Chapter 2

The ESXi Hypervisor

Underpinning any design based on vSphere technologies is the hypervisor. ESXi host software drives vSphere deployments and makes guest virtualization possible. VMware's hypervisors have evolved rapidly over the years, and the basis of the enterprise offering has gone through a recent transition phase. It has emerged stronger on the other side with the new slim-line ESXi, more efficient, more capable, and more flexible than before.

This chapter looks closely at ESXi: what makes it tick and how to get it out across your organization. We'll dive deeply into its internal structure to understand the components that a design revolves around. There is an abundance of deployment choices, and these speak to the platform's growth and maturity. We'll compare the options, looking at the advantages of each and which may be more appropriate in different circumstances. The enterprise can now push ESXi out facilely and manage it consistently with effective policy management. So, we'll discuss the necessary configuration that is required in the design and how to effectively manage the hosts. The heart of any good vSphere architecture is a solid ESXi design.

In this chapter, you'll learn to

  • Understand the evolution of the ESXi hypervisor from its ESX roots
  • Understand all the components that make up the ESXi image and what makes ESXi unique as an operating system
  • Deploy ESXi using the multitude of options, and the impact those options have on the resulting build
  • Upgrade ESXi from previous versions, and how this affects the host configuration
  • Migrate ESX hosts to ESXi
  • Configure ESXi hosts and achieve the planned design
  • Manage the resulting ESXi deployment

Evolution of the vSphere Hypervisor

vSphere 5 hosts run a solitary, unified hypervisor operating system. The hypervisor is the software that virtualizes the host's hardware and makes it available to multiple guest OSes. vSphere hosts are what is known as type 1 hypervisors, or bare-metal hypervisors. Unlike a type 2 (or hosted) hypervisor, which runs atop a standard OS such as Windows or Linux, a type 1 hypervisor runs natively on the physical hardware without the need for an intermediary OS. This gives the hypervisor direct access to the hardware, reducing the performance overhead of running on an intermediary OS, and without the security and stability issues that adding another layer to the stack brings.

VMware vSphere Hypervisor
The term VMware vSphere hypervisor is actually a marketing term to specifically refer to the stand-alone version of ESXi that can be downloaded for free from the VMware website. It's a restricted version of the hypervisor that can't be managed by a vCenter instance. Remote connections via APIs are read-only, which limits third-party software such as backup and cloning tools, and there is a hard limit of 32 GB of physical memory for the host. It's offered as a direct response to other free hypervisors on the market and is a useful springboard for many administrators just discovering virtualization.
When we refer to the vSphere hypervisor or ESXi hypervisor in this book, we don't explicitly mean this gratis release of the software. Rather, we're alluding to the more generic term hypervisor with its many vSphere-licensed levels.

VMware released its GSX (type 2) and ESX (type 1) products in 2001. VMware GSX was renamed VMware Server in 2006, and support ended in 2011; it followed a lineage close to that of VMware's other hosted products such as Workstation, Player, and Fusion. The ESX enterprise hypervisor steadily evolved over the years; the latest versions, 4.0 and 4.1, were released in 2009 and 2010, respectively.

When ESX 3.5 was released in December 2007, VMware also made the first public release of ESXi 3.5. This marked the first significant fork in the ESX model, and since then VMware has released both ESX and ESXi alongside each other until the arrival of vSphere 5. Ever since the initial release of ESXi, VMware made no secret of the fact that it planned to replace ESX with the newer ESXi product. However, with the announcement of version 4.1, the company proclaimed that it would be the last of the ESX line, and all subsequent vSphere hypervisors would be ESXi based. vSphere 5.0 marked the first ESXi-only release and the death knell of ESX.

Since the introduction of the competing vSphere host with a remarkably similar moniker, ESX began being referred to as ESX classic to help distinguish it from its ESXi brethren. They had disparate management designs, but ESX and ESXi had far more in common than they had differences because their hypervisors were based on the same underlying code.

Both products, with the exception of the free stand-alone ESXi version, were priced and licensed identically. ESX classic and ESXi hosts can still coexist in the same cluster at the same time and share resources among VMs. Unless you work hands-on with the hosts themselves, you may not notice the difference in the client when connecting to vCenter. VM administrators, storage or network teams, and IT managers may understandably be oblivious to the difference. However, if you design or manage vSphere hosts, then you'll be interested in the differences that ESXi brought.

VMware openly stated for some time that ESXi was the destiny of the company's bare-metal virtualization line. The reality is that there is no future in ESX; the sooner a business moves to ESXi, the less it will waste on developing processes around and supporting an end-of-life product.

ESX classic consisted of three main elements that ran on the physical hardware, providing the virtualized environment for the guest OSes. Analogous versions of two of these, the VMkernel and the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), are still found in ESXi. The third, the Service Console, is the key differentiator because it's no longer found in ESXi.

The Service Console, also known as the Console Operating System (COS) or VMnix, was the command-line interface and management console of ESX hosts. It was a modified Red Hat Enterprise Linux build and allowed user-privileged access to the VMkernel. It didn't have any direct access to the physical server and its hardware components, although additional hardware drivers could be installed within it. It also enabled scripts to be run and infrastructure, hardware, and third-party agents to run.

The ESXi Concept

The removal of the Service Console fundamentally changed what was possible with VMware's hypervisor. ESXi has a smaller and less demanding footprint, which means the hypervisor consumes fewer host resources to perform essentially the same functions. ESXi also uses significantly less disk space, whether local disk or boot-from-SAN space. The Service Console of ESX hosts effectively ran as a single vCPU guest, which meant all of its processes ran serially. With ESXi, those functions were moved to the VMkernel, meaning there is greater scope for those processes to run in parallel using much more sophisticated scheduling.

One unequivocal advantage of ESXi's reduced code base is the greater level of security it brings. An ESX install came in at around 2 GB of installed files, whereas ESXi currently is near 125 MB. It's easy to see that so much less code means less to keep secure with a smaller attack vector. The Service Console provided additional software that had to be secured, which ESXi avoids.

With fewer patches to apply, ESXi reduces the frequency of host-server reboots and lessens the administrative burden of regular patching. Any large enterprise with a sizable collection of ESX hosts will be only too familiar with the seemingly never-ending cycle of host patching. ESXi patches come as a single relatively small file, as opposed to ESX patches, which could be very large. Patching is also easier to manage if hosts are spread across several remote sites, particularly where slow WAN links cause issues with vCenter Update Manager's (VUM's) ability to push out these large packages. Another advantage with ESXi's patches is that they come as a single firmware-like image that updates everything. Compare this to ESX patches, which came in multiple updates, potentially with dependencies on previous patches, and required multiple reboots.

An ESXi host is also more reliable than an ESX classic host. It effectively has less code to go wrong and fewer processes running over and above the VMs. The ability of the Service Console to run third-party agents was a double-edged sword, because although it allowed you to add extra functionality, some of the available agents caused stability issues on hosts. The inability of ESXi hosts to run unmanaged code means this is no longer a concern. Additionally, the dual-image nature of ESXi means there is always a standby bootable copy of the OS to roll back to, should you have any problems with an update.

ESXi brings with it the possibility of running hosts in a practically Stateless mode, meaning host servers are more comparable to hardware appliances. The deployment techniques available for ESXi are similar to those for ESX, but the install is considerably easier. You're prompted for very little information, and the install time is incredibly short. You don't need to understand the nuances of a POSIX filesystem and how best to carve up ESX's partitions. Even rebooting an ESXi server takes considerably less time than rebooting an equivalent ESX classic host.

The simplification of host management, with no need to understand a Service Console when configuring and troubleshooting, means a lower entry bar for staff to install and maintain new vSphere environments. The simple Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) screen is more comparable to a BIOS setup screen and far less intimidating to staff unfamiliar with Linux. If a problem exists in a remote office and there are no remote access cards or a keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) switch, then it's more feasible that an onsite employee might be able to assist in restarting a management daemon.

ESXi has so many advantages that it's clearly the better option for VMware and the company's customers moving forward. Despite the many ESX classic installations that still exist awaiting migration to ESXi, clearly the smart option—the only option—is to deploy ESXi. Thanks to vSphere's inherent abstraction, migrating VM workloads is relatively trivial and pain-free.

ESXi Design

The ESXi hypervisor shares many common elements with its older big brother ESX classic, but the main differentiator is that the Linux-based Service Console was stripped out. ESXi retains VMkernel and VMM components similar to ESX but has additional features built into the VMkernel; a new, much smaller management console; and other user-mode processes to replace the old Service Console OS functionality.

