
  • accelerated test
    • CAST goals
    • conferences
    • environmental profiling
    • high temperature, Arrhenius model
    • multi-test plan
    • qualification testing
    • salt fog
    • temperature cycle
    • temperature–humidity–bias
    • vibration
  • acceleration factor
    • creep
    • damage
    • diffusion
    • Peukert’s law batteries
    • temperature, Arrhenius
    • temperature-humidity, corrosion, Peck
    • temperature-humidity, local RH
    • thermal cycle fatigue, Coffin-Manson, Norris-Lanzberg
    • time compression, definition
    • vibration fatigue
    • wear
  • activation
    • Ea
    • energy, Ea, table of values
  • adiabatic
  • aging, categories
  • aging ratio
  • Allan variance
  • angular momentum
  • angular velocity
  • Archard’s wear equation
  • Arrhenius
    • barrier probability
    • law
    • TAT model
      • large parametric change
      • small parametric change
  • availability, reliability definition
  • availability, useful work
  • average failure rate γ(t)ave, definition
  • Basquin’s equation
  • bathtub curve
    • creep rate, three stages, primary, secondary, tertiary
    • Power law model of
    • reliability distribution fit curve
    • Weibull beta
  • batteries
    • Nernst Equation
    • primary batteries
    • secondary batteries
      • damage
      • DOD
  • Boltzmann constant
  • Boltzmann distribution
  • capacitor leakage model
  • CAST (cumulative stress test) goal
    • creep
    • fatigue, Miner's rule
    • thermal
    • thermal, corrosion
    • thermal cycle fatigue
    • vibration
    • wear
  • catastrophic failure
  • censored Data
  • central limit theorem
  • charge
  • chemical differential rate law
  • chemical potential
  • chi-squared confidence Test
  • clausius inequality
  • Coffin-Manson AF model
  • compressibility
  • confidence interval for normal parameters
  • confidence testing
  • controlled mass
  • corrosion
    • acceleration factor, Arrhenius
    • chemical process
    • current, backward, forward, net
    • damage
    • Faraday’s Law
    • Nernst equation
    • Peukert’s law
    • rate, examples, different metals
    • rate in microelectronics
    • secondary batteries
    • thermodynamic work
    • uniform corrosion
  • Cpk index
    • and its relation to yield
  • creep
    • acceleration factor
    • accumulated damage
    • CAST goal
    • rate, aging power law
    • rate, steel
    • similar to bathtub curve
    • three phases
    • time to failure
  • cumulative distribution function (CDF) F(t) to fit data method
  • cumulative failure rate λ(t)cum definition see also specific CDF
  • cumulative strength
  • current
  • damage see also Miner's rule, cumulative damage; creep, wear, vibration fatigue, thermal fatigue
    • acceleration factor
    • corrosion
    • cumulative
    • cyclic damage
    • damage
    • effective, actual
    • measurable damage
    • non-cyclic damage
    • ratio
    • secondary batteries
    • thermodynamic
    • work damage concept
  • damping loss factor
  • density
  • differential entropy failure rate
  • diffusion
    • acceleration factor
    • concentration
    • entropy damage
    • equation
    • equilibrium conditions
    • Gaussian probability
    • maximizing entropy
    • package moisture diffusion
    • random walk
    • spontaneous
    • variance
  • disorder see also entropy and disorder
  • disordered energy
  • displacement, generalized
  • efficiency, human
  • efficiency, inefficiency
  • elastic stress limit
  • elasticity (Young's modulus)
  • electric field
  • electrolyte
  • engine
    • Carnot cycle
    • Carnot cycle efficiency
    • damage, efficiency loss
    • efficiency
    • heat engine
    • human, see also negative entropy
    • MPG, efficiency
  • enthalpy
  • entropy
    • change (ds or Δs)
    • continuous and discrete
    • damage
    • damage axiom
    • damage resolution
    • damage threshold
    • damage, cumulative
    • damage, system level
    • differential
    • δQ/T
    • environmental entropy damage
    • exchanged
    • failure rate, differential entropy
    • flow
    • generated
