downloads, merchandise, ad revenues from videos, and
sponsorships for podcasts. The members understand
how to capitalize on different opportunities so they can
afford to keep making music.
Even the way the band records music is unusual.
Instead of gathering in a studio, the band members
pass songs around via Dropbox, recording bits and
pieces using Logic Pro, a digital audio workstation for
macOS. This process allows each member to just write
and record ideas as they come. Usually, by the time the
weekly practice session comes around, the arrangement
of a song is set.
“This is a way for us to workshop stuff individually,”
Wiskus said. “We can each try things individually in a Logic
file without someone else in the room. It helps circumvent
grumpiness. Grumpiness is what kills a lot of bands.”
If this all sounds more Silicon Valley than Electric
Lady Studios, that’s because the band members—Wiskus
and Cieplinski in particular—are hardwired to be risk-taking
entrepreneurs with a drive to get things “shipped.”
The crew of Airplane Mode: Joe Cieplinski, Agnes Chan, Dave Wiskus, and Patrick Spencer. PHOTO: Airplane Mode
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