Chapter 2

Usernames and Passwords for Websites


This chapter talks about how to select a username and password so that they are easy to remember, yet hard for someone else to figure out.


username; password; passphrase

Information in This Chapter

• Picking a username

• Picking a password

• “Strong” passwords

• Unique passwords

• Remembering all your passwords

• Two-factor authentication

• The more important, the longer they should be

This chapter talks about how to select usernames and passwords that are easy to remember while being hard for someone else to figure out so that people can’t easily get into your accounts.

Picking a username

When getting signed up for a website, you are asked for a variety of information such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and, most importantly, a username and password. Selecting the username and password is very important. This is especially true of the username as often you can’t change the username once you have signed up for the service.

When picking a username, it is important to select a username that is easy to remember but isn’t going to be all that easy for someone to guess. If the username is displayed, on a chat forum website, for example, then this obviously becomes much less important as the username will probably be displayed on the website for all the users to see. At the very least, when selecting usernames for use on Internet websites, you want to have two different usernames, one for casual use websites like Twitter, Facebook, and any other sites that you use and a second username for use on sites that would include your banking websites and any other sort of financial institution’s websites. The reason for this is that while many websites out there take a lot of care in ensuring that their customers' information isn’t going to be compromised, it isn’t worth the risk of using the same username for multiple websites. There have been several data breaches that have happened over the years. One in particular affected people across the widest range of social factors because the data breach happened to users of the website You can read more about this data breach at When part of the user list for eHarmony was leaked, this was a wake-up call to a lot of people about how they should be setting up usernames and passwords for websites as anyone who was using the same username and password for their eHarmony account and for their banking information had just had someone else have access to their banking username and password.

Many people like to use their e-mail address for their banking website or credit card company website. Doing this is very convenient as it is very easy to remember your own e-mail address. However, if the attacker is able to figure out your e-mail address, which really isn’t all that hard most of the time, you’ve now given the attacker one of the two pieces of information required to get into your bank account. Because of this, it is recommended that you use a username that is not an e-mail address for all banking and financial websites. This way, if someone was going to attempt to break into your online banking profile, they wouldn’t have access to your username just by knowing what your e-mail address is. If you have multiple e-mail accounts using one for social networking and friends to contact you on and a second e-mail address that is used only for banking information, then using the e-mail address that you only use for banking information should be a fairly safe practice, but only if that e-mail address is never given out to anyone other than the bank.


Usernames in the real world

It is all well and good to tell people to pick a username that is hard for others to figure out. In reality, this usually doesn’t work out all that well. Many websites that have any sort of chat board or social networking aspect to them will publically display the username on the website. For websites that have a chat feature or a social networking component and that show the username on the site, make sure that you select a username that is different from the username that you use on sites such as banking websites and other websites that handle your financial data.

When selecting the username, make sure that you don’t include any sort of descriptive information in the username. Specific things to avoid include where you live or were born, your birthdate, or any information beyond your name that could be used to identify you other than your name. Beyond these simple rules, your username can be just about anything that you want. The reason that we don’t want to include any sort of additional personal information in the username is that this personal information will probably be used as the answers to the security questions that you would need to answer if you forgot your password. While putting something like the year of your birth into the username, marks1972, for example, will probably make it more likely that the username is available, you’ve just told a potential attacker what one of the answers to the security question is. A perfect example of figuring this information from someone else is shown during a video that was recorded during the Defcon conference in 2010. You can watch this video at This video does have some language that one might find offensive, be warned. The presentation starts about 3 minutes into the video, and the part where the presenter talks about using the usernames to figure out the birthdate of the person who stole his computer starts about 13 minutes into the video.


Where “mrdenny” came from

• I often get asked how I came up with the handle and username “mrdenny.” The story is actually shockingly boring. When I begin working for the Internet Service Provider (ISP) EarthLink Network in Pasadena, CA, we had to select e-mail addresses for our personal accounts, which we got as part of working there. The e-mail address [email protected] had already been taken by another person, which really surprised me, and at the time we couldn’t reuse e-mail addresses, even if we worked there.

