Method Index

[ ], 130, 415, 566

[ ]=3D, 566

*_before_type_cast, 131, 343

*_change, 564

*_changed?, 564

*_was, 564

*_will_change!, 564

*=3D, 136

*bytes, 650῿651

<<, 185, 200, 415

 , 634


abstract_class=3D, 153, 277

accepts_nested_attributes_for, 186, 344῿347

active?, 157

acts_like?, 653

adapter_name, 157

add, 566, 589

add_column, 143

add_index, 184

add_limit!, 154

add_lock, 154

add_observer, 571

add_on_blank, 566

add_on_empty, 566

add_silencer, 11, 586

add_whiner, 649

advance, 604, 610, 651῿653, 674

after, 506

after_commit, 259

after_commit_on_create, 259

after_commit_on_destroy, 259

after_commit_on_update, 259

after_create, 258, 268

after_destroy, 258, 262, 268

after_filter, 106

after_find, 262῿263, 289

after_fork, 554

after_initialize, 262῿263

after_rollback, 259

after_rollback_on_create, 259

after_rollback_on_destroy, 259

after_rollback_on_update, 259

after_save, 258

after_update, 258, 268

after_validation, 258

after_validation_on_create, 258

ago, 604, 610, 618, 652, 674

alert, 416

alias_attribute, 638

alias_method_chain, 639

all, 128, 146, 186, 682

allow_forgery_protection=3D, 20

and_return, 518῿519

anonymous?, 639

any?, 186

around_debug, 636

around_filter, 109

as_json, 572, 588

assert_blank, 672

assert_difference, 672

assert_equal, 511

assert_valid_keys, 625

asset_host=3D, 21, 322

assigns, 298

arel_table, 152

at, 680

at_beginning_of_*, 604῿605, 674

at_beginning_of_day, 609

at_end_of_*, 674

at_end_of_month, 605

atom_feed, 324῿326

atomic_write, 621

attachments, 473

attr_accessible, 139῿140, 567

attr_accessor_with_default, 640

attr_internal_accessor, 640

attr_protected, 567

attr_readonly, 141

attributes, 130

attributes=3D, 130

audio_path, 319

audio_tag, 319

auth_type=3D, 466

authenticate_user!, 441

auto_discovery_link_tag, 316

auto_flushing=3D, 589

auto_link, 368

autoload_paths=3D, 9

autoloaded_constants, 614

average, 186, 265῿267


backend, 385

backtrace_cleaner, 11

base_path, 298

base64, 661

bcc, 473

be, 513

be_*, 513

be_an_error, 528

be_routable, 529

before, 506

before_create, 258

before_destroy, 142, 256, 258, 261

before_filter, 105῿107

before_first_fork, 554

before_fork, 554

before_save, 258, 260

before_update, 258

before_validation, 258

before_validation_on_create, 258, 259

begin_db_transaction, 155

belongs_to, 166, 182῿183, 191῿199

benchmark, 587

blank?, 585, 653, 663

build, 186

build_association, 192

button_to, 391

button_to_remote, 361

by, 508


cache, 135, 326, 486῿488

cache_asset_timestamps=3D, 324

cache_classes=3D, 16

cache_store=3D, 21

cache_sweeper, 490῿491

caches_action, 484῿485

caches_page, 484῿485

calculate, 187, 265῿267

call, 87, 416

camelize, 666

capture, 327

cattr_accessor, 599

cattr_reader, 599

cattr_writer, 599

cc, 473

cdata_section, 366

chain, 516

change, 165, 508, 605, 610, 675

change_column, 163

change_default, 165

change_table, 165

changed, 565

changed?, 565

changed_attributes, 565

changes, 565

check_box, 348

check_box_tag, 355

civil_from_format, 611

class_attribute, 598῿599

class_eval, 289῿290, 635

class_inheritable_accessor, 601

class_inheritable_array, 601

class_inheritable_hash, 601

classify, 666

cleanup, 592

