
We are about to witness a seismic shift in the world of work. And I don’t mean all this stuff about working from home, or teleworking, or flexible working, or whatever today’s buzzword is. That has been going on to a greater or lesser extent since the word “telecommuting” was formally coined in the early 1970s.

No, it’s something deeper than that. We are going to witness the acceleration of a model that challenges long-held beliefs around what it means to be a manager or to be an employee. What “work” means in common parlance will also change.

I’m not saying this will happen overnight and, as William Gibson (as cited in Pettman, 2009) said, “The future is already here—it’s just not evenly distributed,” but change is coming and, like a wildfire, if it catches it is likely to be rapid.

Rather, I mean that the processes initiated by large-scale freelancing platforms such as Upwork, People per Hour, and so on will develop further. Of course, books have talked about this before. “The Start Up of You,” by LinkedIn’s key founder, Reid Hoffman, is one particularly good example.

But this time, it won’t be some form of lifestyle choice, with the option to return to a “secure” job if it doesn’t suit you.

No. Largescale depletion of traditional workforces will require people to become freelancers out of necessity and to stay that way. And as traders of time for money, we will quickly need to get to grips with these models. Or instead find that we have little or no means of income at all.

I don’t say this to scare you. Every challenge can be met, but it’s sometimes useful to have some help along the way.

This book will not school you in disciplines such as marketing, start-up finance, or prospecting for customers, although you would do well to learn these things if solo-preneurship beckons. It will tackle something much more fundamental and, in a strange way, easier for us all. If we behave as human beings.

I’m talking about the power of people networks to help us achieve what we want.

The ability to build, manage, and leverage networks is going to be highly important, if not essential, to survive and thrive in shiny new versions of our respective economies. Again, there’s nothing new about this and many people have been happily cultivating networks for many years and profiting from them. I’m one of them. And if I can do it, so can you.

The point is, whether we are totally new to networking or just a little bit rusty through not having practiced it for a while, we are all going to have to get a little better and bigger at it.

As the saying goes, “Go Big, or Go Home.”

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