If -179143085 is a term or a formula, i1,...,in are pairwise distinct variables and t1,...,tn are arbitrary terms, then


is the term or formula obtained from -179141385 by the simultaneous substitution of t1,...,tn for i1,..., in, which it is unnecessary to define. When there is no possible confusion regarding which variables are substituted, we will write simply


Lemma A.1 Let -179139985 be a term or a formula and i -179139785 k.

(1) If i does not occur free in t2 and k does not occur free in t1, then -179138785

(2) If a is an individual constant, and the variables i, k are not quantified in -179138485, then -179138285


On occasion we will need to replace a fleeing term with a constant or a variable. This operation will always be performed on formulas without quantifiers, and the variables that replace the fleeing terms will be different from the ones that the formula possesses. This type of substitution consists in inserting in the place of the fleeing term the variable or constant that replaces it. I have not included this case in the previous definition so as not to complicate its formulation.


A.3.1 Assignments

From now on we will always suppose that the language L does not have individual constants. If D is a nonempty set, LD will be the language that in addition to the symbols of L has the elements of D as individual constants. We assume that no element of D is a combination of symbols of L. We will refer to D as the domain, and LD as the language associated with the domain D. Clearly, if R is an n-place predicate symbol of L and a1,...,an are elements of the domain, then Ra1...an is a formula of LD.

If kr1...rn is a fleeing term of LD and I is the set of variables on which it depends, the terms of LD generated by kr1...rn in D are those of the form


where m -179132385 0, i1,...,im are distinct variables of I, and a1,...,am are elements of D. For example, if D = {0, 1, 2}, then ki11, k102, and k1jh are terms of LD generated by kijh. Evidently, if c is an element of the domain, the set of terms generated in D by kr1...rn(ic) is a subset of the set generated by kr1...rn.

An assignment for L in a domain D is a function v from the set of terms of LD into D such that for every c -179127285 D, v(c) = c. As can be seen, we do not impose any special restriction for the case of the fleeing terms. The element assigned to a fleeing term is independent of the elements assigned to its subindices. For example, it may be that v(i) = v(j), but v(ki) -179126785 v(kj). In consequence, the fleeing terms are not functional terms. For them to behave functionally, it would suffice to require that v meets


The next proposition shows that every assignment gives rise naturally to another one that treats fleeing terms functionally.

Proposition A.2 For every assignment v for L in D, there exists a unique assignment -179125785 for L in D such that

(1) for every simple term t of LD, v(t) = -179125085 (t);

(2) if a1,...,an -179124085 D, then v(ka1...an) = -179123185 (ka1...an);

(3) if r1,...,rn are simple terms of LD, then v(kr1...rn) = v(kv(r1)...v(rn)).

Proof. If v is an assignment for L in D, the function from the set of terms of LD into D defined by


is an assignment for L in D that meets (1), (2), and (3). -179119085

A.3.2 Satisfaction

A solution for L in a domain D is a function S from the set of atomic sentences of LD into {0, 1} such that


Let D be a nonempty set, S a solution for L in D. and v an assignment for L in D. We define by recursion a function (S, v) from the set of sentences of LD into {0, 1} in the following way:


2. (S.v) (Rt1 ... tn) = 1 iff S(Rv(t1) ... v(tn)) = 1;2


If S is a solution for L in a domain D and v an assignment for L in D, the function (S, v) will be an interpretation for L in D. If (S, v)(A) = 1, we will say that the interpretation (S, v) satisfies A in D or that A is satisfied by (S, v) in D or that A is true under (S, v) in D.

A formula A of L is satisfiable in D iff there exist a solution S and an assignment v in D such that (S, v)(A) = 1. More succinctly, A is satisfiable in D iff there exists an interpretation for L in D that satisfies it. A formula A of L is logically valid in D iff (S, v) satisfies A for every solution S for L in D and every assignment v for L in D. In abbreviated form, A is valid in D if every interpretation for L in D satisfies it.

A set of formulas Σ of L is satisfiable iff there exist a solution S and an assignment v in a domain D such that for every A -179113785 Σ, (S, v)(A) = 1. If A is a formula of L, we will say that A is satisfiable iff it is satisfiable in some domain. A is logically valid iff it is logically valid in every domain.

