

AC vs. DC electrical current, adult supervision, 129


class/group tinkering schemes, 47

competition, 49

cooperation, 49

Ankle Model project, 152–156

gastrocnemius, 158

materials list, 153

tibialis anterior, 158

tinkering, 153

answers, formulating, 143–144

approaching projects, 77

Arm Model project, 148–151

biceps, 156

materials list, 148

radius, 156

tinkering, 148

tools list, 148

triceps, 156

ulna, 156

Art Spinner project, 181–185

materials list, 182

tinkering, 182

art, tinkering and, 84

assembly-line instruction, 111, 112

assessments, 168–169

issues with, 168

techniques for, 168

attraction, 41

autoharp project, 13


baking soda, 129

basketball hoop project, 56–58

materials list, 56

parabola and, 62

tinkering, 56

tools list, 56

batteries, 72

charger, 72

saving, 108

solar cells and, 109

biceps, 156

biology, 147–164

ankle model, 152–156

arm model, 148–151

biomechanical models, 147

bones, 147–248

biomechanical models, 147

ankle, 152–156

arm, 148–151

bone puzzles, 162

bones, tinkering with, 162–163

bouncing jaws project, 33

tinkering, 33

A Boy and a Battery (Yates), 110

brown bag experiments, 16

brushes, 186

buoyant force, 136


California State Science Content Standards, 165

carbon dioxide, 137

careers, 87

carnival ball game project, 59–61

factors, 62

materials list, 59

parabola and, 62

tinkering, 59

catapults, 64

basketball hoop project, 56–58

chemical reactions

adult supervision and, 129

materials list, 129

tinkering, 129

chemistry, 119–140

chemical reactions, 129–134

density, 135

floating/sinking objects, 120–127

fluids with various densities, mixing, 136–137

gases, creating, 137

physics of, 134


extending, 108

series, 107

class tinkering schemes, 45–47

advantages, 45

interns and, 45

limitations, 46

classic volcano project, 138

classroom learning, 111

assessments, 168–169

community of learners, 114

identity transformation within, 114

community of practice, 114

Community Science Workshops, 16

funding for, 71

intent community participation in, 113

tinkering schemes in, 45

website, 76

compass project, 30–31

compasses, 30


advantages, 49

in tinkering, 49

limitations, 49

compression, 12

conic sections, 62

Conner, Clifford D., 17

contract funding, 71


advantages, 49

in tinkering, 49

limitations, 49

Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 191

Crapper, Thomas, 191

crystals, 138

cultural space, 114

Curie, Marie, 191


DC vs. AC electrical current, 48

decorations, 72

defining tinkering, 191

density, 135

gravity and, 136

diamagnetism, 44

differentiated learning, 115–116

scaffolding and, 116

directions, 76


from observation, 24

teaching and, 24

discovery method, 143

Doherty, Paul, 144

donations, receiving, 71

donors, 71

drum project, 2–6

comparing drums, 12

comparing sounds, 6

materials list, 2

tinkering, 2

tools list, 2

variables, 12

Drum Tower of Xian China, 13


eddy currents, induced, 59

Edison, Thomas, 191


choice in structure, 112

traditions of, 111

electrical circuits, 89–110

basics of, 109

glowies, 109

Magic Wand project, 91–97

Steadiness Circuit project, 98–106

with kids, 89

electrical engineering, 90

electrical wire, 72

electrolysis, 139

electromagnetic dancer project, 38–40

materials list, 38

tinkering, 38

electromagnets, 38–41

electromagnetic dancer project, 38–40

physics of, 41

electronics, 69

encouraging tinkering, 145

energy, 55


parents, 85

with students, 51

engineering, 171–190

Art Spinner project, 181–185

Hovercraft project, 173–180

inertia and, 187

Environmental Science Workshop

Watsonville, 48, 119

escape velocity, 62

experiments, brown bag, 16


San Francisco, 15

