
THE JURY IS still out on whether or not you can consider a silhouette a true portrait, but since it is a part of so many portrait shoots, so why not give it some thought in terms of composition? There’s one guiding principle that should inform your silhouette composition: make sure you show enough of your subject to do her justice.

A successful silhouette cleanly shows the form of your subject, no matter if it’s a person, an animal, or a windmill on the horizon (Figure 34.1). When a silhouette shot is executed well, the part that is the silhouette is black, as well as the ground or structure on which the subject is standing. If the subject is placed too far below the horizon, the subject will be lost in the block of darkness that comprises everything intentionally underexposed in the shot (Figure 34.2). To ensure your subject’s silhouette stands out, compose the horizon below most of his form. It’s acceptable to let the silhouette horizon cut into his legs a bit, but if you intended to get a full-length silhouette of your subject against a dramatic sunset and all you got was his shoulders and head, you have to rethink your position.

Silhouettes can be great fun. They can be very effective, and sometimes some of the most treasured shots of your subject. Consider placing the horizon line lower than the majority of your subject’s form; focus; intentionally underexpose the scene; and you’ll be set!


34.1 Although much of this silhouette works, the horizon line eats into the wheels enough that the subject feels too high in the frame.


34.2 Lowering the camera angle allows the horizon line to drop below the wheel hubs, showcasing as complete a bike form as possible in this dirt road context.
ISO 400; 1/210 sec.; f/5.6; 18mm

Share Your Best Silhouette!

Once you’ve captured your best silhouette, share it with the Enthusiast’s Guide community! Follow @EnthusiastsGuides and post your image to Instagram, using the hashtag #EGSilhouette. You can also search that hashtag to be inspired and see other photographers’ shots.

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