    • maximize principle
    • mesoscopic noise
    • negative entropy
    • noise autocorrelation function
    • noise principle
    • non-damage
    • of the Universe
    • production
    • random process postulate
    • randomness mesoscopic measurements
    • repair
    • statistical definition
    • statistical definition with microstate model
  • environment damage
  • environment, definition see also most of Chapter 1 and 2 for usages
  • equilibrium
    • diffusion equilibrium
    • equilibrium thermodynamics
    • equilibrium with Charge Exchange
    • thermal equilibrium
  • exponential distribution
    • R(t), CDF, PDF, failure rate, uses of
  • extensive variables
  • failure rate
    • conversions
    • for series system
    • λ(t), definition see also specific distributions
    • time dependence and independence
  • Faraday’s law
  • fatigue damage spectrum (FDS)
    • random vibration
    • sine vibration
  • fatigue limit
  • first law of thermodynamics
    • for cyclic process
  • force, conjugate
  • forced processes
  • Fowler–Nordheim tunneling leakage/breakdown
  • free energy
    • barrier
    • relative minimum
  • gas constant, R
  • Gaussian
  • Generalized Power Law Acceleration Factors
  • Gibbs free energy
    • bounds useful work, non-compressive
    • damage
    • full expression for work
    • non-mechanical work
  • growth, self-repair
  • hardening, strain
  • hardness
  • heat
    • capacity
    • path δQ
    • reservoir
  • Helmholtz free energy
    • maximum useful work, reversible work
    • measurable using work
    • mechanical work
    • opposite of entropy concept
    • partition function relationship
    • reversible work
  • human engine, see also negative entropy
  • human heart
    • noise, failure, S-N curve
  • inflection point
  • intensive variables
  • internal energy
  • internal irreversibility
  • irreversible
  • isentropic
  • isobaric
  • isochoric
  • isolated system
  • isothermal
  • kinetic frictional model
  • Legendre transform
  • logarithmic-in-time aging
    • bipolar transistor beta aging
    • connection to log-normal distribution
    • creep model
    • diffusion
    • field-effect transistor
    • graphical shape
    • power law resemblance
    • wear model
  • lognormal distribution
    • Arrhenius life-stress model
    • CDF, error function
    • connection to log-time aging
    • fitting catastrophic data example
    • graphical sigma, sigma time dependence
    • mean
    • PDF
    • R(t), CDF, PDF, failure rate
    • vibration life-stress model
  • Maclaurin series
  • macroscopic system
  • magnetic field
  • magnetic flux
  • magnetic intensity
  • mass
  • mean time to failure (MTTF) or mean time between failures (MTBF)
  • mesoscopic
    • measurement
    • noise entropy
    • system
  • microstates mode
  • Mile's equation
  • Miner’s rule
    • acceleration factor
    • corrosion
    • derivations, cumulative and cyclic damage
    • example
    • FDS
    • non-cyclic damage
    • secondary batteries
  • mixed modal analysis
    • subpopulation, main population
  • momentum
  • negative entropy
    • perfect human engine
    • spontaneous negative entropy
  • Noise Analysis, entropy
    • Allan variance
    • autocorrelation noise measurement
    • autocorrelation, function
    • delta function
    • disordered energy
    • environmental noise, pollution
    • exponential
    • Flicker (pink) 1/f, brown 1/f2, noise
    • Fourier transform
    • Gaussian
    • Gaussian white noise
    • human heart congestive heart failure
    • Johnson–Nyquist noise
    • measurement system
    • mesoscopic noise
    • mesoscopic noise entropy
    • noise analysis
    • noise entropy autocorrelation function
    • noise principle
    • Nyquist theorem
    • PSD (Power Spectral Density)
    • random process postulate
    • stationary, non-stationary
    • system noise degradation
    • vibration
    • white noise
    • Wiener–Khintchine theorem
  • non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  • normal distribution, see also Gaussian distribution
  • Norris–Lanzberg AF model