Teacher Institute, 15, 144

value of, 15

extending circuits, 108

eye model, 161


factors, 12

Faraday cage, 109

Faraday, Michael, 171

fasteners, 72

ferromagnetism, 44

financial support, 71

donations, 71

steady donors, 71

finger model, 160

Flashlight project, 91–97

materials list, 91

tinkering, 91

tools list, 91

floating arm trebuchet (FAT), 66

floating stack project, tinkering, 26

floating/sinking colors

buoyant force, 136

density, 136

gravity, 135

materials list, 120

tinkering, 120

tools list, 120

fluorescent light, 107

flying cork activity, 132

focus on students, 51

force, 55

force fields, creating, 41

Framework for K-12 Science Education, 165


competition, 49

cooperation, 49

for tinkering sessions, 48

individual expose, 49

studio, 48

free form tinkering schemes, 45

frustration, managing, 53

Fulton, Robert, 191

funding sources

Community Science Workshops, 87

contracts, 71

donations, 71

grant, 71

public agency, 71

steady donors, 71


gak, 47, 76

making, 138

Galileo, 18

gastrocnemius, 158

Gates, William, 191

Gilbert, William, 18

girls and tinkering, 19

creating a space for, 19

giving answers, 143

giving directions, 76

glowies, 109

grant funding, 71

gravity, 135

group tinkering schemes, 47

guitar project, 13


hackerspaces, 69

hand tools, 69

hanging up project, 27–29

tinkering, 27

Hewlett, William, 191

high school projects, 46

history of tinkering, 17

hobby motor, 171

homopolar motors, 189

hot-glue stations, 70

household supplies, 72

Hovercraft project, 173–180

issues with, 180

materials list, 173

tinkering, 174

tools list, 173

hydrogen peroxide, 137


ideas, tinkering with, 19

identity transformation, 114

incandescent light, 107

individual expose framework, 49

industry suppliers, 71

inertia, 187

injuries, 85

inquiry exercises, 48

Instructables, 74

instruments, 12

intent community participation, 113

Community Science Workshops using, 113


class/group tinkering schemes and, 47

in workshops, 46

issues with assessment, 168


Kelvin Educational, 72

kinesiology, 157

King, John, 16

kitchen supplies, 72



exercises inquiry, 48

standards, 48

Lave, Jean, 114

laws of motion, 55

lead levels, 108

learning communities, 111-116

academic standards and, 165–167

assessments, 168–169

types of, 111

learning process, 15–22

answers, formulating, 143–144

differentiated learning, 115–116

questions, stimulating, 141–143

tinkering and, 16

lecturing, 48

lever types, 157

levitator project, 34–36

tinkering, 34

library, in tinkering spaces, 70


fluorescent, 107

incandescent, 107

solid-state (LED), 107


class/group tinkering schemes, 47

competition, 49

cooperation, 49

logistics, 67–88

acquiring tools/supplies, 72

injuries and, 85

materials, 72–73

mobile storage, 74–75

model projects, 68

project evolution, 79

projects, facilitating, 81

space, 67

stocking, 70–71

storage, 75

tools, 73

loss (prevention) of materials/tools, 76

low-tech elements, 80

lung model, 162


Magic Wand project, 91–97

materials list, 91

tinkering, 92

tools list, 91

magnet toys projects, 25

magnetic wand with, 37

magnetic sand, 43

collecting, 43

magnetic wand project, 37

magnetic wand, influence of, 41

magnets/magnetism, 23–44

attraction, 41

compass project, 30–31

compasses, 42

diamagnetism, 44

electromagnetic dancer project, 38–40

electromagnets, 41

ferromagnetism, 44

hanging up project, 27–29

kids and, 24

levitator project, 34–36

magnetic sand, 43

magnetic wand, 37

paramagnetism, 44

physics of, 41

poles, 41

repulsion, 41

toys, making with, 25–40

types of, 44

making gak, 138

managing frustration, 48

marble rolls project, 63


procuring, 73

substituting, 74