• The instructor in the training was named Don Taylor and when we started he choose mrdontay as his e-mail address. So I decided that was a good idea and went with [email protected] figuring that I could always change it later. Well it turned out that I ended up liking the username and it ended up sticking with me. Sadly I don’t own that first e-mail address anymore from EarthLink Network (now known as EarthLink, Inc.) but the handle mrdenny has stuck around for the last 15 years or so. Because I’ve been using it for so long, people know that they can find me on Twitter, Facebook, and lots of other sites using the username.

• While you may not have a similar story for selecting your username, having a handle that’s easily recognizable as you makes it easier for people to figure out if it’s you or not.

• Of course, I only use the username “mrdenny” for my public persona; for things like banking, I use a completely different username, which I’m the only one who knows.

Picking a password

Picking a password requires much more care than picking your username. Passwords should be strong and unique for each website. Passwords that are strong have very specific characteristics. There are four groups of characters on the standard keyboard: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters (typically found on the number keys when you hold the shift key down). For passwords to be considered strong, they need to contain at least three of those four types of characters. If you use all four of types of characters, that is even better. In addition to using at least three of the character types, the password should be at least eight characters long. The reason that we want to have passwords to be long is to increase the complexity of the password. The more complex the password is, the harder it will be for someone to brute-force attack the password. This is talked about more in the following section. The end result of a password that is very long is that it takes someone so long to attempt to guess the password by using a brute-force method that they simply give up and move on to another person to attempt to attack.

How passwords are figured out

There are a variety of ways for an attacker to figure out what the password for an account is. The first way is the one that is specifically related to having a long and strong password and is the only method of attack that you, the account owner, can help prevent. This attack method is called a brute-force attack. In this kind of attack, the person who is trying to figure out the password basically tries every password possible starting with just a single character up to a password as long as is needed. This is done with scripts and applications that are specifically designed to try the same username with different passwords over and over very quickly. These applications can try usernames and passwords basically as quickly as the website or the application can try the username and password. Websites that are properly built will have protection for a brute-force attack built into the website. This protection will be to only allow a specific number of failed log-in attempts before the user’s account is locked so that no further attempts can be tried. You may have run into this sort of protection on the website when attempting to log into the website and you can’t remember the password. After a few tries (the specific number of tries is completely up to the website developer), the account is locked and you have to either call their customer support department or go through the forgot password process in order to get the account unlocked.

The longer the password is, the longer it will take for the password to be figured out. Just a few years ago, it could take months or years to figure out a password. While just a few years later, a password can be figured out in just days and for just a few dollars. The reason that this is the case is because of the power of cloud computing. Back in the olden days of technology, also known as the mid-1990s, if someone wanted to break into an account, the person trying would typically only have one or two computers at their disposal. In today’s world of cloud computing, hundreds or thousands of computers can be rented from various cloud computing providers for just a few dollars, and all of these computers can be used all at once to try all the various options of passwords all at once. The economics of the cost to brute force a password are changing very rapidly. However, a great article was put together in October of 2009 by a company called Electronic Alchemy and can be read at

Other attack methods involve the attacker breaking into the website through other methods that aren’t anything that we, the end users of the applications, can do anything about. In these attack methods, the attacker downloads the usernames and the encrypted passwords from the website’s database. The attacker then attempts to break the encryption on the passwords. Unfortunately, there is nothing that you as the end user can do to prevent this sort of attack. You as the user of the website need to trust that the website is encrypting the passwords with a strong level of encryption so that if the passwords are attacked, it takes as long as possible to get through the encryption. This leads directly into our next section.

Unique passwords

Every website and application that is used should have a different password setup for it. This makes figuring out which password is used for each application difficult, but it makes the passwords much more secure. The reason that we want to use different passwords for each website is so that if one password is compromised, the attacker doesn’t get access to every website that you use.

When setting up unique passwords, do not include the name of the website as the unique part of the password. Doing so is basically the same as not putting any sort of unique value into the password field as the attacker will easily enough know what the unique value is in your other passwords. For example, if the part of the password that doesn't change was “password” using this format we could put the website name after the password. So if the website that the account was being set up for was, having the password of “passwordbestbuy” would tell the attacker that your password for would be “passwordtarget” and the password for would be “passwordebay,” and so on.

Creating unique passwords

There are a variety of applications that can be used to help you create passwords that should be totally unique for each website. None of these applications are really any better or worse than others. The important thing is that an application is used as they will create passwords that are very random. Different password-generating applications do this in different ways.


