He is so into the Apple brand that he declines to
share his given name, preferring to be called Appleman,
and he’s often seen wearing a knitted hat shaped like an
Apple or a silver or gold box helmet with the cutout of the
bitten Apple logo. He calls this headwear his iMask.
Every superhero persona has a superpower, and
Appleman’s is the way his powerful fingers pound the iPad
screen furiously to create convincing covers of drum solos
using songs by Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Foo Fighters,
and others. Once he masters the drumming of a song, he
posts a video of his flying fingers on YouTube, where some
of his videos have gotten millions of views.
“I’m a real drummer, but I thought if I made some
drum videos, not many people will watch them,” said
Appleman, who works by day as a professional photog-
rapher. “So, I thought why not do some drum solos using
drum apps?”
The iPad drumming started out of necessity. Appleman
lives in a tiny apartment in Nagasaki, and the polite musician
The fast-flying fingers of iPad drummer extraordinaire Appleman. PHOTO: Appleman
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