If A and B are formulas of L, we say that A implies B iff for every domain D, every solution S for L in D and every assignment v for L in D, if (S, v)(A) = 1, then (S, v)(B) = 1.

If A and B are any two formulas of L, we say that A is logically equivalent to B iff for every domain D and every interpretation (S, v) for L in D, (S, v)(A) = (S, v)(B).


Regarding fleeing indices, we can differentiate among three cases: all subindices are variables; some subindices are variables and some are individual constants; and all subindices are constants. Löwenheim does not take into account fleeing indices of the second type; his examples only contain fleeing indices of the first type, and the variables on which they depend are all simultaneously replaced by constants. In practice, these indices can be assimilated to those of the first type. Löwenheim refers to indices of the first and third types as “fleeing indices,” but the term only genuinely applies to indices of the first type, since the indices whose subindices are all constants are treated as normal individual variables.

Although the semantics of quantified (genuine) fleeing indices is one of the aspects analyzed in this book, in the languages I have presented fleeing indices are never quantified. The reason is that this type of quantification does not actually intervene in Löwenheim's proof. Nonetheless, this does not prevent us from seeing how the definition of satisfaction would be extended if the language allowed it.

Let ki1...in be a fleeing term of L, v an assignment for L in D, T the set of terms generated by ki1...in in D and f a function from T into D. We define an assignment vf for L in D, as follows:


If S is a solution for L in D, we can now complete the definition of satisfaction with the following clause:

(A.1) (S, v)(-179110385ki1...inA) = 1 iff there exists a function f from T into D such that (S, vf )(A) = 1.

The clause corresponding to the universal quantifier is the dual of theclause above.3

Note that this is the way in which we defined the concept of satisfaction for quantified fleeing indices in chapter 3. More specifically, (A.1) expresses the same idea as (3.11).4 The differences between the two formulations derive from the greater formal rigor and generality that I have just given. This becomes clear when we think of the assumptions under which we proceeded in chapter 3.

If we assume, as Schröder and Löwenheim do, that existentially quantified fleeing indices are followed by all of their universally quantified subindices, then there is no need for f to assign elements of the domain to all the terms generated by ki1...in; it suffices that f be a function from {ka1...an | a1,...,an -179105985 D} into D.5 If, to move even closer to (3.11), we suppose that the fleeing term has only one subindex, it will suffice that f be a function from {ka | a -179105085 D} into D. Clearly, in this case, the function f coincides essentially with the indexed family of elements of the domain mentioned in (3.11).

A tacit assumption that Schröder and Löwenheim both make—expressed in present day terminology—is that the formulas do not have free variables. The whole of chapter 3 is written under this assumption. However, in order to know whether a formula without free variables is satisfied or not by a solution in a given domain, the only terms whose assignment we need to know are those generated by its fleeing indices; this is precisely the information that the function f provides.

If we make all the assumptions I have just mentioned, we can simplify (A.1) as follows:

S(-179104285kiIIiA) = 1 iff there exists a function f from {ka | a -179103485 D} into D such that (S,f)(IIiA) = 1.Obviously, in the context of the definition of satisfaction this statement expresses the same as (3.11).

It can be seen that, as stated in chapter 3 (subsection 3.4.4), this way of interpreting quantified fleeing indices is compatible with the nonfunctional character of these indices. If we want them to be functional, what we need to do is not to modify (A.1), but to restrict the concept of assignment in the way I have already described. The statement (3.11), then, tells us nothing at all about whether the fleeing terms have a functional character or not. In the same way, we observe that -179103085 is a quantification over functions even if the fleeing terms do not behave functionally, since, put slightly informally, it means that there exists a function of a certain type.

Finally, as I state in subsection 6.2.2 of chapter 6, it is evident that -179102685 A is satisfiable in a domain D if and only if A is satisfiable in the same domain. Indeed, if A is satisfiable in D, there are a solution S and an assignment v in D such that (S, v)(A) = 1. If we take f in such a way that vf = v, it is obvious that (S, vf )(A) = 1. This shows that -179101885 A is satisfiable in D. The other conditional is immediate.