Very random is not truly random

If you are a mathematician or other scientist, you are probably looking at the output from your favorite password generator and about to send me an e-mail that they aren’t truly random. Yes, I’m aware that password generators aren’t actual random as they use random number generators within the software in order to create the password. While they aren’t truly random, they are close enough to truly random for the general public to understand that they are random.

While the software does use a predictable algorithm to create the random password, this is ok. In order for someone to be able to recreate the password, using the password generation software would require that they use the same software and the same exact computer and the password will need to be generated at the exact same moment in time. The reason for these requirements is that each piece of software that generates passwords will have its own algorithm that is used to create the password. These pieces of software use the internal device IDs from the computer that they are installed on as well as constantly changing values, such as the date and time, as parts of the algorithm that is used to create the password. This allows for many passwords to be created in a short period of time while having them all be totally random from each other.

One of the password-generating applications is called KeePass. KeePass does a few things for you as the user. The first thing that this application does is create new passwords that are very long and very strong. This allows you to have a truly random and very long password for each unique website that you use. The second thing that the application does is store the passwords in an encrypted database that makes it so that you don’t need to memorize all of these long and strong passwords that are basically impossible to memorize. The passwords within KeePass are stored with usernames as well as the website that the username and password are for, making it very easy for you to copy and paste the information from the KeePass application into the web browser when you need to log into the website.

Using KeePass to create these unique passwords and store them is quite easy. After downloading the KeePass application from and installing the application, open the application and you should see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1 KeePass home screen.

Select the menu item on the left where you want to save usernames and passwords; typically this would be under the Internet option. Right click on the white area on the right-hand side of the screen and select “Add Entry” from the context menu that appears. This will open a window similar to that shown in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2 Add Entry screen within KeePass.

In the title field, enter a title of the entry; typically this would be the URL for the website, for example, In the username field, enter the username for the website that you will be using. The password field and the repeat field are already filled out. Clicking the button with three dots on it will show the generated password. If a more secure password is desired, click the button below the button with three dots, then select “Generate Using Profile,” and then select either the 128-bit profile or the 256-bit profile as shown in Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3 Profile Generation Drop-down Menu.

In the URL field, enter the URL for the website. Clicking the OK button saves the setting into the KeeSave application’s database.


When setting up KeePass or any other password database like KeePass, there is one password that is very important to always remember, that is, the password to the KeePass database. Without this password, you will lose access to all the passwords that were saved within the application. The password that is used for the KeePass application should be a secure password and should not be written down anywhere that anyone can find it. Putting a copy of it in a safe deposit box at the bank would be an acceptable place to store a copy of it; however, you wouldn’t want to keep a copy of it within your home unless you have a wall safe or some other very secure place where it can be stored.

Somewhere that some people like to store the written down version of their KeePass password is in the freezer. Now don’t just stick the piece of paper in the freezer; that won’t do you much good as the moisture within the freezer will destroy the paper pretty quickly. Instead, you’ll want to put the paper into a ziplock bag or better yet a suction bag where you can remove all the air from the bag. Then put the bag with the paper inside it at the very back of the freezer or under all the stuff in the freezer. To make the password more secure, you can get a small cookie tray that is just a little bigger than the paper. Freeze a small amount of water in the bottom of the tray. When it is mostly frozen, put the bag with the paper in the tray, then cover the bag with more water, and put it back in the freezer. The next day you’ll have the bag with the paper in it suspended in ice. Remove it from the tray and put the block of ice in the back of the freeze of under everything. This give you access to the password, but you’ll have to wait a while before you can get to it without damaging the piece of paper.

Modern web browsers can all store usernames and passwords in a secure manner so that you don’t have to type in the username or password or to copy and paste from the password application. The passwords are stored within the web browser setting as encrypted values so the risk of the values being stolen from the web browser settings is very low. That being said, most web browsers make it very easy, sometimes too easy, to view the passwords on the screen. Usually, you just need to go into the settings screen for the various web browsers and there will be a button somewhere where you can view the passwords that are saved. This protects your passwords from being downloaded by someone, but not from someone who sits in front of your computer and has access to view the screen.


