Publications and services

The Executive Speaker Company (Box 292437, Dayton OH 45429) offers a variety of publications and services to help you be a better speaker or speech writer. They are:

  • The Executive Speaker, a twelve-page monthly newsletter that serves as a clearinghouse and digest for recent speeches by executives. Each issue features examples of the best openings and closings from speeches, along with a line or two of analysis that points out what made the opening or closing work. Other regular features include "In Between" (examples of the use of speech-writing techniques drawn from the bodies of recent speeches), and "Quotable" (a collection of quotations from recent speeches that epitomize the speech or offer a valuable insight on an issue of current interest). A subscription to The Executive Speaker ($132 per year) includes several supplementary indexes. Each index includes bibliographical listings of the latest one hundred speeches that have been added to The Executive Speaker Library of more than six thousand speeches. The speeches are indexed on more than four thousand topics, as well as by speaker and company, and subscribers can order the full texts of any of the speeches listed in the index for $.35 per page ($.40 for nonsubscribers).

  • "The Executive Speaker Compendium" combines the last five years of The Executive Speaker newsletter into a single reference volume, which contains more than three hundred of the best openings, more than three hundred point makers, more than two hundred closings and summaries, and more than three hundred quotations. The 400-page compendium is $279.

  • "Speech Search," a service that provides a bibliographical listing of speeches in the library on any of more than four thousand key words. For example, you can order a list of all the speeches in the file that have anything to do with entrepreneurship, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, technology, competition, the global economy, philanthropy, volunteer activities, public relations, and thousands of other topics. The fee is $25 for the basic search and $.35 per page.

  • Executive Speeches, a bimonthly journal featuring the full text of ten to twelve of the best recent speeches by executives. Periodically, special issues of Executive Speeches are dedicated to a single topic. Past issues have focused on ethics, restructuring, education, customer service, motivation, and productivity. There are also periodic special collections of commencement speeches and other special-occasion speeches. Subscription: $60 per year.

  • The Quote . . . Unquote Newsletter, a quarterly eight-page publication dealing with the origin and use of quotations, proverbs, and popular phraseology. It includes observations and insights of British author and BBC radio personality Nigel Rees as well as questions and answers submitted by subscribers on the authorship and history of phrases and quotations. Subscription: $40 per year.

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