clear, 187, 249, 592

clear_query_cache, 135

clone, 131

close, 589

collection, 33, 72, 569

collection_name, 463

collection_select, 350

column, 165῿166

commit_db_transaction, 155

compose_codepoints, 646

composed_of, 281῿285

concat, 368

config, 546

config_accessor, 603

configure, 15

connection, 153

consider_all_requests_local=3D, 18

const_missing, 644

constantize, 667

constraints, 52

content_for, 295῿296, 327

content_for?, 327

content_tag, 366

content_tag_for, 363῿364

context, 504

controller, 298

cookie_verifier_secret=3D, 12

cookies, 299, 433

copy_instance_variables_from, 654

count, 187, 265῿267, 566

count_by_sql, 134

count_observers, 571

create, 127, 187, 460

create_association, 192

create!, 175, 187

create_table, 163, 164῿165

created_at, 172

created_on, 172

current, 605, 610, 679

current_cycle, 369

current_page, 392

cycle, 369


dasherize, 12, 667

date, 473

date_select, 328

datetime_select, 329, 390

day, 652

days_in_month, 675

debug, 333, 589

debug_rjs=3D, 18

debugger, 634

decode, 633

decode, 64, 586

decompose_codepoints, 646

decrement, 139, 592

decrement!, 139

decrypt, 637

deep_merge, 623

default_locale, 375

default_scope, 254

default_timezone=3D, 158

define_attr_method, 562

define_attr_methods, 562

define_callbacks, 596῿597

define_model_callbacks, 563

delay, 416, 551

delegate, 641῿643

delete, 88, 142, 155, 187, 200, 261, 497, 592

delete_all, 175, 187, 261

delete_matched, 592

delivery_method=3D, 20

demodulize, 667

deprecate_methods, 617

deprecation=3D, 20, 21

descendents, 602

describe, 124, 504

destroy, 142, 187

destroy_all, 188

destroyed?, 142

diff, 624

disconnect!, 157

distance_of_time_in_words, 332, 388

distance_of_time_in_words_to_now, 333

div_for, 362, 364

does_not_match?, 514

dom_class, 363

dom_id, 363

down, 163

draggable, 417

draw, 33῿34

drop_receiving, 417

drop_table, 163

duplicable?, 654


each, 566

each_with_object, 619

element, 569

email_field, 348

email_field_tag, 355

empty?, 188, 566

enable_warnings, 634

encode, 634

encode64, 586

encrypt, 637

end_of_day, 610

ends_with?, 670

enqueue, 552

error, 589

error_message_on, 310

error_messages, 94

error_messages_for, 311῿312

errors, 231῿232

escape_javascript, 358

escape_once, 367

establish_connection, 153

except, 624

exception_handler, 391

excerpt, 370

execute, 154, 155, 173

exist?, 497, 592

exists?, 152

expect, 508

expire_action, 489

expire_fragment, 489῿490

expire_page, 489

expires_in, 498

expires_now, 498

expose, 297῿298, 337

extract_options!, 582


fallbacks=3D, 21

failure_message_for_should, 514

failure_message_for_should_not, 514

fatal, 589

fetch, 495῿497, 592῿594

fields_for, 343῿347

fieldset_tag, 355

fifth, 580

find, 128, 146, 185, 188, 459

find_all_by_*, 132

find_by_*, 132

find_by_sql, 133῿134

find_each, 173

find_or_create_by_*, 132

find_or_initialize_by_*, 132

file_field, 348

file_field_tag, 356

find_tzinfo, 683

first, 128, 146, 188, 663

flash, 299῿300

flush, 589

foreign_key, 667

form, 313

form_for, 62, 334῿345, 411

form_remote_for, 361

form_remote_tag, 361

form_tag, 356

formatted_offset, 611, 677

formatter, 636

fortnight, 652

forty_two, 580

fourth, 580

fragment_cache_store=3D, 493

