
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Amazon Appstore, 74–76
Android market, 74
Anonymouse website, 114, 114f, 115–116, 115f
Apple OSX
app store, 74
decryption key, 65
FileVault tab, 64, 66f
MAC address filtering, 51–52
password, 64
recovery key, 65
Application programming interface (API), 98


BitLocker, 59, 62, 62f
Brute-force method, 22
BuzzFeed, 81–82


Cable News Network (CNN), 81–82
exceptions page, 13–14, 13f
privacy settings, 11, 12f
third-party cookies, 12–13
Google AdWords, 7–8
Google Chrome, 14–15
InPrivate Browsing, 8
internet explorer
accept, reject/prompt, 9–10
advanced configuration, 9, 10f
Per Site Privacy Actions screen, 10, 11f
privacy settings, 8, 9f
Safari, 15–17
CyberGhost, 116


Data encryption
Apple OSX
decryption key, 65
FileVault tab, 64, 66f
password, 64
recovery key, 65
BitLocker, 59
gain access, 58–59
internet games/downloads
application stores, 72
cell phones, 74–76
flash game, 71
Mac, 73–74
random websites, 71
tablets, 74–76
windows antivirus software, 72–73
laptops, 57–58
technical support, 69–71
website security logos
McAfee logos, 68, 69f
Norton, 67, 67f, 68
online privacy, 68
requirements, 66–67
risks, 67
secure environment, 66
Symantec, 67–68
Troy’s post, 67, 68f
BitLocker, 62, 62f
C/D drive, 62
control panel, 60, 60f, 61f
disk space, 64
password policy, 63
recovery key window, 62–63, 63f
recovery password, 63–64
start button, 60, 60f
Start Encryption button, 64, 65f
system and security link, 60, 61f
D-Link routers, 35, 36f, 40–42


access, 99–100
antivirus software, 98
API, 98
network protocol, 98
network traffic, 98, 99f
encrypt options, 111
PGP setup, 106–111
public key, 112–113
SSL protocol, 106
sample e-mail headers, 100, 100f, 101
sender/receiver, 101
server encryption, 99
End user license agreement (EULA), 8, 78–79, 79f


Facebook, 3, 79–80, 79f
custom privacy option, 84, 84f, 85, 85f, 86f
drop-down menu, 83, 84f
post dialog, 83, 83f, 85, 86f
privacy settings
future posts, 87, 88f
limit past posts, 87f, 88
menu option, 86, 87f
picture security, 88
sample post, 88, 88f
settings icon, 85–86, 86f
tools, 87, 87f
screenshot, 84f, 85
FileVault tab, 64, 66f
exceptions page, 13–14, 13f
privacy settings, 11, 12f
third-party cookies, 12–13
avatar, 89
EXIF data, 92, 92f
personal data privacy, 92
pop-up menu, 89
privacy and permissions tab, 90, 90f
profile setting, 92–93, 93f
settings option, 90–91, 90f, 91f
Fob-based system, 27


Google, 123–124
Google AdWords, 7–8
Google Chrome, 14–15
Government scrutiny, 120
Gpg4win, 112


Health Information Patient Protection Act (HIPPA), 5
Home network security
description, 33–34
network firewalls, 53–55
AT&T U-verse service, 35
cable internet services, 34, 34f
components, 35
D-Link firmware, 35, 36f
DSL services, 34, 34f
NAT, 35–37
NetGear router, 35, 37f
network firewalls, 37
Wi-Fi network
AT&T U-Verse router, 38–39
D-Link routers, 40–42
friends, 52
guest network, 52, 53f
NetGear routers, See (NetGear Wi-Fi routers)
pocket network, 52
WEP, 38
WPA, 38
Home Wi-Fi network security
AT&T U-Verse router, 38–39
D-Link routers, 40–42
friends, 52
guest network, 52, 53f
NetGear routers, See (NetGear Wi-Fi routers)
pocket network, 52
WEP, 38
WPA, 38


Information online
cookies/websites, See (Cookies)
customer loyalty cards, 1–2
data protection policies, 5–6
Facebook, 3
product selling, 2
risks of sharing
attackers, 3–4
social networking sites, 4–5
target store, 1–2
zip code, 2
InPrivate Browsing, 8
Internet explorer
accept, reject/prompt, 9–10
advanced configuration, 9, 10f
Per Site Privacy Actions screen, 10, 11f
privacy settings, 8, 9f