A great option when picking a new password is to instead use a passphrase. A passphrase is a normal English (or other language) phrase that you use as your password. An example of a great passphrase to use could be a quote from the Beatles song “A Hard Day’s Night” such as “Itsb3enaharddaysn!ght” which takes the phrase “It’s been a hard day’s night” from the song, removes the spaces, and changes a couple of characters from letters to numbers and characters. Normally, passwords which are considered to be strong are very hard to remember because they are long and have numbers and characters placed throughout the password. Normal passwords are often hard to remember while passphrases which are based on songs, TV shows, movies, famous quotes, etc., are very easy to remember.

Two-factor authentication

Another fantastic way to ensuring a unique password for websites is to use a system called two-factor authentication. With two-factor authentication, there are two pieces of information that are required. The first is a code that you as the user know and the website stores in their system. The second piece of information is a randomly generated number that is generated by either a key fob, an application on your phone, an application on your computer, or a text message sent to your cell phone. Both pieces of information are put into the website’s password field when logging into the website.

Two-factor authentication is nice because the passwords can only be used once, and the random values are only valid for a short period of time. For example, if using a key fob, the key fob generates a new value every 60 seconds and if the password isn’t used within the 60-second window, the password becomes invalid and not able to be used.

As of the time of the writing of this book, in the summer of 2013, there were a wide variety of companies who have made two-factor authentication systems. However, most if not all of these applications are specific to just one or two companies with few companies making their two-factor authentication systems available to other websites or applications. This means that when using two-factor authentication via your phone, you may end up having to have several applications installed on your phone.

Using fob-based systems

Fob-based two-factor authentication systems are probably the oldest example and the easiest to use. The fob, shown in Figure 2.4, doesn’t require any user interaction to use other than to enter the information into the website or application when prompted.


Figure 2.4 Picture of a fob used for two-factor authentication.

These fob-based systems require that you have two pieces of information when using the fob. You need to have the actual device that has the changing number on it as shown in Figure 2.4, but you also need to know a static value that doesn’t change. When logging in with the fob, you take the static value that you know, for example, 1234, and then put the value from the fob after it. Using the value from Figure 2.4, this would mean that the password that would be used to log into the website or application would be “1234497364.”

Using software-based two-factor authentication systems

Software-based two-factor authentication systems, shown in Figure 2.5, work in a very similar method to the fob. The big difference between using the fob-based method and using a software application-based method is that instead of needing a fob for each website that you wish to use, you simply use a single application (or two applications if some websites using Apple’s system and others use Google’s system). This also prevents you from having to carry and track these additional physical fobs instead of putting the two-factor authentication within a device that you are already going to carry with you at all times anyway. Whenever you are using two-factor authentication on your cell phone, be sure to secure your cell phone with the most secure method available on the phone. If you don’t and the phone is lost or stolen, then whoever has the phone also has all of your two-factor authentication codes as well.


Figure 2.5 Showing Google’s two-factor authentication program.

In order to use either Apple or Google’s system when prompted, simply bring up the application on your mobile device and select the site that you wish to use. Then, enter the number as prompted.

Using a text-messaging-based system

Using a text-messaging-based system is just about as easy as using the other systems that have been discussed in this chapter. When using a text-messaging-based system when beginning the log-in process, the website requests a username and a password. Upon entering the correct username and password, the cell phone that is tied to the account is sent a text message that includes a pin code, which can only be used once to log in. The webpage then prompts you to enter this pin number into the website. Typically, when using these pin-based systems, a wrong pin number can only be used three to five times at which point a new pin number is needed. This prevents someone from simply trying all the possible pin numbers to find the correct one.

These text-message-based systems are considered to be pretty secure. One of the reasons for this security is due to the fact that with text messaging, the text message is only delivered once. Even if someone took a SIM card from one cell phone and inserted it into another cell phone, the old text messages wouldn’t be downloaded again. Even if someone was able to gain access to the older codes that had been texted to someone, those codes shouldn’t be valid codes anymore. While it is up to the company that sends the text message to determine how long the codes are valid for, it is usually a short window of time usually just a few minutes or up to an hour.


