
Abrahamson, Alan, 85

Analogies, 33–35

Anatomy of presentation, 18–19 Animation, 46–47

Articles, 100–101

A study In Scarlet (Doyle), 12


background research about topic, 1–3

direct approach, 2

handouts/materials, 105–106

interaction with, 55–56

objective, 3–5

printed slides, 99–100

trouble-makers, 93

Audios, 52–53

Authenticity, 59–60

Blanking screen, 46

Blank screen, 82

Body language, 68–70

Borrowing stories, 32–33

Brainstorming, 9–11

Call back, 88

Communication rules, misrepresented, 60–61

Context, 37–41

Conversation, 68

Copyright, 51–52

Covey, Stephen R., 8, 34

Creative Visualization (Gawain), 84

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 16

Data, 37–41

Delivery of presentation

authenticity, 59–60

body language, 68–70

confidence, 61–63

conversation, 68

energy, vitality, enthusiasm, 70

filler words, 67

mindset, 63–64

misrepresented communication rules, 60–61

pace, 66

pause, 67

pitch and volume, 67–68

power of “you,” 68

speaker notes and reading, 64

timing, 65–66

Dialog, 29–30

Digital documents, 101–102

Distractions, 109

Doyle, Arthur Conan Sir, 12

Emotions, 26–28

Environment, 106–107

Equipment, 108–109

Facts, 26–28

Feedback, 111

from colleagues, 84

quality, 82–83

Filler words, 67

First Things First (Covey), 34

Flip charts, 53–54

Flow (Csikszentmihalyi), 16

Flowcharts, 49–50

Font style, 47

Gawain, Shakti, 84

Graphs, 49–50

Gray, John, 34

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 8

Handouts, 55

Harvard Medical Magazine, 85

Hawthorne effect, 32

Hiding slides, 46

Humor, 73–75

Images, 48–49

grouping, 52–53

resources for, 51–52

Knight, Sue, 18

Konnikova, Maria, 11

Mastermind: How To Think Like Sherlock Holmes (Konnikova), 11

Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus (Gray), 34

Mental rehearsal, 84–86

Metaphors, 33–35

Mindset, 63–64

Mini speech, 28–29

Montefiore, Simon Sebag, 31

Multisensory language, 17–18

Neurolinguistic Programming at work (Knight), 18

No Limits (Phelps and Abrahamson), 85

Notes, 79–81

Opening and closing comments, 19–22

Paper handouts, 101–102

Phelps, Michael, 85

PowerPoint slides, 45–46

Presentation types, 102

Presentation Zen (Reynolds), 44

Printed slides, 99–100

Props, 54–55

Quality feedback, 82–83

Questions and Answers, 91–97

anticipating, 92–93

closing stages, 96–97

coping strategy, 91–92

responding, 95

trouble-makers, 93

Rehearsing, 77–79

Remote clickers, 82

Reports, 100–101

Reynolds, Garr, 44

Shapes, 49–50

grouping, 52

Slide decks, 43–45

Slide transitions, 46–47

Speaker, 22

Speaker notes and reading, 64

Speeches That Changed The World (Montefiore), 31

Storyboard, 14

Story format, 30–31

Structure and planning

anatomy of presentation, 18–19

brainstorming, 9–11

existing material, 14–15

general industry awareness, 13–14

Mind palace/Memory palace, 11–13

multisensory language, 17–18

opening and closing comments, 19–22

selecting best points, 15–17

speaker, 22

storyboard, 14

timeline, 8–9

Text color, 47

Timeline, 8–9

Timing, 65–66, 88–89, 109


AV support, 107–108

distractions, 109

environment, 106–107

equipment, 108–109

feedback, 111

getting in zone, 110

handouts or materials, 105–106

slides and notes, 103–104

timing, 109

Video recording, 83–84

Videos, 52–53

Vignettes, 28–29

Visual aids, 43

Whiteboards, 53–54

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