What now?

We're finished with the exploration of StatefulSets. They will be essential since they will enable us to do a few things that will be critical for our continuous deployment processes. For now, we'll remove the resources we created and take a break before we jump into Service accounts in an attempt to fix the problem with the MongoDB sidecar. Who knows? We might find the usage of Service Account beyond the sidecar.

 1  kubectl delete ns go-demo-3

We deleted the go-demo-3 Namespace and, with it, all the resources we created. We'll start the next chapter with a clean slate. Feel free to delete the whole cluster if you're not planning to explore the next chapter right away. If it's dedicated to this book, there's no need to waste resources and money on running a cluster that is not doing anything.

Before you leave, please consult the following API references for more information about StatefulSets.

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