Creating a cluster

We'll start the hands-on part by going back to the local copy of the vfarcic/k8s-specs repository and pulling the latest version.

All the commands from this chapter are available in the ( Gist.
 1  cd k8s-specs
2 3 git pull

Just as in the previous chapters, we'll need a cluster if we are to do the hands-on exercises. The rules are still the same. You can continue using the same cluster as before, or you can switch to a different Kubernetes flavor. You can continue using one of the Kubernetes distributions listed as follows or be adventurous and try something different. If you go with the latter, please let me know how it went, and I'll test it myself and incorporate it into the list.

Beware! The minimum requirements for the cluster are now slightly higher. We'll need at least 3 CPUs and 3 GB RAM if running a single-node cluster, and slightly more if those resources are spread across multiple nodes. If you're using Docker for Mac or Windows, minikube, or minishift, the specs are 1 CPU and 1 GB RAM higher. For GKE, we need at least 4 CPUs, so we changed the machine type to n1-highcpu-2. For everyone else, the requirements are still the same.

The Gists with the commands I used to create different variations of Kubernetes clusters are as follows.

Now that we have a cluster, we can move into a more exciting part of this chapter. We'll start defining and executing stages and steps of a continuous deployment pipeline.

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