fragment_exist?, 488

fresh_when, 499

from, 150, 473, 508, 579, 663

from_json, 572

from_now, 618, 652

from_xml, 456῿457, 573, 622

full_messages, 390, 566

future?, 610


g_pack, 647

g_unpack, 647

gem, 3῿4

generate, 637

generate_message, 566

generate_messages, 390

generators, 546

get, 33, 35

git, 5

group, 3, 150

group_by, 619

grouped_collection_select, 350


handle_asynchronously, 551

has_*, 514

has_and_belongs_to_many, 208

has_many, 121, 182῿183, 199῿208

has_many :through, 214῿221

has_one, 222῿225

have_*, 514

having, 150

headers, 473

helper, 531

helper_method, 433

hex, 661

hidden_field, 348

hidden_field_tag, 357

hide, 417

hide_action, 106

highlight, 370

hour, 652

html_escape, 620

html_safe, 670

human, 569, 630

human_attribute_name, 390, 573

human_name, 390

human_size, 359

humanize, 667


i18n_scope, 573

image_path, 320

image_submit_tag, 357

image_tag, 320

in, 606

in_chars_class?, 647

in_groups, 583

in_groups_of, 583

in_time_zone, 613

include, 514

include?, 189, 659

included, 288῿289

includes, 151

increment, 139, 593

increment!, 139

index, 166

index_by, 620

inflections, 630

info, 589

inheritable_attributes, 601

initializer, 546

input, 314

insert, 155

insert_after, 88

insert_before, 88

insert_html, 417

inspect, 618

instance_eval, 109

instance_values, 655

instance_variable_names, 655

instantiate_observers, 571

instrument, 649

invalid?, 575

irregular, 630

it, 124, 507

it_should_behave_like, 517

its, 512


javascript_include_tag, 317, 411

javascript_path, 318

javascript_tag, 359

joins, 151

json_escape, 621


kind, 578


l, 374

label, 348

label_tag, 357

last, 128, 189, 663

last_month, 606

last_year, 606

layout, 101, 477

length, 189

let, 504῿506

let!, 506

limit, 149

link_to, 32, 36῿37, 48῿49, 59, 62, 392῿393, 411, 419

link_to_if, 394

link_to_remote, 361, 419

link_to_unless, 394

link_to_unless_current, 394

literal, 418

load, 656

load_once_paths, 614

load_paths, 614

load_paths=3D, 9

local, 680

local_assigns, 306

local_constants, 643

local_offset, 610

local_time, 676

locale, 376

localize, 374

lock!, 145

log_level, 15

log_subscriber, 546

logger, 301

logger=3D, 21, 23

lookup_ancestors, 573

lookup_store, 496


mail, 473῿475

mail_to, 394῿395

many?, 186

mark_for_destruction, 226

match, 32῿49, 59, 89

matches?, 53, 514

maximum, 189, 265῿267

mb_chars, 645, 669

member, 33, 70῿71

middleware, 87

midnight, 609

minimum, 189, 265῿267

minute, 652

mock, 518

mock_model, 526

mock_with, 523

model_name, 569

month, 652

months_ago, 606, 676

months_since, 606, 676

multiple_of?, 633


namespace, 34, 52

new, 73, 189

new_record?, 127

next_month, 606

next_week, 606

next_year, 606

normalize, 647

notify_observers, 571

now, 301, 680, 683

number_field, 349

number_field_tag, 357

number_to_currency, 359, 390

number_to_human_size, 359, 390

number_to_percentage, 360, 390

number_to_phone, 360

number_with_delimiter, 360, 390

number_with_precision, 361, 390


object_id, 191

observe, 268, 570

observe_field, 361, 412

observe_form, 361

observed_class, 570

observers, 571

observers=3D, 269

offset, 149

options, 594

option_groups_from_collection_for_select, 351

options_for_select, 352῿354