Add Entry screen, 24, 25f
creation, 23–24
home screen, 24
profile generation drop-down menu, 25, 25f
URL field, 26
web browsers, 26
Kleopatra, 112, 112f


Laws and internet privacy
legal issues, 126
morals, 127
AIVD agents, 123
Canadian version, 125–126
data communication, 122–123
Google, Microsoft, and Verizon, 123–124
internet backbones, 123
TechCrunch article, 124, 125f


McAfee, 68, 69f
Media access control (MAC) address filtering
Apple OSX, 51–52
definition, 49–50
in Windows, 50–51
Microsoft, 123–124
Microsoft store, 74
MySpace, 93–94


National Security Agency (NSA), 124–125
NetGear Wi-Fi routers
connections window, 44, 45f
details window, 46, 47f
hidden network, 48–49
IPv4 Default Gateway, 47, 47f
MAC address filtering
Apple OS X, 51–52
definition, 49–50
in Windows, 50–51
network icon, 44, 44f
network/sharing center, 44, 45f
properties, 44–46, 46f
settings page, 42–44, 43f
Windows XP, 44
Network address translation (NAT), 35–37
Network firewalls, 37
Norton, 67, 67f, 68


Online monitoring
ease of use, 118–120
government scrutiny, 120
e-mail, See (E-mail)
AT&T, 103–104
data encryption, 104
rouge monitoring code, 103
SSL vs. NSA, 104–105
IT professionals, 97
web browsing traffic, See (Web browsing traffic)


brute-force method, 22
character types, 21
Add Entry screen, 24, 25f
creation, 23–24
home screen, 24
profile generation drop-down menu, 25, 25f
URL field, 26
web browsers, 26
OAUTH service, 30–31
setting up, 23
two-factor authentication
application, 26
codes, 26
fob-based system, 27
random values, 27
software-based system, 27–28
text-messaging-based system, 28–30
Porn Mode, 8
Posting information online
BuzzFeed, 81–82
CNN, 81–82
EULA, 78–79, 79f
Eye-Fi card, 80
Facebook, 79–80, 79f
Flickr, 80
information security
Facebook, See (Facebook)
Flickr, See (Flickr)
MySpace, 93–94
Twitter, 82–83
personal embarrassment, 77–78
social media websites, 77
Twitter services, 80–81, 81f
Yahoo agreement, 80, 80f
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
administrator option, 108, 110f
command prompt icon, 108, 110f
compose tab, 111
gen-key command, 110
GPG location dialog, 106–107, 107f
Gpg4win, 106–107
key expiration, 111
outlook privacy plugin, 106
public/private key pair, 107, 108f, 109f
RSA keys, 110, 110f
trade-off, 111
Windows 8 Start button, 108, 109f
Windows 8.1 Start button, 108, 109f
AIVD agents, 123
Canadian version, 125–126
data communication, 122–123
Google, Microsoft, and Verizon, 123–124
internet backbones, 123
TechCrunch article, 124, 125f


Router security
AT&T U-verse service, 35
cable internet services, 34, 34f
components, 35
D-Link firmware, 35, 36f
DSL services, 34, 34f
NAT, 35–37
NetGear router, 35, 37f
network firewalls, 37


Safari, 15–17
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, 103
SecurityKISS, 116
Software-based system, 27–28


Text-messaging-based system, 28–30
Tor website, 117
Twitter, 82–83
Twitter Terms of Services (TOS), 80
Two-factor authentication system
application, 26
codes, 26
fob-based system, 27
random values, 27
software-based system, 27–28
text-messaging-based system, 28–30


United Airlines website, 7
definition, 19
eHarmony account, 19–20
e-mail address, 20
internet websites, 19–20
OAUTH service, 30–31
personal information, 20–21


Verizon, 123–124


Web browsing traffic
internet, 102–103
machine, 101–102
Anonymouse website, 114, 114f, 115–116, 115f
data tracking, 113–114
IP address, host, Browser/OS, 114, 115, 115f
Tor website, 117
VPN connections, 116, 117, 117f
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 38
BitLocker, 62, 62f
C/D drive, 62
control panel, 60, 60f, 61f
disk space, 64
password policy, 63
recovery key window, 62–63, 63f
recovery password, 63–64
start button, 60, 60f
Start Encryption button, 64, 65f
system and security link, 60, 61f
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 38


Zip code, 2
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