Teach Yourself VISUALLY™ Search Engine Optimization

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Understanding the SEO Process

Introducing Search Engine Optimization

Consider SEO Techniques

Discover Search Engine Optimization

Understanding How People Use Search

Using Different Types of Searches

Understanding the Search Page Layout

Explore Different Search Engines

Set Up a Default Search Engine

Chapter 2: Preparing Your Website for SEO

Find a Website Niche

Analyze Topics and Trends

Understanding Web Hosting

Choose a Web Host

Choose the Website Domain

Create a Privacy Policy Page

Create Website Forms

Check Browser Compatibility

Check Your Website with Adobe BrowserLab

Check Your Website with Screenfly

Chapter 3: Building an SEO Friendly Website

Plan for an Optimized Website

Create a Website Sitemap

Create a Robots.txt File

Using the Nofollow Attribute

Build an .htaccess File

Protect Website Images with .htaccess

Redirect Non-WWW Traffic to WWW

Work with 301 Redirects

Scan Errors with W3C Markup Validation

Chapter 4: Mastering Keywords

Understanding Keywords

Analyze Keywords with SEMrush

Analyze Bing Search with SEMrush

Analyze Keywords with Keyword Discovery

Compare Keywords with Yahoo Clues

Work with the YouTube Keyword Tool

Analyze Your Website with Web SEO Analytics

Chapter 5: Building On-Page SEO

Build an HTML Document

Add a Page Title Meta Tag

Add a Page Description Meta Tag

Add a Page Keyword Meta Tag

Add Author and Copyright Meta Tags

Save an HTML Document

Optimize Image Filenames and Alt Attributes

Optimize Your Website Content

Chapter 6: Building Off-Page SEO

Find the Domain History

Review Website Backlinks

Gather Website Information

Compare Traffic for Websites

Check a Link Partner’s Page Rank

Submit Your Website to a Link Directory

Submit to the Article Directories

Get Paid Backlinks

Write Guest Posts

Submit Press Releases

Submit Your Site to Link Exchange

Request a Link Exchange

Chapter 7: Working with Content

Build Optimized Content

Check Duplicated Content

Compare Website Content

Check Content Grammar and Spelling

Check Keyword Density

Create a RSS Feed with FeedBurner

Create a Feed Subscription Form

Work with Professional Writing Services

Chapter 8: Working with Google Analytics

Create a Google Analytics Account

Install Google Analytics Code

Create a New Analytics Account

Add a New Property Website

View Website Analytics

Add Multiple Users

View Real-Time Statistics

Exclude Traffic from a Specific IP

Set a Conversion Goal

Find Website Keywords

Chapter 9: Using Search Engine Webmaster Tools

Add a Website to a Google Webmaster Account

Verify Your Website for Google Webmaster Tools

Submit a Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

Configure Google Webmaster Tools Settings

Check for Google Crawling Errors

Preview Your Website as Googlebots

Submit a Website to the Bing Webmaster

Use the Bing SEO Analyzer

Chapter 10: Working with Social Media and SEO

Understanding Social Media Marketing

Create a Facebook Page for Your Business

Create a Google Plus Business Page

Create a Twitter Account for Your Website

Manage Social Accounts Using HootSuite

Work with Social Bookmarking Sites

Chapter 11: Working with AdWords

Create an AdWords Campaign

Create an Ad Group

Using the Keyword Tool

Using the Traffic Estimator Tool

Using the Contextual Targeting Tool

Work with Analyze Competitions

Chapter 12: Applying SEO to WordPress Blogs

Understanding WordPress CMS

Install the W3 Total Cache Plugin

Configure the W3 Total Cache

Set Up the All in One SEO Plugin

Set Up Permalinks

Install the SEO Friendly Images Plugin

Chapter 13: Monetizing Your Website

Explore Advertising Revenue Types

Consider the Advertising Formats

Create AdSense Ads

Modify Existing AdSense Ads

Block AdSense Advertisers’ URLs

Block Ads Using the Ad Review Center

Position AdSense Ads

Create Chitika Ads

Work with Commission Conjunction

Work with BuySellAds

Chapter 14: Building and Managing an SEO Team

Find the Best SEO Companies

Hire an SEO Expert on Elance

Post a Job on Elance

Hire an SEO Expert on oDesk

Post an SEO Job on oDesk

Create a Freedcamp Project

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