(tab), Double-quoted string literals, Double-quoted string literals
-T option, Miscellaneous Options
tab, Whitespace, Double-quoted string literals, Double-quoted string literals
escape, Double-quoted string literals
tables (hash), Hash Codes, Equality, and Mutable Keys
tainted data, Tainted Data
tainted? method, Tainted and Untrusted Objects
take method (Enumerable), Selecting subcollections
take_while method (Enumerable), Selecting subcollections
TCPServer class, A Very Simple Server
TCPSocket class, A Very Simple Client
TCPSocket.open method, A Very Simple Client
terminated normally thread state, Querying thread state
terminated with exception thread state, Querying thread state
test method (Kernel), Testing Files
text, TextArrays, Formatting Text, Formatting Text, Streams and text-processing globals
(see also strings)
formatting, Formatting Text
global, Streams and text-processing globals
text processing options, Text Processing Options
thawing objects, Freezing Objects
Thread class, Threads for Concurrency, Threads and Concurrency, Thread preemption and Thread.pass, Listing Threads and Thread Groups
list method, Listing Threads and Thread Groups
new method, Threads for Concurrency, Threads and Concurrency
pass method, Thread preemption and Thread.pass
Thread.abort_on_exception method, Threads and unhandled exceptions
Thread.new method, Threads for Concurrency
ThreadGroup.list method, Listing Threads and Thread Groups
threads, Threads for Concurrency, Thread Safety with Synchronized Blocks, Threads and ConcurrencyCondition Variables and Queues, Thread Lifecycle, Threads and Variables, Thread Scheduling, Thread States, Thread Exclusion and Deadlock
exclusion and deadlock, Thread Exclusion and Deadlock
of execution, Threads for Concurrency
lifecycle, Thread Lifecycle
safety, Thread Safety with Synchronized Blocks
scheduling, Thread Scheduling
states, Thread States
variables and, Threads and Variables
throw statement, Altering Control Flow, throw and catch
tilde, Operators (see ~)
Time class, Dates and Times
times method, Blocks and Iterators
times method (Integer), Iterators and Enumerable Objects
tokens, Lexical Structure
top-level environment, The Top-Level EnvironmentPractical Extraction and Reporting Shortcuts
TOPLEVEL_BINDING constant, Top-Level Constants
to_a method, Creating arrays
arrays and, Creating arrays
to_a method (Enumerable), Iterating and converting collections
to_ary method, Implicit conversions
to_enum method, Enumerators
to_hash method, Implicit conversions
to_int method, Implicit conversions
to_path method, Files and Directories
to_proc method (Symbol), Symbols, Methods, and Procs
to_s method, Boolean type conversions, Defining a to_s Method, Miscellaneous hash methods
to_s method (Object), Object Conversion
to_set method (Enumerable), Creating sets
to_sym method (String), Symbols
trace_var method (Kernel), Tracing
tracing, Tracing
TRUE constant, Top-Level Constants
true keyword, True, False, and Nil, Literals and Keyword Literals
Try Ruby tutorial, More Ruby Tutorials
TypeError, Handling exceptions by type
types (objects), Object Class and Object Type, Types, Classes, and ModulesEvaluating Strings and Blocks
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