
Page numbers in bold refer to figures.

Action Safe Zones 203

Active Clip Indicator 129, 129

Angle Editor 1446, 144, 146

Angle Viewer 141, 141, 1423, 143

Append edits 83

Archiving 2668, 266, 267, 268

arrow keys 98, 98

audio: automated loudness 1767, 176; balance 154; basics 1546, 154, 155, 156; boosting levels 171, 1713, 173; Break Apart Clip Items 165, 165, 169; Channel Configuration 170, 170, 175; Collapse Audio Components 163; component access 82, 82; control 154; editing 73; Expand Audio Components 1634, 1634, 167, 169; exporting 253, 253, 254; fades 154, 15860, 158, 159, 160; Gain Filter 171, 1713, 173; Graphic Equalizer 177, 1779; Inspector 166, 166, 170, 170, 175, 1767, 176; keyframe fades 154; keyframing 1601, 1601; keyframing audio gain 174, 1745, 175; layers 154; levels 154, 1568, 157; manual settings 76; mixing 154, 161, 1623; Multicam clips 1445, 144; output level 154; pan controls 167, 1678, 169, 169; pan tracks 154; separating from video 813, 81, 82, 83, 1556, 155, 156; Show Audio Animation 174, 1745; Solo Clips 114; stereo 154, 167, 169; switching tracks on and off 170, 170; synchronization 79, 79, 154, 165; track access 83; viewing 1545, 154, 155; volume 171

Audio Analysis 176

audio dissolves 187, 188

audio effects 182, 184, 1845, 1856, 186

Audio Enhancements 177, 177

audio gain, keyframing 174, 1745, 175

audio levels 154; adjusting 1568, 157

audio meters 157, 157, 169, 169, 173, 173

audio mixes, adding 161, 1623

audio only editing 889, 88, 95, 109

Audio Waveforms 50, 50

Auditioning 1301, 1301

auto-balance color correction 231, 231, 232

AV Output 5

available media 81

Background Render 5, 132, 133

backgrounds 204

Backing Up and backups 2668, 266, 267, 268; automatic 1256, 125, 126; location 10, 10; versioning 1267, 126, 127

Batch renaming, clips 612, 625, 65

Better Performance, and Better Quality 133, 133, 134

Blade tool 967, 96, 101, 101

blue screen 225

Blu-ray, from Share 2567, 256

Break Apart Clip Items 165, 165, 169

Browser 14, 14; Libraries 28, 28

cameras: import options 30; importing media from 25, 30, 30, 315, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; Multicam editing 1378; start and stop 138

Change Clip Appearance Controls 15, 15

Channel Configuration, audio 170, 170, 175

Chapter Markers 120

Chroma Keyer 17, 225, 225, 2258, 2278

clips: Active Clip Indicator 129, 129; appearance 156; Auditioning 1301, 1301; basic cutting 769, 779; Batch renaming 612, 625, 65; Compound 1167, 116, 117; disabling 1156, 115; duration adjustment 801, 80, 113, 113; Keywords 68, 68; labeling 57, 57, 58, 59, 59; locating 1223, 122, 123; marking 556, 55, 56; Multicam 13841, 13941; notes 5961, 60, 61; ordering 7981, 79, 80, 81, 93, 934, 96; removing from Storyline 101, 101; Reveal All 121, 121; searching 57, 57, 58, 59, 5961, 59, 60, 61, 645; Slide edits 1045, 104, 105; Solo 114, 114; stabilization 224, 224; Timeline display 79; see also Connected Clips

Collapse Audio Components 163

Color Board 2356, 235, 236; resetting 239; working with 237, 237, 2389, 239

color correction 18, 132, 182, 231; autobalance 231, 231, 232; auto-correction 231; Color Board 2359, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239; exposure 233, 234, 242, 242, 243; global 235, 237, 2389; highlights 239; manual 2324; midtones 239; saturation 233, 234, 240, 240, 241; shadows 239

color manipulation, themes 208

color presets 2446, 244, 245, 246

Compound Clips 1167, 116, 117

Compressor 257

Connect edits 83, 92, 94

Connected Clips 837, 845, 86, 87, 94, 99100, 123, 123, 165, 2123

Consolidate Media 2678, 267, 268

Copy Effect 249, 249

Copy to library storage location 6, 28

Create Master file 256

Create Optimized Media 8

Create optimized media for Multicam clips 5

Create Proxy Media 89, 9

crop controls 2101; cropping 214, 2145, 215; trimming 2123, 212, 213

cropping 132, 211, 214, 2145, 215

Custom Names 63

Custom Settings, Projects 74, 74

Cut, Copy, and Paste 123

cutting, basic 769, 779

cutting on action 18

Dashboard 38, 38

date stamps 28

Destinations, Preferences 11, 11

Detached Audio 164, 165, 165

Detailed Trimming Feedback 23, 3

Disable clips 1156, 115

dissolves 100, 187, 188

distort controls 218, 21821, 2201

drag and drop: clips in the Timeline 7981, 79, 80, 81, 934, 93; Connected Clips 867, 86, 87; copying between libraries and events 1479, 147, 148, 149; generators 204; importing media by 412, 42; keyframes 202, 202; transitions 187; video and audio effects 185