options_from_collection_for_select, 354

ord, 664

order, 148῿149, 185

ordinalize, 633

overlaps?, 659


params, 38, 301, 336῿338

parameterize, 632, 668

parent, 643

parents, 644

parse, 680

partial_counter, 307

partial_path, 363, 569

password=3D, 465

password_field, 349

password_field_tag, 357

past?, 610

pending, 509

perform, 553

perform_caching=3D, 18, 484

periodic_call_remote, 361

permanent, 432

persisted?, 127

plural, 569, 630

pluralize, 12, 370, 668

pluralize_table_names=3D, 123

post, 33, 35

prefix=3D, 463

prepend_after_filter, 108

prepend_before_filter, 108

presence, 653῿654

present?, 653

previous_changes, 565

primary_key_prefix_type=3D, 123

production?, 671

proxy=3D, 467

proxy_owner, 182, 228

proxy_reflection, 228

proxy_target, 228


radio_button, 349

radio_button_tag, 357

raise_delivery_errors=3D, 19, 21

rake_tasks, 546

random_bytes, 661

random_number, 662

range_field, 349

range_field_tag, 358

raw, 362

raw_connection, 157

read, 497, 594

read_attribute, 125, 129

read_multi, 497, 595

readonly, 152

readonly_attributes, 141

receive, 477῿478

reconnect!, 157

record_timestamps=3D, 172

redirect, 39

redirect_to, 32, 47῿48, 101῿104, 417

references, 166

register, 14

register_alias, 14

register_javascript_expansion, 545

register_stylesheet_expansion, 545

reload, 131, 145, 185, 229

reload!, 92, 120

remote_form_for, 361, 411

remove, 166, 418

remove_belongs_to, 166

remove_column, 143

remove_filters, 585

remove_index, 166

remove_references, 166

remove_silencers!, 11, 585

remove_timestamps, 166

rename, 166

render, 93῿98, 112῿113, 302, 414

render_views, 528

reorder_characters, 647

replace, 190, 418

replace_html, 414, 418

reply_to, 473

request, 301

require, 4, 16῿17, 656

require_library_or_gem, 635

require_or_load, 656

rescue_action, 528

rescue_from, 660

reset, 229

reset_*, 564

reset_counters, 195

reset_cycle, 371

reset_inheritable_attributes, 601

reset_sequence!, 155

resource, 33, 64῿65

resources, 33, 58῿61, 64῿76

response_code, 528

respond_to, 40῿41, 76῿77, 415

reverse_merge, 626

rollback_db_transation, 155

root, 34, 44

round, 622

route_to, 529


sample, 584

sanitize, 364

sanitize_css, 365

sanitized_allowed_attributes=3D, 365

sanitized_allowed_tags=3D, 365

save, 138

save!, 138, 242

schema_format, 15, 20, 158, 171῿172

scope, 50῿52, 251῿255

scoped_by_*, 133

search_field, 349

search_field_tag, 358

second, 580, 652

seconds_since_midnight, 610, 676

seconds_to_utc_offset, 683

select, 149, 350, 418

select_all, 134, 155

select_date, 329

select_datetime, 330

select_day, 330

select_hour, 330

select_minute, 330

select_month, 330, 390

select_one, 156

select_second, 331

select_tag, 358

select_time, 331

select_value, 156

select_values, 156

select_year, 331

send_data, 113῿114

send_file, 114῿116

serializable_hash, 571

serialize, 125῿126

serve_static_assets=3D, 21

session=3D, 14

session_options=3D, 431

session_store=3D, 14

set_callback, 597

set_inheritance_column, 273

set_locking_column, 144

set_primary_key, 122

set_table_name, 122

shallow, 69

shared_examples_for, 517

should, 508, 510῿512

should_not, 510῿512

should_not_receive, 518

should_receive, 518

show, 419

show_exceptions=3D, 20

