Creating a cluster

Just as before, we'll start the practical part by making sure that we have the latest version of the k8s-specs repository.

All the commands from this chapter are available in the ( Gist.
 1  cd k8s-specs
2 3 git pull

Unlike the previous chapters, you cannot use an existing cluster this time. The reason behind that lies in reduced requirements. This time, the cluster should NOT have ChartMuseum. Soon you'll see why. What we need are the same hardware specs (excluding GKE), with NGINX Ingress and Tiller running inside the cluster, and with the environment variable LB_IP that holds the address of the IP through which we can access the external load balancer, or with the IP of the VM in case of single VM local clusters like minikube, minishift, and Docker for Mac or Windows.

For GKE we'll need to increase memory slightly so we'll use n1-highcpu-4 instance types instead of n1-highcpu-2 we used so far.

Here we go.

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