  • parametric aging state
  • parametric failure
  • partition function
  • path dependent
  • Peck’s humidity AF
  • Peukert’s law
  • physics of failure
  • polarization
  • Poole–Frenkel, dielectric leakage/breakdown
  • power law aging models see also creep, thermal cycle, fatigue, Peukert’s law
  • power loss
  • power spectral density (PSD)
  • power, dW/dt
  • pressure
  • probability density function (PDF) f(t), definition see also specific PDFs for Weibull, lognormal, exponential, normal
  • Q
  • quasistatic process and measurement process, f
  • redundancy
  • refrigerator
  • reliability function R(t), definition see also specific CDF
  • reliability software to aid the reader
  • repair entropy
  • repairable-reversible
  • resistor aging
  • Resonance
  • Reversible process
  • S-N curves
    • and equation
    • human heart compared to metal fatigue
  • scanning electron microscope (SEM)
  • Schottky effect leakage/breakdown
  • second law
    • combined with first law
    • damage, ΔSdamage≥0
    • in entropy damage terms
    • in free energy terms
  • self-repair, growth
  • specific heat
  • spontaneous process
  • spontaneous repair, see also negative entropy
  • state variables
  • stokes integral theorem
  • strain
    • plastic
  • stress
    • creep
    • thermal cycle fatigue
  • system
    • definition see also Chapters 1 and 2 for common usage System
  • system vibration damage, example
  • TAT model
    • activation wear model
    • bipolar transistors
    • creep model
    • field-effect transistor
    • graceful degradation
    • influence on lognormal distribution
    • large parametric change
    • logarithmic-in-time aging
    • small parametric change
    • thermally activated time dependent model
  • temperature
  • tension
  • theory of organization
    • influence on manufacturing, reliability and quality
    • probability of success
    • reducing complexity, minimize variability
    • stability, for materials
  • thermal cycle fatigue
    • acceleration factor
    • CAST goal
    • Coffin-Manson AF model
    • damage
    • Norris–Lanzberg AF model
  • thermally activated
  • thermo-chemical E-model leakage/breakdown
  • thermodynamic aging states
  • thermodynamic degradation science
  • thermodynamic Potentials
    • available work
    • chemical potential
    • enthalpy
    • example
    • Gibbs free energy
    • Helmholtz free energy
    • internal energy
  • thermodynamic state variables
  • transistor aging
    • beta degradation
    • bipolar case, HBT
    • capacitor leakage model, bulk and surface
    • field-effect transistor, MESFET
    • gate leakage, base leakage, drain-source resistance
    • transconductance degradation
  • transmissibility
  • Variance, Allan, true
  • vibration
    • CAST goal
    • cyclic fatigue work
    • fatigue acceleration factor
    • fatigue damage
    • fatigue failure at resonance
    • G, Grms
    • PSD, power spectral density
    • random vibration
    • resonance, Q, transmissibility
    • sine vibration
  • voltage
  • volume
  • wear
    • abrasive
    • acceleration factor
    • activation log-time wear model
    • Archard’s coefficient
    • Archard’s equation
    • CAST goal
    • damage
    • time to failure
  • Weibull distribution
    • beta, meaning of, bathtub curve
    • connection to power law aging
    • creep parameters and beta
    • failure rate
    • fitting catastrophic data example
    • power law concept
    • R(t), CDF, PDF, failure rate
  • work, thermodynamic
    • actual work
    • available Work
    • chemical work
    • conjugate work
      • creep
      • diffusion
      • electrical
      • variables
      • vibration
      • wear
    • creep
    • cumulative work damage
    • cyclic work
    • cyclic work for secondary batteries
    • engine
    • irreversible work
    • path dependent, δW
    • power loss
    • reversible work
    • thermal cycle fatigue
    • thermodynamic work
    • useful work
    • vibration fatigue
    • work efficiency, inefficiency
  • yield point
  • Young's modulus
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