Chapter 20. The I/O Package


From a programmer's point of view, the user is a peripheral that types when you issue a read request.

 --Peter Williams

The Java platform includes a number of packages that are concerned with the movement of data into and out of programs. These packages differ in the kinds of abstractions they provide for dealing with I/O (input/output).

The package defines I/O in terms of streams. Streams are ordered sequences of data that have a source (input streams) or destination (output streams). The I/O classes isolate programmers from the specific details of the underlying operating system, while enabling access to system resources through files and other means. Most stream types (such as those dealing with files) support the methods of some basic interfaces and abstract classes, with few (if any) additions. The best way to understand the I/O package is to start with the basic interfaces and abstract classes.

The java.nio package and its subpackages define I/O in terms of buffers and channels. Buffers are data stores (similar to arrays) that can be read from or written to. Channels represent connections to entities capable of performing I/O operations, including buffers, files, and sockets. The “n” in nio is commonly understood as meaning “new” (the nio package predates the original stream-based io package), but it originally stood for “non-blocking” because one of the key differences between channel-based I/O and stream-based I/O is that channels allow for non-blocking I/O operations, as well as interruptible blocking operations. This is a powerful capability that is critical in the design of high throughput server-style applications.

The package provides specific support for network I/O, based around the use of sockets, with an underlying stream or channel-based model.

This chapter is mainly concerned with the stream-based model of the package. A short introduction to some of the capabilities of the java.nio package is given in “A Taste of New I/O” on page 565, but the use of non-blocking I/O and the network I/O are advanced topics, beyond the scope of this book.

Streams Overview

The package has two major parts: character streams and byte streams. Characters are 16-bit UTF-16 characters, whereas bytes are (as always) 8 bits. I/O is either text-based or data-based (binary). Text-based I/O works with streams of human-readable characters, such as the source code for a program. Data-based I/O works with streams of binary data, such as the bit pattern for an image. The character streams are used for text-based I/O, while byte streams are used for data-based I/O. Streams that work with bytes cannot properly carry characters, and some character-related issues are not meaningful with byte streams—though the byte streams can also be used for older text-based protocols that use 7- or 8-bit characters. The byte streams are called input streams and output streams, and the character streams are called readers and writers. For nearly every input stream there is a corresponding output stream, and for most input or output streams there is a corresponding reader or writer character stream of similar functionality, and vice versa.

Because of these overlaps, this chapter describes the streams in fairly general terms. When we talk simply about streams, we mean any of the streams. When we talk about input streams or output streams, we mean the byte variety. The character streams are referred to as readers and writers. For example, when we talk about the Buffered streams we mean the entire family of BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedReader, and BufferedWriter. When we talk about Buffered byte streams we mean both BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream. When we talk about Buffered character streams, we mean BufferedReader and BufferedWriter.

The classes and interfaces in can be broadly split into five groups:

  • The general classes for building different types of byte and character streams—input and output streams, readers and writers, and classes for converting between them—are covered in Section 20.2 through to Section 20.4.

  • A range of classes that define various types of streams—filtered streams, buffered streams, piped streams, and some specific instances of those streams, such as a line number reader and a stream tokenizer—are discussed in Section 20.5.

  • The data stream classes and interfaces for reading and writing primitive values and strings are discussed in Section 20.6.

  • Classes and interfaces for interacting with files in a system independent manner are discussed in Section 20.7.

  • The classes and interfaces that form the object serialization mechanism, which transforms objects into byte streams and allows objects to be reconstituted from the data read from a byte stream, are discussed in Section 20.8.

Some of the output streams provide convenience methods for producing formatted output, using instances of the java.util.Formatter class. You get formatted input by binding an input stream to a java.util.Scanner object. Details of formatting and scanning are covered in Chapter 22.

The IOException class is used by many methods in to signal exceptional conditions. Some extended classes of IOException signal specific problems, but most problems are signaled by an IOException object with a descriptive string. Details are provided in Section 20.9 on page 563. Any method that throws an IOException will do so when an error occurs that is directly related to the stream. In particular, invoking a method on a closed stream may result in an IOException. Unless there are particular circumstances under which the IOException will be thrown, this exception is not documented for each individual method of each class.

Similarly, NullPointerException and IndexOutOfBoundsException can be expected to be thrown whenever a null reference is passed to a method, or a supplied index accesses outside of an array. Only those situations where this does not occur are explicitly documented.

All code presented in this chapter uses the types in, and every example has imported* even when there is no explicit import statement in the code.

Byte Streams

The package defines abstract classes for basic byte input and output streams. These abstract classes are then extended to provide several useful stream types. Stream types are almost always paired: For example, where there is a FileInputStream to read from a file, there is usually a FileOutputStream to write to a file.

Before you can learn about specific kinds of input and output byte streams, it is important to understand the basic InputStream and OutputStream abstract classes. The type tree for the byte streams of in Figure 20-1 shows the type hierarchy of the byte streams.

Type Tree for Byte Streams in

Figure 20-1. Type Tree for Byte Streams in

All byte streams have some things in common. For example, all streams support the notion of being open or closed. You open a stream when you create it, and can read or write while it is open. You close a stream with its close method, defined in the Closeable[1] interface. Closing a stream releases resources (such as file descriptors) that the stream may have used and that should be reclaimed as soon as they are no longer needed. If a stream is not explicitly closed it will hold on to these resources. A stream class could define a finalize method to release these resources during garbage collection but, as you learned on page 449, that could be too late. You should usually close streams when you are done with them.

All byte streams also share common synchronization policies and concurrent behavior. These are discussed in Section 20.5.1 on page 515.


The abstract class InputStream declares methods to read bytes from a particular source. InputStream is the superclass of most byte input streams in, and has the following methods:

  • public abstract int read() throws IOException

    • Reads a single byte of data and returns the byte that was read, as an integer in the range 0 to 255, not –128 to 127; in other words, the byte value is treated as unsigned. If no byte is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value –1 is returned. This method blocks until input is available, the end of stream is found, or an exception is thrown. The read method returns an int instead of an actual byte value because it needs to return all valid byte values plus a flag value to indicate the end of stream. This requires more values than can fit in a byte and so the larger int is used.

  • public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Reads into a part of a byte array. The maximum number of bytes read is count. The bytes are stored from buf[offset] up to a maximum of buf[offset+count-1]—all other values in buf are left unchanged. The number of bytes actually read is returned. If no bytes are read because the end of the stream was found, the value –1 is returned. If count is zero then no bytes are read and zero is returned. This method blocks until input is available, the end of stream is found, or an exception is thrown. If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other than reaching the end of the stream—in particular, if the stream has already been closed—an IOException is thrown. Once a byte has been read, any failure that occurs while trying to read subsequent bytes is not reported with an exception but is treated as encountering the end of the stream—the method completes normally and returns the number of bytes read before the failure occurred.

  • public int read(byte[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to read(buf,0, buf.length).

  • public long skip(long count) throws IOException

    • Skips as many as count bytes of input or until the end of the stream is found. Returns the actual number of bytes skipped. If count is negative, no bytes are skipped.

  • public int available() throws IOException

    • Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) without blocking. The default implementation returns zero.

  • public void close() throws IOException

    • Closes the input stream. This method should be invoked to release any resources (such as file descriptors) associated with the stream. Once a stream has been closed, further operations on the stream will throw an IOException. Closing a previously closed stream has no effect. The default implementation of close does nothing.

The implementation of InputStream requires only that a subclass provide the single-byte variant of read because the other read methods are defined in terms of this one. Most streams, however, can improve performance by overriding other methods as well. The default implementations of available and close will usually need to be overridden as appropriate for a particular stream.

The following program demonstrates the use of input streams to count the total number of bytes in a file, or from if no file is specified:


class CountBytes {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        InputStream in;
        if (args.length == 0)
            in =;
            in = new FileInputStream(args[0]);

        int total = 0;
        while ( != -1)

        System.out.println(total + " bytes");

This program takes a filename from the command line. The variable in represents the input stream. If a file name is not provided, it uses the standard input stream; if one is provided, it creates an object of type FileInputStream, which is a subclass of InputStream.

The while loop counts the total number of bytes in the file. At the end, the results are printed. Here is the output of the program when used on itself:

318 bytes

You might be tempted to set total using available, but it won't work on many kinds of streams. The available method returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. For a file, the number of bytes available is usually its entire contents. If is a stream associated with a keyboard, the answer can be as low as zero; when there is no pending input, the next read will block.


The abstract class OutputStream is analogous to InputStream; it provides an abstraction for writing bytes to a destination. Its methods are:

  • public abstract void write(int b) throws IOException

    • Writes b as a byte. The byte is passed as an int because it is often the result of an arithmetic operation on a byte. Expressions involving bytes are type int, so making the parameter an int means that the result can be passed without a cast to byte. Note, however, that only the lowest 8 bits of the integer are written. This method blocks until the byte is written.

  • public void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Writes part of an array of bytes, starting at buf[offset] and writing count bytes. This method blocks until the bytes have been written.

  • public void write(byte[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to write(buf,0, buf.length).

  • public void flush() throws IOException

    • Flushes the stream. If the stream has buffered any bytes from the various write methods, flush writes them immediately to their destination. Then, if that destination is another stream, it is also flushed. One flush invocation will flush all the buffers in a chain of streams. If the stream is not buffered, flush may do nothing—the default implementation. This method is defined in the Flushable interface.

  • public void close() throws IOException

    • Closes the output stream. This method should be invoked to release any resources (such as file descriptors) associated with the stream. Once a stream has been closed, further operations on the stream will throw an IOException. Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.The default implementation of close does nothing.

The implementation of OutputStream requires only that a subclass provide the single-byte variant of write because the other write methods are defined in terms of this one. Most streams, however, can improve performance by overriding other methods as well. The default implementations of flush and close will usually need to be overridden as appropriate for a particular stream—in particular, buffered streams may need to flush when closed.

Here is a program that copies its input to its output, translating one particular byte value to a different one along the way. The TranslateByte program takes two parameters: a from byte and a to byte. Bytes that match the value in the string from are translated into the value in the string to.


class TranslateByte {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        byte from = (byte) args[0].charAt(0);
        byte to   = (byte) args[1].charAt(0);
        int b;
        while ((b = != -1)
            System.out.write(b == from ? to : b);

For example, if we invoked the program as

java TranslateByte b B

and entered the text abracadabra!, we would get the output


Manipulating data from a stream after it has been read, or before it is written, is often achieved by writing Filter streams, rather than hardcoding the manipulation in a program. You'll learn about filters in Section 20.5.2 on page 516.

Exercise 20.1Rewrite the TranslateByte program as a method that translates the contents of an InputStream onto an OutputStream, in which the mapping and the streams are parameters. For each type of InputStream and OutputStream you read about in this chapter, write a new main method that uses the translation method to operate on a stream of that type. If you have paired input and output streams, you can cover both in one main method.

Character Streams

The abstract classes for reading and writing streams of characters are Reader and Writer. Each supports methods similar to those of its byte stream counterpart—InputStream and OutputStream, respectively. For example, InputStream has a read method that returns a byte as the lowest 8 bits of an int, and Reader has a read method that returns a char as the lowest 16 bits of an int. And where OutputStream has methods that write byte arrays, Writer has methods that write char arrays. The character streams were designed after the byte streams to provide full support for working with Unicode characters, and in the process the contracts of the classes were improved to make them easier to work with. The type tree for the character streams of appears in Figure 20-2.

Type Tree for Character Streams in

Figure 20-2. Type Tree for Character Streams in

As with the byte streams, character streams should be explicitly closed to release resources associated with the stream. Character stream synchronization policies are discussed in Section 20.5.1 on page 515.


The abstract class Reader provides a character stream analogous to the byte stream InputStream and the methods of Reader essentially mirror those of InputStream:

  • public int read() throws IOException

    • Reads a single character and returns it as an integer in the range 0 to 65535. If no character is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value –1 is returned. This method blocks until input is available, the end of stream is found, or an exception is thrown.

  • public abstract int read(char[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Reads into a part of a char array. The maximum number of characters to read is count. The read characters are stored from buf[offset] up to a maximum of buf[offset+count-1]—all other values in buf are left unchanged. The number of characters actually read is returned. If no characters are read because the end of the stream was found, –1 is returned. If count is zero then no characters are read and zero is returned. This method blocks until input is available, the end of stream is found, or an exception is thrown. If the first character cannot be read for any reason other than finding the end of the stream—in particular, if the stream has already been closed—an IOException is thrown. Once a character has been read, any failure that occurs while trying to read characters does not cause an exception, but is treated just like finding the end of the stream—the method completes normally and returns the number of characters read before the failure occurred.