Dual Monitor Displays, working with 1920, 19, 20, 21, 223, 22, 23

Dual Viewers, working with 189, 18, 19

DVD, from Share 2567, 256, 259, 259

editing 72, 81; adding effects 73; Append edits 83; audio 73, 889, 88, 95, 109; basic cutting 769, 779; Connect edits 92, 94; Connected Clips 837, 845, 86, 87, 94; Insert Edits 8990, 89, 90, 92; Multicam clips 1426, 1424, 145, 146; ordering clips in the Timeline 7981, 79, 80, 81, 934, 96; outputs 72, 73; overview 935, 93, 94; Overwrite Edits 91, 91, 92, 94; picture 73; Preferences 24, 2, 4; process 723; Replace edits 94, 94; Roll edits 1023, 102, 103, 105; separating audio from video 813, 81, 82, 83; Slide edits 1045, 104, 105; Slip edits 103, 103, 104; trimming 1014, 101, 102, 103, 104; video only 88, 88, 89, 95, 109, 109

editing tools: accessing 956, 95; arrow keys 98, 98; Blade tool 967, 96, 101, 101; Hand tool 97, 97; Position tool 96, 96; Precision Editor 1058, 1057, 108; Range Selection 97, 97; Range Tool 15960, 15960; Select tool 96, 96; Snapping 98, 98; Trim tool 1023, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105; use 97; Zoom tool 97, 97

effects 73, 182; Copy Effect 249, 249; deleting 185, 185; distort controls 218, 21821, 2201; generators 183, 204, 2045; Ken Burns 211, 215, 2157, 218, 218; Paste Attributes 2479, 2479; previews 184; Templates 182; text see text; themes 183, 206, 206, 207, 2089, 209; transform controls 209, 209, 2101; transitions 182, 1867, 1867, 188; types 1823, 183; video and audio 182, 184, 1845, 1856, 186

Effects Browser 16, 16, 17, 17, 184

Essential Message Area (EMA) 203

Event Browser 19, 77, 121; folders 14950, 149, 150; notes 5961, 60, 61

Event Viewer 189, 18

Events 25, 26, 44; adding media to 37; Collections 45; copying media from 1479, 147, 148, 149; creating 33, 33, 47, 47; date stamp 28; Delete Generated Library Files 2601; deleting 49, 49; importing by dragging 412, 42; naming 33, 33

Events Library 20; basic cutting 76

Expand Audio Components 1634, 1634, 167, 169

Expanded Audio 164

export media using Share 253, 254, 2556, 257, 258, 259

external drives, copying media from 147

external monitoring, AV Output 5

fades, audio 154, 1589, 158, 159; using the range tool 15960, 15960

fades, text 198, 1989

File menu 47, 47

file structure 256, 25, 26

files, storage 68

Filmstrip view 14, 14

FireWire cables 39

Five-Window Interface 167, 16, 17

folders 14950, 149, 150

fonts 194, 194, 195, 196, 196, 197

footage: labeling clips 57, 58, 59, 59; marking clips 556, 55, 56; organization 50, 50; rating 525, 53, 54; reviewing 50, 50, 512, 51, 52, 73; searching clips 57, 57, 58, 59, 5961, 59, 60, 61, 645

format 75; custom sizes 127, 1278, 128

frame rates 74, 75

freeze frames 112, 112

full screen viewing 15

Gain Filter, audio 171, 1713, 173

General Preferences 10

generators 183, 204, 2045; themes 207, 209, 209

Graphic Equalizer 177, 1779

green screen 225

Hand tool 97, 97

hard drive, importing media from 25, 368, 36, 37, 38

Hide Rejected clips 54, 54

image size 133, 133

image stabilization 17

Import folders as Keyword Collections 36, 38, 38

Import Preferences 611, 6, 9, 10, 11

importing media 25; from cameras 25, 30, 30, 315, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; capture from tape 3941, 39, 40, 41; Dashboard 38, 38; by dragging 412, 42; file structure 256, 25, 26; from hard drive 368, 36, 37, 38; Libraries 27, 27, 34, 34; library creation 26, 26; from media cards 315, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; multiple clips 32, 32; process 2930, 29, 30; single clips 32, 32; storage locations 34