materials lists

Ankle Model project, 152

Arm Model project, 148

Art Spinner project, 181

basketball hoop project, 56

carnival ball game project, 59

chemical reactions, 129

drum project, 2

electromagnetic dancer, 38

flashlight project, 91

floating/sinking colors, 120

Hovercraft project, 173

magic wand project, 91

magnet toys projects, 25

Steadiness Circuit project, 98

torsion drum project, 7

mechanics, 55–66

basketball hoop project, 56–58

carnival ball game project, 59–61

geometry and, 62–63

physics and, 62–63

membranophone, 77

Mini Maker Faires, 49

mini-museums, 49

Mission Science Workshop, 79, 162

mistakes, 84

MIT X courses, 66

models, of projects, 47

momentary switch, 107

Moose Call project, 77–78

Morrison, Phillip, 167

motion, 55

three laws of, 55

motors, 72, 171–190

Art Spinner project, 181–185

basics, 186

brushes, 186

hobby, 171

homopolar, 189

Hovercraft project, 173–180

inertia and, 187

proto-, 188


National Research Council, 165

New Generation Science Standards, 165

Newton, Isaac, 55

Newtons cradle project, 84

nitrogen, 137


observation, discovery and, 24

Oersted Prize for physics, 16

office supplies, 72

Oppenheimer, Frank, 15

options, providing in tinkering sessions, 48

organization, 74

Orsted, Hans Christian, 171

oscilloscopes, 48

oxygenated water, 137


Packard, David, 191

parabola, 62

parachute project, 65

paramagnetism, 44


engaging, 85

strategies for dealing with, 86

tinkering with kids, 21

Paulas pump project, 79

A Peoples History of Science; Miners, Midwives and Low Mechanicks (Conner), 17

peripheral participation, 114

physical space, 114

pinball machine project, 63

plastic, 72

poles, 41

popular projects, 79

procuring materials, 73

productivity, tinkering and, 114

project models, 46

in tinkering spaces, 88

project write-ups, 46


Ankle Model project, 152

Arm Model project, 148

Art Spinner project, 181–185

autoharp, 13

basketball hoop project, 56–58

bouncing jaws, 33

carnival ball game project, 59–61

catapults, 63

classic volcano, 138

compass project, 30–31

different approaches to, 77

drum project, 2–6

electromagnetic dancer project, 38–40

facilitating, 84

factors for, 79

Flashlight project, 91

glowies, 109

guitar, 13

hanging up project, 27–29

Hovercraft project, 173–180

instruments, 13

levitator project, 34–36

Magic Wand project, 91–97

magnetic wand, 37

marble rolls, 63

membranophone, 77

mistakes in, 84

models for, 70

Moose Call project, 77–78

Newtons cradle, 81

parachute, 66

Paulas pump project, 79

pinball machine, 63

pointers, 76

popular, 76

process vs. product, 87

relating theory to, 88

solenoid, 42

Steadiness Circuit project, 98–106

strange pendulum, 32

suggesting to students, 48

torsion drum project, 7–11

trebuchets, 65

working vs. not working, 84

xylophone, 13

zither, 13

proto-motors, 188

public agency funding, 71



commending, 141

giving answers, 143

praising, 141

responding to, 141

restating, 142

questions, stimulating, 141–143

in tinkering sessions, 51

strategies for, 141


RadioShack, 72

radius, 156

reactions, 137

receiving donations, 71

rechargeable batteries, 72

Renaissance, 18

repeating activities, 142

repulsion, 41

responding to questions, 143

retail/wholesale suppliers, 71

Rogoff, Barbara, 111

rolling edges project, 27

tinkering, 27

rules, for workshops, 48


Sabin, Albert, 191

safety, 85

injuries, 85

lead, 108

Salk, Jonas, 191

San Francisco Exploratorium, 15

satellite sites, 82

scaffolding, 116

schools, 115–116

academic standards and, 165–167

assessments, 168–169

differentiated learning and, 115–116

tinkering schemes, 45

visiting, 45

Science Education Framework for K-12, 165