ESXi was redesigned this way to allow VMware users to scale out through a hypervisor that is more akin to a hardware appliance. The vision was a base OS that is capable of autoconfiguring, receiving its settings remotely, and running from memory without disks. But it's also an OS that's flexible enough to be installed on hard disks along with a locally saved state and user-defined settings for smaller, ready-to-use installations that don't require additional infrastructure.

Removing the Service Console obviously had an impact. A number of services and agents that were normally installed had to be rethought. The familiar command-line interface with its access to management, troubleshooting, and configuration tools is replaced in ESXi. And the Linux-styled third-party agents for backups, hardware monitoring, and the like must be provisioned in different ways.

ESXi Components

The ESXi OS is built on three layers. It achieves the same VM environment as ESX classic, but it has some significant architectural differences:

VMkernel The VMkernel sits at the foundation of ESXi and is built specifically for ESXi. It's a 64-bit microkernel POSIX-styled OS, designed by VMware not to be a general-purpose OS but one specifically tuned to operate as a hypervisor. The VMkernel manages the hardware of the physical server. It coordinates all of the CPU's resource scheduling and the memory allocation. It controls the disk and network I/O stacks and handles the device drivers for all the approved hardware compatibility list (HCL) compliant hardware.
VMkernel Extensions In additional to the VMkernel, there are a number of special kernel modules and drivers. These extensions let the OS interact with the hardware via device drivers, support different filesystems, and allow additional system calls.
Worlds VMware calls its schedulable user spaces worlds. These worlds allow for memory protection and sharing as well as CPU scheduling, and define the basis of privilege separation. There are three types of worlds:
System Worlds System worlds are special kernel-mode worlds that can run processes with system privileges. For example, processes such as idle and helper run as system worlds.
VMM Worlds The VMM worlds are user-space abstractions that let each guest OS see its own x86 virtualized hardware. Each VM runs in its own scheduled VMM world. It presents the hardware including the BIOS to each VM, allocating the necessary vCPUs, RAM, disks, vNICs, and so on. It also determines the monitor mode for each VM, depending on the physical CPUs in the server and the guest OS selected, choosing between Full Virtualization (binary translation), or Hardware Assisted Virtualization. (The paravirtualization monitor, also known as Virtual Machine Interface [VMI], was retired with vSphere 5.0.)
User Worlds User worlds are any processes that don't need to make calls with the privileges afforded to the system worlds. They can make system calls to the VMkernel to interact with VMs or the system.

Important—and something that differentiates ESXi from many common OSes—is the fact that because the entire OS is loaded into memory when it boots up, these user-space worlds are never swapped to disk. However, these worlds can be controlled via resource pools much the same as VMs. They have CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. This presents an advantage over the way ESX classic worked, where the Service Console ran as one world and a single Service Console agent using excessive memory could affect other processes. This is why Service Console memory was often increased to the maximum amount, to try to prevent the hostd process from being swamped. With ESXi, these processes are better protected.

ESXi Agents

The VMkernel runs several noteworthy agents and daemons:

Hostd hostd (which is stewarded by the service mgmt-vmware) is the primary management daemon. It's used to interface with the VMkernel and is the connection for direct vSphere Clients and remote API calls. hostd also includes the default SNMP agent, which is disabled by default.
Vpxa vpxa is the agent that allows a vCenter instance to connect to the VMkernel. When you first connect a host ESXi server to vCenter, it initiates the vpxa service, which acts as the intermediary to the VMkernel's functions under the vpxuser account.
Syslog The syslog daemon can forward logs to a remote syslog server.
Ntpd ntpd provides the time service to keep the host synchronized to remote time servers. This is important, because several inter-server services such as high availability (HA) and directory-based authentication rely on accurate timekeeping. You can also set the VMs to synchronize their guest OS to the local host.
DCUI The DCUI is the BIOS-style yellow interface that opens on the server's console screen. It lets you set basic configuration, permit access, and restart management agents.
Sfcbd The sfcbd daemon is the Common Information Model (CIM) broker provides agentless access to hardware monitoring via an externally accessible API. This reduces reliance on third-party hardware agents and SNMP.
ESXShell The ESXi Shell (previously known as Technical Support Mode [TSM]) runs as the ESXShell daemon and provides a very slim-line command-line tool. It provides local console access to the ESXCLI toolkit (esxcli), several other CLI tools such as vmkfstools, the esxcfg-* commands that are yet to be replicated in ESXCLI, and the real-time process monitor esxtop.

The last three processes are examined in more depth later in the chapter to show the effect these tools can have on the host's management.

ESXi System Image

Before we explain the installation and deployment options of an ESXi design, it's important to understand the structure of the ESXi image. The system image is a bootable image that is loaded into memory and runs the hypervisor. The ESXi installer uses this same system image to copy the files onto a bootable device for future boots (into the /bootbank partition). On its first boot, the image auto-discovers the hardware and runs an autoconfiguration based on the type of installation used. The system image can boot from CD, PXE, local disk, USB storage (USB flash key or SD card), FC, FCoE or iSCSI SAN (boot from SAN).

In addition to a handful of files used to bootstrap ESXi, an ESXi system image includes two main sets of files:

VMkernel Executives The VMkernel executives are the compressed files that make up the VMkernel. You can recognize them by their .gz file extension. These files don't show up in the filesystem after ESXi is loaded.
Archive Files The archives are the files that make up the visible filesystem. They're VMware Installation Bundle (VIB) files, usually with a .vgz, .v0n, or .tgz file extension.

As each VIB is extracted, it's overlaid onto the filesystem. As archives are consecutively laid down, only the latest changes are visible. If an archive is removed, then the previous branch is visible in the filesystem.

The last archive to be overlaid is called the state archive (state.tgz). This archive contains all the configuration settings, such as the /etc files. The state archive doesn't exist on the ISO image, because there is no nondefault configuration at that stage, but is created on initialization. To save excessive wear on the boot disk, which may be flash based, the state archive file is only updated to disk when a configuration change occurs. This is commonly every 10 minutes but is limited to no more than 6 backups every hour. This means some very recent changes may not survive a host crash (an update to disk does occur before reboots, though). This state archive tardisk forms the basis of the backup and restore routines.

Because the image is loaded into memory, it doesn't rely on its boot device when it's running. This means the boot device can fail or become disconnected, and the OS will continue to run. Changes that are made to the filesystem but that don't modify the system image are lost after a reboot. All added components and configuration changes must update the image in order to be persistent or must be reloaded each time.

ESXi allows only authorized code, and these modules have to be digitally signed by VMware. This restriction on VMkernel extensions helps to secure the environment, preserve system resources, and maintain a tight codebase.

Vendor-Specific Images

The main server vendors produce their own customized system images. These ISO images are enhanced versions of the regular VMware system images, with hardware-specific additions. They can include new or improved hardware drivers, extra CIM plug-ins to provide better hardware monitoring, and added support information.

ESXi Customized Images

You can customize your own ESXi images. This can be useful, because the VMware provided system image can become outdated. VMware releases patches but usually doesn't release a new image until a less frequent update is provided. By creating a customized image, it's possible to slipstream in several patches. Additionally, the standard system image may not include all the drivers or hardware CIM providers, or those included may be obsolete and require refreshing. It's possible that for newly released hardware, the standard image might not even install without the addition of special drivers. Extra plug-in software such as the HA agent, which is normally pushed from vCenter, or authorized third-party solutions can also be fed into the image.

To allow the creation of customized ESXi images, VMware released a new tool with vSphere 5 called Image Builder. Image Builder is a set of PowerCLI commandlets that package together installation bundles into customized ISO images and can fill a special image distribution container called a software depot. Image Builder uses three distinct components to create the customized ESXi images:

VIBs VIBs are installation bundles for ESXi components. Image Builder uses VIBs that have a .vib file extension. A VIB is an archive file, similar to a tarball, which contains the payload (for example, the software, plug-in, or driver), a descriptor file, and a signature file. The descriptor file contains several important details including any dependencies on other VIBs (meaning they must be installed first), known conflicts with other VIBs, whether it specifically replaces previously available VIBs, whether the VIBs require a host reboot or maintenance mode, and its acceptance level. The signature file is the digital certificate is used to verify that acceptance level.

The Image Builder tool uses four acceptance levels: VMwareCertified, VMwareAccepted, PartnerSupported, and CommunitySupported. Each VIB is set to an acceptance level; when Image Builder creates a customized image, that image can't take on an acceptance level higher than the lowest VIB level. This guarantees that an image is only trusted up the level of its least-accepted component.

VIB Author
VMware provides a tool called VIB Author that makes it much easier to create community supported-level VIBs. This can found at

Image Profile An image profile defines the packages in an ESXi image created by the Image Builder tool. Image profiles can be created and VIBs added manually until the desired image is forged. A more straightforward approach is to clone an existing image profile and merely tweak it with the required VIB additions and deletions necessary. You can create and maintain multiple image profiles for different hardware or different configurations: for example, different server models/manufacturers, with and without VMware Tools, third-party plug-ins, HA agents, and so on. Starting with vSphere 5.1, the Fault Domain Manager (FDM) agent is automatically fed into the image.

