In Part 5, we provide insight into the key stages of the evolution of 31Practices at a number of different levels. We have chosen to present the developments of 31Practices as they occurred, through application in partnership with client organizations. This learning took place with organizations of very different sizes and business contexts. As we support our clients to learn and develop, we continue to refine 31Practices as we learn from each application.

This part also provides insight into the impact of 31Practices in diverse business contexts. We present the application of 31Practices at a single site, private members’ club, at multiple sites across the UK for one of the “Big Four” banks, and multiple sites globally for the property division of a blue chip corporate organization.

We finish off with a more in-depth case study at a mixed use property development in the south of England.

The chapters in Part 5 are light and short, designed to give you a flavour rather than detail an exhaustive account.

These multiple insights into the application of 31Practices underline how the approach is tailored for each organization in order for it to be integrated and part of “the way we do things around here”.

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