
Normal and Everyday

Conversation! It's the most common thing in the world – so normal, so natural, so everywhere, so everyday. All over the globe, people are talking to each other. “It's good to talk,” as the advert says. “Talking, talking happy talk,” to quote the song.

Seeing that we all do so much of it, surely we can all do conversation? Humans talk to each other – we are essentially social beings; that's what we do. I'm pretty sure the caveman had some way of communicating to his mate, “How does that fire-making thing work?” Many of us don't think twice before we open our mouth to communicate – it's the most spontaneous thing in the world.

But how we talk, ah, that is the question. Most of us learned how to converse with other people haphazardly through copying the habits of our parents and carers. Most of us didn't learn the subtleties of conversation at school – at least, not formally! We never learned to appreciate the extraordinary potential of conversation, nor how to do it well. The art of conversation is perhaps the most commonly neglected skill on the globe. If you do command the art of conversation when you are young, you have a tremendous advantage in life in all sorts of ways.

The word “conversation” is a humble one. A thesaurus offers a long list of more weighty and impressive words to express the idea of talking to each other. There's discussion, exchange, dialogue, discourse, parley, colloquy … You've probably seen books on persuasion, debate, tendering or selling. Governments engage in talks; national envoys handle negotiations; the media cover international summit conferences. But the common ingredient of all these grander concepts is conversation – it's the basic building block of our connection with each other. There aren't many days – depending on your circumstances – that you don't have several conversations! In fact, a day without any conversation probably stands out as an unusual day – a lonely day even.

The Key to Many Doors

So if conversation is the basis of human contact, the ability to converse well with people has a lot going for it. Learn to hold a conversation skilfully and you have a magic ingredient for wellbeing, success and happiness in many areas of your life.

Take relationships: how you engage in conversation makes a profound difference to the quality of your connection with other human beings. It's the basis of building new relationships and making new friends. It's how you become intimate with someone. “How did Mary agree to marry you?” I asked a friend. “I engaged her in conversation – I mean, I chatted her up!” came the reply. It's the way you improve your current relationships and understand other people better. It's the way you heal relationships that are not working, whether on a personal or a professional level.

Conversation creates good times too. An entertaining conversation is a source of fun and laughter. Did you ever joke in the playground with school friends or whisper conspiratorially in class? Do you enjoy those special moments of snatched personal conversation by the water cooler at work, or chatting with a stranger in a pub – a place especially conducive to entertaining conversations? You may find out something interesting you didn't know before. You may walk away from a conversation fascinated or amused, moved, enlightened or inspired.

In the workplace, the ability to engage confidently in conversation is a vital, though surprisingly untapped, skill that has the potential to take you far. It eases your relationships with colleagues and bosses. It serves you well in interviews, meetings and reviews. The ability to talk easily with anyone enables you to enjoy networking and make the most of opportunities that come your way. It makes you sound articulate and confident, able to hold your own in debate; it gets you noticed, furthers your career and smoothes your path to promotion.

Skilful conversation helps you to uncover the truth and make wise decisions about people. Then you recruit with discernment and give responsibility to the right people. The best negotiators have highly developed conversational skills. How do you influence and persuade other people of your point of view, or indeed sell them an idea or a product? You'll probably be most successful through engaging them in conversation.

In today's world there are many ways to learn, but it is often said that the best teaching is a conversation with an open channel between teacher and pupil. Lucky is the child who learned good conversation early. “The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home,” asserted William Temple, inspirational Archbishop of Canterbury during World War II. Excitement and motivation in learning are aroused by live conversation. You may remember a particular schoolteacher who had a major influence on you through inspirational conversation.

Educational discourse goes right back to the Greeks and earlier. Socrates was renowned for his much imitated method of philosophical enquiry. In our own times, some of the most exciting scientific discoveries have been the outcome of conversations between experts of different disciplines. The discovery of DNA, successes in magnetic resonance imaging, chaos theory, radar, human genome sequencing and manned space flight have all been the result of scientists from different disciplines talking to each other, sharing information and sparking ideas off each other. Multidisciplinary conversations have become a major pursuit in universities around the world.

When we look at leaders and politicians, the ability not only to speak articulately but also to engage in robust dialogue is a vital skill, yet given strangely low priority in the state educational system. In policing and the law, fact-finding and interrogating demand a highly skilled command of conversation. On a world scale, conversation between civilizations builds bridges and promotes peace. As the television producer Mark Burnett once said, “I learned first hand that there would simply be no wars if people engaged in real conversation.”

Conversation is the basis of the helping and healing professions, counselling, therapy, mentoring and coaching – highly skilled vocations where a good part of the skill lies in the ability to hold a simple conversation with subtlety and intuition.

Good conversational skills can transform every aspect of your world. At its best, it can lead you to experience some of the most rewarding and profound moments of your life. The simplest conversation can hold a hidden thread of the most intimate and beautiful connection … if you know the secret.

What This Book Is and Isn't

In this book you'll discover how conversation functions and how to make it work for you. Books already exist on making friends and influencing people, networking for success, holding assertive conversations, difficult conversations, persuasion and much more. We will explore some of these areas too, but if you understand how conversation itself works, and can do conversation at it's simplest, you have an invaluable tool to use in every part of your life for pleasure, profit and love. You could choose to read 25 books on 25 different kinds of conversations, but the key is conversation itself. With this practical knowledge you can do it all!

So explore its hidden parameters and build your self-confidence, starting from here and now.

The first part of the book shows you how conversation works like a dance, with both parties equally engaged. The connection they build between them is key, and I give you lots of hints and tips to help you connect well with people. I offer practical help if you're daunted, nervous, don't know what to say, or ramble and rattle on. I show you how to manage your state, trust yourself and feel more comfortable talking with people. Finally, I introduce you to the practical basics of getting a satisfying conversation going and how to keep the other person interested. Learning how to listen dynamically is an important element, with more to it than meets the eye – or ear!

In the second part of the book you build the skills to be a powerful communicator. You find out how to influence the other person and to direct the talk towards particular outcomes. I introduce you to a powerful method for taking conversation to different levels, so that you are able to move a conversation from everyday comments towards greater understanding and intimacy. You discover how to express yourself more powerfully and authentically with voice and body language, and how to use intellect, feeling and intuition as you speak.

In the third part of the book you take conversation out into your daily life to deal with common difficulties you might encounter, such as getting stuck or dealing with people who play mind games. You discover valuable skills for disagreeing with people without losing connection, and for confronting others when necessary.

This leads us in the final part to explore the beautiful depths and possibilities of communication with each other. There are conversations that changed history and changed the world, and there are conversations that change your world.

Icons to guide you

You'll find icons scattered throughout the book to guide you to particular features and focus on important bits.

So now you're ready to go. Read the book from cover to cover, or dip in and out of different sections – whatever suits you best.

Of course I can't pin down the full range of glorious, moving, world-changing, creative, exciting, sexy, gentle, compassionate, kind and moving conversations over the globe. But even to explore a little our communication with each other opens up a chink on a world that deserves our close attention. Enjoy the book, and happy talking!

“Speech is civilization itself. The word, even the most contradictory word, preserves contact – it is silence which isolates.”

– Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain

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