In addition to the acceptance level of each VIB, the image profile has its own acceptance level. All VIBs must be at least the same acceptance level as the image profile, if not higher, or the VIBs can't be added. VIB dependencies and conflicts are also checked for compliance when they're added to the image profiles.

Software Depot In addition to the pre-customized images that are sometimes available, server vendors and OEM hardware manufacturers can supply their own VIB files to extend special support for their hardware, including drivers and CIM plug-ins.

VIBs by themselves can be distributed, but these have to be installed via a command-line tool or the graphical VUM. Vendors instead usually choose to distribute their wares via a software depot that groups all their VIBs into one package and allows the software to be used directly by Image Builder. A software depot is simply a VIB or a collection of VIBs with some additional special metadata contained in a Zip file. Software depots are a better format for distributing packages because they allow the greatest versatility of installment options. Software depots that contain VIBs but not the base ESXi VIB are sometimes referred to as software bundles to distinguish that they're just meant as an addition to a core image.

A software depot can be made available for use in two ways: offline depots or online depots. An offline software depot is just a Zip archive file, much like a software bundle that also contains the ESXi image. When working with Image Builder you need a software depot, and a local Zip file is the easiest way to get started. You can also use an online depot, which may have the same contents as the file-based version but is centrally hosted on a web server. Most mainstream vendors host their own online depots that can be accessed over the Internet. Using an online depot has the advantage that whenever you create a new image, you pull down the latest version of the vendor's tools automatically. But you're at the mercy of the vendor to stay current with the other components. You can also use the online depots in VUM, subscribing to the vendor's site and allowing VUM to notify you when it finds newer software versions.

VMware provides its own software depots, both as offline Zip files and a web-based repository. If there is no custom depot for the server hardware for which you're creating the image, then you can start with VMware's base image. VMware provides two images: a standard one, and one that excludes the VMware Tools. The standard image is around twice the size of the slimmer sans-tools version. How the image is used will usually dictate which version to grab. As you'll see, the full version is good for ISO-style installs and the thinner one for the auto-deploy method of deployment. If you use the smaller ISO, you should set up a central shared locker for VMware Tools and configure each host to point to it.

Software depots are always required as an input resource for Image Builder to create images. Those created images (the output) can be either ISO files for regular installs/upgrades or new transformed software depots for use by VUM, CLI installs, or an Auto Deploy server.

Image Builder Process

Image Builder is a collection of PowerShell commandlets that exists in PowerCLI to create custom images. These commandlets use VIBs, image profiles, and software depots, and generate ESXi images as either ISO files for interactive and scripted installs or as Auto Deploy ready bundles.

The basic process to create a custom image with Image Builder is as follows (the commands provided are just pointers; additional switches and parameters are required):

1. Import/connect to the software depots to Image Builder
2. (Add-EsxSoftwareDepot).
3. Create an image profile specifying the base VIBs, or clone an existing profile (New-EsxImageProfile).
4. Add/remove VIBs as required (Add-EsxSoftwarePackage or Remove-EsxSoftwarePackage).
5. Export the image profile into a packaged ISO or depot file image
6. (New-EsxImageProfile).

Alternative Option to Create Customized Images
Other third-party options exist for creating customized images. In addition to getting a customized image from a server vendor, one such option is the ESXi-Customizer tool (http://v-front de/p/esxi-customizer.html). This is a simple script that presents a GUI tool to add VIBs and software bundles to an ISO image. It's freely available but obviously not supported by VMware. If you just want to squirt a RAID controller VIB or two into an ISO file that the server can successfully boot from, then this may provide a convenient and fast solution without having to get your hands dirty with PowerCLI commands.

It's worth noting that creating your own custom images isn't always a requirement. Large enterprises and service providers can benefit from the ability to customize images if they have a lot of servers or need to rebuild servers on a frequent basis. But the standard VMware ISO or vendor-customized ISO is probably sufficient for most companies.

ESXi Disk Layout

ESXi is loaded into memory when it boots up and runs from RAM. In memory, it uses tardisk archives that are static files and ramdisks that grow and shrink as they're used. In addition to the tardisks and ramdisks in memory, a number of disk partitions can be found. The way ESXi is deployed and the hardware that is discovered when it's deployed will determine what additional partitions are present and where they're stored. If these additional partitions exist, they're mounted in the filesystem. There is no way to manually define the partition layout during the install. Alternatively, if they aren't present, then the backing for the directories is more in- memory disk mounts. A detailed description of the deployment options for ESXi comes later in the chapter; here, let's focus on probably the most popular type—how ESXi Installable is copied to a local hard disk—because it shows all the possible partitions. Figure 2.1 illustrates the typical layout.

Figure 2.1 Typical partition layout of ESXi Installable on a local disk (minimum 5.2 GB)


A new ESXi 5 build now uses a GUID Partition Table (GPT) partition table as opposed to previous versions that used the older master boot record (MBR) partitioning. To view the list of partitions, instead of fdisk, use the partedUtil command.

System A small 4 MB bootloader partition resides at the start of the disk. This system disk is responsible for bootstrapping one of the two bootbanks.
Bootbank The bootbank partition is the primary system image. This partition is mounted in the filesystem in the /bootbank directory. The image in this partition, specifically the s.v00 file, is uncompressed into RAM during boot time and becomes the root of the running filesystem.
Alt Bootbank The altbootbank partition is reserved for a backup image. This alternative bootbank can be used in case of problems during an upgrade. The altbootbank stores the “last known good configuration” as a fail-safe. During boot time, you can flip back to this predecessor using the Shift+R option. This partition is mounted as /altbootbank in the running filesystem.
vmkDiagnostic This partition stores the dump of the core memory if the host crashes with a Purple Screen of Death (PSOD) failure. This can then be retrieved and analyzed for troubleshooting. This partition is normally empty and not mounted to the filesystem.
Store The store partition keeps the VMware Tools ISO files and driver floppy images ready to mount to VMs. It's used to store any auxiliary files. It's mounted as /store. /locker is symbolically linked to this directory.
Scratch A scratch partition is a 4 GB virtual file-allocation table (VFAT) partition that's created by default during a regular install if a local disk of at least 5.2 GB is found on the first boot. The scratch partition persists the state archive and captures running state files such as the logs and diagnostic bundles (vm-support) that you can create if you're troubleshooting an issue. Userworld swap can also reside here. If the scratch partition doesn't exist and an alternate local location isn't found, the scratch directory is redirected to /tmp/scratch on a ramdisk. This means the contents of the scratch partition won't survive a reboot. It also means that up to 4 GB of RAM can be committed just with these files.

Scratch partitions are created if there is space on the local boot disk or another local disk. If not, then ESXi attempts to create a folder on a local Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastore if available; failing that, it uses a ramdisk. You can redirect the scratch directory to a persistent VMFS or NFS volume if the install doesn't create the partition (although VMware doesn't recommend using an NFS volume). Scratch partitions are never created on what ESXi considers remote disks such as “boot from SAN” logical unit numbers (LUNs) and some SAS disks that are labeled as remote. Additionally, ESXi never creates scratch partitions on USB flash drives or SD cards, even if they have the capacity, because the potentially heavy disk I/O from the userworld swap could damage them.

VMFS Datastore If sufficient space exists during the first boot, a VMFS-5 datastore is created. This datastore is sized to fill the rest of the remaining boot disk.

Tardisks and Ramdisks

ESXi uses both tardisks and ramdisks to create its running filesystem. As the system boots up, tardisks are mounted as directories within the base VMkernel's tardisk, which is uncompressed into memory. Unlike regular filesystems, these tardisks aren't untarred and the resulting copy of the files used. Instead, ESXi keeps the tardisks intact and mounts them at points as if they were disks. The physical partitions described in the last section are also mounted in the running filesystem. Run ls -lah / to see the symbolic links for directories that are redirected to partitions (this is an easy way to check whether the running /scratch directory is on a local partition, VMFS, or ramdisk). The tardisks are laid out onto the filesystem in order as the system boots; once the process is finished, the filesystem you can see and interact with in the ESXi Shell is assembled. The tardisks are read-only and can't be changed. A tardisk in the image can overlay another one in the running filesystem, but it can't be modified.

Ramdisks provide storage for files that need to be created or modified while ESXi is running. For example, configuration settings and logs need to be maintained. If a modification to a file on a tardisk is required, ESXi uses a branching technique to create a working copy of it on a ramdisk. This is used extensively for the /etc folder. It uses a file's sticky bit to designate that it's allowed it to be branched off in this way. But these changes can't be written back to the tardisk files because they're read-only, so to persist this information it's written to the state file: state .tgz (most files are actually stored in local.tgz, which is inside state.tgz).

