Creating a cluster

We'll start the hands-on walk-through by entering the directory where we cloned the vfarcic/k8s-specs repository.

All the commands from this chapter are available in the ( Gist.
 1  cd k8s-specs
2 3 git pull

Next, we'll need a cluster which we can use to experiment with ServiceAccounts. The requirements are the same as those we used in the previous chapter. We'll need Kubernetes version 1.9 or higher as well as nginx Ingress Controller, RBAC, and a default StorageClass. If you didn't destroy it, please continue using the cluster you created in the previous chapter. Otherwise, it should be reasonably fast to create a new one. For your convenience, the Gists and the specs we used before are available here as well.

Now that we have a cluster, we can proceed with a few examples.

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