  • public int read(char[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to read(buf,0, buf.length).

  • public int read(java.nio.CharBuffer buf) throws IOException

    • Attempts to read as many characters as possible into the specified character buffer, without overflowing it. The number of characters actually read is returned. If no characters are read because the end of the stream was found, –1 is returned. This is equivalent to reading into an array that has the same length as the buffer has available capacity, and then copying the array into the buffer. This method is defined in the java.lang.Readable interface, and has no counterpart in InputStream.

  • public long skip(long count) throws IOException

    • Skips as many as count characters of input or until the end of the stream is found. Returns the actual number of characters skipped. The value of count must not be negative.

  • public boolean ready() throws IOException

    • Returns true if the stream is ready to read; that is, there is at least one character available to be read. Note that a return value of false does not guarantee that the next invocation of read will block because data could have become available by the time the invocation occurs.

  • public abstract void close() throws IOException

    • Closes the stream. This method should be invoked to release any resources (such as file descriptors) associated with the stream. Once a stream has been closed, further operations on the stream will throw an IOException. Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.

The implementation of Reader requires that a subclass provide an implementation of both the read method that reads into a char array, and the close method. Many subclasses will be able to improve performance if they also override some of the other methods.

There are a number of differences between Reader and InputStream. With Reader the fundamental reading method reads into a char array and the other read methods are defined in terms of this method. In contrast the InputStream class uses the single-byte read method as its fundamental reading method. In the Reader class subclasses must implement the abstract close method in contrast to inheriting an empty implementation—many stream classes will at least need to track whether or not they have been closed and so close will usually need to be overridden. Finally, where InputStream had an available method to tell you how much data was available to read, Reader simply has a ready method that tells you if there is any data.

As an example, the following program counts the number of whitespace characters in a character stream:


class CountSpace {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        Reader in;
        if (args.length == 0)
            in = new InputStreamReader(;
            in = new FileReader(args[0]);
        int ch;
        int total;
        int spaces = 0;
        for (total = 0; (ch = != -1; total++) {
            if (Character.isWhitespace((char) ch))
        System.out.println(total + " chars, "
            + spaces + " spaces");

This program takes a filename from the command line. The variable in represents the character stream. If a filename is not provided, the standard input stream,, is used after wrapping it in an InputStreamReader, which converts an input byte stream into an input character stream; if a filename is provided, an object of type FileReader is created, which is a subclass of Reader.

The for loop counts the total number of characters in the file and the number of spaces, using the Character class's isWhitespace method to test whether a character is whitespace. At the end, the results are printed. Here is the output of the program when used on itself:

453 chars, 111 spaces


The abstract class Writer provides a stream analogous to OutputStream but designed for use with characters instead of bytes. The methods of Writer essentially mirror those of OutputStream, but add some other useful forms of write:

  • public void write(int ch) throws IOException

    • Writes ch as a character. The character is passed as an int but only the lowest 16 bits of the integer are written. This method blocks until the character is written.

  • public abstract void write(char[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Writes part of an array of characters, starting at buf[offset] and writing count characters. This method blocks until the characters have been written.

  • public void write(char[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to write(buf,0, buf.length).

  • public void write(String str, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Writes count characters from the string str onto the stream, starting with str.charAt(offset).

  • public void write(String str) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to write(str,0, str.length()).

  • public abstract void flush() throws IOException

    • Flushes the stream. If the stream has buffered any characters from the various write methods, flush immediately writes them to their destination. Then, if that destination is another stream, it is also flushed. One flush invocation will flush all the buffers in a chain of streams. If a stream is not buffered flush will do nothing.

  • public abstract void close() throws IOException

    • Closes the stream, flushing if necessary. This method should be invoked to release any resources (such as file descriptors) associated with the stream. Once a stream has been closed, further operations on the stream will throw an IOException. Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.

Subclasses of Writer must implement the array writing variant of write, the close method, and the flush method. All other Writer methods are implemented in terms of these three. This contrasts with OutputStream which uses the single-byte variant of write method as the fundamental writing method, and which provides default implementations of flush and close. As with Reader, many subclasses can improve performance if they also override other methods.

Writer also implements the java.lang.Appendable interface—see page 332. The append(charc) method is equivalent to write(c); the append methods that take a CharSequence are equivalent to passing the String representations of the CharSequence objects to the write(Stringstr) method.

Character Streams and the Standard Streams

The standard streams, System.out, and System.err existed before the character streams were invented, so these streams are byte streams even though logically they should be character streams. This situation creates some anomalies. It is impossible, for example, to replace with a LineNumberReader to keep track of the standard input stream's current line number. By attaching an InputStreamReader—an object that converts a byte input stream to a character input stream—to, you can create a LineNumberReader object to keep track of the current line number (see “LineNumberReader” on page 527). But is an InputStream, so you cannot replace it with a LineNumberReader, which is a type of Reader, not an InputStream.

System.out and System.err are PrintStream objects. PrintStream has been replaced by its equivalent character-based version PrintWriter. Generally, you should avoid creating PrintStream objects directly. You'll learn about the Print stream classes in Section 20.5.8 on page 525.

InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter

The conversion streams InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter translate between character and byte streams using either a specified character set encoding or the default encoding for the local system. These classes are the “glue” that lets you use existing 8-bit character encodings for local character sets in a consistent, platform-independent fashion. An InputStreamReader object is given a byte input stream as its source and produces the corresponding UTF-16 characters. An OutputStreamWriter object is given a byte output stream as its destination and produces encoded byte forms of the UTF-16 characters written on it. For example, the following code would read bytes encoded under ISO 8859-6 for Arabic characters, translating them into the appropriate UTF-16 characters:

public Reader readArabic(String file) throws IOException {
    InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(file);
    return new InputStreamReader(fileIn, "iso-8859-6");

By default, these conversion streams will work in the platform's default character set encoding, but other encodings can be specified. Encoding values were discussed in “Character Set Encoding” on page 320; they can be represented by name or a Charset, or by a CharsetDecoder or CharsetEncoder object from the java.nio.charset package.

  • public InputStreamReader(InputStream in)

    • Creates an InputStreamReader to read from the given InputStream using the default character set encoding.

  • public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset c)

    • Creates an InputStreamReader to read from the given InputStream using the given character set encoding.

  • public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, CharsetDecoder c)

    • Creates an InputStreamReader to read from the given InputStream using the given character set decoder.

  • public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException

    • Creates an InputStreamReader to read from the given InputStream using the named character set encoding. If the named encoding is not supported an UnsupportedEncodingException is thrown.

  • public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out)

    • Creates an OutputStreamWriter to write to the given OutputStream using the default character set encoding.

  • public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, Charset c)

    • Creates an OutputStreamWriter to write to the given OutputStream using the given character set encoding.

  • public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, CharsetEncoder c)

    • Creates an OutputStreamWriter to write to the given OutputStream using the given character set encoder.

  • public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException

    • Creates an OutputStreamWriter to write to the given OutputStream using the named character set encoding. If the named encoding is not supported an UnsupportedEncodingException is thrown.

The read methods of InputStreamReader simply read bytes from their associated InputStream and convert them to characters using the appropriate encoding for that stream. Similarly, the write methods of OutputStreamWriter take the supplied characters, convert them to bytes with the appropriate encoding, and write them to the associated OutputStream.

In both classes, closing the conversion stream also closes the associated byte stream. This may not always be desirable—such as when you are converting the standard streams—so consider carefully when closing conversion streams.

Both classes also support the method getEncoding, which returns a string representing either the historical or canonical name of the stream's character encoding, or null if the stream has been closed.

The FileReader and FileWriter classes are subclasses of these conversion streams. This helps you read and write local files correctly in a consistent, Unicode-savvy fashion using the local encoding. However, if the default local encoding isn't what you need, you must use an explicit InputStreamReader or OutputStreamWriter object. You will learn about the file related streams in more detail in Section 20.7 on page 540.

You can also use the data output stream you will learn about in Section 20.6.2 on page 539 to write characters as bytes using a specific Unicode encoding.

There is no ReaderInputStream class to translate characters to bytes, nor a WriterOutputStream class to translate bytes to characters.

A Quick Tour of the Stream Classes

The package defines several types of streams. The stream types usually have input/output pairs, and most have both byte stream and character stream variants. Some of these streams define general behavioral properties. For example:

  • Filter streams are abstract classes representing streams with some filtering operation applied as data is read or written by another stream. For example, a FilterReader object gets input from another Reader object, processes (filters) the characters in some manner, and returns the filtered result. You build sequences of filtered streams by chaining various filters into one large filter. Output can be filtered similarly (Section 20.5.2).

  • Buffered streams add buffering so that read and write need not, for example, access the file system for every invocation. The character variants of these streams also add the notion of line-oriented text (Section 20.5.3).

  • Piped streams are pairs such that, say, characters written to a PipedWriter can be read from a PipedReader (Section 20.5.4).

A group of streams, called in-memory streams, allow you to use in-memory data structures as the source or destination for a stream:

The I/O package also has input and output streams that have no output or input counterpart:

  • The Print streams provide print and println methods for formatting printed data in human-readable text form (Section 20.5.8).

  • LineNumberReader is a buffered reader that tracks the line numbers of the input (characters only) (Section 20.5.9).

  • SequenceInputStream converts a sequence of InputStream objects into a single InputStream so that a list of concatenated input streams can be treated as a single input stream (bytes only) (Section 20.5.10).

There are also streams that are useful for building parsers:

  • Pushback streams add a pushback buffer you can use to put back data when you have read too far (Section 20.5.11).

  • The StreamTokenizer class breaks a Reader into a stream of tokens—recognizable “words”— that are often needed when parsing user input (characters only) (Section 20.5.12).

These classes can be extended to create new kinds of stream classes for specific applications.

Each of these stream types is described in the following sections. Before looking at these streams in detail, however, you need to learn something about the synchronization behavior of the different streams.

Synchronization and Concurrency

Both the byte streams and the characters streams define synchronization policies though they do this in different ways. The concurrent behavior of the stream classes is not fully specified but can be broadly described as follows.

Each byte stream class synchronizes on the current stream object when performing operations that must be free from interference. This allows multiple threads to use the same streams yet still get well-defined behavior when invoking individual stream methods. For example, if two threads each try to read data from a stream in chunks of n bytes, then the data returned by each read operation will contain up to n bytes that appeared consecutively in the stream. Similarly, if two threads are writing to the same stream then the bytes written in each write operation will be sent consecutively to the stream, not intermixed at random points.

The character streams use a different synchronization strategy from the byte streams. The character streams synchronize on a protected lock field which, by default, is a reference to the stream object itself. However, both Reader and Writer provide a protected constructor that takes an object for lock to refer to. Some subclasses set the lock field to refer to a different object. For example, the StringWriter class that writes its character into a StringBuffer object sets its lock object to be the StringBuffer object. If you are writing a reader or writer, you should set the lock field to an appropriate object if this is not appropriate. Conversely, if you are extending an existing reader or writer you should always synchronize on lock and not this.

In many cases, a particular stream object simply wraps another stream instance and delegates the main stream methods to that instance, forming a chain of connected streams, as is the case with Filter streams. In this case, the synchronization behavior of the method will depend on the ultimate stream object being wrapped. This will only become an issue if the wrapping class needs to perform some additional action that must occur atomically with respect to the main stream action. In most cases filter streams simply manipulate data before writing it to, or after reading it from, the wrapped stream, so synchronization is not an issue.

Most input operations will block until data is available, and it is also possible that output stream operations can block trying to write data—the ultimate source or destination could be a stream tied to a network socket. To make the threads performing this blocking I/O more responsive to cancellation requests an implementation may respond to Thread interrupt requests (see page 365) by unblocking the thread and throwing an InterruptedIOException. This exception can report the number of bytes transferred before the interruption occurred—if the code that throws it sets the value.

For single byte transfers, interrupting an I/O operation is quite straight-forward. In general, however, the state of a stream after a thread using it is interrupted is problematic. For example, suppose you use a particular stream to read HTTP requests across the network. If a thread reading the next request is interrupted after reading two bytes of the header field in the request packet, the next thread reading from that stream will get invalid data unless the stream takes steps to prevent this. Given the effort involved in writing classes that can deal effectively with these sorts of situations, most implementations do not allow a thread to be interrupted until the main I/O operation has completed, so you cannot rely on blocking I/O being interruptible. The interruptible channels provided in the java.nio package support interruption by closing the stream when any thread using the stream is interrupted—this ensures that there are no issues about what would next be read.

