Upgrading to a newer version

Common extensions like the e-Commerce extensions are updated quite frequently. We recommend that you check, the version of the extension that is in use in your website at TYPO3 TER; you can verify which versions are available.

You can check extensions and the available versions in the Ext Manager. Choose Import extensions from the top menu and click on the Retrieve/Update button.

Upgrading to a newer version

After the data update, you should choose Check for extension updates from the top menu. You will see a list of extensions that has the newest versions. If there are no newer versions of the extensions, this list will be empty.

Upgrading to a newer version

You can check for the extension update manually too, using the TYPO3 TER website:


You can type the title of the extension that you want to check for updates and compare it with the version that is in use. If a newer version is found, and it is compatible with the TYPO3 version and PHP version on the server side, you can download it. In the Ext manager, you should choose Import extensions from the top menu and choose Overwrite any existing extension.

Upgrading to a newer version
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