Dr Alison Whybrow

Alison is an award winning Chartered and Registered Psychologist and Supervisor who coaches senior and high potential leaders across industry sectors. Alison works with individual and system strengths, combining theoretical depth and pragmatism. She brings academic and practical depth with 20 years of experience working with clients in heavy industry, banking, health and media.

Alison has a depth of technical knowledge, underpinned by her Doctorate exploring the Employment Relationship and Organisational Design. She is well known as a contributor in coaching circles and passionate about good practice.

In her work, Alison acts as a catalyst to enable her clients to see more clearly their impact, discover and pursue their core purpose, and deliver. Her work with individuals and groups enables them to develop resources and abilities to coach themselves when faced with future challenges. She brings rigor, a systemic lens and challenge.

Alison works across sectors with global brands. Her clients include individuals from financial organisations, Private Equity investment executives, Partners in Law firms, Military Commanders, Senior Civil Servants, individual Entrepreneurs, Learning and Development specialists, and emerging talent. Client organisations include the MoD, NATO, NHS based organisations (including NHS trusts), BSkyB, CitiBank.

Alison holds a degree and doctorate in Psychology, is professionally qualified as a Chartered and Registered Psychologist, an accredited Master of Change with La Marsh & Associates, holds a foundation in counselling from Regents College (London) and is accredited to use diverse profiling tools. Alison received an Achievement Award for her Distinguished Contribution to Coaching Psychology from peers in the British Psychological Society in 2009.

Alan Williams

Alan coaches service sector organizations, internationally and in the UK to deliver inspiring service for competitive advantage. He created the 31Practices concept and approach.

With more than 20 years senior leadership experience in customer service based businesses, Alan has a track record of success in devising holistic SERVICEBRAND strategies and then using deep operational experience to turn the creative thinking into sustainable, practical reality. Alan has applied this approach as a consultant and a Board director, in operational and functional support roles and for global blue chip organizations as well as smaller entrepreneurial companies. He has enjoyed roles with InterContinental Hotels, Whitbread, Compass/RBS and Marriott International before founding SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL in 2005. His projects have delivered remarkable business impact across a balanced scorecard of measures.

Alan is at his best when given the opportunity to push the boundaries to inspire groups of people across functions, organizations and hierarchy to be proud of their role in delivering memorable customer experience. He thrives on leading the transformation of service, culture and behaviour and is an expert facilitator of experiential learning workshops.

Alan graduated in Hotel & Catering Administration at Surrey University where he has been a visiting lecturer, was a global train the trainer for the Marriott International Spirit to Serve programme and attended the Whitbread Leadership Course at London Business School. He served as President of the Meetings Industry Association, is a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality, a Board member of the British Quality Foundation and a Steering Group member of the recently formed UK Values Alliance.

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