Insert Edits 8990, 89, 90, 92

Inspector 16, 16, 17, 17, 166, 166, 170, 170, 175, 1767, 176, 185

Ken Burns 211, 215, 2157, 218, 218

keyers 225, 225; Chroma Keyer 225, 225, 2258, 2278; Luma Keyer 2289, 228, 229, 22930, 230, 231

keyframe audio fades 154

keyframes: audio 1601, 1601; audio gain 174, 1745, 175; repositioning 202, 202; text 200, 2001, 2012, 202; video basics 221, 2214; viewing plotted 223

Keyword Collections 68; deleting 49; importing 9, 10; searching 61

Keyword Editor 65, 657

Keywords and Keywording 36, 44, 65; adding 658, 657; clearing 67, 68; clips 68, 68; Collections 45; shortcuts 67, 67, 68

labeling, clips 57, 57, 58, 59, 59

Leave in Place 7, 28

Libraries 26, 26, 44, 44; Archiving 2668, 266, 267, 268; automatic backups 1256, 125, 126; choice 78; closing 47, 47, 49, 49; Collections 45, 45; Consolidated 2678, 267, 268; Copy to library storage location 67, 28; copying media from 1479, 147, 148, 149; creating 26, 26, 45, 47, 47, 48; deleting 49; Icon View 46; importing media 27, 27, 34, 34; Leave Files in Place 7, 28; List View 46; Managed 7; opening 44, 48, 48, 49, 49, 149, 149; saving 44; size 148, 148; storing 26

List view 14, 14

Luma Keyer 17, 2289, 228, 229, 22930, 230, 231

luminance 228

Magnetic Timeline 97

Managed Library 7

manual settings: audio 76; Projects 756, 75, 76

Markers 11820, 118, 120, 199

Master files: creation 252, 252, 256; exporting 2556

mattes 226, 227

media: accessing 14; copying between libraries and events 1479, 147, 148, 149; Show Unused 125, 125; Show Used 1245, 124, 125

media cards, importing media from 315, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

Media Import window 29, 30, 31, 31, 36, 36

Media Management 7, 260; Delete Generated Library Files 260, 2601, 262; Relink Media 2625, 262, 263, 2645

media overlaps 186, 186

missing files, relinking 2625, 262, 263, 2645

Missing Proxy indicator 137, 137

Modify Settings 254, 254, 255

monitors, working with second 1920, 19, 20, 21, 223, 22, 23

Multicam clips 5; Angle Synchronization 140, 140; Angle Viewer 141, 141, 1423, 143; audio editing; creation 13841, 13941; editing 1426, 1424, 145, 146; synchronization 13940, 139, 140

Multicam editing 1378, 138; audio 1445, 144

notes, clips 5961, 60, 61

opacity changes 132

Optical Flow 112

Optimized Media, creating 345, 34, 35

organizational concepts 446, 44, 45, 46, 69

outputs 72, 73; choice 11, 11; format 74; frame rates 74

Overwrite Edits 91, 91, 92, 94

pan controls, audio 167, 1678, 169, 169

pan tracks 154

Paste Attributes 2479, 247, 2489

pasting 123, 123

performance, and quality 133, 133, 134

picture edit 73

Playback Preferences 45

Playhead: parking 18; Preferences 2, 4, 4

Position Playhead after Edit Operation 2, 4, 4

Position tool 96, 96

Precision Editor 1058, 1057, 108

Preferences 2, 2; Editing 24, 2, 3, 4; Playback 45

presets: color 2446, 244, 245, 246; saving 246, 246

Primary Storyline 85, 85, 86, 86, 90, 99, 99, 123, 212

Projects 25, 26, 44; creating 47, 47, 735, 73, 74; Custom Settings 74, 74; Delete Generated Library Files 261; deleting 49, 49; duplicate 1267, 126, 127; exporting 253; location 74; manual settings 756, 75, 76; naming 73, 74; storage locations 46, 46

ProRes 5, 8, 72

Proxy media 89, 9, 35, 148; creating 135, 135; Missing Proxy indicator 137, 137; resolution 1367, 137; working with 1347, 135, 136, 137

quality, and performance 133, 133, 134

Range Selection 97, 97

Range Tool 15960, 15960

ranges, marking 923, 92

rating: footage 525, 53, 54; tools 53, 53

Relink Media 2625, 262, 263, 2645

render files, deleting 260, 2601, 262

rendering 112, 1323, 132, 133

Replace edits 94, 94

Reset button 247, 247

resolution 75, 254, 254; Proxy media 1367, 137

Retiming 1102, 110, 111, 132

Roll edits 1023, 102, 103, 105

safe areas, text 203, 203

Scrubber Bar 98

searching 264: clips 57, 57, 58, 59, 5961, 59, 60, 61, 645; Keyword Collections 61

