For my International Business students at Nichols College, for the great discussions about regional markets and the global markets as a whole, and for keeping me on my toes; for my beloved wife Carla, always patient and caring with me during these intense projects; for my son Samir, who brings me so much pride; and for my other two children, Andrea and Joshua (in memory), also treasures in my life, for which I count the days to be reunited with.
To God be the glory!

—Marcus Goncalves,
Spring 2017

For my Political Science students at Nichols College, who inspire me with their humor and tenacity; for my muses, Sophie, and Phoebe, who inspire me with their curiosity and moments of pure joy; and for my spouse, Andrew, who inspires me with his generosity and an abundant supply of strawberry licorice. For all of this and more, I am truly blessed.

—Erika Cornelius Smith
Spring 2017

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