Write better

Learning to write a good speech will help you write better letters, memos, and other communications. Although speech writing is different from other kinds of writing in the sense that ear appeal is essential, a well-crafted speech has many characteristics that ought to be present in other kinds of writing. A speech must be organized logically so it is easily understandable on the first pass. A letter, memo, or report should be organized the same way. A reader shouldn't have to reread. A listener can't go back and relisten. A good speech makes use of active verbs and vivid nouns, which I call "gut" words. A lot of writing would benefit from more of that kind of language.

A good speech often relies on anecdotes and human-interest examples to carry its message—another characteristic that's appropriate for many kinds of writing.

Although speeches are written primarily to be heard, they are often seen in print as well. Many companies publish their executives' most important speeches in pamphlet form for distribution to shareholders, customers, and employees. Key speeches are sometimes published in magazines and newspapers, either in whole or in part. In these ways, a speech can have a life far beyond the twenty or thirty minutes the speaker spends in delivering it.

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