ESXi Deployment

ESXi can be deployed in a multitude of ways and will dynamically self-select its configuration options depending on the environment it finds. This gives you several deployment options, each subtlety suited to different scenarios. The consequences of each delivery mechanism in different hardware situations will drive an ESXi server's base design.

Hardware Requirements

To install ESXi, you need to consider several factors. First, the hardware should match the required specifications, and you should verify that all the components are supported on the HCL. Chapter 4, “Server Hardware,” looks in detail at hardware requirements. However, as a basic starting point, the server should have 64-bit x86 CPUs with a minimum of 2 GB RAM. 1 GB of bootable disk space is required to complete a local installation.

ESXi Flavors: Installable, Embedded, and Stateless

ESXi comes in three flavors that dictate how it can be deployed. ESXi Installable is currently the most common and allows you to install the hypervisor on your own server hardware. ESXi Embedded is an OEM option that you can purchase preinstalled on new servers. ESXi Stateless describes booting the hosts each time from a special PXE service called Auto Deploy.

The following section discusses ESXi Installable, ESXi Embedded, and ESXi Stateless and how these elements affect the design of a host deployment and your selection of hypervisor.

ESXi Installable

ESXi Installable is the version of ESXi that you install yourself to run on a server. It doesn't come pre-embedded on the hardware. Various options exist for the installation; and despite the name, you can boot and run it without installing it to a local drive.

One significant difference from most other OS deployments is that the system image is copied to the install location, and no installation per se is required. This makes the process significantly faster. The following explains the primary design factors in an ESXi Installable deployment:

Booting the Installer You can start the ESXi installer from several locations. The most common method is to download the installer from the VMware website, create a bootable CD, and start booting the server from the CD. But the server can also boot from USB (as long as the server's BIOS supports this) or via a PXE boot from one of the server's network cards. Any of these options can take advantage of a customized image created via the Image Builder tool, instead of VMware's vanilla download.

PXE booting is invoked when the server starts and is going through its Power On Self Test (POST). Usually a particular keystroke is required; or, often, if a server doesn't find a suitable bootable image on one of its storage devices, it will automatically try to find a PXE server. The network card broadcasts, looking for a response from a suitable PXE server. If discoverable, the PXE server replies to requests and can be configured to offer up the ESXi media as a bootable device. PXE servers offer a convenient solution to centrally storing installation media in a LAN environment. If you have several servers in one location, you can use PXE-based ESXi media depots to speed up installations, because each server doesn't need to be physically touched as it's built (or rebuilt). However, if you have several sites with WAN interconnects, you may need a PXE server at each location. Installing an OS of several hundred megabytes over a WAN link is probably impractical. Such an installation would be slow, could saturate the WAN link, and would probably fail before it finished.

An installable deployment can also be started from an Auto Deploy server. As we'll look at more closely in the upcoming Auto Deploy section, this service is primarily used to deploy Stateless servers. But since vSphere 5.1, Auto Deploy can also be used for what is known as stateful installs. A stateful install uses Auto Deploy for PXE services and copies the images to the destination as installable images. It doesn't continue to boot from the Auto Deploy server like a regular Stateless install but merely uses the environment as a deployment tool. Once the image is copied to the destination, it behaves exactly as an installable ESXi image.

Installation Instructions You can run the installation in interactive mode or script it via an answer file:
Interactive Install Interactive mode, which is the default installation method, is a simple text-based routine. You select the answers to different options at the server's console (or via a remote hardware console such as Integrated Lights Out [iLO], Remote Supervisor Adapter [RSA], or a Dell Remote Access Card [DRAC]) while the software is being set up. Figure 2.2 shows the format of the text-based installer.

Figure 2.2 ESXi text installer

Unlike the interactive install of ESX classic or most modern OS installs, which default to a GUI-based install, an ESXi install is much simpler. There are no complex partitioning questions to answer and surprisingly few options to work through.
Scripted Install Alternatively, you can specify a file that supplies the installation options automatically. You provide the answers for the installation options in a text file and feed that to the installer at the start. The syntax for ESXi answer files mimics Red Hat's kickstart scripts; even their default name is ks.cfg. A scripted install can produce the same result as an interactive install. The kickstart script file can be located on a CD, a USB flash drive, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, or NFS export.
Kickstart file-scripted installations provide several benefits:
  • Provides a perfectly repeatable and consistent process, should you need to rebuild the server
  • Makes it faster to build and rebuild a server
  • Creates a standardized build that can be applied to multiple servers
  • Provides additional installation options
The last point is worth highlighting. Most vSphere architects and engineers will recognize the upsides of creating scripted OS installs; but with the ESXi scripted install, you can run post-install commands to automatically configure much of the server.
When you combine a kickstart script with a PXE boot-installer startup and a centralized media depot, then a practically hands-free install is possible. Obviously, some effort is required to set up, test, and suitably customize each part to make this work, so these types of build environments are best suited to larger enterprises that are provisioning tens or hundreds of servers. As usual, you must weigh the benefits of a scripted build against the development time required to create one.
A couple of community-driven projects aim to simplify the PXE server, media depot, and kickstart scripts. Both projects are similar but offer a slightly different experience. They're freely downloadable virtual appliances that provide web-based consoles to create customized scripted builds:
Unfortunately, neither of these projects has maintained the enthusiasm they garnered before the arrival of the Auto Deploy feature. Auto Deploy, particularly with the stateful installs available in vSphere 5.1, can replace all these pieces. The PXE server, media depot, scripted install, and post-install configuration can all be achieved via Auto Deploy. But Auto Deploy is only available with the top-tier Enterprise Plus license, so many organizations are still using their own PXE servers and scripted installs. Arguably, most vSphere users that are large enough to consider setting up an alternative to Auto Deploy are the users with the Enterprise Plus licenses.
Destination The system image can be deployed to several locations. Ordinarily, you deploy it to a local hard drive. ESXi includes SSD drives in this category. Some drives, predominantly SAS drives, can be incorrectly recognized as remote disks. An install to what is considered a remote disk means no scratch partition is created, and the scratch directory is created purely in memory.
ESXi Installable can also be deployed to a USB flash drive or an SD card mounted in the server. These locations are both considered removable by ESXi and treated as if they were full-blown ESXi Embedded. If the USB drive or SD card is regarded by the server vendor as a supported device, then this is by VMware's definition an ESXi Embedded build, although the server vendor might not see it that way. Whether validated or not, the impact of installing ESXi to USB/SD is the same. See the upcoming ESXi Embedded section to understand the associated consequences.
You can also install the system image on a SAN LUN. The SAN LUN can be FC, FCoE, or iSCSI. ESXi can boot from an iSCSI LUN using an independent hardware iSCSI card (iSCSI HBAs) or a software initiator with a dependent hardware iSCSI adapter. To use a software initiator to boot from SAN, the network card must support an iSCSI Boot Firmware Table (iBFT). The iBFT format allows the iSCSI parameter to be saved in the network card's onboard memory.

VMware Go
An alternate to the regular install techniques is VMware's SaaS-based Go service. It's a cloud-based deployment and management solution for which a customer can sign up. Among other options, VMware Go can remotely install ESXi onto existing Windows servers that can hit the web service via the Internet. It checks the server hardware to ensure that it will be compatible and then streams the ESXi image onto it. It's primarily targeted at the SMB market, with a free version and an inexpensive subscription service with more features that is currently included in the Essentials licensing. If the deployment is for a small company that could benefit from the additional support and management options, then this may be something to recommend.

To reiterate the possible options, the ESXi Installable image can be provisioned in the following ways:

Booted from

  • CD
  • USB
  • PXE server
  • Auto Deploy server

Gets its instructions

  • Interactively
  • Scripted

Boots its image from

  • Local disk (including SSD)
  • USB or SD (acts like ESXi Embedded)
  • FC, FCoE, or iSCSI SAN LUN

ESXi Embedded

The concept behind ESXi Embedded is that it's a version of ESXi that server vendors can sell onboard their equipment at the time of purchase. The ESXi image is preinstalled as firmware in the factory or burned to a USB flash drive or SD card and installed in an internal socket on the main system board. Usually, the ESXi image includes the hardware drivers and CIM plug-ins that vendors provide in their customized versions of ESXi Installable. The software is installed out of the box and is only awaiting setup details after it's first powered on. In reality, many server vendors will ask you to buy one of their certified USB drives, which they ship with a copy of the vendor-customized image that is normally available online as a customized ESXi Installable image.

