Opportunities abound

Service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and Jaycees are almost always eager for good programs. And usually they are excellent audiences. If you expect to have, or want to have, no more than one speaking invitation in a town, try to target the best. Among service clubs, Rotary tends to have many community leaders among its membership. But the Lions and Kiwanis Clubs follow closely. Jaycees is a younger and often more activist organization whose members are often looked upon as future community leaders.

School groups such as PTAs and business organizations such as chambers of commerce are also good possibilities. Business organizations have a high percentage of community leaders among their memberships.

For service clubs, a telephone call to the state headquarters of an organization will usually produce the name of the local club president and program chairman. A letter or phone call to one of them will often result in a speaking invitation. Of course, if the program can be arranged by a local representative of the company, so much the better.

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