
alliteration, 57

Amazon-light model, 76

analogy, 57–58

Arden, D., 53

authority, 101

Bandura, A., 106

Barabási, A. L., 93

behavioral insights, 102–104

Benjamin Franklin effect (BF play), 74–75

be ready play, 30–34

Bongs play, 43–50

Briner, R., 113

Cain, S., 98–99

campari, 58–59

career management, 4

career rewards, 4

Catch 22 situation, 84–86

Cattell, R., 21

Chunking, 45

Cialdini, R., 101–102

Clance, P. R., 22, 46

coach, 1

commitment, 69

consistency, 101

context, 70

conversational groupings, 61–63

Covey, Stephen R., 11

Dalton, S., 100

discourse play, 34–39

Don’t Stay Too Late play, 64–65

Dunbar’s number play, 61–66

Dweck, Carol S., 19

EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social, and Timely), 102–103

Economic Graph, 92–94

Eureka moments, 94–95

Eysenck, Hans J., 20, 63

Eysenckian theory, 63

face-to-face networking events, 29–30

action immediately after the event, 39–41

conversation, 34–39

preparation, 30–34

final play, 113–114

flattery, 69

Fletcher, Ben C., 21

follow-up play, 39–41

Friedman, S., 105

Gestalt therapy, 22

Googling, 32

Goyder, C., 109

Graceland (Simon), 77–79

Granovetter, Mark S., 15

Grant, A., 18

Grant, H., 67, 107

Halpern, D., 102

humblebrag, 71

Ibarra, H., 66

Imes, S. A., 22, 46

imposter play, 17–27

imposter syndrome, 22–24

‘Inner chimp’, 25

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 101–102

job search, 68

“Just Move on” play, 75–76

Karen J. Pine, 21

Kipling play, 83–84

Know Your Audience play, 81–96

learning, 69

likeability, 101

likeable, 107–108

LinkedIn play, 31, 82–84, 86, 90–96, 114

profile, 87–88

recommendations, 88–90

Little, B. R., 18, 63

Lopata, A., 46

lucky, 106

McLuhan, M., 83

Makin’ Whoopee, 110–112

meat play, 89–90

mentor play, 67–79

mentors and advocates, 67, 75–76

Milgram, S., 93

Misner, I., 37

network effects, 90

networking, 5

milestones, 24

myths, 17–20

nerves, 24–26

Networking Niceties, 107–108

networking niceties play, 107–108

networking playbook, 1

network smart, 105–106

“New-Age of Enlightenment,” 6–9

NEXTworking play, 97–104

nudge play, 102–104


optimal distinctiveness, 14

personal development, 5

perspective taking, 69

Peters, S., 25

plan, 11, 26

Playbook play, 1–9

power play, 84–86

process play, 29–42

professional play, 110

Putnam, R. D., 15–16

Q and A play, 73–74

Ray, G., 109

reciprocity, 101

relationships, 5, 67–68

rhyme, 57

Rule of Three, 57

scarcity, 101

Schein, E., 98

self-less play, 12–14

self-projection, 4, 5, 13, 70, 82, 88

Senge, P., 18

Simon, P., 77–79

Sinek, S., 54

small talk, 32–34, 36, 40, 51, 61, 97

SMART, 24, 30

social media, 4, 31, 48, 49, 71, 81–84, 86

social proof, 101

Social Superglue, 16

Social WD40, 16

speaking play, 108–109

staying late play, 64

Stew play, 105–106

storytelling, 56

strategic business networking, 11–16, 29, 30, 40, 51, 65–66, 84

success, 5, 19, 41, 54, 70, 78, 79

Sunstein, C., 102

“Super Sub,” 58

tapping in, 43–50

Thaler, R., 102

TIARA technique, 100

Townsend, H., 56

trait theory, 21

troubleshooting play, 105–112

Twain play, 109

Twitter, 31, 32, 71, 83

2-Hour Job Search, The (Dalton), 100

type theory, 20–21

unforgiving minute, 83–84

upping our elvis, 58–59

Waldman, J., 52

Watts, D. J., 93

weak ties, 14–16

Wiseman play, 106

Wiseman, R., 106

“working a room,” 17

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