Even when interruption cannot be responded to during an I/O operation many systems will check for interruption at the start and/or end of the operation and throw the InterruptedIOException then. Also, if a thread is blocked on a stream when the stream is closed by another thread, most implementations will unblock the blocked thread and throw an IOException.

Filter Streams

Filter streams—FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream, FilterReader, and FilterWriter—help you chain streams to produce composite streams of greater utility. Each filter stream is bound to another stream to which it delegates the actual input or output actions. Filter streams get their power from the ability to filter—process—what they read or write, transforming the data in some way.

Filter byte streams add new constructors that accept a stream of the appropriate type (input or output) to which to connect. Filter character streams similarly add a new constructor that accepts a character stream of the appropriate type (reader or writer). However, many character streams already have constructors that take another character stream, so those Reader and Writer classes can act as filters even if they do not extend FilterReader or FilterWriter.

The following shows an input filter that converts characters to uppercase:

public class UppercaseConvertor extends FilterReader {
    public UppercaseConvertor(Reader in) {


    public int read() throws IOException {
        int c =;
        return (c == -1 ? c : Character.toUpperCase((char)c));

    public int read(char[] buf, int offset, int count)
        throws IOException
        int nread =, offset, count);
        int last = offset + nread;
        for (int i = offset; i < last; i++)
            buf[i] = Character.toUpperCase(buf[i]);
        return nread;

We override each of the read methods to perform the actual read and then convert the characters to upper case. The actual reading is done by invoking an appropriate superclass method. Note that we don't invoke read on the stream in itself—this would bypass any filtering performed by our superclass. Note also that we have to watch for the end of the stream. In the case of the no-arg read this means an explicit test, but in the array version of read, a return value of –1 will prevent the for loop from executing. In the array version of read we also have to be careful to convert to uppercase only those characters that we stored in the buffer.

We can use our uppercase convertor as follows:

public static void main(String[] args)
    throws IOException
    StringReader src = new StringReader(args[0]);
    FilterReader f = new UppercaseConvertor(src);
    int c;
    while ((c = != -1)

We use a string as our data source by using a StringReader (see Section 20.5.7 on page 523). The StringReader is then wrapped by our UppercaseConvertor. Reading from the filtered stream converts all the characters from the string stream into uppercase. For the input "nolowercase" we get the output:


You can chain any number of Filter byte or character streams. The original source of input can be a stream that is not a Filter stream. You can use an InputStreamReader to convert a byte input stream to a character input stream.

Filter output streams can be chained similarly so that data written to one stream will filter and write data to the next output stream. All the streams, from the first to the next-to-last, must be Filter output stream objects, but the last stream can be any kind of output stream. You can use an OutputStreamWriter to convert a character output stream to a byte output stream.

Not all classes that are Filter streams actually alter the data. Some classes are behavioral filters, such as the buffered streams you'll learn about next, while others provide a new interface for using the streams, such as the print streams. These classes are Filter streams because they can form part of a filter chain.

Exercise 20.2Rewrite the TranslateByte class as a filter.

Exercise 20.3Create a pair of Filter stream classes that encrypt bytes using any algorithm you choose—such as XORing the bytes with some value—with your DecryptInputStream able to decrypt the bytes that your EncryptOutputStream class creates.

Exercise 20.4Create a subclass of FilterReader that will return one line of input at a time via a method that blocks until a full line of input is available.

Buffered Streams

The Buffered stream classes—BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedReader, and BufferedWriter—buffer their data to avoid every read or write going directly to the next stream. These classes are often used in conjunction with File streams—accessing a disk file is much slower than using a memory buffer, and buffering helps reduce file accesses.

Each of the Buffered streams supports two constructors: One takes a reference to the wrapped stream and the size of the buffer to use, while the other only takes a reference to the wrapped stream and uses a default buffer size.

When read is invoked on an empty Buffered input stream, it invokes read on its source stream, fills the buffer with as much data as is available—only blocking if it needs the data being waited for—and returns the requested data from that buffer. Future read invocations return data from that buffer until its contents are exhausted, and that causes another read on the source stream. This process continues until the source stream is exhausted.

Buffered output streams behave similarly. When a write fills the buffer, the destination stream's write is invoked to empty the buffer. This buffering can turn many small write requests on the Buffered stream into a single write request on the underlying destination.

Here is how to create a buffered output stream to write bytes to a file:

new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path));

You create a FileOutputStream with the path, put a BufferedOutputStream in front of it, and use the buffered stream object. This scheme enables you to buffer output destined for the file.

You must retain a reference to the FileOutputStream object if you want to invoke methods on it later because there is no way to obtain the downstream object from a Filter stream. However, you should rarely need to work with the downstream object. If you do keep a reference to a downstream object, you must ensure that the first upstream object is flushed before operating on the downstream object because data written to upper streams may not have yet been written all the way downstream. Closing an upstream object also closes all downstream objects, so a retained reference may cease to be usable.

The Buffered character streams also understand lines of text. The newLine method of BufferedWriter writes a line separator to the stream. Each system defines what constitutes a line separator in the system String property line.separator, which need not be a single character. You should use newLine to end lines in text files that may be read by humans on the local system (see “System Properties” on page 663).

The method readLine in BufferedReader returns a line of text as a String. The method readLine accepts any of the standard set of line separators: line feed ( ), carriage return ( ), or carriage return followed by line feed ( ). This implies that you should never set line.separator to use any other sequence. Otherwise, lines terminated by newLine would not be recognized by readLine. The string returned by readLine does not include the line separator. If the end of stream is encountered before a line separator, then the text read to that point is returned. If only the end of stream is encountered readLine returns null.

Piped Streams

Piped streams—PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream, PipedReader, and PipedWriter—are used as input/output pairs; data written on the output stream of a pair is the data read on the input stream. The pipe maintains an internal buffer with an implementation-defined capacity that allows writing and reading to proceed at different rates—there is no way to control the size of the buffer.

Pipes provide an I/O-based mechanism for communicating data between different threads. The only safe way to use Piped streams is with two threads: one for reading and one for writing. Writing on one end of the pipe blocks the thread when the pipe fills up. If the writer and reader are the same thread, that thread will block permanently. Reading from a pipe blocks the thread if no input is available.

To avoid blocking a thread forever when its counterpart at the other end of the pipe terminates, each pipe keeps track of the identity of the most recent reader and writer threads. The pipe checks to see that the thread at the other end is alive before blocking the current thread. If the thread at the other end has terminated, the current thread will get an IOException.

The following example uses a pipe stream to connect a TextGenerator thread with a thread that wants to read the generated text. First, the text generator:

class TextGenerator extends Thread {
    private Writer out;

    public TextGenerator(Writer out) {
        this.out = out;

    public void run() {
        try {
            try {
                for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
            } finally {
        } catch (IOException e) {
                uncaughtException(this, e);

The TextGenerator simply writes to the output stream passed to its constructor. In the example that stream will actually be a piped stream to be read by the main thread:

class Pipe {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        PipedWriter out = new PipedWriter();
        PipedReader in = new PipedReader(out);
        TextGenerator data = new TextGenerator(out);
        int ch;
        while ((ch = != -1)
            System.out.print((char) ch);

We create the Piped streams, making the PipedWriter a parameter to the constructor for the PipedReader. The order is unimportant: The input pipe could be a parameter to the output pipe. What is important is that an input/output pair be attached to each other. We create the new TextGenerator object, with the PipedWriter as the output stream for the generated characters. Then we loop, reading characters from the text generator and writing them to the system output stream. At the end, we make sure that the last line of output is terminated.

Piped streams need not be connected when they are constructed—there is a no-arg constructor—but can be connected at a later stage via the connect method. PipedReader.connect takes a PipedWriter parameter and vice versa. As with the constructor, it does not matter whether you connect x to y, or y to x, the result is the same. Trying to use a Piped stream before it is connected or trying to connect it when it is already connected results in an IOException.

ByteArray Byte Streams

You can use arrays of bytes as the source or destination of byte streams by using ByteArray streams. The ByteArrayInputStream class uses a byte array as its input source, and reading on it can never block. It has two constructors:

  • public ByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf, int offset, int count)

    • Creates a ByteArrayInputStream from the specified array of bytes using only the part of buf from buf[offset] to buf[offset+count-1] or the end of the array, whichever is smaller. The input array is used directly, not copied, so you should take care not to modify it while it is being used as an input source.

  • public ByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf)

    • Equivalent to ByteArrayInputStream(buf,0, buf.length).

The ByteArrayOutputStream class provides a dynamically growing byte array to hold output. It adds constructors and methods:

  • public ByteArrayOutputStream()

    • Creates a new ByteArrayOutputStream with a default initial array size.

  • public ByteArrayOutputStream(int size)

    • Creates a new ByteArrayOutputStream with the given initial array size.

  • public int size()

    • Returns the number of bytes generated thus far by output to the stream.

  • public byte[] toByteArray()

    • Returns a copy of the bytes generated thus far by output to the stream. When you are finished writing into a ByteArrayOutputStream via upstream filter streams, you should flush the upstream objects before using toByteArray.

  • public void reset()

    • Resets the stream to reuse the current buffer, discarding its contents.

  • public String toString()

    • Returns the current contents of the buffer as a String, translating bytes into characters according to the default character encoding.

  • public String toString(String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException

    • Returns the current contents of the buffer as a String, translating bytes into characters according to the specified character encoding. If the encoding is not supported an UnsupportedEncodingException is thrown.

  • public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException

    • Writes the current contents of the buffer to the stream out.

CharArray Character Streams

The CharArray character streams are analogous to the ByteArray byte streams—they let you use char arrays as a source or destination without ever blocking. You construct CharArrayReader objects with an array of char:

  • public CharArrayReader(char[] buf, int offset, int count)

    • Creates a CharArrayReader from the specified array of characters using only the subarray of buf from buf[offset] to buf[offset+count-1] or the end of the array, whichever is smaller. The input array is used directly, not copied, so you should take care not to modify it while it is being used as an input source.

  • public CharArrayReader(char[] buf)

    • Equivalent to CharArrayReader(buf,0, buf.length).

The CharArrayWriter class provides a dynamically growing char array to hold output. It adds constructors and methods:

  • public CharArrayWriter()

    • Creates a new CharArrayWriter with a default initial array size.

  • public CharArrayWriter(int size)

    • Creates a new CharArrayWriter with the given initial array size.

  • public int size()

    • Returns the number of characters generated thus far by output to the stream.

  • public char[] toCharArray()

    • Returns a copy of the characters generated thus far by output to the stream. When you are finished writing into a CharArrayWriter via upstream filter streams, you should flush the upstream objects before using toCharArray.

  • public void reset()

    • Resets the stream to reuse the current buffer, discarding its contents.

  • public String toString()

    • Returns the current contents of the buffer as a String.

  • public void writeTo(Writer out) throws IOException

    • Writes the current contents of the buffer to the stream out.

String Character Streams

The StringReader reads its characters from a String and will never block. It provides a single constructor that takes the string from which to read. For example, the following program factors numbers read either from the command line or

class Factor {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length == 0) {
            factorNumbers(new InputStreamReader(;
        } else {
            for (String str : args) {
                StringReader in = new StringReader(str);

    // ... definition of factorNumbers ...

If the command is invoked without parameters, factorNumbers parses numbers from the standard input stream. When the command line contains some arguments, a StringReader is created for each parameter, and factorNumbers is invoked on each one. The parameter to factorNumbers is a stream of characters containing numbers to be parsed; it does not know whether they come from the command line or from standard input.

StringWriter lets you write results into a buffer that can be retrieved as a String or StringBuffer object. It adds the following constructors and methods:

  • public StringWriter()

    • Creates a new StringWriter with a default initial buffer size.

  • public StringWriter(int size)

    • Creates a new StringWriter with the specified initial buffer size. Providing a good initial size estimate for the buffer will improve performance in many cases.

  • public StringBuffer getBuffer()

    • Returns the actual StringBuffer being used by this stream. Because the actual StringBuffer is returned, you should take care not to modify it while it is being used as an output destination.

  • public String toString()

    • Returns the current contents of the buffer as a String.

