There's more...

  • You can add more than one condition to a state transition by clicking on the plus icon in the Conditions section in the transition Inspector. For the transition to occur, all its conditions have to be met. It works as logical AND for the conditions.
  • You can also create more than one transition between the same states. To do this, right-click on the state you want to transition from and choose the Make Transition option, and then select the state you already have a transition to. A multi-transition is marked with three arrows instead of one. If the conditions of any of the transitions are met, the transition will occur. You can use it as logical OR for transition conditions.
  • If you have more than one transition between states, you can only edit one of them at a time. To edit a transition, select it in the Transitions section of the Inspector.
  • If you want to remove a transition, select it in the Inspector and click on the minus icon, or select it in the Animator Controller and press Delete on the keyboard. Pressing Delete removes all the transitions.
  • If you want to remove a condition from a transition, select it in the Inspector tab and click on the minus icon. To select a condition, you need to click on the handle to the left of the condition drop-down list (the handle looks like a = sign).
  • If you want to remove a parameter from the Animator Controller, you need to click on the handle on the left of the parameter and press the Delete button on the keyboard. You can also right-click on the parameter and choose the Delete option from the context menu.
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