Not all two-factor authentication is created equal

While one hopes that all the companies that are using two-factor authentication are doing it correctly, this sadly isn’t the case. One prime example is on the Bank of America website. When Bank of America first introduced their two-factor authentication, they did a very, very poor job implementing it. The Bank of America two-factor system is only used to protect the wire transfers and bill pay sections of the website. So far, this sounds like it is set up correctly. While the main part of the password is only protected by the user’s password (which isn’t great but it’ll do), you have to use the two-factor authentication in order to actually get money out of the account.

The problem with Bank of America’s implementation is that to add a cell phone as a two-factor device all, you have to do is log onto the Bank of America website and add the phone to the account. While I’m sure this was done to make it more convenient for their customers, it shows a lack of understanding on the part of the bank on how these systems should work.

The problem with this implementation is that the two-factor authentication is only protected by the primary authentication method, in this case the user’s password. For this system to be done truly properly, adding a phone device would require going into one of Bank of America’s branches and presenting them with proper identification to prove that you are the owner of the account and that the phone number that you wish to use does in fact belong to you.

With the system as it is (as of the writing of this book in the summer of 2013), anyone who has the password for the account has the ability to add a phone to the account; then using that phone, transfer all the money to another account or to an account at another branch.

These text-message-based two-factor authentication systems work fairly well for most people and are typically very secure as the odds of someone who is attempting to break into your account having physical access to your cell phone is minimal. However, these systems are not perfect. The biggest problem with them is that they typically require that you are physically located in your home country. While this isn’t an issue for many people, for those that travel internationally on business, this prevents those customers from having access to the account while they are outside the country. The reason for this is that most international travelers do not use International Roaming on their cell phones when in other countries. The first reason is the cost as cell phone companies charge incredibly high rates when traveling in other countries. The second is that in a lot of cases, the needed cell phone network simply isn’t available in other countries. The perfect example for this is the CDMA network that Verizon’s cell phones use. As of the writing of this book in the summer of 2013, there was little to no CDMA network in Europe, so if a traveler needed to receive a text message via their cell phone and they were a Verizon customer with their normal cell phone in Europe, there would be no way to receive the text message.


Installing Windows 8 and two-factor authentication

I recently had a chance to install the new (as of the writing of this book in the summer of 2013) beta version of the Windows 8.1 operating system on a new computer that I had purchased. Before installing Windows 8.1 on this computer, I had been using the Windows 8 operating system on all of my computers and all of my computers were using the Microsoft account (formally called a Windows Live account) to log into all my computers. As part of using your Microsoft account, you configure a cell phone number so that you can approve adding new computers to your Microsoft account for authentication.

As part of the installation process for Windows 8.1, I was prompted for my Microsoft account information just like before, but during the installation process right after specifying my Microsoft account information, I was prompted on the computer screen to enter a confirmation code. Before I could finish reading the instructions on the screen that told me that Microsoft would be sending me a text message, my phone had already beeped telling me that a new text message had been received. I entered the text message and moved on with the installation.

This was frankly one of the easiest two-factor authentication processes that I had seen in quite a while.

The more important the longer they should be

The usernames and passwords for some websites have become more important than others in recent years. This isn’t because of the information that the website contains but instead because the website grants you access to other websites. This is done through a system called OAUTH (pronounced o-auth) where a website allows its username and password system to be used by other websites. This is good for the website that allows its username and password system to be used via OAUTH because it makes the OAUTH website more important in the global Internet system. This is also good for the websites that are using the OAUTH service on the other website because the website that is using the OAUTH service doesn’t need to store their own username and password.

Due to the fact that the website that has the OAUTH service can be used to sign into many other websites, the password that is used for these websites should be the strongest password possible. There are many different websites out there that can serve as OAUTH providers. This includes websites like,,, and other sites like and It doesn’t matter which of these sites is used to sign into the various other websites, but whichever one (or ones) is used, the password that is used should always be the strongest possible password. Using the techniques like the ones talked about in the “Picking A Password” section earlier in this chapter will help you to ensure that you have a strong password that is secure and will prevent others from gaining access to all the other websites that you use.


Having strong and unique passwords is key to protecting yourself in today’s world on the Internet. While we like to think of the Internet as a nice peaceful place where everyone can get along, the reality is that the Internet is more like the Wild West than a peaceful place. There are lots of people out there who want to take your money and your identity and use it for their own purposes, which usually aren’t going to turn out well for you. Protecting yourself proactively is the only way to ensure that you aren’t taken advantage of online.

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