The following code uses a StringWriter to create a string that contains the output of a series of println calls on the contents of an array:

public static String arrayToStr(Object[] objs) {
    StringWriter strOut = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(strOut);
    for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++)
        out.println(i + ": " + objs[i]);
    return strOut.toString();

Print Streams

The Print streams—PrintStream and PrintWriter—provide methods that make it easy to write the values of primitive types and objects to a stream, in a human-readable text format—as you have seen in many examples. The Print streams provide print and println methods for the following types:











These methods are much more convenient than the raw stream write methods. For example, given a float variable f and a PrintStream reference out, the call out.print(f) is equivalent to


The println method appends a line separator after writing its argument to the stream—a simple println with no parameters ends the current line. The line separator string is defined by the system property line.separator and is not necessarily a single newline character ( ).

Each of the Print streams acts as a Filter stream, so you can filter data on its way downstream.

The PrintStream class acts on byte streams while the PrintWriter class acts on character streams. Because printing is clearly character-related output, the PrintWriter class is the class you should use. However, for historical reasons System.out and System.err are PrintStreams that use the default character set encoding—these are the only PrintStream objects you should use. We describe only the PrintWriter class, though PrintStream provides essentially the same interface.

PrintWriter has eight constructors.

  • public PrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoflush)

    • Creates a new PrintWriter that will write to the stream out. If autoflush is true, println invokes flush. Otherwise, println invocations are treated like any other method, and flush is not invoked. Autoflush behavior cannot be changed after the stream is constructed.

  • public PrintWriter(Writer out)

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(out,false) .

  • public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoflush)

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out), autoflush).

  • public PrintWriter(OutputStream out)

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(newOutputStreamWriter(out), false).

  • public PrintWriter(File file) throws FileNotFoundException

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(newOutputStreamWriter(fos)) , where fos is a FileOutputStream created with the given file.

  • public PrintWriter(File file, String enc) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(newOutputStreamWriter(fos, enc)), where fos is a FileOutputStream created with the given file.

  • public PrintWriter(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(newOutputStreamWriter(fos)) , where fos is a FileOutputStream created with the given file name.

  • public PrintWriter(String filename, String enc) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException

    • Equivalent to PrintWriter(newOutputStreamWriter(fos, enc)), where fos is a FileOutputStream created with the given file name.

The Print streams implement the Appendable interface which allows them to be targets for a Formatter. Additionally, the following convenience methods are provided for formatted output—see “Formatter” on page 624 for details:

  • public PrintWriter format(String format, Object... args)

    • Acts like new Formatter(this).format(format,args) , but a new Formatter need not be created for each call. The current PrintWriter is returned.

  • public PrintWriter format(Locale l, String format, Object... args)

    • Acts like new Formatter(this, l).format(format, args), but a new Formatter need not be created for each call. The current PrintWriter is returned. Locales are described in Chapter 24.

There are two printf methods that behave exactly the same as the format methods—printf stands for “print formatted” and is an old friend from the C programming language.

One important characteristic of the Print streams is that none of the output methods throw IOException. If an error occurs while writing to the underlying stream the methods simply return normally. You should check whether an error occurred by invoking the boolean method checkError—this flushes the stream and checks its error state. Once an error has occurred, there is no way to clear it. If any of the underlying stream operations result in an InterruptedIOException, the error state is not set, but instead the current thread is re-interrupted using Thread.currentThread().interrupt().


The LineNumberReader stream keeps track of line numbers while reading text. As usual a line is considered to be terminated by any one of a line feed ( ), a carriage return ( ), or a carriage return followed immediately by a linefeed ( ).

The following program prints the line number where the first instance of a particular character is found in a file:


class FindChar {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        if (args.length != 2)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                      "need char and file");

        int match = args[0].charAt(0);
        FileReader fileIn = new FileReader(args[1]);
        LineNumberReader in = new LineNumberReader(fileIn);
        int ch;
        while ((ch = != -1) {
            if (ch == match) {
                System.out.println("'" + (char)ch +
                    "' at line " + in.getLineNumber());
        System.out.println((char)match + " not found");

This program creates a FileReader named fileIn to read from the named file and then inserts a LineNumberReader, named in, before it. LineNumberReader objects get their characters from the reader they are attached to, keeping track of line numbers as they read. The getLineNumber method returns the current line number; by default, lines are counted starting from zero. When this program is run on itself looking for the letter 'I', its output is

'I' at line 4

You can set the current line number with setLineNumber. This could be useful, for example, if you have a file that contains several sections of information. You could use setLineNumber to reset the line number to 1 at the start of each section so that problems would be reported to the user based on the line numbers within the section instead of within the file.

LineNumberReader is a BufferedReader that has two constructors: One takes a reference to the wrapped stream and the size of the buffer to use, while the other only takes a reference to the wrapped stream and uses a default buffer size.

Exercise 20.5Write a program that reads a specified file and searches for a specified word, printing each line number and line in which the word is found.


The SequenceInputStream class creates a single input stream from reading one or more byte input streams, reading the first stream until its end of input and then reading the next one, and so on through the last one. SequenceInputStream has two constructors: one for the common case of two input streams that are provided as the two parameters to the constructor, and the other for an arbitrary number of input streams using the Enumeration abstraction (described in “Enumeration” on page 617). Enumeration is an interface that provides an ordered iteration through a list of objects. For SequenceInputStream, the enumeration should contain only InputStream objects. If it contains anything else, a ClassCastException will be thrown when the SequenceInputStream tries to get that object from the list.

The following example program concatenates all its input to create a single output. This program is similar to a simple version of the UNIX utility cat—if no files are named, the input is simply forwarded to the output. Otherwise, the program opens all the files and uses a SequenceInputStream to model them as a single stream. Then the program writes its input to its output:

import java.util.*;

class Concat {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        InputStream in; // stream to read characters from
        if (args.length == 0) {
            in =;
        } else {
            InputStream fileIn, bufIn;
            List<InputStream> inputs =
                new ArrayList<InputStream>(args.length);
            for (String arg : args) {
                fileIn = new FileInputStream(arg);
                bufIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn);
            Enumeration<InputStream> files =
            in = new SequenceInputStream(files);
        int ch;
        while ((ch = != -1)

    // ...

If there are no parameters, we use for input. If there are parameters, we create an ArrayList large enough to hold as many BufferedInputStream objects as there are command-line arguments (see “ArrayList” on page 582). Then we create a stream for each named file and add the stream to the inputs list. When the loop is finished, we use the Collections class's enumeration method to get an Enumeration object for the list elements. We use this Enumeration in the constructor for SequenceInputStream to create a single stream that concatenates all the streams for the files into a single InputStream object. A simple loop then reads all the bytes from that stream and writes them on System.out.

You could instead write your own implementation of Enumeration whose nextElement method creates a FileInputStream for each argument on demand, closing the previous stream, if any.

Pushback Streams

A Pushback stream lets you push back, or “unread,” characters or bytes when you have read too far. Pushback is typically useful for breaking input into tokens. Lexical scanners, for example, often know that a token (such as an identifier) has ended only when they have read the first character that follows it. Having seen that character, the scanner must push it back onto the input stream so that it is available as the start of the next token. The following example uses PushbackInputStream to report the longest consecutive sequence of any single byte in its input:


class SequenceCount {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
           in = new PushbackInputStream(;
        int max = 0;    // longest sequence found
        int maxB = -1;  // the byte in that sequence
        int b;          // current byte in input

        do {
            int cnt;
            int b1 =; // 1st byte in sequence
            for (cnt = 1; (b = == b1; cnt++)
            if (cnt > max) {
                max = cnt; // remember length
                maxB = b1; // remember which byte value
            in.unread(b);  // pushback start of next seq
        } while (b != -1); // until we hit end of input

        System.out.println(max + " bytes of " + maxB);

We know that we have reached the end of one sequence only when we read the first byte of the next sequence. We push this byte back using unread so that it is read again when we repeat the do loop for the next sequence.

Both PushbackInputStream and PushbackReader support two constructors: One takes a reference to the wrapped stream and the size of the pushback buffer to create, while the other only takes a reference to the wrapped stream and uses a pushback buffer with space for one piece of data (byte or char as appropriate). Attempting to push back more than the specified amount of data will cause an IOException.

Each Pushback stream has three variants of unread, matching the variants of read. We illustrate the character version of PushbackReader, but the byte equivalents for PushbackInputStream have the same behavior:

  • public void unread(int c) throws IOException

    • Pushes back the single character c. If there is insufficient room in the pushback buffer an IOException is thrown.

  • public void unread(char[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Pushes back the characters in the specified subarray. The first character pushed back is buf[offset] and the last is buf[offset+count-1]. The subarray is prepended to the front of the pushback buffer, such that the next character to be read will be that at buf[offset], then buf[offset+1], and so on. If the pushback buffer is full an IOException is thrown.

  • public void unread(char[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to unread(buf,0, buf.length).

For example, after two consecutive unread calls on a PushbackReader with the characters '1' and '2', the next two characters read will be '2' and '1' because '2' was pushed back second. Each unread call sets its own list of characters by prepending to the buffer, so the code

pbr.unread(new char[] {'1', '2'});
pbr.unread(new char[] {'3', '4'});
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    System.out.println(i + ": " + (char);

produces the following lines of output:

0: 3
1: 4
2: 1
3: 2

Data from the last unread (the one with '3' and '4') is read back first, and within that unread the data comes from the beginning of the array through to the end. When that data is exhausted, the data from the first unread is returned in the same order. The unread method copies data into the pushback buffer, so changes made to an array after it is used with unread do not affect future calls to read.


Tokenizing input text is a common application, and the package provides a StreamTokenizer class for simple tokenization. A more general facility for scanning and converting input text is provided by the java.util.Scanner class—see “Scanner” on page 641.

You can tokenize a stream by creating a StreamTokenizer with a Reader object as its source and then setting parameters for the scan. A scanner loop invokes nextToken, which returns the token type of the next token in the stream. Some token types have associated values that are found in fields in the StreamTokenizer object.

This class is designed primarily to parse programming language-style input; it is not a general tokenizer. However, many configuration files look similar enough to programming languages that they can be parsed by this tokenizer. When designing a new configuration file or other data, you can save work if you make it look enough like a language to be parsed with StreamTokenizer.

When nextToken recognizes a token, it returns the token type as its value and also sets the ttype field to the same value. There are four token types:

  • TT_WORDA word was scanned. The String field sval contains the word that was found.

  • TT_NUMBERA number was scanned. The double field nval contains the value of the number. Only decimal floating-point numbers (with or without a decimal point) are recognized. The tokenizer does not understand 3.4e79 as a floating-point number, nor 0xffff as a hexadecimal number.

  • TT_EOLAn end-of-line was found.

  • TT_EOFThe end-of-file was reached.

The input text is assumed to consist of bytes in the range u0000 to u00FF—Unicode characters outside this range are not handled correctly. Input is composed of both special and ordinary characters. Special characters are those that the tokenizer treats specially—namely whitespace, characters that make up numbers, characters that make up words, and so on. Any other character is considered ordinary. When an ordinary character is the next in the input, its token type is itself. For example, if the character '¿' is encountered in the input and is not special, the token return type (and the ttype field) is the int value of the character '¿'.

As one example, let's look at a method that sums the numeric values in a character stream it is given:

static double sumStream(Reader source) throws IOException {
    StreamTokenizer in = new StreamTokenizer(source);
    double result = 0.0;
    while (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
        if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER)
            result += in.nval;
    return result;

We create a StreamTokenizer object from the reader and then loop, reading tokens from the stream, adding all the numbers found into the burgeoning result. When we get to the end of the input, we return the final sum.

Here is another example that reads an input source, looking for attributes of the form name=value, and stores them as attributes in AttributedImpl objects, described in “Implementing Interfaces” on page 127:

public static Attributed readAttrs(Reader source)
    throws IOException
    StreamTokenizer in = new StreamTokenizer(source);
    AttributedImpl attrs = new AttributedImpl();
    Attr attr = null;
    in.commentChar('#'),    // '#' is ignore-to-end comment
    in.ordinaryChar('/'),   // was original comment char
    while (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
        if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
            if (attr != null) {
                attr = null;        // used this one up
            } else {
                attr = new Attr(in.sval);
        } else if (in.ttype == '=') {
            if (attr == null)
                throw new IOException("misplaced '='");
        } else {
            if (attr == null)       // expected a word
                throw new IOException("bad Attr name");
            attr.setValue(new Double(in.nval));
            attr = null;
    return attrs;

The attribute file uses '#' to mark comments. Ignoring these comments, the stream is searched for a string token followed by an optional '=' followed by a word or number. Each such attribute is put into an Attr object, which is added to a set of attributes in an AttributedImpl object. When the file has been parsed, the set of attributes is returned.

