How to do it...

To use rigid body joints, follow these steps:

  1. Import our swing doors to Unity. The model should contain three objects: FrameDoorLeft, and DoorRight.
  2. Place the objects in the scene and parent them all to an empty game object, which you may call SwingDoors.
  3. Add a Mesh Collider to the Frame game object to prevent our character from going through it.
  4. Add a Box Collider or a Mesh Collider set to Convex to the DoorLeft game object.
  5. Add a Rigidbody component to the DoorLeft game object.
  6. Add a Hinge Joint component to DoorLeft.
  7. Set the Axis parameter to 0 X, 1 Y, and 0 Z. This is the axis in which our Hinge Joint can rotate.
  8. Check the Use Limits option and set the Min to -120 and Max to 120 (exact limits may differ in your particular case). Those values describe the range in which our Hinge Joint can rotate from its neutral position.
  9. If you want the doors to come back to their original position after they are pushed, check the Use Spring option.
  10. Set the Spring parameter to 1 and Damper to 0.5 (you may need to experiment with the exact values).
  11. Repeat steps 4-10 for the DoorRight game object.
  12. Play the game and make any other rigid body collide with the doors to see the effect (you may use your character if it uses rigid body physics to move).

To create a rope using Hinge Joints, follow these steps:

  1. Import our skinned Rope model to Unity. Rope should have enough bones to simulate its behavior (around 10-20 should be enough in most cases). Make sure the bones have identical or similar size and are not parented to each other (it will make the editing much easier).
  2. Place the Rope model in the scene.
  3. Go to the RopeRig game object and select all the bones.
  4. Add Capsule ColliderRigidbody, and Hinge Joint components to all the bones in the rig.
  5. With all the bones selected, use the Inspector to scale the Capsule Colliders to fit the bones sizes.
  1. Make sure the Auto Configure Connected Anchor option is selected in each bone's Hinge Joint settings.
  2. For every bone, find its Hinge Joint settings. Drag and drop the next bone to the Connected Body field of the previous bone. For instance, if you have a rig containing five bones, Bone1Bone2Bone3Bone4Bone5Bone5 is the top onedrag and drop Bone5 to the Connected Body field in the Hinge Joint settings of Bone4. Drag and drop Bone4 to Connected Body field in the Hinge Joint settings of Bone3 and so on. Leave the top bone's Connected Body field emptythis will constrain its movement in space.
  3. You may also need to adjust the Limits and Axis fields. The rotation axis should point in the same direction in which the bones are pointing. If you select a game object with a Hinge Joint, you may see the rotation axis as a small brownish arrow.
  4. Disable or remove the Animator component from the Rope game object.
  5. Play the game and collide with the rope to see the effect.
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