How it works...

Cloth simulation uses vertices of a mesh to simulate cloth-like behavior. The mesh needs to be dense enough to make the simulation look good. The flag used in this example has 100 vertices.

The Cloth component has a number of options to use and tweak:

  • Stretching Stiffness: How stiff the cloth is when stretching.
  • Bending Stiffness: How stiff the cloth is when bending.
  • Use Tethers: This helps prevent unconstrained vertices going too far away from the constrained ones
  • Use Gravity: This applies gravity to cloth vertices.
  • Damping: This damps the motion of cloth vertices.
  • External Acceleration: This is a constant acceleration of cloth vertices and can be used to simulate wind.
  • Random Acceleration: This is similar to the preceding option, but is random. It is useful for simulating wind.
  • World Velocity Scale: This scales the world velocity of the object to which the cloth is attached to. It is useful for a character's clothing.
  • World Acceleration Scale: This scales the world acceleration of cloth vertices when the object the cloth is attached to accelerates. It is useful for a character's clothing.
  • Friction: The friction to apply when cloth vertices collide with something.
  • Collision Mass Scale: This scales the mass of cloth vertices when they collide with something.
  • Use Continuous Collision: This is similar to the continuous collision detection of the rigid bodies and improves collision quality but is heavier on performance.
  • Use Virtual Particles: This adds one virtual particle/vertex per cloth triangle and improves collision quality.
  • Solver Frequency: Number of solver iterations per second.
  •  Sleep Threshold: The threshold after which cloth stops being simulated (sleeps).
  • Capsule Colliders: An array of capsule colliders to collide with.
  • Sphere Colliders: An array of sphere colliders to collide with.
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