
The Gratitude Attitude (The Gratitude Play)

Thoughts, ideas, and actions rarely arise in a vacuum. There are many people who I am grateful to for allowing me to benefit from their experience and professionalism. They have shown me, taught me, counseled me, and guided me, often in the subtlest of ways. All have informed the writing of this book. I blame an imperfect memory and offer my apologies to anyone I have missed:

Adrian Swinscoe

Peter B. Roach

Chris Sandford

Graham Scillitoe

Tony Sexton

Derek Arden

Andy Lopata

Heather Townsend

Adam Grant

John Lees

Jackie Jenks OBE

Duncan J Watts

Bryan Treherne MBE

Reid Hoffman

Claire Galmiche

Charles Fowler

David Gurteen

Lynne J. Millward

Adrian Banks

Almuth McDowall

Mavis Cracknell

Susan Luke Evans

George Howes

Carl Smith

William O’Sullivan

Nicolette Ladoulis

Bart Sangster

Ingrid Covington

Duncan Watts

Caroline Goyder

Kim Stephenson

Martine Robins

Peter Saville

Frances Brown

Richard Wiseman

Albert-László Barabási

Herminia Ibarra

David Seaton

Shirley Seaton

Brené Brown

Katrina Ramage

Mark Granovetter

Stew Friedman

Anna McAfee

Special thanks to the team at Business Expert Press: Scott, Charlene, Melissa, Sheri, Sung and, of course, Vilma for all your help and support.

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