signed, 432

silence, 617, 636

silence_stream, 634

silence_warnings, 635

simple_format, 371

since, 606, 610, 618

singleton_class, 635

singular, 569, 630

singularize, 668

site=3D, 458

size, 190, 567

skip_before_filter, 110

skip_callback, 597

skip_filter, 110

slice, 626

smtp_settings, 479

sortable, 419

specify, 507

split, 584

squish, 665

stale?, 499

starts_with?, 670

step, 658

store_full_sti_class=3D, 159

store_translations, 385

string, 163

stringify_keys, 625

strip_links, 365, 371

strip_tags, 365, 371

stub, 518

stub!, 527

stub_model, 526

stub_chain, 519

stylesheet_link_tag, 318

stylesheet_path, 319

subclasses, 601

subject, 473, 511

submit, 349

submit_tag, 358

submit_to_remote, 361

sum, 190, 265῿267, 619

supports_count_distinct?, 158

supports_migrations?, 158

suppress, 635

swap, 88

symbolize_keys, 625

synchronize, 644


t, 374, 383῿385

table_name_prefix=3D, 123

table_name_suffix=3D, 123

tableize, 668

tables, 158

tag, 367

telephone_field, 349

telephone_field_tag, 358

template, 531

template_engine, 11

test_framework, 11

text_area, 349

text_area_tag, 358

text_field, 350


third, 580

threadsafe!, 21῿23

tidy_bytes, 646

time_select, 329

time_with_datetime_fallback, 676

time_zone_options_for_select, 354

time_zone_select, 350

timestamps, 163, 166

titleize, 668

to, 473, 508, 508, 580, 663

to_a, 564

to_date, 611, 678

to_datetime, 678

to_f, 612

to_formatted_s, 580, 608, 612

to_i, 612

to_json, 97, 419

to_key, 563

to_model, 563

to_options, 625

to_param, 563, 585, 627

to_query, 627

to_s, 581

to_sentence, 390, 581

to_sql, 253

to_time, 612

to_xml, 97, 445῿454, 567, 573, 581῿582, 623

to_yaml, 588

today, 684

toggle, 139, 419

toggle!, 139

tomorrow, 607

touch, 139

translate, 374, 383῿385

transliterate, 631῿632

truncate, 372, 665

type, 272


u_unpack, 647

uncountable, 630

underscore, 669

uniq, 190

uniq_by, 584

uniq_by!, 584

unknown, 589

unloadable, 656

until, 618

update, 136῿137, 156, 570

update_all, 137῿138, 173

update_attribute, 139, 249

update_attributes, 137, 139, 249

updated_at, 172

updated_on, 172

url_for, 395῿398

us_zones, 684

use, 87῿88

use_zone, 679

user=3D, 465

utc, 610

utc?, 611

utc_offset, 611


valid?, 137, 232, 245, 575

validate, 248, 575, 578

validates, 232, 245

validates_acceptance_of, 232, 575

validates_associated, 233

validates_confirmation_of, 233, 575

validates_each, 234, 575

validates_exclusion_of, 236, 575

validates_format_of, 235, 576

validates_inclusion_of, 236, 576

validates_length_of, 236῿237, 576

validates_numericality_of, 237, 577

validates_presence_of, 238, 577

validates_uniqueness_of, 239

validates_with, 241, 577

validators, 578

validators_on, 578

verify, 111῿112, 638, 648

verify!, 158, 648

video_path, 320

video_tag, 320

visual_effect, 362, 419


warn, 589

week, 652

where, 146῿148, 185

whiny_nils=3D, 18

with_indifferent_access, 624

with_options, 244, 656

word_wrap, 372

wrap, 585

write, 497, 595

write_attribute, 125, 129


x_sendfile_header=3D, 21

xmlschema, 608, 612


y, 91

year, 653

years_ago, 607, 677

years_since, 607, 677

yesterday, 607, 677

yield, 295῿296, 326


zone, 679

zone=3D, 679=

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