A.3.3 Coincidence and substitution lemmas

Lemma A.3 (of coincidence) Let A be any formula of LD. If v and -179100985 are assignments in D that agree on the free variables of A, on the fleeing terms of A, and on the terms generated in D by the fleeing terms of A, then for every solution S in D, (S, v)(A) = (S, -179100785)(A).

Observe that if the assignments v and -179100385 only agree on the free variables in A, it may be that (S, v)(A) 6= (S, -179100185)(A).

Corollary A.3.1 Let v and -179099685 be assignments in D and A any formula of LD whose fleeing terms depend only on elements of the domain. If for every term t that occurs in A, v(t) = -179099485(t), then for every solution S in D, (S, v)(A) = (S, -179099285)(A).

Corollary A.3.2 If A is a sentence of LD without fleeing indices and S is a solution for L in D, then for every assignment v and -179098585 in D, (S, v)(A) = (S, -179098385)(A).

By virtue of this lemma, if A is a sentence of LD without fleeing indices, we can omit the reference to the assignment and simply write S(A). If S(A) = 1; we will say that the solution S satisfies A in D or that A is satisfied by S in D.

Lemma A.4 Let (S, v) be an interpretation for L in D and (-179097485, -179097285) an interpretation for L in -179097085 such that -179096885 -179096685 D, -179096385 the restriction of S to -179096185, and -179095985 an assignment for L in -179095785. If A is a formula of L-179095585 without quantifiers and for every term t in A, v(t) = -179095385(t), then (S, v)(A) = (-179095085, -179094885)(A).

Lemma A.5 (of substitution) Let S be a solution in D, v an assignment in D, t a term of L without free variables, and A a formula of L.

(1) If -179094285 is not a fleeing term that depends on i, then


(2) If in A there is no fleeing term that depends on i, then


Lemma A.6 Let (S, v) be an interpretation for L in D and A a formula of LD without quantifiers. If for every term -179093185 occurring in





Proposition A.7 Let A be a formula of L and S a solution in a domain D. If no fleeing term depending on i occurs in A, then there exists an assignment v such that (S, v)-179092085 = 1 iff there exists an assignment v0 such that (S, -179091885)(A) = 1.


We say that a formula is in Löwenheim normal form if it has the form -179091185, where -179090985 and II represent (possibly empty) strings of existential and universal quantifiers, respectively, and F is a quantifier-free formula. In other words, a formula is in Löwenheim normal form if it is in prenex form and no existential quantifier occurs in the scope of a universal quantifier.

If A is a formula without fleeing indices, we can transform A into a formula in Löwenheim normal form by following these steps:

1. Introduce in A the alphabetical changes required to ensure that no variable is quantified more than once and no variable is both free and quantified.

2. Obtain a formula in prenex form logically equivalent to the formula that results from the above transformation.

3. Remove each existential quantifier -179089985 occurring in the scope of a universal quantifier and replace the variable k by ki1...in, where i1,...,in are all the universally quantified variables that preceded -179088485 taken in any order.6

An example will help to clarify the last step. Let us suppose that the formula resulting from the two first transformations is


The normal form of this formula is the result of removing the existential quantifiers -179087385 and -179087185 and substituting ji for j and lik for l:


As this example shows, each time the last transformation in the procedure is applied, a fleeing term is introduced. Thus, although the original formula A may not have any, whenever this transformation is applied more than once, all the applications after the second one will be performed on formulas that already have fleeing indices.

Proposition A.8 Let A be a formula of L and S a solution in a domain D: If the variable k does not occur in the fleeing terms of A, there exists an assignment v in D such that (S, v)(IIi1,...,in-179085385kA) = 1 iff there exists an assignment -179085185 such that (S, -179084985)-179084785 = 1.

Proof. We prove the lemma just for n = 1 (i.e., for the case of only one universal quantifier), as the argument is easily generalizable,. Let A be any formula (with or without fleeing indices, and in prenex form or not), and S a solution in a domain D: We assume that the variable k does not occur in the fleeing terms of A; this assumption will allow us to apply Lemma A.5.

