Cuddling in Line with Steve Jobs
Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was known to have
a prickly personality. But Japanese internet star
Ayano Tominaga would say that Jobs is cuddly.
Tominaga is a popular tech journalist and IT
consultant in Japan, but she is also a devoted
Apple fan who can be seen at the launch of every
new iPhone, camping out in line at the Apple Store
in Tokyo and clutching a body pillow featuring the
likeness of Jobs. She camped out for two days
with Steve at her side to be one of the first to own
an iPhone 7 in Japan.
The pictures of her Steve Jobs pillow hit
major newspapers and magazines across the
globe and got even more traction on the Internet.
Her celebrity led to a number of TV and public
appearances in Japan.
Tominaga’s pillow stays in a closet
covered in plastic to keep it pristine until
it’s time to stand in line at the Apple Store
for the next new product. “Three years ago,
I was carrying it around taking pictures,”
Tominaga said. “I had red hair back then and
I could tell people were saying, ‘Who is this
strange girl with the Steve Jobs pillow?’”
Body pillows, or dakimakura, are pop-
ular with young girls in Japan and are usually
adorned with anime characters. But they are
also fetishized by those who seek the com-
panionship of adult film stars in pillow form.
Steve Jobs fits neither category, which
may explain why some people were puzzled
by Tominaga’s pillow. But the pillow attracted
a lot of high fives from other enthusiastic
Apple fans and store employees, requests
for selfies, and, of course, a ton of publicity.
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