u (regular expression) modifier, Regexp Literals
u (Unicode) escape, Double-quoted string literals, Double-quoted string literals
UCS (Universal Character Set), Multibyte characters in Ruby 1.9
UDPServer class, Datagrams
unary +/–, Unary + and –, Memoizing Functions
UnboundMethod class, Unbound Method Objects
undef keyword, Undefining Methods
undefine_finalizer method (ObjectSpace), ObjectSpace and GC
undefining methods, Undefining Methods
underscore (_), Integer Literals, Constant References
constants, Constant References
integer literals, using, Integer Literals
ungetc method, Reading bytes and characters
unhandled exceptions, Threads and unhandled exceptions
Unicode, Unicode Codepoint Constants with const_missing
const_missing method and, Unicode Codepoint Constants with const_missing
Unicode characters, Unicode characters in identifiers, Double-quoted string literals, Unicode escapes
escapes, Double-quoted string literals, Unicode escapes
uninitialized variables, Uninitialized Variables
union method, Adding and deleting set elements
Universal Character Set (UCS), Multibyte characters in Ruby 1.9
unless keyword, Operators, unless
unreachable objects, Object Lifetime
until keyword, Operators, while and until, while and until As Modifiers
modifiers, as, while and until As Modifiers
while loops and, while and until
untrace_var method (Kernel), Tracing
upto method, Blocks and Iterators, Numeric Iterators
upto method (Integer), Iterators and Enumerable Objects
UTF-8 encoding, Unicode characters in identifiers, Specifying Program Encoding, Unicode escapes, Regular expression encoding
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