The important point is that everything else about the image is the same. The hardware may vary, the manufacturer's warranty and support details may be different, but the software image of ESXi Embedded is the same image used in ESXi Installable. But in theory, ESXi Embedded is only an option on new hardware. Officially, you can't retroactively add it to an existing server. That said, because the image is the same, by installing ESXi Installable to a USB flash drive, you're effectively getting the same thing.

ESXi Embedded considers its media removable and treats it somewhat differently. It only uses the first 1 GB of the drive and doesn't have a scratch partition unless it can find a local disk partition or local VMFS datastore to store the scratch directory. Otherwise it will default to a memory-resident a memory-resident ramdisk. The impact is that its content will be lost during a reboot or server failure. The risk can be mitigated by creating a scratch folder on a remote datastore or by redirecting the logs to a centralized syslog server, as explained in the “Postinstallation Design Options” section of this chapter.

If you're procuring new server hardware and have decided on ESXi, then what are the key decision points for ESXi Embedded?

Advantages of ESXi Embedded
  • No installation is required.
  • Servers are potentially cheaper, because manufacturers don't need to configure them with RAID cards and local disks.
  • Servers have an appliance-style nature, so you know all hardware will work out of the box and be fully supported.
Disadvantages of ESXi Embedded
  • You can use Installable or Auto Deploy across all your existing servers, so you have a unified installation method and can continue to purchase the same hardware as before.
  • ESXi's regular HCL is much more extensive, meaning you have more choices to customize the hardware to your exact requirements.
  • Servers bought for Installable or Auto Deploy can be repurposed in other server roles, because you know they're off-the-shelf servers.
  • Servers that were purchased for Installable are likely to have local disks, meaning they can offer local scratch and VMFS partitions.

ESXi Stateless

ESXi Stateless was introduced as a supported deployment in vSphere 5.0. As opposed to ESXi Installable and Embedded, Stateless hosts don't normally boot from a disk. Currently all Stateless hosts take advantage of their memory-resident nature and the small size of ESXi by streaming their image over the network every time they boot. This is dissimilar to PXE booting an install of Installable, because those hosts copy the ESXi image to a disk, and all subsequent boots are from the disk not the network.

ESXi Stateless Doesn't Equal Auto Deploy
ESXi Stateless leverages Auto Deploy as its deployment mechanism. It wouldn't be possible to boot a Stateless host without Auto Deploy. But it's incorrect to think that Auto Deploy equals ESXi Stateless and vice versa: Auto Deploy is the infrastructure mechanism, and Stateless is the way the host is configured. How to use Auto Deploy is explained later in this chapter.

The defining characteristic of Stateless hosts is that the physical servers themselves aren't authoritative for their state. This means despite where the servers boot from, they always get their state information from a third-party authority. So Stateless hosts do have a state, but it's reapplied from another source whenever they boot. As Stateless hosts boot, their state is streamed down to them from several sources. Table 2.1 shows where each part of a host's state is derived.

Table 2.1 Components that provide system state to stateless hosts

Component State Provided
Image profile The ESXi image from which the host boots. Customized with Image Builder to include drivers.
Host profile Configuration settings.
Host profile answer file Configuration settings specific to that host, such as IP address.
vCenter List of VMs stored on the host, HA state, licensing, VM autostart information, and distributed power management (DPM) details.

By default, the runtime state information such as log files is stored in the hosts' ramdisk and lost during each reboot.

Advantages of Stateless Hosts

Why would you want a server that forgets all its settings every time it reboots? Stateless servers receive their state from a central authority, which makes hardware much more interchangeable and allows for easy deployment and redeployment. Applying new ESXi images with host updates, improved drivers, or a tweaked configuration only requires a host reboot. In the same way you can consider hosts to be compute resources that you give to the cluster to be distributed to VMs, you have the ability to automatically rebuild hosts in minutes en masse to suit new cluster configurations with new network and storage settings.

Stateless servers also help to prevent configuration drift, because each server is refreshed back to the corporate standard after each reboot. No need to troubleshoot an individual host's configuration state anymore.

There is no need for Stateless hosts to have any local storage. The image is pulled from the network every time it boots up and is loaded straight into memory. If there is no local disk present, then you should redirect the logs and core dumps to remote collectors to protect them; but if local storage is available when the server boots, ESXi will take advantage of this and mount the scratch partition there. The concept of having no local disks and no local state information makes the ESXi servers more like hardware appliances than you might typically think of your servers. The nature of a Stateless deployment means the ESXi image and all the host's configurations can be managed centrally. In a large environment, this is more efficient than kickstart-style scripting installs.

Stateless Caching

vSphere 5.1 introduced a new option called Stateless caching. This follows the same ethos as a regular Stateless deployment, but during each boot as the image and state are being pulled down from the Auto Deploy server, they're also being copied to disk. The disk could be a local disk, a removable USB key, or even a boot-from-SAN LUN. If there is ever a problem with the Auto Deploy infrastructure, then the host can boot from its “locally” cached copy. In normal circumstances, a Stateless caching host boots from the network image. It only drops to the cached image as a fail-safe option. Having the local copy allows the server to power on even if there is a problem with the Auto Deploy server, and get the VMs started. It can then help troubleshoot the Auto Deploy problem. When the Auto Deploy infrastructure is available and configured correctly again, the next server reboot will see the host take its image from the network again (and update its cached copy again). To enable this mode, a small change to the host profile is required, and the server's BIOS needs to attempt to boot from the disk if the PXE boot fails.

The regular Stateless mode without local caching enabled, which has been available since vSphere 5.0, still exists as the default mode in vSphere 5.1. Stateless without caching enabled retains the advantage that no disks need be involved.

Auto Deploy Infrastructure

Auto Deploy is a deployment tool to automate the provisioning and configuration of ESXi hosts. It can simplify large deployments by centralizing the images and configuration details. All hosts, at least initially, boot via PXE and connect to an Auto Deploy server. The Auto Deploy server selects an ESXi image via a set of rules and streams the images to the physical server. vCenter supplies the host with its configuration details via the Host Profiles feature.

Auto Deploy can dispense Stateless hosts as described in the previous section, “ESXi Stateless.” In this case, the hosts come back to the Auto Deploy mechanism on every reboot. Auto Deploy can also be used as a pure installation mechanism for what are known as stateful hosts. Statefully deployed hosts are in effect regular ESXi Installable images. The only difference is that they were initially provisioned via the Auto Deploy tools, so they used an Auto Deploy image and host profile information to configure the hosts. This means the host can be rebuilt quickly if required as the information is retained in the Auto Deploy system. But once a stateful host is deployed, it's no longer dependent on the Auto Deploy server. It maintains its own state information, doesn't boot from the network, is patched in a normal fashion, and is to all intents and purposes an ESXi Installable host.

Auto Deploy Components and Process

Auto Deploy needs several components available and configured to provision ESXi hosts:

PXE Environment The host is set to PXE boot from a network adapter. A DHCP server responds to the request with a reserved IP address that you've set and provides DHCP option 66, which tells the server which TFTP server to go to, and option 67, which is the filename of the iPXE file (vSphere 5.0 used gPXE). The host contacts the named TFTP server and grabs the iPXE boot loader and iPXE configuration file. At this point, the host can make a request to the Auto Deploy server for an ESXi image.
Auto Deploy Server The Auto Deploy server is a service that comes preinstalled on the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance (VCSA); although it's disabled by default, and is also an installable option on the Windows vCenter ISO. The Auto Deploy server carries out two tasks. First, according to predefined rules that you configure, it matches the attributes that the hosts provide to an image file, a host profile, and the correct vCenter object location to join. Second, it provides the host a bootable image via its web service.

The Auto Deploy server can use the Image Builder tool mentioned earlier in the chapter to customize and update ESXi as required. The rules can match a number of machine attributes such as MAC address, IP address, and SMBIOS details. You use PowerCLI to create the working rules and then activate the rules.

vCenter The image that the Auto Deploy server provides to the host includes the host profile configuration that vCenter is responsible for maintaining. This host profile provides all the configuration details that the server needs beyond the base ESXi image. The host profile can be augmented by a host-specific answer file. The host then attaches to its vCenter as it boots and joins the appropriate cluster as a host resource ready to perform compute workloads.

The basic process to create the working rules and activate the rule set is as follows (the commands provided are just pointers; additional switches and parameters are required):

1. Connect to the software depot generated by Image Builder
2. (Add-EsxSoftwareDepot).
3. Assign an image profile, assign a host profile, and assign a cluster rule
4. (New-DeployRule).
5. Add the working rule to the active rule set
6. (Add-DeployRule).

VMware has released a fling, a free unsupported tool, called Auto Deploy GUI that you can find at The Auto Deploy GUI simplifies the process of configuring the Auto Deploy service. Although VMware flings aren't officially supported, as long as the hosts are tested once they're deployed, then this won't affect their operational running.