(a) Suppose that there exists an assignment v in D such that


For every a -179083885 D, we define the set Xa in the following way:


By (A.2), for every a -179083385 D, Xa -179082885 . Let f be a choice function for {Xa | a -179082385 D}. We now define an assignment -179082085 in D by


Since f(Xa) -179081185 Xa, for every a -179080685 D,


The assignments v and -179080185 differ at most in the values assigned to the terms of the form ka, but for every a -179079685 D, ka does not occur in -179079185 thus, by the lemma of coincidence, for every a -179078885 D,


Now, for every a -179078385 D


This shows that


(b) Suppose that there exists an assignment v in D such that


Thus, for every a -179077185 D,


This proves that


Corollary A.8.1 Let A be a formula in prenex form without fleeing terms and -179076385 a formula in Löwenheim normal form obtained from A by applying the transformation described in the third step of the method sketched above. For every domain D and every solution S for L in D, there exists an assignment v such that (S, v)(A) = 1 iff there exists an assignment -179076185 such that (S, -179075985)-179075785 =1.

Proof. -179075385 is the result of applying the mentioned transformation a finite number of times. Thus, it suffices to observe that Proposition A.8 can be applied each time this transformation is used. -179075185

Proposition A.9 Let A be any sentence of L without fleeing indices and -179074885 a formula in Löwenheim normal form obtained from A by applying the method sketched above. For every domain D and every solution S for L in D, S(A) = 1 iff there exists an assignment v such that (S, v)(-179074685) = 1.

Proof. We consider proven that every sentence is logically equivalent to its alphabetical variants and to a sentence in prenex form. Thus, we only have to show that the proposition holds for the transformation described in the third step, but this is an immediate consequence of Corollary A.8.1. -179074285


(1) I have not followed Löwenheim's procedure for obtaining the normal form because, as I explained in chapter 4, it is incorrect.

(2) Observe that (A.1) allows us to prove that -179073585) is logically equivalent to -179073385). The proof is a straightforward variant of the above.


A.5.1 Löwenheim's sequence

Let IIi1...inF be a formula of L, where F(i1,...,in) is a quantifier-free formula whose fleeing terms, if any, do not depend on variables other than i1,...,in (although all the terms do not necessarily depend on all of these variables). To simplify our references, we will call this formula IIF. Fix an enumeration j1, j2,... of all individual variables that do not occur in IIF or, if they occur, are free in IIF. The free variables of IIF, if there are any, are an initial segmentof the enumeration. In this way, if IIF is a sentence, the variables j1, j2,... do not occur in IIF.

Let us now define simultaneously and recursively two sequences of formulas (Fx, Px, x ≥ 1), one of sets of individual variables (Jx, x ≥ 1) and one of sequences of terms (Tx, x ≥ 1), as follows:

(1) If IIF is a sentence, J0 = {j1}. If IIF is not a sentence, J0 is the set of its free variables. Suppose that J0 = {j1,...,im}. Let F1 be the product of all the formulas that are obtained when the universally quantified variables of IIF range over the elements of J0. That is, if {s1,...,sh} is the set of all functions from {i1,...,in} into J0, then


If IIF does not have fleeing indices, then for every n, Pn = F1 and J1 = J0. If m is the number of elements of J0, let T1 = (tm+1,...,tp) be an enumeration starting at m+1 of the fleeing indices of F1. Let P1 be the result of replacing the term tz by jz -179059385 in F1 and J1 the set of free variables of P1, that is, J1 = f1, j2,...,jm,...,jp}.

(2) Assume that Px is defined. Let Jx be the set of individual variables that occur in Px and {s1,...,sd} the set of functions from {i1,...,in} into Jx. As before, let Fx+1 be the product of all the formulas obtained when the quantified variables of IIF range over the elements of Jx, that is,


Notice that the fleeing indices of Fx are also fleeing terms of Fx+1. Let us now suppose that Tx+1 = (tm+1,...,tq) is an enumeration of the fleeing indices of Fx+1 that conserve and expand the numeration Tx. That is, if a fleeing term already occurs in Fx and according to Tx is the nth term, in the new enumeration it will still be the nth term. Let Px+1 be the result of replacing the term tz by jz -179049285) in Fx+1. Finally, Jx+1 is the set of the free variables of Px+1, that is, Jx+1 = {j1, j2,...,jq}.

We will say that the sequence P1, P2, P3,.... is Löwenheim's sequence for IIF.