Setting the comment character to '#' sets its character class. The tokenizer recognizes several character classes that are set by the following methods:

  • public void wordChars(int low, int hi)

    • Characters in this range are word characters: They can be part of a TT_WORD token. You can invoke this several times with different ranges. A word consists of one or more characters inside any of the legal ranges.

  • public void whitespaceChars(int low, int hi)

    • Characters in this range are whitespace. Whitespace is ignored, except to separate tokens such as two consecutive words. As with the wordChars range, you can make several invocations, and the union of the invocations is the set of whitespace characters.

  • public void ordinaryChars(int low, int hi)

    • Characters in this range are ordinary. An ordinary character is returned as itself, not as a token. This removes any special significance the characters may have had as comment characters, delimiters, word components, whitespace, or number characters. In the above example, we used ordinaryChar to remove the special comment significance of the '/' character.

  • public void ordinaryChar(int ch)

    • Equivalent to ordinaryChars(ch,ch) .

  • public void commentChar(int ch)

    • The character ch starts a single-line comment—characters after ch up to the next end-of-line are treated as one run of whitespace.

  • public void quoteChar(int ch)

    • Matching pairs of the character ch delimit String constants. When a String constant is recognized, the character ch is returned as the token, and the field sval contains the body of the string with surrounding ch characters removed. When string constants are read, some of the standard processing is applied (for example, can be in the string). The string processing in StreamTokenizer is a subset of the language's strings. In particular, you cannot use uxxxx, ', ", or (unfortunately) Q, where Q is the quote character ch. You can have more than one quote character at a time on a stream, but strings must start and end with the same quote character. In other words, a string that starts with one quote character ends when the next instance of that same quote character is found. If a different quote character is found in between, it is simply part of the string.

  • public void parseNumbers()

    • Specifies that numbers should be parsed as double-precision floating-point numbers. When a number is found, the stream returns a type of TT_NUMBER, leaving the value in nval. There is no way to turn off just this feature—to turn it off you must either invoke ordinaryChars for all the number-related characters (don't forget the decimal point and minus sign) or invoke resetSyntax.

  • public void resetSyntax()

    • Resets the syntax table so that all characters are ordinary. If you do this and then start reading the stream, nextToken always returns the next character in the stream, just as when you invoke

There are no methods to ask the character class of a given character or to add new classes of characters. Here are the default settings for a newly created StreamTokenizer object:

wordChars('a', 'z'),      // lower case ASCII letters
wordChars('A', 'Z'),      // upper case ASCII letters
wordChars(128 + 32, 255); // "high" non-ASCII values
whitespaceChars(0, ' '),  // ASCII control codes

This leaves the ordinary characters consisting of most of the punctuation and arithmetic characters (;, :, [, {, +, =, and so forth).

The changes made to the character classes are cumulative, so, for example, invoking wordChars with two different ranges of characters defines both ranges as word characters. To replace a range you must first mark the old range as ordinary and then add the new range. Resetting the syntax table clears all settings, so if you want to return to the default settings, for example, you must manually make the invocations listed above.

Other methods control the basic behavior of the tokenizer:

  • public void eolIsSignificant(boolean flag)

    • If flag is true, ends of lines are significant and TT_EOL may be returned by nextToken. If false, ends of lines are treated as whitespace and TT_EOL is never returned. The default is false.

  • public void slashStarComments(boolean flag)

    • If flag is true, the tokenizer recognizes /*...*/ comments. This occurs independently of settings for any comment characters. The default is false.

  • public void slashSlashComments(boolean flag)

    • If flag is true, the tokenizer recognizes // to end-of-line comments. This occurs independently of the settings for any comment characters. The default is false.

  • public void lowerCaseMode(boolean flag)

    • If flag is true, all characters in TT_WORD tokens are converted to their lowercase equivalent if they have one (using String.toLowerCase). The default is false. Because of the case issues described in “Character” on page 192, you cannot reliably use this for Unicode string equivalence—two tokens might be equivalent but have different lowercase representations. Use String.equalsIgnoreCase for reliable case-insensitive comparison.

There are three miscellaneous methods:

  • public void pushBack()

    • Pushes the previously returned token back into the stream. The next invocation of nextToken returns the same token again instead of proceeding to the next token. There is only a one-token pushback; multiple consecutive invocations to pushBack are equivalent to one invocation.

  • public int lineno()

    • Returns the current line number. Usually used for reporting errors you detect.

  • public String toString()

    • Returns a String representation of the last returned stream token, including its line number.

Exercise 20.6Write a program that takes input of the form name op value, where name is one of three words of your choosing, op is +, -, or =, and value is a number. Apply each operator to the named value. When input is exhausted, print the three values. For extra credit, use the HashMap class that was used for AttributedImpl so that you can use an arbitrary number of named values.

The Data Byte Streams

Reading and writing text characters is useful, but you also frequently need to transmit the binary data of specific types across a stream. The DataInput and DataOutput interfaces define methods that transmit primitive types across a stream. The classes DataInputStream and DataOutputStream provide a default implementation for each interface. We cover the interfaces first, followed by their implementations.

DataInput and DataOutput

The interfaces for data input and output streams are almost mirror images. The parallel read and write methods for each type are






























String (in UTF format)

String values are read and written using a modified form of the UTF-8 character encoding. This differs from standard UTF-8 in three ways: the null byte (u0000) is encoded in a 2-byte format so that the encoded string does not have embedded null bytes; only 1-byte, 2-byte, or 3-byte formats are used; and supplementary characters are encoded using surrogate pairs. Encoding Unicode characters into bytes is necessary in many situations because of the continuing transition from 8-bit to 16-bit character sets.

In addition to these paired methods, DataInput has several methods of its own, some of which are similar to those of InputStream:

  • public abstract void readFully(byte[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException

    • Reads into part of a byte array. The maximum number of bytes read is count. The bytes are stored from buf[offset] up to a maximum of buf[offset+count-1]. If count is zero then no bytes are read. This method blocks until input is available, the end of the file (that is, stream) is found—in which case an EOFException is thrown—or an exception is thrown because of an I/O error.

  • public abstract void readFully(byte[] buf) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to readFully(buf,0, buf.length).

  • public abstract int skipBytes(int count) throws IOException

    • Attempts to skip over count bytes, discarding any bytes skipped over. Returns the actual number of bytes skipped. This method never throws an EOFException.

  • public abstract int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException

    • Reads one input byte, zero-extends it to type int, and returns the result, which is therefore in the range 0 through 255. This method is suitable for reading a byte written by the writeByte method of DataOutput if the argument to writeByte was a value in the range 0 through 255.

  • public abstract int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException

    • Reads two input bytes and returns an int value in the range 0 through 65535. The first byte read is made the high byte. This method is suitable for reading bytes written by the writeShort method of DataOutput if the argument to writeShort was a value in the range 0 through 65535.

The DataInput interface methods usually handle end-of-file (stream) by throwing EOFException when it occurs. EOFException extends IOException.

The DataOutput interface supports signatures equivalent to the three forms of write in OutputStream and with the same specified behavior. Additionally, it provides the following unmirrored methods:

  • public abstract void writeBytes(String s) throws IOException

    • Writes a String as a sequence of bytes. The upper byte in each character is lost, so unless you are willing to lose data, use this method only for strings that contain characters between u0000 and u00ff.

  • public abstract void writeChars(String s) throws IOException

    • Writes a String as a sequence of char. Each character is written as two bytes with the high byte written first.

There are no readBytes or readChars methods to read the same number of characters written by a writeBytes or writeChars invocation, therefore you must use a loop on readByte or readChar to read strings written with these methods. To do that you need a way to determine the length of the string, perhaps by writing the length of the string first, or by using an end-of-sequence character to mark its end. You could use readFully to read a full array of bytes if you wrote the length first, but that won't work for writeChars because you want char values, not byte values.

The Data Stream Classes

For each Data interface there is a corresponding Data stream. In addition, the RandomAccessFile class implements both the input and output Data interfaces (see Section 20.7.2 on page 541). Each Data class is an extension of its corresponding Filter class, so you can use Data streams to filter other streams. Each Data class has constructors that take another appropriate input or output stream. For example, you can use the filtering to write data to a file by putting a DataOutputStream in front of a FileOutputStream object. You can then read the data by putting a DataInputStream in front of a FileInputStream object:

public static void writeData(double[] data, String file)
    throws IOException
    OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
    DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(fout);
    for (double d : data)

public static double[] readData(String file)
    throws IOException
    InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fin);
    double[] data = new double[in.readInt()];
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
        data[i] = in.readDouble();
    return data;

The writeData method first opens the file and writes the array length. It then loops, writing the contents of the array. The file can be read into an array with readData. These methods can be rewritten more simply using the Object streams you will learn about in Section 20.8 on page 549.

Exercise 20.7Add a method to the Attr class of Chapter 3 that writes the contents of an object to a DataOutputStream and add a constructor that will read the state from a DataInputStream.

Working with Files

The package provides a number of classes that help you work with files in the underlying system. The File stream classes allow you to read from and write to files and the FileDescriptor class allows the system to represent underlying file system resources as objects. RandomAccessFile lets you deal with files as randomly accessed streams of bytes or characters. Actual interaction with the local file system is through the File class, which provides an abstraction of file pathnames, including path component separators, and useful methods to manipulate file names.

File Streams and FileDescriptor

The File streams—FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, and FileWriter—allow you to treat a file as a stream for input or output. Each type is instantiated with one of three constructors:

  • A constructor that takes a String that is the name of the file.

  • A constructor that takes a File object that refers to the file (see Section 20.7.3 on page 543).

  • A constructor that takes a FileDescriptor object (see below).

If a file does not exist, the input streams will throw a FileNotFoundException. Accessing a file requires a security check and a SecurityException is thrown if you do not have permission to access that file—see “Security” on page 677.

With a byte or character output stream, the first two constructor types create the file if it does not exist, or truncate it if it does exist. You can control truncation by using the overloaded forms of these two constructors that take a second argument: a boolean that, if true, causes each individual write to append to the file. If this boolean is false, the file will be truncated and new data added. If the file does not exist, the file will be created and the boolean will be ignored.

The byte File streams also provide a getChannel method for integration with the java.nio facilities. It returns a java.nio.channels.FileChannel object for accessing the file.

A FileDescriptor object represents a system-dependent value that describes an open file. You can get a file descriptor object by invoking getFD on a File byte stream—you cannot obtain the file descriptor from File character streams. You can test the validity of a FileDescriptor by invoking its boolean valid method—file descriptors created directly with the no-arg constructor of FileDescriptor are not valid.

FileDescriptor objects create a new File stream to the same file as another stream without needing to know the file's pathname. You must be careful to avoid unexpected interactions between two streams doing different things with the same file. You cannot predict what happens, for example, when two threads write to the same file using two different FileOutputStream objects at the same time.

The flush method of FileOutputStream and FileWriter guarantees that the buffer is flushed to the underlying file. It does not guarantee that the data is committed to disk—the underlying file system may do its own buffering. You can guarantee that the data is committed to disk by invoking the sync method on the file's FileDescriptor object, which will either force the data to disk or throw a SyncFailedException if the underlying system cannot fulfill this contract.


The RandomAccessFile class provides a more sophisticated file mechanism than the File streams do. A random access file behaves like a large array of bytes stored in the file system. There is a kind of cursor, or index into the implied array, called the file pointer; input operations read bytes starting at the file pointer and advance the file pointer past the bytes read. If the random access file is created in read/write mode, then output operations are also available; output operations write bytes starting at the file pointer and advance the file pointer past the bytes written.

RandomAccessFile is not a subclass of InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, or Writer because it can do both input and output and can work with both characters and bytes. The constructor has a parameter that declares whether the stream is for input or for both input and output.

RandomAccessFile supports read and write methods of the same names and signatures as the byte streams. For example, read returns a single byte. RandomAccessFile also implements the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces (see page 537) and so can be used to read and write data types supported in those interfaces. Although you don't have to learn a new set of method names and semantics for the same kinds of tasks you do with the other streams, you cannot use a RandomAccessFile where any of the other streams are required.

The constructors for RandomAccessFile are

  • public RandomAccessFile(String name, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException

    • Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally write to, a file with the specified name. The basic mode can be either "r" or "rw" for read or read/write, respectively. Variants of "rw" mode provide additional semantics: "rws" mode specifies that on each write the file contents and metadata (file size, last modification time, etc.) are written synchronously through to the disk; "rwd" mode specifies that only the file contents are written synchronously to the disk. Specifying any other mode will get you an IllegalArgumentException. If the mode contains "rw" and the file does not exist, it will be created or, if that fails, a FileNotFoundException is thrown.

