

Adobe Photoshop is a truly incredible piece of software, limited only by the skill and creativity of the person using it. From my perspective, there are no advanced users. There’s no such thing as advanced—there are just those who have put it to use, practiced more, and have a working knowledge of the tools and techniques. Most importantly, though, they understand how and when to use the tools and techniques to get the results they want again and again.

So who is this book for? Well, to be perfectly honest, it’s for anyone who already uses Adobe Photoshop, has a basic knowledge of the tools and features, and wants to improve and realize their own creative potential—it’s that simple!

In The Photoshop Workbook, I lead you through the compositing and retouching techniques that I use every day to create images for my portfolio and for clients, who range from the BBC and Sky TV to athletes, musicians, and other professionals.

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