Getting ready

Before we start, we need to have a character with a few animations. In this example, we are using a bird. It has IdleStartFlyingFlyingInCircles, and Land animations. The Idle animation is looped and played when our birds sits on the ground. The StartFlying animation is a transition between Idle and FlyingInCircles, which is a looped animation of the bird flying around. The last animation, the Land animation, is a transition between FlyingInCircles and Idle. We don't use root motion for those animations because we want the birds to always land in the same position (we don't want to check where the ground is, it's just a decoration).

You can also download the provided example Unity project and go to the Chapter 05 Character actions and expressionsRecipe 02 Creating background characters and critters with animation driven behavior directory. You will find a scene called Example.scene there, with some birds sitting around. If you press the space bar, the birds will start flying. If you press it again, they will land. In the Rigs directory, you can find the Bird.fbx character with all required animations.

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