science fair model, 49

Science Snackbook (Teachers Institute Exploratorium), 15

Scientific American, 167

Scientific and Engineering Practices, 165

scientific method vs. tinkering, 191

Scientific Revolution, 18

series circuits, 107

situated learning, 114

slime, making, 138

small injuries, 85

Smelke, Paula, 79

solar cells, 109

solenoid, 42

solid-state (LED) light, 107

sound, 1–14

drum project, 2–6

instruments, 13

musicality of, 12

physics of, 12

torsion drum project, 7–11

staff, in workshops, 46

standards, academic, 165–167

California State Science Content, 165

content, 165

dimensions, 165

New Generation Science, 165

problems with, 165

teaching to, 166

standards, wood, 72

Steadiness Circuit project, 98–106

materials list, 98

tinkering, 98

tools list, 98

storage, in tinkering spaces, 69

strange pendulum project, tinkering, 32

strategies for questions, 141

structural vessels, 72

structural wire, 72

structuring education, 151


engaging with, 51

focus on, 51

suggesting projects to, 51

tinkering sessions with, 51–52

working together, 51

studio framework, 48

substitution, 74

Sudran, Dan, 16, 48, 68, 162

sulfuric acid sugar snake, 139

switches, momentary, 106–107


Teacher Institute Exploratorium, 15, 144

teachers, 141–144

academic standards and, 165–167

differentiated learning and, 153–156


discovering and, 24

to standards, 167

techniques for assessment, 168

theory, relating projects to, 87

thoughtful tinkering, 88

tibialis anterior, 158


art and, 84

benefiting from, 53

competition in, 49

crystals, 138

defining, 191

encouraging further, 145

frustration with, 46

history of, 17–18

in schools, 47

learning process and, 15

productivity and, 114

repeating activities, 142

scientific method vs., 191

thoughtful, 88

with chemical reactions, 129

with ideas, 19

tinkering schemes, 45

class/group, 47

Community Science Workshop, 45

free form, 45

in schools, 47

structural categories, 45

tinkering sessions, 45–54

characteristics of, 50

frameworks for, 48

keeping order in, 51

lecturing in, 50

options in, 50

questions in, 51

schemes for, 45

with students, 51–54

tinkering space

batteries, 72

decorations, 72

electrical wire, 72

electronics, 72

fasteners, 72

first things, 72

hand tools, 73

hot-glue station, 72

household supplies, 72

kitchen supplies, 72

library, 72

materials, 72

motors, 72

music, 72

office supplies, 72

organization, 74

plastic, 72

project models, 72

safety, 85

satellite sites, 82

storage bins, 75

storage racks, 75

structural vessels, 72

structural wire, 72

tools for, 73

wheels, 72

wood, 72

tools lists

Arm Model project, 148

basketball hoop project, 56

carnival ball game project, 59

drum project, 2

flashlight project, 91

floating/sinking colors, 120

Hovercraft project, 173

magic wand project, 91

magnet toys projects, 25

Steadiness Circuit project, 98–106

tinkering space, 73

tornado in a bottle project, 80

torsion drum project, 7–11

materials list, 8

tinkering, 8

traditions of education, 149

trebuchets, 65

floating arm, 66

triceps, 156


ulna, 156


value of Exploratoriums, 15

variables, 12

ventilation, 68

de Vinci, Leonardo, 191

vinegar, 138


Watsonville Environmental Science Workshop, 48, 119

Wenger, Etienne, 152

wheels, 72

wood, standard sizes, 72


financial support for, 71

materials, 72

organizing, 74

rules in, 46

safety, 85

staff, 46

ventilation, 68

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 191

Wright, Orville, 191

Wright, Wilbur, 191

write-ups, 46


xylophone project, 13


Yates, Raymond F., 110

Young Makers workshops, 69


zither project, 13

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