
Even in the world of analytics, where “what you know” would seem to be what it’s all about, “who you know” still comes up trumps. At least that’s what I discovered in writing this book, as regardless of how much direct experience or book learning I amassed, it would not have been remotely possible without the generosity of clients, friends, colleagues, and mentors from across the years.

First, of course, I’d like to thank the executives I interviewed for their enthusiasm for the project and their patience with my many questions. For me, the best part of this book is hearing their stories and perspectives directly, and hopefully I haven’t mangled things too badly in the attempt to illustrate some main ideas with their perspectives. It was truly an honor to spend time with each of them, and I’ll be a better professional for it.

Next, I’d like to thank friends who were especially generous in making introductions that led to these conversations as well as suggestions for the book, and in particular to Tip Clifton, Mark deCollibus, Joe Fuller, Perry Hewitt, Judy Honig, Blaise Heltai, Jeffrey Hupe, Bob Lord, and Erica Seidel. I’m also grateful to friends, colleagues, and mentors whose experiences and relationships in this field I’ve learned and benefitted from, including Mike Bernstein, Lee Bissonnette, Susan Ellerin, Sheldon Gilbert, Trish Gorman, Ben Kline, Janelle Leonard, Jay Leonard, Bob Neuhaus, Jeffrey Rayport, Tad Staley, and my business partner Jamie Schein. Special thanks go to Judah Phillips for introducing me to Jeanne Glasser Levine, my editor at Pearson, and to Jeanne and her colleagues for their guidance and support through this project. Your confidence in me was inspiring and I hope the result justifies your faith!

I’m grateful also to the clients who, daily, give my colleagues and me the opportunities to work with and learn from them. This is an arena where the clay is still very wet, and there’s no substitute (not even this book!) for the time spent with them.

Finally, I’d like to thank my wife Nan and my children, Ben, Kate, and Will, who bore the brunt of this effort through a tough winter, and who now face the prospect of more fun in Phase Two of The Master Plan (which I’ll reveal as soon as I figure one out). The answer to “Where did you find the time?” lies with them.

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