Deployment Modes

Currently, Auto Deploy supports three distinct deployment modes. Hosts will deploy via the first option unless specifically set to a different mode in their host profile (under System Image Cache Configuration):

Stateless Stateless Auto Deploy is the classic mode that has been available since vSphere 5.0. A host set in Stateless mode PXE boots from the network every time. Each boot follows the same process. If the server needs to be patched, update the common image and the rule set and reboot. The host is dependent on the Auto Deploy infrastructure every time it boots (although not while it's running).
Stateless Caching Stateless caching mode is similar to the Stateless mode except every time the image is streamed down to the server, it's cached to a disk. This disk can be a local disk, a remote boot-from-SAN disk, or a USB drive. If you've selected the USB option, it overwrites the first USB drive it finds attached to the server. This image is only cached; therefore as long as the Auto Deploy infrastructure remains available, the server continues to boot from the latest matching network image. The key difference is that during periods when the Auto Deploy infrastructure is down, the host server can still boot up. As soon as Auto Deploy is available again, the next reboot sees that the host receives a network image. vSphere 5.1 is required for this mode.
Stateful Install The stateful install mode only uses the Auto Deploy infrastructure the first time it boots to receive the image. That deployment is copied to the server's disk (local, boot-from-SAN, or USB) and boots from that image. Again, if you've selected the USB option, it overwrites the first USB drive it finds attached to the server. All subsequent reboots are from the disk image, not the Auto Deploy infrastructure. This is achieved by setting the boot order of the server in the BIOS to boot from local disk first and a PXE boot second. Patching the host is done via conventional methods, and the configuration isn't updated unless a newer host profile is manually applied from vCenter. This can lead to configuration drift, and many of the advantages associated with Auto Deploy are lost. vSphere 5.1 is required for this mode.

Auto Deploy Recommendations

You should follow several general recommendations when designing your Auto Deploy infrastructure:

  • Consider keeping your Auto Deploy servers in a separate dedicated management cluster, analogous to recommendations made for vCloud Director deployments. This prevents chicken-and-egg situations when a datacenter-wide outage shuts down all the physical servers and the VMs required to boot up the hosts can't be brought back online. Create a management cluster where the hosts aren't deployed in Stateless mode (although it's feasible to use Auto Deploy to build them in stateful mode).
  • If you opt to use non-Stateless hosts to house the Auto Deploy infrastructure, ensure that all the pieces needed are running on this cluster. At least one DHCP server, the TFTP server, the Auto Deploy server, the vCenter server (along with database, SSO, and web client server), DNS, and almost certainly a domain controller should be there.
  • Although you could install these components on physical hardware, it's recommended that they're installed on VMs. This provides hardware-failure protection through HA, hardware independence via vMotion and Storage vMotion, and resource protection and load-balancing with DRS.
  • Build at least one host with a full ESXi image including the VM tools. These tools can be copied to a shared locker for all the hosts. Don't use this full image for all the hosts because it puts unnecessary load on the network and the Auto Deploy server.
  • Remember to create a centralized persistent storage location for the Stateless hosts' logs and core dumps, or redirect these to remote collection servers: a syslog server and a dump collector. The dump collector will only work with a vSphere 5.1 vNetwork distributed switch (vDS).
  • If the hosts are to be joined to Active Directory (AD), configure the AD Authentication Proxy service (available on the Windows vCenter install). This proxy service prevents domain administrator credentials from being stored in the host profile.

Comparing Deployments Options

Each of the described deployment options will provision serviceable ESXi hosts. There are advantages and disadvantages to each technique, and different methods suit some environments better than others. Figure 2.3 summarizes these options and how they affect where the servers boot their image from.

Figure 2.3 Deployment options and the resulting boot images


How Was This Server Deployed?
If you already manage some ESXi servers and are unsure how they were provisioned, a simple CLI tool can help you discover this. At the ESXi Shell, run the following command: esxcli-info -e. The resulting output provides the answer:
  • visor-thin—An installable host. This also includes an Auto Deploy stateful install.
  • visor-usb—An embedded host. This also includes self-installed ESXi on USB flash drives or SD cards.
  • visor-pxe—A Stateless host, including those delivered in Stateless caching mode.
However, if a Stateless caching host can't find the Auto Deploy server when it boots, it will boot from its locally installed copy. During this time it will report as visor-thin.

The deployment strategy chosen is often decided by the size of deployment, the skill level within the organization, and how rapidly the servers need to be deployed (and possibly redeployed). The WAN topology and vCenter implementation also affect how servers are deployed: there can only be one Auto Deploy server per vCenter, which may limit where Stateless hosts are provisioned or encourage more vCenters to be introduced.

Scaling Deployments

A small company with only a handful of host servers is likely to opt to manually install each server using a bootable CD and the interactive install routine. As the company grows and the level of automation increases, the company may look at scripting the installs. In companies with most servers in one location, or locations with good WAN links, then PXE boot servers are a convenient way to centralize the image. This approach combined with kickstart scripts allows for a scalable option, providing quick and centrally managed install points. The largest companies, with vSphere Enterprise Plus licensing, can then consider automated post-install methods to make initial configurations and maintain these environments through host profile policies.

If the company already has a custom PXE boot environment and has amassed some knowledge around its scripted installs, then it may want to stick with this. But companies looking to set up automated installs from the ground up are best advised to implement this as an Auto Deploy infrastructure. In principle, the custom PXE booting with scripted installs is similar to Auto Deploy stateful; but why build this yourself when VMware has done much of the hard work for you? The Auto Deploy solution is fast becoming a standard across companies and will be easier to maintain than a custom solution. When the organization needs the maximum flexibility and to reduce reprovisioning times, Auto Deploy Stateless builds show their worth. VMware is continuing to develop Auto Deploy, a Web Client GUI for configuration is almost certain to appear shortly, and the Host Profiles feature is maturing with each new release.

Companies may choose multiple techniques for different situations. For example, a company may use Auto Deploy Stateless in its primary datacenter, stateful installs for its management cluster, a handful of Embedded servers in a remote site managed by an external contractor, and Installable on local disks for servers to be built and sent to country-wide small offices.

For very large installs that use Auto Deploy, the infrastructure can be scaled out to an extent. The current limiting factor is that you can have only one Auto Deploy server per vCenter. If you need more, then you may need to split out to multiple vCenters. Then link them through the SSO service so they can be managed through the same Web Client server (or linked mode if you need shared licenses and roles, or across WAN links).

Each Auto Deploy server can boot around 40 servers concurrently with vSphere 5.1. This is based on using the smaller ESXi image without the VMware Tools. You should plan for the worst-case scenario of a boot storm (for example, after a power outage) and consider the minimum number of hosts you would want to power on initially. You can add more web proxy servers in front of a load balancer to distribute the web service load on the Auto Deploy server, which should allow for some level of linear scaling (another 40 hosts per additional web server), but you'll eventually hit a limit depending on the CPU power of the Auto Deploy server. As always, only testing in your own environment can prove these measures. For any Auto Deploy infrastructure of size, you shouldn't install the Auto Deploy service on the same server as vCenter, because both servers get hit fairly hard when multiple servers reboot.

Impact of Image Location

Even though all the deployment methods give you a running version of ESXi on your hosts, it's important to understand the impact of the different configurations you can end up with. Local disks are better for small deployments if you already have the servers and they come with disks. The disks are normally reliable, and the install has good defaults that require less post-install work to correct any deficiencies. Taking the most common image location for a deployment, the server's local disk, let's look how each alternative compares:

Removable Boot media considered removable, which are USB/SD installs and ESXi Embedded, don't have a scratch partition. If there is a VMFS volume on a local disk, then ESXi will use that to create a scratch directory. If not, ESXi will store the scratch directory in a ramdisk. The best solution is repointing the scratch in the hosts' advanced settings to a remote VMFS volume. Alternatively, you can set the syslog service and dump service to redirect them to remote syslog and dump collector servers. If you're using a USB/SD card for the installs, you're advised to buy good-quality media. Don't spend thousands of dollars on expensive server hardware to shortchange yourself with a $5 boot disk. Although the server won't crash if the boot media fails, you'll need to replace the media and reboot the server sooner rather than later. Cheap USB/SD media won't last very long.
Boot from SAN Booting from SAN provides some advantages such as making the servers moderately cheaper to purchase; using SAN disks, which have greater consolidation and greater failure protection; and making the servers practically Stateless so a failed server can be replaced and repointed to the SAN LUN. But a number of issues remain, which you should consider before choosing this approach:
  • Boot-from-SAN configurations are more complicated to configure, requiring individual fabric zoning for each server and potentially complex HBA/CNA configuration.
  • SAN storage is usually more expensive than local storage, so any saving on server storage is lost on the extra SAN disks.
  • A SAN LUN needs to be provisioned and managed for every server, which can create significant additional work for a storage team.
  • Periods of heavy VMkernel disk swapping I/O can affect the VM's disk performance, because they share the same disk I/O channels.
  • VMs configured with Microsoft Clustering (MSCS or Failover Clustering) aren't supported on boot-from-SAN configurations.
Booting from SAN is still popular in some datacenters, particularly blade shops, but Auto Deploy (particularly with its improvements in 5.1) is arguably a better option for large single-site datacenters. The relative complexity of boot-from-SAN in comparison to the ease of ESXi installs these days means it doesn't offer the same value as physical Windows or Linux boot-from-SAN configurations.
Stateless Classic Stateless servers have no underlying disks so everything runs from ramdisks. There are no mounted disks for the scratch partition or the store partition. There is no opportunity to boot back into an alternate bootbank (although you can offer a different image if you change the active rule set).