Secondary Storyline 99100, 99, 100

Select tool 96, 96

shakes, removing 224, 224

shapes 204

Share: Add Destination 257, 257; Blu-ray from 2567, 256; Destinations Preference 2578, 257; DVD from 2567, 256, 259, 259; export destinations 256, 256; export media using 2529, 252, 253, 254, 2556, 257, 258, 259; Export Options 258; exporting a range 253, 253, 256, 256; exporting audio only 253, 253, 254; exporting video only 253, 253, 254; icon 252; Master file creation 252, 252; Master file export 2556; Settings 254, 254, 255, 2589, 258, 259

shortcuts: audio only editing 89; clip duration 113; clip menu 117; creating Events and Projects 47; editing tools 95; Effects Browser 184; freeze frames 112; Inspector 17, 17, 166; Keyword Editor 65, 66; Keywords 67, 67, 68; Markers 118; Overwrite Editing 91; Search Facility 264; separating audio from video 156, 156; Show Video Animation 198; Skimming function 51, 52; video animation controls 223; video only editing 89; video scopes 235, 236

shots, comparing 19, 19

Show Audio Animation 174, 1745

Show Detailed Trimming Feedback 23, 3, 102, 102, 103

Show Title/Action Safe Zones 203, 203

Show Unused Media 125, 125

Show Used Media 1245, 124, 125

Show Video Animation 198, 201, 201

skimming 51, 51, 84, 98, 989, 98

Slide edits 1045, 104, 105

Slip edits 103, 103, 104

slow motion 1102, 110, 111

Snapping 98, 98

Solo button 114, 114

Solo Clips 114, 114

sound fades 154

soundmixing 154; see also audio

soundtrack 73, 81; soloing 114; see also audio

speed, retiming 1102, 110, 111

stabilization 224, 224

Storyline: Primary 85, 85, 86, 86, 90, 99, 99, 123, 212; removing clips 101, 101; Secondary 99100, 99, 100

stretching 132

synchronization: audio 79, 79, 154, 165; Multicam clips 139, 139

tape, importing media from 3941, 39, 40, 41

text 183, 188, 188, 1901, 193; animated 188; color 194; custom 193; entering 18990; fading 198, 1989; fonts 194, 194, 195, 196, 196, 197; keyframing 200, 2001, 2012, 202; options 188, 188, 193; parameters 189; repositioning 190, 191, 201; safe areas 203, 203; size 191, 192, 193; static 193, 1934, 194, 195; title themes 183 2067, 207

textures 204

themes 183, 206, 206; color manipulation 208; generator 207, 209, 209; title 183, 2067, 207; transition 183, 207, 2079

Three-Window Interface 14, 14, 15, 156, 15, 17

Thunderbolt to FireWire adapters 39

title themes 183, 2067, 207

Timeline 19; basic cutting 76, 778, 778; clip display 79; condensing 80, 80; Connected Clips 84; Cut, Copy, and Paste 123, 123; exporting a range from 253, 253, 256, 256; Insert Editing 8990, 89, 90; Magnetic 97; Markers 11820, 118, 119, 120; marking a range 923, 92; media overlaps 186, 186; missing files 262, 263; ordering clips 7981, 79, 80, 81, 934, 93, 96; Overwrite Editing 91, 91; Reveal clips 121, 121; spread of clips 79, 79; trimming while playing back in 1089, 108, 109; visual positioning 97

Timeline Index 120, 121

Title Browser 189

Title icon 189

title themes 183

titles: see text

To Do Items 119, 119

To Do Markers 120

Transcoding 8

transform controls 209, 209, 2101

Transform Effect function 190, 209

transition themes 183, 207, 2079

transitions 100, 182, 1867, 1867, 188, 208

Trim tool 1023, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105

trimming 1014, 101, 102, 103, 104, 1089, 108, 109, 143, 143, 211, 2123, 212, 213

video: exporting 253, 253, 254; literacy 272; separating audio from 813, 81, 82, 83, 1556, 155, 156

video and audio effects 182, 184, 1845, 1856, 186

video animation controls 223

video only editing 88, 88, 95, 109, 109

video properties: automatically setting 75; manual setting 756, 75, 76

video scopes 2356, 235, 236

Viewer 15, 15; basic cutting 76

Zoom tool 97, 97

zooms: Ken Burns 215, 2157, 218, 218



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