  • public RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException

    • Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally write to, the file specified by the File argument. Modes are the same as for the String-based constructor.

Since accessing a file requires a security check, these constructors could throw a SecurityException if you do not have permission to access the file in that mode—see “Security” on page 677.

The “random access” in the name of the class refers to the ability to set the read/write file pointer to any position in the file and then perform operations. The additional methods in RandomAccessFile to support this functionality are:

  • public long getFilePointer() throws IOException

    • Returns the current location of the file pointer (in bytes) from the beginning of the file.

  • public void seek(long pos) throws IOException

    • Sets the file pointer to the specified number of bytes from the beginning of the file. The next byte written or read will be the posth byte in the file, where the initial byte is the 0th. If you position the file pointer beyond the end of the file and write to the file, the file will grow.

  • public int skipBytes(int count) throws IOException

    • Attempts to advance the file pointer count bytes. Any bytes skipped over can be read later after seek is used to reposition the file pointer. Returns the actual number of bytes skipped. This method is guaranteed never to throw an EOFException. If count is negative, no bytes are skipped.

  • public long length() throws IOException

    • Returns the file length.

  • public void setLength(long newLength) throws IOException

    • Sets the length of the file to newLength. If the file is currently shorter, the file is grown to the given length, filled in with any byte values the implementation chooses. If the file is currently longer, the data beyond this position is discarded. If the current position (as returned by getFilePointer) is greater than newLength, the position is set to newLength.

You can access the FileDescriptor for a RandomAccessFile by invoking its getFD method. You can obtain a FileChannel for a RandomAccessFile by invoking its getChannel method.

Exercise 20.8Write a program that reads a file with entries separated by lines starting with %% and creates a table file with the starting position of each such entry. Then write a program that uses that table to print a random entry (see the Math.random method described in “Math and StrictMath” on page 657).

The File Class

The File class (not to be confused with the file streams) provides several common manipulations that are useful with file names. It provides methods to separate pathnames into subcomponents and to ask the file system about the file a pathname refers to.

A File object actually represents a path, not necessarily an underlying file. For example, to find out whether a pathname represents an existing file, you create a File object with the pathname and then invoke exists on that object.

A path is separated into directory and file parts by a char stored in the static field separatorChar and available as a String in the static field separator. The last occurrence of this character in the path separates the pathname into directory and file components. (Directory is the term used on most systems; some systems call such an entity a “folder” instead.)

File objects are created with one of four constructors:

  • public File(String path)

    • Creates a File object to manipulate the specified path.

  • public File(String dirName, String name)

    • Creates a File object for the file name in the directory named dirName. If dirName is null, only name is used. If dirName is an empty string, name is resolved against a system dependent default directory. Otherwise, this is equivalent to using File(dirName + File.separator + name).

  • public File(File fileDir, String name)

    • Creates a File object for the file name in the directory named by the File object fileDir. Equivalent to using File(fileDir.getPath(), name).

  • public File( uri)

    • Creates a File object for the pathname represented by the given file: URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). If the given URI is not a suitable file URI then IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Five “get” methods retrieve information about the components of a File object's pathname. The following code invokes each of them after creating a File object for the file "" in the "ok" subdirectory of the parent of the current directory (specified by ".."):

File src = new File(".." + File.separator + "ok",
System.out.println("getName() = " + src.getName());
System.out.println("getPath() = " + src.getPath());
System.out.println("getAbsolutePath() = "
    + src.getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("getCanonicalPath() = "
    + src.getCanonicalPath());
System.out.println("getParent() = " + src.getParent());

And here is the output:

getName() =
getPath() = ../ok/
getAbsolutePath() = /vob/java_prog/src/../ok/
getCanonicalPath() = /vob/java_prog/ok/
getParent() = ../ok

The canonical path is defined by each system. Usually, it is a form of the absolute path with relative components (such as ".." to refer to the parent directory) renamed and with references to the current directory removed. Unlike the other “get” methods, getCanonicalPath can throw IOException because resolving path components can require calls to the underlying file system, which may fail.

The methods getParentFile, getAbsoluteFile, and getCanonicalFile are analogous to getParent, getAbsolutePath, and getCanonicalPath, but they return File objects instead of strings.

You can convert a File to a or object by invoking toURL or toURI, respectively.

The overriding method File.equals deserves mention. Two File objects are considered equal if they have the same path, not if they refer to the same underlying file system object. You cannot use File.equals to test whether two File objects denote the same file. For example, two File objects may refer to the same file but use different relative paths to refer to it, in which case they do not compare equal. Relatedly, you can compare two files using the compareTo method, which returns a number less than, equal to, or greater than zero as the current file's pathname is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than the pathname of the argument File. The compareTo method has two overloaded forms: one takes a File argument and the other takes an Object argument and so implements the Comparable interface.

Several boolean tests return information about the underlying file:

  • exists returns true if the file exists in the file system.

  • canRead returns true if a file exists and can be read.

  • canWrite returns true if the file exists and can be written.

  • isFile returns true if the file is not a directory or other special type of file.

  • isDirectory returns true if the file is a directory.

  • isAbsolute returns true if the path is an absolute pathname.

  • isHidden returns true if the path is one normally hidden from users on the underlying system.

All the methods that inspect or modify the actual file system are security checked and can throw SecurityException if you don't have permission to perform the operation. Methods that ask for the filename itself are not security checked.

File objects have many other methods for manipulating files and directories. There are methods to inspect and manipulate the current file:

  • public long lastModified()

    • Returns a long value representing the time the file was last modified or zero if the file does not exist.

  • public long length()

    • Returns the file length in bytes, or zero if the file does not exist.

  • public boolean renameTo(File newName)

    • Renames the file, returning true if the rename succeeded.

  • public boolean delete()

    • Deletes the file or directory named in this File object, returning true if the deletion succeeded. Directories must be empty before they are deleted.

There are methods to create an underlying file or directory named by the current File:

  • public boolean createNewFile()

    • Creates a new empty file, named by this File. Returns false if the file already exists or if the file cannot be created. The check for the existence of the file and its subsequent creation is performed atomically with respect to other file system operations.

  • public boolean mkdir()

    • Creates a directory named by this File, returning true on success.

  • public boolean mkdirs()

    • Creates all directories in the path named by this File, returning true if all were created. This is a way to ensure that a particular directory is created, even if it means creating other directories that don't currently exist above it in the directory hierarchy. Note that some of the directories may have been created even if false is returned.

However, files are usually created by FileOutputStream or FileWriter objects or RandomAccessFile objects, not using File objects.

Two methods let you change the state of the underlying file, assuming that one exists:

  • public boolean setLastModified(long time)

    • Sets the “last modified” time for the file or returns false if it cannot do so.

  • public boolean setReadOnly()

    • Makes the underlying file unmodifiable in the file system or returns false if it cannot do so. The file remains unmodifiable until it is deleted or externally marked as modifiable again—there is no method for making it modifiable again.

There are methods for listing the contents of directories and finding out about root directories:

  • public String[] list()

    • Lists the files in this directory. If used on something that isn't a directory, it returns null. Otherwise, it returns an array of file names. This list includes all files in the directory except the equivalent of "." and ".." (the current and parent directory, respectively).

  • public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter)

    • Uses filter to selectively list files in this directory (see FilenameFilter described in the next section).

  • public static File[] listRoots()

    • Returns the available filesystem roots, that is, roots of local hierarchical file systems. Windows platforms, for example, have a root directory for each active drive; UNIX platforms have a single / root directory. If none are available, the array has zero elements.

The methods listFiles()and listFiles(FilenameFilter) are analogous to list()and list(FilenameFilter), but return arrays of File objects instead of arrays of strings. The method listFiles(FileFilter) is analogous to the list that uses a FilenameFilter.

Three methods relate primarily to temporary files (sometimes called “scratch files”)—those files you need to create during a run of your program for storing data, or to pass between passes of your computation, but which are not needed after your program is finished.

  • public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory) throws IOException

    • Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name. If this method returns successfully then it is guaranteed that the file denoted by the returned abstract pathname did not exist before this method was invoked, and neither this method nor any of its variants will return the same abstract pathname again in the current invocation of the virtual machine. The prefix argument must be at least three characters long, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. It is recommended that the prefix be a short, meaningful string such as "hjb" or "mail". The suffix argument may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used. Note that since there is no predefined separator between the file name and the suffix, any separator, such as '.', must be part of the suffix. If the directory argument is null then the system-dependent default temporary-file directory will be used. The default temporary-file directory is specified by the system property

  • public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException

    • Equivalent to createTempFile(prefix,suffix, null).

  • public void deleteOnExit()

    • Requests the system to remove the file when the virtual machine terminates—see “Shutdown” on page 672. This request only applies to a normal termination of the virtual machine and cannot be revoked once issued.

When a temporary file is created, the prefix and the suffix may first be adjusted to fit the limitations of the underlying platform. If the prefix is too long then it will be truncated, but its first three characters will always be preserved. If the suffix is too long then it too will be truncated, but if it begins with a period (.) then the period and the first three characters following it will always be preserved. Once these adjustments have been made the name of the new file will be generated by concatenating the prefix, five or more internally generated characters, and the suffix. Temporary files are not automatically deleted on exit, although you will often invoke deleteOnExit on File objects returned by createTempFile.

Finally, the character File.pathSeparatorChar and its companion string File.pathSeparator represent the character that separates file or directory names in a search path. For example, UNIX separates components in the program search path with a colon, as in ".:/bin:/usr/bin", so pathSeparatorChar is a colon on UNIX systems.

Exercise 20.9Write a method that, given one or more pathnames, will print all the information available about the file it represents (if any).

Exercise 20.10Write a program that uses a StreamTokenizer object to break an input file into words and counts the number of times each word occurs in the file, printing the result. Use a HashMap to keep track of the words and counts.

FilenameFilter and FileFilter

The FilenameFilter interface provides objects that filter unwanted files from a list. It supports a single method:

  • boolean accept(File dir, String name)

    • Returns true if the file named name in the directory dir should be part of the filtered output.

Here is an example that uses a FilenameFilter object to list only directories:


class DirFilter implements FilenameFilter {
    public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        return new File(dir, name).isDirectory();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File dir = new File(args[0]);
        String[] files = dir.list(new DirFilter());
        System.out.println(files.length + " dir(s):");
        for (String file : files)
            System.out.println("	" + file);


First we create a File object to represent a directory specified on the command line. Then we create a DirFilter object and pass it to list. For each name in the directory, list invokes the accept method on the filtering object and includes the name in the list if the filtering object returns true. For our accept method, true means that the named file is a directory.

The FileFilter interface is analogous to FilenameFilter, but works with a single File object:

  • boolean accept(File pathname)

    • Returns true if the file represented by pathname should be part of the filtered output.

Exercise 20.11Using FilenameFilter or FileFilter, write a program that takes a directory and a suffix as parameters and prints all files it can find that have that suffix.

Object Serialization

The ability to save objects in a byte stream that can be transferred across the network (perhaps for use in remote method invocations), saved to disk in a file or database, and later reconstituted to form a live object, is an essential aspect of many real-world applications.

The process of converting an object's representation into a stream of bytes is known as serialization, while reconstituting an object from a byte stream is deserialization. When talking about the classes, interfaces, and language features involved in this overall process, we generally just use the term serialization and understand that it includes deserialization as well.

A number of classes and interfaces are involved with serialization. You have already learned about the basic mechanisms for reading and writing primitive types and strings using the Data stream classes (see page 537). This section covers the object byte streams—ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream—that allow you to serialize and deserialize complete objects. Various other classes and interfaces provide specific support for the serialization process. In addition, the field modifier transient provides a language-level means of marking data that should not be serialized.

The Object Byte Streams

The Object streams—ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream—allow you to read and write object graphs in addition to the well-known types (primitives, strings, and arrays). By “object graph” we mean that when you use writeObject to write an object to an ObjectOutputStream, bytes representing the object—including all other objects that it references—are written to the stream. This process of transforming an object into a stream of bytes is called serialization. Because the serialized form is expressed in bytes, not characters, the Object streams have no Reader or Writer forms.

When bytes encoding a serialized graph of objects are read by the method readObject of ObjectInputStream—that is, deserialized—the result is a graph of objects equivalent to the input graph.

