Changing Your csh Prompt

Your system’s default prompt might be just a dollar sign ($) or perhaps a dollar sign and date, or other information as outlined in the Setting Your csh Prompt Promptly sidebar. You can change this prompt using the following steps. You start by finding your prompt statement (Code Listing 8.21), then modifying it in your editor (Figure 8.7).

Figure 8.7. Edit your prompt to include the details you want.

To change your csh prompt:

grep prompt ~/.cshrc ~/.login

To begin, list the configuration files located in your home directory and in the /etc directory. Look through your system configuration files for your prompt statement. It’ll look something like set prompt=”> “ or set prompt=”’hostname’> “. It’s likely in your .cshrc file, as shown in Code Listing 8.21.

The Setting Your csh Prompt Promptly sidebar will help you translate this code.

vi .cshrc

Use the editor of your choice to edit the configuration file with the prompt setting in it.

set prompt="$LOGNAME > "

Set your prompt to something more suitable, as shown in Figure 8.7.

Code Listing 8.21. The prompt statement will likely be in your .cshrc file.
xmission> grep prompt ~/.cshrc ~/.login
/home/users/e/ejray/.cshrc:if ($?USER == 0 || $?prompt == 0) exit
/home/users/e/ejray/.cshrc:set prompt="'hostname'> "
/home/users/e/ejray/.login: exit     # leave user at regular C shell prompt

Save the file and exit from the editor.

su - yourid

Log in again to try it out (Code Listing 8.22).

✓ Tip

  • Note the trailing space in the prompt code: set prompt=”$LOGNAME > “. This extra space makes the prompt easier to use.

Setting Your csh Prompt Promptly

You can set your csh prompt to contain some types of information, but not as many as the bash or zsh prompts. The following list shows you what code to use to add certain kinds of information to your prompt (as well as help you translate the code in your existing prompt):

  • $LOGNAME shows the userid of the current user—that’s you.

  • ‘uname -n’% shows the host name of the computer

Code Listing 8.22. Test out your new prompt to see if you like it.
xmission> su - ejray
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.5.1Generic May 1996
You have mail.
NOTE! As of 7/15/98, "tin" has been backed out its prior version.  NNTP
    support was compiled in directly as well.  We hope that this will
    stabilize its problems.

   General questions email to "help" or "[email protected]".
   Problems with the system mail to "support" or "[email protected]".

   Type "acctstat" for a summary of your current account information.
   Type "quota -v" to view your existing disk quota.
   Type "help" for a list of online programs or "menu" for the assisted menu.

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