Let us suppose that

IIF = IIi1i2F(i1, i2, j1, hi1, ki1i2)

and let j2, j3,... be a fixed enumeration of the variables that do not occur in IIF. We will obtain the two first formulas of Löwenheim'ssequence for IIF.

Since j1 is the unique free variable of IIF, J0 = {j1}. If in order to simplify the notation, instead of j1,j2,..., we write only the corresponding subscript, then


If the fleeing indices of F1 (h1 and k11) are enumerated from 2 onwards in the order in which they occur in F1 and are replaced by the variables j2 and j3, respectively, then



F2 is the product of the formulas obtained when the quantified variables of IIF range over the elements of J1. Thus,


If we now suppose that the new fleeing indices of F2 (i.e. those that do not occur in F1) are enumerated from 4 onwards in the order in which they occur in the formula and the nth term is replaced by jn,


To obtain P3 we would first form the product obtained when the quantified variables of IIF range over the elements of J2 (= {j1, j2,...,j13}). We would then enumerate the new fleeing terms beginning with 14, and, finally, we would replace them by the corresponding variables of the enumeration j2, j3,... .


If the universal quantifiers of IIF are removed according to any order that is preserved and expanded in each case (as in the example), then for every x > 0, Fx+1 = Fx · A, and, therefore, Px+1 = Px · A.

A.5.2 Löwenheim's theorem

Before proving the theorem I would like to note, first that, for the reasons stated in section 6.3 of chapter 6, I will not use Löwenheim's sequence in the proof of the theorem, and, second, that in this case I prefer to include the comments that relate my proof to Löwenheim's as footnotes. There is nothing in the proof that depends on what is said in the notes.

Theorem A.10 (of Löwenheim) If A is a sentence of L without fleeing indices which is not satisfiable in any finite domain, and S is a solution in an infinite domain D such that S(A) = 1, then there is a denumerable -179031185 -179030985 D such that the restriction of S to -179030785 satisfies A.

Proof. Let A be a sentence of L without fleeing indices which is not satisfiable in any finite domain but is satisfied by the solution S in an infinite domain D. Let 12915 be a formula in Löwenheim normal form obtained from A by applying the method sketched in section A.4. We can suppose, without loss of generality, that IIF (the result of removing the existential quantifiers of IIF) has the characteristics mentioned at the beginning of subsection A.5.1. By Propositions A.7 and A.9, IIF is not satisfiable in any finite domain and there exists an assignment v in D that such that (S, v)(IIF) = 1.

If f is a function, let ran(f) and dom(f) be the range and the domain of f; respectively. If f is a function and X is a set, 12931 is the restriction of f to X (i.e., -179029885. I will introduce a new definition of the notion of a term generated by a fleeing index that is more suitable for this proof than the one presented in A.3.1. If kr1...rn is a fleeing term and X is a subset of D, then {ka1...an | a1,...,an -179027785 X} is the set of terms generated by kr1...rn in X, and GX is the set of terms generated by the fleeing indices of IIF in X.

Let d be a fixed element of D and J0 the set of free variables of IIF.

We define by recursion a sequence of sets as follows:



I will call the functions in Vn partial assignments of level n. (Recall that d is also a term of LD; therefore {(d, d)} can also be seen as a partial assignment.) The range of a partial assignment determines a set of terms: the one generated by the fleeing indices of II F when the universally quantified variables take values over the elements of therange. If IIF is not finitely satisfiable, a partial assignment g of level n does not assign values to all the terms generated by its range, but it has an extension of level n + 1 that determines those values in the appropriate way.

Every partial assignment of level n has an extension of level n + 1. For assume that g -179024685 Vn. There exist then a partial assignment -179024485 -179024285 An–1 and an assignment v such that


The function -179023485 is a partial assignment of level n + 1 that extends g.

If H is a choice function for the class of all non-empty sets of partial assignments, we define by recursion a sequence of functions -179023085f2... as follows:


Observe that the axiom of choice is used correctly, since V0 -179022285 (as IIF is satisfiable) and every partial assignment of level n has an extension of level n + 1.7

Let f -179021585 and let -179021385 be the range of f and -179021185 the restriction of S to -179020985. We claim that the function f determines the values of all terms required to evaluate the truth of IIF under the solution -179020785 in -179020485. In order to prove this, we define an assignment -179020285 for L in -179020085 that extends the function f.

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