Suppose, for example, that you have a HashMap object that you wish to store into a file for future use. You could write the graph of objects that starts with the hash map this way:

FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("tab");
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
HashMap<?,?> hash = getHashMap();

As you can see, this approach is quite straightforward. The single writeObject on hash writes the entire contents of the hash map, including all entries, all the objects that the entries refer to, and so on, until the entire graph of interconnected objects has been visited. A new copy of the hash map could be reconstituted from the serialized bytes:

FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("tab");
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
HashMap<?,?> newHash = (HashMap<?,?>) in.readObject();

Serialization preserves the integrity of the graph itself. Suppose, for example, that in a serialized hash map, an object was stored under two different keys:

The Object Byte Streams

When the serialized hash map is deserialized, the two analogous entries in the new copy of the hash map will have references to a single copy of the rose.jpg object, not references to two separate copies of rose.jpg.[2]

Sometimes, however, sharing objects in this way is not what is desired. In that case you can use ObjectOutputStream's writeUnshared method to write the object as a new distinct object, rather than using a reference to an existing serialization of that object. Any object written into the graph by writeUnshared will only ever have one reference to it in the serialized data. The readUnshared method of ObjectInputStream reads an object that is expected to be unique. If the object is actually a reference to an existing deserialized object then an ObjectStreamException is thrown; similarly, if the deserialization process later tries to create a second reference to an object returned by readUnshared, an ObjectStreamException is thrown. These uniqueness checks only apply to the actual object passed to writeUnshared or read by readUnshared, not to any objects they refer to.

Making Your Classes Serializable

When an ObjectOutputStream writes a serialized object, the object must implement the Serializable marker interface. This marker interface declares that the class is designed to have its objects serialized.

Being serializable can be quite simple. The default serialization process is to serialize each field of the object that is neither transient nor static. Primitive types and strings are written in the same encoding used by DataOutputStream; objects are serialized by calling writeObject. With default serialization, all serialized fields that are object references must refer to serializable object types. Default serialization also requires either that your superclass have a no-arg constructor (so that deserialization can invoke it) or that it also be Serializable (in which case declaring your class to implement Serializable is redundant but harmless). For most classes this default serialization is sufficient, and the entire work necessary to make a class serializable is to mark it as such by declaring that it implements the Serializable interface:

public class Name implements {
    private String name;
    private long id;
    private transient boolean hashSet = false;
    private transient int hash;
    private static long nextID = 0;

    public Name(String name) { = name;
        synchronized (Name.class) {
            id = nextID++;

    public int hashCode() {
        if (!hashSet) {
            hash = name.hashCode();
            hashSet = true;

        return hash;

    // ... override equals, provide other useful methods

The class Name can be written to an ObjectOutputStream either directly with writeObject, or indirectly if it is referenced by an object written to such a stream. The name and id fields will be written to the stream; the fields nextID, hashSet, and hash will not be written, nextID because it is static and the others because they are declared transient. Because hash is a cached value that can easily be recalculated from name, there is no reason to consume the time and space it takes to write it to the stream.

Default deserialization reads the values written during serialization. Static fields in the class are left untouched—if the class needs to be loaded then the normal initialization of the class takes place, giving the static fields an initial value. Each transient field in the reconstituted object is set to the default value for its type. When a Name object is deserialized, the newly created object will have name and id set to the same values as those of the original object, the static field nextID will remain untouched, and the transient fields hashSet and hash will have their default values (false and 0). These defaults work because when hashSet is false the value of hash will be recalculated.

You will occasionally have a class that is generally serializable but has specific instances that are not serializable. For example, a container might itself be serializable but contain references to objects that are not serializable. Any attempt to serialize a non-serializable object will throw a NotSerializableException.

Serialization and Deserialization Order

Each class is responsible for properly serializing its own state—that is, its fields. Objects are serialized and deserialized down the type tree—from the highest-level class that is Serializable to the most specific class. This order is rarely important when you're serializing, but it can be important when you're deserializing. Let us consider the following type tree for an HTTPInput class:

Serialization and Deserialization Order

When deserializing an HTTPInput object, ObjectInputStream first allocates memory for the new object and then finds the first Serializable class in the object's type hierarchy—in this case URLInput. The stream invokes the no-arg constructor of that class's superclass (the object's last non-serializable class), which in this case is InputSource. If other state from the superclass must be preserved, URLInput is responsible for serializing that state and restoring it on deserialization. If your non-serializable superclass has state, you will almost certainly need to customize the first serializable class (see the next section). If the first serializable class directly extends Object (as the earlier Name class did), customizing is easy because Object has no state to preserve or restore.

Once the first serializable class has finished with its part of its superclass's state, it will set its own state from the stream. Then ObjectInputStream will walk down the type tree, deserializing the state for each class using readObject. When ObjectInputStream reaches the bottom of the type tree, the object has been completely deserialized.

As the stream is deserialized, other serialized objects will be found that were referenced from the object currently being deserialized. These other objects are deserialized as they are encountered. Thus, if URLInput had a reference to a HashMap, that hash map and its contents would be deserialized before the HTTPInput part of the object was deserialized.

Before any of this can happen, the relevant classes must first be loaded. This requires finding a class of the same name as the one written and checking to see that it is the same class. You'll learn about versioning issues shortly. Assuming it is the same class, the class must be loaded. If the class is not found or cannot be loaded for any reason, readObject will throw a ClassNotFoundException.

Customized Serialization

The default serialization methods work for many classes but not for all of them. For some classes default deserialization may be improper or inefficient. The HashMap class is an example of both problems. Default serialization would write all the data structures for the hash map, including the hash codes of the entries. This serialization is both wrong and inefficient.

It is wrong because hash codes may be different for deserialized entries. This will be true, for example, of entries using the default hashCode implementation.

It is inefficient because a hash map typically has a significant number of empty buckets. There is no point in serializing empty buckets. It would be more efficient to serialize the referenced keys and entries and rebuild a hash map from them than to serialize the entire data structure of the map.

For these reasons, java.util.HashMap provides private writeObject and readObject methods.[3] These methods are invoked by ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream, respectively, when it is time to serialize or deserialize a HashMap object. These methods are invoked only on classes that provide them, and the methods are responsible only for the class's own state, including any state from non-serializable superclasses. A class's writeObject and readObject methods, if provided, should not invoke the superclass's readObject or writeObject method. Object serialization differs in this way from clone and finalize.

Let us suppose, for example, that you wanted to improve the Name class so that it didn't have to check whether the cached hash code was valid each time. You could do this by setting hash in the constructor, instead of lazily when it is asked for. But this causes a problem with serialization—since hash is transient it does not get written as part of serialization (nor should it), so when you are deserializing you need to explicitly set it. This means that you have to implement readObject to deserialize the main fields and then set hash, which implies that you have to implement writeObject so that you know how the main fields were serialized.

public class BetterName implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private long id;
    private transient int hash;
    private static long nextID = 0;

    public BetterName(String name) { = name;
        synchronized (BetterName.class) {
            id = nextID++;
        hash = name.hashCode();

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
        throws IOException

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        name = in.readUTF();
        id = in.readLong();
        hash = name.hashCode();

    public int hashCode() {
        return hash;

    // ... override equals, provide other useful methods

We use writeObject to write out each of the non-static, non-transient fields. It declares that it can throw IOException because the write methods it invokes can do so, and, if one does throw an exception, the serialization must be halted. When readObject gets the values from the stream, it can then set hash properly. It, too, must declare that it throws IOException because the read methods it invokes can do so, and this should stop deserialization. The readObject method must declare that it throws ClassNotFoundException because, in the general case, deserializing fields of the current object could require other classes to be loaded—though not in the example.

There is one restriction on customized serialization: You cannot directly set a final field within readObject because final fields can only be set in initializers or constructors. For example, if name was declared final the class BetterName would not compile. You will need to design your classes with this restriction in mind when considering custom serialization. The default serialization mechanism can bypass this restriction because it uses native code. This means that default serialization works fine with classes that have final fields. For custom serialization it is possible to use reflection to set a final field—see “Final Fields” on page 420—but the security restrictions for doing this means that it is seldom applicable. One circumstance in which it is applicable, for example, is if your classes are required to be installed as a standard extension and so have the necessary security privileges—see “Security Policies” on page 680.

The readObject and writeObject methods for BetterName show that you can use the methods of DataInput and DataOutput to transmit arbitrary data on the stream. However, the actual implementations replicate the default serialization and then add the necessary setup for hash. The read and write invocations of these methods could have been replaced with a simple invocation of methods that perform default serialization and deserialization:

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
    throws IOException

private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    hash = name.hashCode();

In fact, as you may have surmised, given that writeObject performs nothing but default serialization, we need not have implemented it at all.

A writeObject method can throw NotSerializableException if a particular object is not serializable. For example, in rare cases, objects of a class might be generally serializable, but a particular object might contain sensitive data.

You will occasionally find that an object cannot be initialized properly until the graph of which it is a part has been completely deserialized. You can have the ObjectInputStream invoke a method of your own devising by calling the stream's registerValidation method with a reference to an object that implements the interface ObjectInputValidation. When deserialization of the top-level object at the head of the graph is complete, your object's validateObject method will be invoked to make any needed validation operation or check.

Normally, an object is serialized as itself on the output stream, and a copy of the same type is reconstituted during deserialization. You will find a few classes for which this is not correct. For example, if you have a class that has objects that are supposed to be unique in each virtual machine for each unique value (so that == will return true if and only if equals also would return true), you would need to resolve an object being deserialized into an equivalent one in the local virtual machine. You can control these by providing writeReplace and readResolve methods of the following forms and at an appropriate access level:

  • <access> Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException

    • Returns an object that will replace the current object during serialization. Any object may be returned including the current one.

  • <access> Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException

    • Returns an object that will replace the current object during deserialization. Any object may be returned including the current one.

In our example, readResolve would check to find the local object that was equivalent to the one just deserialized—if it exists it will be returned, otherwise we can register the current object (for use by readResolve in the future) and return this. These methods can be of any accessibility; they will be used if they are accessible to the object type being serialized. For example, if a class has a private readResolve method, it only affects deserialization of objects that are exactly of its type. A package-accessible readResolve affects only subclasses within the same package, while public and protected readResolve methods affect objects of all subclasses.

Object Versioning

Class implementations change over time. If a class's implementation changes between the time an object is serialized and the time it is deserialized, the ObjectInputStream can detect this change. When the object is written, the serial version UID (unique identifier), a 64-bit long value, is written with it. By default, this identifier is a secure hash of the full class name, superinterfaces, and members—the facts about the class that, if they change, signal a possible class incompatibility. Such a hash is essentially a fingerprint—it is nearly impossible for two different classes to have the same UID.

When an object is read from an ObjectInputStream, the serial version UID is also read. An attempt is then made to load the class. If no class with the same name is found or if the loaded class's UID does not match the UID in the stream, readObject throws an InvalidClassException. If the versions of all the classes in the object's type are found and all the UIDs match, the object can be deserialized.

This assumption is very conservative: Any change in the class creates an incompatible version. Many class changes are less drastic than this. Adding a cache to a class can be made compatible with earlier versions of the serialized form, as can adding optional behavior or values. Rather then relying on the default serial version UID, any serializable class should explicitly declare its own serial version UID value. Then when you make a change to a class that can be compatible with the serialized forms of earlier versions of the class, you can explicitly declare the serial version UID for the earlier class. A serial version UID is declared as follows:

private static final
    long serialVersionUID = -1307795172754062330L;

The serialVersionUID field must be a static, final field of type long. It should also be private since it is only applied to the declaring class. The value of serialVersionUID is provided by your development system. In many development systems, it is the output of a command called serialver. Other systems have different ways to provide you with this value, which is the serial version UID of the class before the first incompatible modification. (Nothing prevents you from using any number as this UID if you stamp it from the start, but it is usually a really bad idea. Your numbers will not be as carefully calculated to avoid conflict with other classes as the secure hash is.)

Now when the ObjectInputStream finds your class and compares the UID with that of the older version in the file, the UIDs will be the same even though the implementation has changed. If you invoke defaultReadObject, only those fields that were present in the original version will be set. Other fields will be left in their default state. If writeObject in the earlier version of the class wrote values on the field without using defaultWriteObject, you must read those values. If you try to read more values than were written, you will get an EOFException, which can inform you that you are deserializing an older form that wrote less information. If possible, you should design classes with a class version number instead of relying on an exception to signal the version of the original data.

When an object is written to an ObjectOutputStream, the Class object for that object is also written. Because Class objects are specific to each virtual machine, serializing the actual Class object would not be helpful. So Class objects on a stream are replaced by ObjectStreamClass objects that contain the information necessary to find an equivalent class when the object is deserialized. This information includes the class's full name and its serial version UID. Unless you create one, you will never directly see an ObjectStreamClass object.

