart of * characters will do). 641

Exercise 22.7: Rewrite readCSVTable so that the number of cells of data expected is passed as an argument. 646

Exercise 22.8: As it stands, readCSVTable is both too strict and too lenient on the input format it expects. It is too strict because an empty line at the end of the input will cause the IOException to be thrown. It is too lenient because a line of input with more than three commas will not cause an exception. Rectify both of these problems. 646

Exercise 22.9: Referring back to the discussion of efficiency of regular expressions on page 329, devise at least four patterns that will parse a line of comma-separated-values. (Hint: In addition to the suggestion on page 329 also consider the use of greedy versus non-greedy quantifiers.) Write a benchmark program that compares the efficiency of each pattern, and be sure that you test with both short strings between commas and very long strings. 647

Exercise 22.10: Write a method to tokenize input that ignores comments, using the comment pattern as part of the scanner's delimiter. 650

Exercise 22.11: Write a version of readCSV that uses a StreamTokenizer rather than a Scanner. 650

Exercise 22.12: Write a version of the attribute reading method from page 533 that uses a Scanner. For this exercise it is only necessary that both versions accept the same correctly formatted input. 650

Exercise 22.13: Extend your solution to Exercise 22.12 so that misplaced = characters are detected, as in the StreamTokenizer version. (Hint: You might want to try to dynamically change the delimiter pattern between certain tokens.) 650

Exercise 22.14: Write a method that will take a string containing floating-point numbers, break it up using whitespace as the delimiter, and return the sum of the numbers. 653

Exercise 22.15: Write a calculator that has all Math or StrictMath functions, as well as (at least) the basic operators +, -, *, /, and %. (The simplest form is probably a reverse Polish stack calculator because operator precedence is not an issue.) 659

Exercise 23.1: Write the plugTogether method. You will need threads. 669

Exercise 23.2: Write a program that runs exec on its command-line arguments and prints the output from the command, preceding each line of output by its line number. 672

Exercise 23.3: Write a program that runs exec on command-line arguments and prints the output from the command, killing the command when a particular string appears in the output. 672

Exercise 24.1: Get GlobalHello to work with the example locales. Add some more locales, using ListResourceBundle, .properties files, and your own specific subclass of ResourceBundle. 693

Exercise 24.2: Select six different locales and six different currencies, and print a table showing the currency symbol for each currency in each locale. 694

Exercise 24.3: Write a program that takes a string argument that is parsed into the date to print, and print that date in all possible styles. How lenient will the date parsing be? 706

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