Chapter 14: Building and Managing an SEO Team

If you have a large website, it is important to consider either hiring a team to work with you or hiring a SEO company to help you optimize your website.


Find the Best SEO Companies

Hire an SEO Expert on Elance

Post a Job on Elance

Hire an SEO Expert on oDesk

Post an SEO Job on oDesk

Create a Freedcamp Project

Find the Best SEO Companies

When you search for an SEO company to help you optimize your website, you need to make sure it is trustworthy and professional. You do not want to hire a company that might perform the wrong SEO steps or take your money for doing virtually nothing. Thus, finding the right SEO company for your needs means reviewing different companies in the market. You can do this by reading reviews of SEO companies or visiting trusted SEO forums that recommend SEO companies to hire. The / website lists the best web marketing service providers based on categories, including the SEO companies.

Find the SEO Best Companies


001 Type in the web browser and press ent.eps.


The TopSEOs page appears.

002 Position your mouse pointer over View Rankings.

003 Click Search Engine Optimization.


The Top 100 SEO Companies page appears.

004 Click one of the companies.


The SEO company information and reviews appears.

Hire an SEO Expert on Elance

If you do not want to hire an entire company and spend a lot of money on SEO techniques that you can do yourself, you can simply hire an SEO expert to assist you in optimizing your website. You can use someone who works remotely, which means the person works from a different location outside your company and delivers the work through the Internet, and as an independent contractor. One of the services you can use to hire an independent contractor is Elance at On the website, you can hire a SEO expert or post a job request, and other experts can apply for your job.

Hire an SEO Expert on Elance


001 Type in the web browser and press ent.eps.


The Elance page appears.

002 Click Sign In.

Note: If you do not already have an account, you can create one by clicking the Join link in the top-right of the Elance web page.


The Welcome to Elance Sign In page appears.

003 Type your username or E-mail address.

004 Type your password.

005 Click Sign In.


Your Elance personal page appears.

006 Position your mouse pointer over Hire.

Elance provides a marketplace, with many categories, where professionals and employers can meet. When you try to find a good SEO service provider, you must search for prospects with strong skills and experience with projects and websites similar to yours. Some SEO experts are only good at promoting small sites, while others can really help with websites that are larger and more complex. To find an SEO expert who matches your needs, either search for candidates using the left menu options or type SEO in the search field at the top of the search contractor page.


007 Click Search Contractors.


The Search Contractors page appears.

008 Scroll down to the By Tested Skills menu on the left.


The By Tested Skills menu comes into view.

009 Click the down arrow (9781118675373-ma002.tif) and select Search Engine Optimization from the drop-down list.


A The SEO contractors appear.

Post a Job on Elance

Along with searching for experts on Elance, you can also add a job posting where you include details about your project and outline the SEO help that you need for your website. When contractors see your job post, they apply to it with their cost bids and you are notified. Then you can review and communicate with each contractor to choose the best fit for the job and the price that works with your budget. After you reach an agreement with one of the contractors, you are ready to assign him the job.

Post a Job on Elance


001 Position your mouse pointer over Hire.

002 Click Post a Job.


The Job Description form appears.

003 Complete the form by clicking and selecting your options.

004 Click Continue.


The Job Verify package selection appears.

005 Click Select to choose the package of your choice.

Note: When you choose the Verified package, a Verification Seal appears next to your profile to help you attract more candidates, as well as indicate that you are serious about the job.


The Job Preview page appears.

006 Click Post This Job.

After the job is approved by the Elance team, you will start receiving bids from contractors and freelancers who are interested.

Hire an SEO Expert on oDesk

Odesk is another online workplace website that connects you with different experts and service buyers around the world, including ones in SEO and web marketing services. oDesk allows you to search for contractors among their huge database or you can post a job contractors can apply for. It has a wide database of users because it is free and it does not require payments from contractors. Instead it takes a 10 percent charge from the contractor’s rate or the job revenue if it is a fixed rate job. When you search online for SEO help, it is wise to consider various online workspace websites; this way you can find the best, and most reliable, contractors.

Hire an SEO Expert on oDesk


001 Type in the web browser and press ent.eps.

002 Click Log in.


The oDesk login page appears.

003 Type your username.

004 Type your password.

005 Click Sign In.

Note: If you do not have an account, click Sign up to create an account. Make sure to click I need a contractor to create a buyer profile, post jobs, and search contractors.


The oDesk home page appears.

006 Click Find Contractors.


The categories appear.

007 Click SEO - Search Engine Optimization.

The contractors with SEO skills database link appears.

Post an SEO Job on oDesk

When you post a job listing on oDesk, include the SEO help you seek, job details, the skills you need, and the estimated cost and timeframe. You can post the job for all public contractors to view or set it to remain hidden. With a hidden job, you invite contractors to review the job; therefore, public contractors cannot see it or apply for it. When you identify potential contractors, you can interview them through different channels, including e-mail; phone interviews; Skype, Yahoo, and MSN chat applications; and conference applications such as Adobe Connect and WebEx.

Post an SEO Job on oDesk


001 On the oDesk buyer profile home page, click Post a Job.


The new job form appears.

002 Click the Category pop-up menu and select Sales & Marketing.

003 Click the Subcategory pop-up menu and select SEO - Search Engine Optimization.

004 Type the job title.

005 Type the job description.

006 Scroll down to complete the form.


007 Type the desired skills.

008 Click the Job Type option to select the job type (9781118675373-ma006.tif changes to 9781118675373-ma007.tif).

009 Click the Estimated Duration pop-up menu and select the duration of the job.

010 Click the Estimated Workload pop-up menu and select the number of hours per week.

011 Click the Contractor Preference options that apply to the position (9781118675373-ma004.tif changes to 9781118675373-ma005.tif).

012 Click the Job Post Visibility option to determine who can view the job posting (9781118675373-ma006.tif changes to 9781118675373-ma007.tif).

013 Click Post a Job.


The Job appears in your profile. After oDesk approves it, you will start to receive contractor submissions for the job.

Create a Freedcamp Project

The SEO process is complex and requires you to do a lot of small tasks on a regular basis until you achieve your target results. Therefore, it is important to manage the workflow for these tasks well, especially when there is a team helping you. Many project management tools help you keep up-to-date with your team’s progress. One of these free, comprehensive tools is Freedcamp, which allows you to create multiple projects and add tasks to each one. It also allows you to invite team members to work on projects and manage them through the Freedcamp platform.

Create a Freedcamp Project


001 Type in your web browser and press ent.eps.

002 Click Login.

Note: If you do not have an account, click Sign Up to create a new account.


The Login page appears.

003 Type your e-mail address.

004 Type your password.

005 Click Login.


The Dashboard page appears.

006 Click Create Project.


The Add Project dialog box appears.

007 Type the project name.

008 Click the Project Group pop-up menu and select the type of project.

009 Type a description of the project.

010 Click Next.

Freed Camp projects give you the option to install modules known as applications. These applications are tools such as the To-dos list that allows you to create tasks and assign these tasks to experts on your team. The Discussions module enables you to discuss the project with the team and archive these discussions; and you use Milestones to schedule important dates in the delivery timeline for the project. You can also upload files up to 20MB and share them, and you can upgrade your account to get more storage space.


The Applications dialog box appears.

011 Click Install next to the application you want in the project.

012 Click Next.


The Invitations for SEO Process dialog box appears.

013 Type the team member’s e-mail address that you would like to invite to the project.

014 Click Next.


The Project Created dialog box appears.

015 Click Close.


016 Click Choose Project.

017 Click the project you created.

The project dashboard appears to let you manage it.

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