As a class evolves it is possible that a new superclass is introduced for that class. If an older serialized form of the class is deserialized it will not contain any serialized data for that superclass. Rather than making this an error, the system will set all fields declared by the superclass to their default initialized values. To override this default behavior, the new superclass (which must implement Serializable, of course) can declare the following method:

private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException

If, as an object is deserialized, the serialized data lists the superclass as a known superclass then the superclass's readObject method will be invoked (if it exists), otherwise the superclass's readObjectNoData method will be invoked. The readObjectNoData method can then set appropriate values in the object's superclass fields.

Serialized Fields

The default serialization usually works well, but for more sophisticated classes and class evolution you may need to access the original fields. For example, suppose you were representing a rectangle in a geometric system by using two opposite corners. You would have four fields: x1, y1, x2, and y2. If you later want to use a corner, plus width and height, you would have four different fields: x, y, width, and height. Assuming default serialization of the four original fields you would also have a compatibility problem: the rectangles that were already serialized would have the old fields instead of the new ones. To solve this problem you could maintain the serialized format of the original class and convert between the old and new fields as you encounter them in readObject or writeObject. You do this using serialized field types to view the serialized form as an abstraction and to access individual fields:

public class Rectangle implements Serializable {
    private static final
        long serialVersionUID = -1307795172754062330L;
    private static final
        ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
            new ObjectStreamField("x1", Double.TYPE),
            new ObjectStreamField("y1", Double.TYPE),
            new ObjectStreamField("x2", Double.TYPE),
            new ObjectStreamField("y2", Double.TYPE),
    private transient double x, y, width, height;

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        ObjectInputStream.GetField fields;
        fields = in.readFields();
        x = fields.get("x1", 0.0);
        y = fields.get("y1", 0.0);
        double x2 = fields.get("x2", 0.0);
        double y2 = fields.get("y2", 0.0);
        width = (x2 - x);
        height = (y2 - y);

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
        throws IOException

        ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields;
        fields = out.putFields();
        fields.put("x1", x);
        fields.put("y1", y);
        fields.put("x2", x + width);
        fields.put("y2", y + height);

Rectangle keeps the serialVersionUID of the original version to declare that the versions are compatible. Changing fields that would be used by default serialization is otherwise considered to be an incompatible change.

To represent each of the old fields that will be found in the serialized data, you create an ObjectStreamField object. You construct each ObjectStreamField object by passing in the name of the field it represents, and the Class object for the type of the field it represents. An overloaded constructor also takes a boolean argument that specifies whether the field refers to an unshared object—that is, one written by writeUnshared or read by readUnshared. The serialization mechanism needs to know where to find these ObjectStreamField objects, so they must be defined in the static, final array called serialPersistentFields.

The fields x, y, width, and height are marked transient because they are not serialized—during serialization these new fields must be converted into appropriate values of the original fields so that we preserve the serialized form. So writeObject uses an ObjectOutputStream.PutField object to write out the old form, using x and y as the old x1 and y1, and calculating x2 and y2 from the rectangle's width and height. Each put method takes a field name as one argument and a value for that field as the other—the type of the value determines which overloaded form of put is invoked (one for each primitive type and Object). In this way the default serialization of the original class has been emulated and the serialized format preserved.

When a Rectangle object is deserialized, the reverse process occurs. Our readObject method gets an ObjectInputStream.GetField that allows access to fields by name from the serialized object. There is a get method for returning each primitive type, and one for returning an Object reference. Each get method takes two parameters: the name of the field and a value to return if it is not defined in the serialized object. The return value's type chooses which overload of get is used: A short return value will use the get that returns a short, for example. In our example, all values are double: We get the x1 and y1 fields to use for one corner of the rectangle, and the old x2 and y2 fields to calculate width and height.

Using the above technique the new Rectangle class can deserialize old rectangle objects and a new serialized rectangle can be deserialized by the original Rectangle class, provided that both virtual machines are using compatible versions of the serialization stream protocol. The stream protocol defines the actual layout of serialized objects in the stream regardless of whether they use default serialization or the serialized field objects. This means that the serialized form of an object is not dependent on, for example, the order in which you invoke put, nor do you have to know the order in which to invoke get—you can use get or put to access fields in any order any number of times.

The Externalizable Interface

The Externalizable interface extends Serializable. A class that implements Externalizable takes complete control over its serialized state, assuming responsibility for all the data of its superclasses, any versioning issues, and so on. You may need this, for example, when a repository for serialized objects mandates restrictions on the form of those objects that are incompatible with the provided serialization mechanism. The Externalizable interface has two methods:

public interface Externalizable extends Serializable {
    void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
        throws IOException;
    void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

These methods are invoked when the object is serialized and deserialized, respectively. They are normal public methods, so the exact type of the object determines which implementation will be used. Subclasses of an externalizable class will often need to invoke their superclass's implementation before serializing or deserializing their own state—in contrast to classes that use normal serialization.

You should note that the methods of the interface are public and so can be invoked by anyone at anytime. In particular, a malicious program might invoke readExternal to make an object overwrite its state from some serialized stream, possibly with invented content. If you are designing classes where such security counts you have to take this into account either by not using Externalizable or by writing your readExternal method to be only invoked once, and never at all if the object was created via one of your constructors.

Documentation Comment Tags

As you can see from the Rectangle code, the serialized form of an object can be an important thing, separate from its runtime form. This can happen over time due to evolution, or by initial design when the runtime form is not a good serialized form. When you write serializable classes that others will reimplement, you should document the persistent form so that other programmer's can properly re-implement the serialized form as well as the runtime behavior. You do this with the special javadoc tags @serial, @serialField, and @serialData.

Use @serial to document fields that use default serialization. For example, the original Rectangle class could have looked like this:

/** X-coordinate of one corner.
 *  @serial */
private double x1;
/** Y-coordinate of one corner.
 *  @serial */
private double y1;
/** X-coordinate of opposite corner.
 *  @serial */
private double x2;
/** Y-coordinate of opposite corner.
 *  @serial */
private double y2;

The @serial tag can include a description of the meaning of the field. If none is given (as above), then the description of the runtime field will be used. The javadoc tool will add all @serial information to a page, known as the serialized form page.

The @serial tag can also be applied to a class or package with the single argument include or exclude, to control whether serialization information is documented for that class or package. By default public and protected types are included, otherwise they are excluded. A class level @serial tag overrides a package level @serial tag.

The @serialField tag documents fields that are created by GetField and PutField invocations, such as those in our Rectangle example. The tag takes first the field name, then its type, and then a description. For example:

/** @serialField x1 double X-coordinate of one corner. */
/** @serialField y1 double Y-coordinate of one corner. */
/** @serialField x2 double X-coordinate of other corner. */
/** @serialField y2 double Y-coordinate of other corner. */
private transient double x, y, width, height;

You use the @serialData tag in the doc comment for a writeObject method to document any additional data written by the method. You can also use @serialData to document anything written by an Externalizable class's writeExternal method.

The IOException Classes

Every I/O-specific error detected by classes in is signaled by an IOException or a subclass. Most I/O classes are designed to be general, so most of the exceptions cannot be listed specifically. For example, InputStream methods that throw IOException cannot detail which particular exceptions might be thrown, because any particular input stream class might throw a subclass of IOException for particular error conditions relevant to that stream. And the filter input and output streams pass through exceptions only from their downstream objects, which can also be of other stream types.

The specific subclasses of IOException used in the package are

  • CharConversionException extends IOException

    • Thrown when a character conversion problem occurs in a character stream operation that must convert local character codes to Unicode or vice versa.

  • EOFException extends IOException

    • Thrown when the end of the file (stream) is detected while reading.

  • FileNotFoundException extends IOException

    • Thrown when the attempt to access the file specified by a given pathname fails—presumably because the file does not exist.

  • InterruptedIOException extends IOException

    • Thrown when a blocking I/O operation detects that the current thread has been interrupted before or during the operation. In principle, except for the Print stream methods, interrupting a thread should cause this exception if the thread is performing a blocking I/O operation. In practice most implementations only check for interruption before performing an operation and do not respond to interruption during the operation (see page 515) so you cannot rely on the ability to interrupt a blocked thread. This exception is also used to signify that a time-out occurred during network I/O.

  • InvalidClassException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when the serialization mechanism detects a problem with a class: The serial version of the class does not match that read from the stream, the class contains unknown data types, or the class does not have an accessible no-arg constructor when needed.

  • InvalidObjectException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when the validateObject method cannot make the object valid, thus aborting the deserialization.

  • NotActiveException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when a serialization method, such as defaultReadObject, is invoked when serialization is not under way on the stream.

  • NotSerializableException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown either by the serialization mechanism or explicitly by a class when a class cannot be serialized.

  • ObjectStreamException extends IOException

    • The superclass for all the Object stream related exceptions.

  • OptionalDataException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when the optional data (that is, not part of default serialization) in the object input stream is corrupt or was not read by the reading method.

  • StreamCorruptedException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when internal object stream state is missing or invalid.

  • SyncFailedException extends IOException

    • Thrown by FileDescriptor.sync when the data cannot be guaranteed to have been written to the underlying media.

  • UnsupportedEncodingException extends IOException

    • Thrown when an unknown character encoding is specified.

  • UTFDataFormatException extends IOException

    • Thrown by DataInputStream.readUTF when the string it is reading has malformed UTF syntax.

  • WriteAbortedException extends ObjectStreamException

    • Thrown when an exception occurred during a serialization write operation.

In addition to these specific exceptions, other exceptional conditions in are signaled with an IOException containing a string that describes the specific error encountered. For example, using a Piped stream object that has never been connected throws an exception object with a detail string such as "Pipenot connected", and trying to push more than the allowed number of characters onto a PushbackReader throws an exception with the string "Pushbackbuffer overflow". Such exceptions are difficult to catch explicitly, so this style of exception reporting is not in favor. Specific exception subtypes should be created for each category of exceptional circumstance.

A Taste of New I/O

The java.nio package (“New I/O”) and its subpackages give you access to high performance I/O, albeit with more complexity. Instead of a simple stream model you have control over buffers, channels, and other abstractions to let you get maximum speed for your I/O needs. This is recommended only for those who have a demonstrated need.

The model for rapid I/O is to use buffers to walk through channels of primitive types. Buffers are containers for data and are associated with channels that connect to external data sources. There are buffer types for all primitive types: A FloatBuffer works with float values, for example. The ByteBuffer is more general; it can handle any primitive type with methods such as getFloat and putLong. MappedByteBuffer helps you map a large file into memory for quick access. You can use character set decoders and encoders to translate buffers of bytes to and from Unicode.

Channels come from objects that access external data, namely files and sockets. FileInputStream has a getChannel method that returns a channel for that stream, as do RandomAccessFile,, and others.

Here is some code that will let you efficiently access a large text file in a specified encoding:

public static int count(File file, String charSet, char ch)
    throws IOException
    Charset charset = Charset.forName(charSet);
    CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
    FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();

    // Get the file's size and then map it into memory
    long size = fc.size();
    MappedByteBuffer bb =, 0, size);
    CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode(bb);
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size && i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++)
        if (cb.charAt(i) == ch)
    return count;

We use a FileInputStream to get a channel for the file. Then we create a mapped buffer for the entire file. What a “mapped buffer” does may vary with the platform, but for large files (greater than a few tens of kilobytes) you can assume that it will be at least as efficient as streaming through the data, and nearly certainly much more efficient. We then get a decoder for the specified character set, which gives us a CharBuffer from which to read.[4]

The CharBuffer not only lets you read (decoded) characters from the file, it also acts as a CharSequence and, therefore, can be used with the regular expression mechanism.

In addition to high-performance I/O, the new I/O package also provides a different programming model that allows for non-blocking I/O operations to be performed. This is an advanced topic well beyond the scope of this book, but suffice it to say that this allows a small number of threads to efficiently manage a large number of simultaneous I/O connections.

There is also a reliable file locking mechanism: You can lock a FileChannel and receive a java.nio.channels.FileLock object that represents either a shared or exclusive lock on a file. You can release the FileLock when you are done with it.


Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.

 --Virginia Woolf

[1] Yes, another misspelling

[2] The first key field is the word “rose” in Tibetan.

[3] These methods are private because they should never be overridden and they should never be invoked by anyone using or subclassing your class. The serialization mechanism gains access to these private methods using reflection to disable the language level access control (see page 426). Of course this can only happen if the current security policy allows it—see “Security” on page 677.

[4] Note that there is an unfortunate discrepancy between the ability to map huge files and the fact that the returned buffer has a capacity that is limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

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