Upgrading ESXi

Upgrading ESXi hosts from ESXi 4.x can be tackled several ways. ESXi Installable 4.x hosts can be upgraded in one of three ways: an interactive upgrade via an ESXi Installable image, a scripted upgrade, or VUM. ESXi 5.0 hosts can be upgraded to 5.1 using these tools and can also use the esxcli command-line tool; or if you deployed with Auto Deploy, you can simply apply a new image and reboot.

When upgrading hosts from ESXi 4.x to 5.x using any of the three supported methods, 50 MB must be available on the local VMFS volume. This space is used to store the server's configuration data temporarily.

An alternative strategy to running in-place upgrades across the hosts is to perform a clean install on each one. The install will run through faster if you can apply the same post-install configuration steps as you did for the previous build, using the same script or host profile. This provides the opportunity to standardize your host fleet if there has been any configuration drift among them. This is also the chance to migrate to a new deployment strategy, such as using Auto Deploy.

However, in-place upgrades are faster if no existing configuration is set in host profiles or post-install scripts. VMs on local datastores don't need to be migrated or restored, and VUM can orchestrate the entire upgrade. There are at least two small resulting differences when upgrading hosts instead of rebuilding them. First, the local VMFS volume remains as VMFS-3. This can later be upgraded nondisruptively to VMFS-5, but it remains an “upgraded VMFS-5” volume. The impacts of this aren't terribly significant; see Chapter 6, “Storage,” for the gory details, but it may create a small mismatch between the subsequently provisioned new hosts and the upgraded ones. The second difference is that the boot-partitioning scheme remains MBR-style instead of the new standard, which is GPT. The GPT partitioning allows local partitions to be greater than 2 TB in size. This isn't that important on local ESXi disks but again will introduce variances in your host design going forward, which may confuse troubleshooting, for example.

Upgrading ESXi 5.0 Stateless hosts to 5.1 is much simpler because the single image profile just needs to be updated and the active rule set pointed to the new image. Upon the next reboot, the hosts will be upgraded. And in reality, the hosts won't even be upgraded but freshly rebuilt.

One point worth mentioning about updating and patching Stateless hosts is related to VIBs that don't need a reboot to apply. Any patch that isn't applied to the image profile gets lost after a reboot. So even if a patch doesn't require a reboot, it's important to update the image; otherwise, the patch will drop off after the next reboot. However, it can be handy to quickly apply host patches directly via VUM if doing so addresses a security vulnerability and you want to immediately protect your hosts before you have a chance to reboot them all. Just install the nondisruptive patch and then apply it to the image profile in preparation for the next planned (or even unplanned) reboot.

Migrating from ESX

A project still common among businesses with existing vSphere environments is migrating from ESX to ESXi. These conversions undoubtedly require testing and planning, but it's important to go back to the fundamental design of your vSphere hosts to ensure that the principal objectives are still met and to determine whether any additional improvements can and should be made. Although ESX and ESXi have more commonalities than differences, it's beneficial to understand how you can transition an existing ESX design to ESXi.


Prior to any redeployment of ESX hosts to ESXi, you should run a testing phase that looks at the existing disposition and examines whether each element is suitable for ESXi. Obviously, a pilot is a good way to test the sociability of ESXi in your existing configuration. However, it's difficult to test every possible scenario via a small pilot, because usually large enterprises have many different types of hardware, versions of hardware, connections to different network and storage devices, backup tools, monitoring tools, and so on.

It may be prudent to provide a contingency plan in case ESXi doesn't fit in a particular situation; the plan may provide financing to replace equipment, or it may specify that you keep ESX classic in that circumstance and migrate later when the equipment is due for replacement. It's feasible to mix ESX and ESXi hosts during a migration, even within the same cluster. If you're thinking of making some ESX hosts a more permanent fixture, you may want to consider some of the side effects of supporting mixed hosts, such as maintaining two patching cycles, troubleshooting two types of hosts, and collecting hardware-monitoring data in different ways.

You need to look at your server hardware carefully to be sure it's compatible with and fully supported for ESXi. The HCL listing for ESXi Installable is now greater than that of ESX classic, but it still lacks some of the older servers. You should check that the servers and their add-on components are listed on the HCL.

If there are hosts that you can't migrate for whatever reason, consider treating them like ESXi hosts as much as possible with regard to how you manage them. Most of the VMware and third-party tools can now connect to either type of host. You can use tools that replace some Service Console functionality, such as the vMA and PowerShell commands, to manage ESX classic hosts. You can also use ESXi tools in a mixed environment and no longer have to rely on the Service Console.


ESX servers can be upgraded or rebuilt. ESX 4.x server upgrades can be undertaken by the ESXi interactive or scripted install mechanism, or via VUM. If the ESX 4.x servers have previously been upgraded from ESX 3.x, then the partitioning configuration brought across might not allow a subsequent upgrade to ESXi. There needs to be at least 50 MB free in the host's local VMFS volume to store the previous configuration. If you're using VUM to upgrade, the /boot partition needs to have at least 350 MB free. If you don't have this much space, you can still use the interactive update because it doesn't need this space for staging the upgrade files. Any VMFS volumes on the local disk that need to be preserved must start after the first 1 GB; otherwise the upgrade can't create the ESXi partitions it requires.

If you have any ESX 3.x hosts, they must be upgraded to 4.x first and then upgraded to 5.x. You really have to question whether a dual upgrade is better than a single fresh install. Also, any host that is still ESX 3.x may struggle to match the HCL for ESXi 5, so migrating to new server hardware with clean builds is probably more appropriate.

There are several impacts from upgrading instead of completely rebuilding your ESX servers. Many of them mirror the considerations faced with ESXi 4.x upgrades that we discussed in the last section. In summary, the disks will keep their MBR scheme, limiting them to 2 TB; no scratch partition will be created, and the VMFS-3 volume will remain (although it can be upgraded afterward to VMFS-5, it remains an “upgraded” VMFS-5 volume). However, upgrading from ESX 4.x, as opposed to from ESXi 4.x, is a much bigger jump in platforms, and it's only reasonable to assume the results won't be as smooth.

Alternatively, a rebuild strategy might actually prove to be simpler and certainly generates a more consistent, dependable end result. During a rebuild, all settings are lost, and the newly rebuilt servers must be reconfigured. Larger companies with dedicated server staff are probably familiar with rebuilding OSes instead of upgrading them. But smaller companies that may have used external consultants to initially deploy ESX may be less prepared to run full installs across all their hosts.

If you completely rebuild the hosts, you should move all the data off any local VMFS volumes—VMs, templates, ISO files, and so on. It's possible to leave data on an existing local data store and do a fresh install of ESXi to the remaining space, but you risk losing it if something goes wrong, and you won't get the immaculate install for which you chose this option. Check the filesystem for files in the /home directories, /tmp, and anywhere else a local user may have saved files. Finally, you may wish to back up the files, particularly those in the /etc directory for configuration settings and the /opt directory for third-party installed agent software.

The VMware fling called ESX System Analyzer is a tool that can scan across ESX hosts attached to a vCenter and create pre-migration reports. It provides details such as HCL compatibility for the physical servers, VMs registered on local storage, Service Console modifications, and version details for datastores and VMs. These reports can be invaluable when you're planning a migration strategy; this tool makes light work of an otherwise onerous task. You can download ESX System Analyzer at

If you wish to avoid VM downtime, you must have access to shared storage and at least the equivalent spare capacity of your most powerful server in each cluster. That way, you should be able to migrate the VMs around the hosts as you remove one at a time from the cluster to rebuild it.

Fortunately, many of the deployment methods you may have used for your ESX classic hosts are reusable. ESXi can use PXE servers you've already set up—you just need to copy the new images to the server. You need to modify ESX kickstart scripts for ESXi, but they can use largely the same syntax for the configuration; and usually you must remove unneeded lines rather than add new lines.


