Getting ready

We are going to use the same character as in the Using root motion to steer a character recipe with the Idle, WalkLeft, WalkForward, and WalkRight animations. You should prepare four additional animations: ToClimb (it should start with idle and end with ClimbIdle and should be done "in place" without hip movement), ClimbIdle (a looped animation where our character is idle on the ladder), ClimbUp (a looped animation, where our character moves one ladder step up; it starts and ends with ClimbIdle pose), and ClimbEnd (an animation similar to the EdgeGrabClimb from the Using triggers to grab an edge while jumping recipe). We are going to use the RootMotionSteering.cs script from the Using root motion to steer a character recipe to make the character move. You also need a ladder model with which your ClimbUp animation is synced. You can also go to the Chapter 04 Character movementRecipe 11 Using root motion for climbing directory. You will find an Example.unity scene there. Open it, play the game, and walk near the ladder and keep the up arrow pressed to start climbing.

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