One of the more obvious techniques to smooth a transition is to begin using the newer cross-host management tools as early as possible. Most of the utilities available for ESX classic hosts work with ESXi hosts. vSphere Client, vCenter Server, vCenter Web Client, vSphere command-line interface (vCLI), and PowerCLI are host-agnostic and will make any transition less disruptive. There is no reason not to start working with these tools from the outset; even if you decide not to migrate at that stage, you'll be better prepared when ESXi hosts begin to appear in your environment.

The primary management loss when you replace ESX is the Service Console. This is the one tool that, if you use it regularly, must be replaced with an equivalent. There are two main contenders: the vCLI and the ESXi Shell. The vCLI provides the same Linux-style commands as the Service Console. The easiest way to get it is to download the vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) virtual appliance. This includes a Linux shell and all the associated environmental tools you'd expect. Generally, anything you can do at a Service Console prompt, you can do in the vMA. Most scripts can be converted to vMA command syntax relatively easily.

The second option is the ESXi Shell. Although it's a stripped-down, bare-bones environment, it provides the majority of vSphere-specific commands that you'd otherwise find in the Service Console. Some of the more Linux-centric commands may not be available; but it provides a more familiar feel than the vMA, because it's host-specific and therefore the syntax is closer to that of the Service Console.

In addition to rewriting scripts, you'll need to replace other services that ESX includes in the Service Console. For ESXi hosts without persistent storage for a scratch partition, it's important to either redirect the logs to a remote datastore or configure the host to point to a remote syslog server. ESXi hosts don't have their own direct Web Access as ESX hosts do. It's unlikely that this is a regularly used feature, but if you've relied on it in certain circumstances, then you need to get accustomed to using the Windows client to connect to the host. Finally, if you've used the Service Console for host monitoring via SNMP or a server vendor's hardware agent, then ESXi has built-in CIM agents for hardware on the HCL, and many vendors can supply enhanced modules for their particular hardware. With these CIM modules, you can set up alerts in vCenter, and some third-party hardware-monitoring software can use the information. ESXi also provides some SNMP support, which you can use to replace any lost functionality of Service Console agents.

If your hosts are licensed for Enterprise Plus, host profiles can provide a convenient method of migrating host settings from ESX to ESXi. You can capture an existing ESX classic host in a cluster as a reference host, rebuild one of the servers to ESXi, and apply that profile to receive a common set of configuration settings. The new ESXi host with the cluster's profiles applied can then be the basis of a new profile that you can apply to all the other hosts as they're rebuilt. If you're migrating existing servers whose design doesn't need to change, host profiles can be an excellent time saver.

You also need to replace any third-party applications that used the Service Console. Most add-ons are now available in ESXi-friendly versions, so you should be able to continue to use the applications you rely on, although you may need to upgrade them to the latest version. Most of these tools use a common set of APIs that works equally with either host. Check with your vendors to be sure they're ESXi host compatible; if they don't offer this, consider migrating to an equivalent tool from another vendor that does.

Postinstallation Design Options

From a design perspective, a number of configurations are important for your deployed hosts. You can include many of these in the post-install section of a scripted install, use a separate vMA or PowerShell script, push them out through host profiles, or configure them manually. But you should set these, because your host design isn't complete without them.

Here is a list of common post-install tasks that you should consider for an ESXi server deployment:

Hostname and IP Addressing During an interactive ESXi install, the hostname or IP address isn't specified. If you're using Auto Deploy, then these details are provided during the provisioning process. You can allow DHCP to configure the network settings for you, or you can specify a static IP address. It's always advisable to use static IP addresses for ESXi hosts with the corresponding hostname registered in DNS, because so many functions rely on name resolution and dependable IP connectivity. After a manual install, log into the DCUI and assign the static IP address, default gateway, subnet mask, and VLAN ID if this is a trunked connection. Set the server's DNS servers and fully qualified domain name (FQDN), and run the Test Management Network option. However, you may prefer to use DHCP reservations to assign the same DHCP leased address to the server via its MAC address. Using purely dynamically leased DHCP addresses, which have the potential to change regularly, isn't advisable for ESXi hosts.
Networking Configuration Post-install, you should configure the host's networking for vMotion, fault tolerance (FT) logging, NFS or software iSCSI connections, VM port groups, and so on. Chapter 5, “Designing Your Network,” looks carefully at host networking design.
NTP You should configure the ESXi host to point to an authoritative time source or Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. Various aspects of the VMkernel rely on accurate time, such as logging, performance charting, and AD authentication, and VMs can use this time to synchronize their time via VMware Tools.
Host Certificates Each ESXi 5 host creates its own unique certificate based on its FQDN. It's considered good security practice to replace the default certificates. These certificates ensure that each host and vCenter trust each other and can encrypt the traffic between them. The easiest time to replace the default certificates is before you join each host to vCenter, because if you leave this until afterward all the hosts can become disconnected when updating the vCenter certificate. Each ESXi host certificate (and all vSphere 5 certificates) is an X.509 v3 base 64 encoded SSL certificate.
Connecting to vCenter If licensed for vCenter, you need to add the host to the datacenter, folder, or cluster of your choice. Connecting the ESXi host to vCenter automatically creates the local vpxuser account and activates the vmware-vpxa daemon. Depending on the location and settings in vCenter, additional software such as HA's fdm daemon may be configured at this stage as well.
Licensing Each ESXi host needs a valid license key. The host will run in evaluation mode for the first 60 days, after which a license is required. Ordinarily, vCenter is used to centrally manage the license keys; when the host is added to vCenter, you can apply the license. But if no vCenter is available, you can apply license keys directly through the vSphere Client. ESXi hosts are licensed by the number of physical sockets used in the server. If no license is applied, then after 60 days the host will drop to the limited vSphere hypervisor level, which was described earlier in the chapter.
Patching After you deploy an ESXi host is an opportune time to make sure all the latest patches are applied, before you launch the server into production. The host can be patched via the VUM or the ESXi Shell.
Storage Post-install, you also need to configure the host's storage and the connections. Chapter 6 examines host storage design.
Scratch Partition As you've seen in this chapter, there are several circumstances in which a scratch partition isn't created and the scratch directory is backed only by a volatile ramdisk. You should check your hosts' builds on the equipment you're using and take remedial action if required. The primary option is creating a shared scratch directory on a VMFS volume and pointing all the hosts to it. Use the advanced setting ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation to set this option for each host.
Remote Logging If the server is considered Stateless or removable, and no local storage is available, the logs won't survive reboots. One solution is to provide a folder on a datastore to store each server's log files. You can do this using the advanced setting An alternative is to configure the ESXi server's syslog daemon to ship the logs to a remote syslog server. It can be beneficial to send all your servers' log files to a centralized tool, even stateful ones with persistent local storage, to analyze them collectively and have one place to go. To do this, use the advanced setting An improvement in vSphere 5 is that there is now an option to send syslog traffic via SSL. You can find all the syslog settings in The vCenter server installation wizard has a link to a Windows-based syslog server application that can be installed on the vCenter server (or any Windows server). The VCSA also has a syslog service that can be enabled and used to collect host syslog data.
Dump Collector On stateful installs, the vmkDiagnostic partition is created to capture a dump of the kernel's memory should the host unexpectedly fail (PSOD). If you prefer to centrally store these dumps for debugging later, and particularly if the host is Stateless and therefore wouldn't retain them, you can install the Dump Collector service on a Windows server from the vCenter Server installation media. Alternatively, the VCSA has a dump collector service that can be enabled.

vSphere 5.0 had a problem when exporting dumps remotely when hosts used a vDS. This created a particular issue because Auto Deployed hosts were often connected to a vDS type switch and needed somewhere to remotely store dumps. This has been resolved in vSphere 5.1—another reason you should look at using 5.1 if you're considering Auto Deploy.

To enable a host for the Dump Collector service, in the host profile go to Network Configuration ⇒ Network Coredump Settings ⇒ Fixed Network Coredump Policy.

Shared VMware Tools Directory When deploying ESXi with Auto Deploy, it's common practice to use an image that doesn't have the VMware Tools components to reduce the image's size. If you do this, it's important to create a centralized VMware Tools directory that the hosts can reach, and reconfigure those hosts appropriately.

The following is a brief overview explaining how to create a shared directory and configure the hosts:

1. Copy the contents of the /productLocker directory from an ESXi server that has the VMware Tools folder to a suitably created folder on a shared datastore that all the hosts can access.
2. Set the UserVars.ProductLockerLocation attribute in the hosts' host profile to point to the shared datastore folder.
3. Reboot the servers so they take the new host profile setting.

ESXi 5.0 GA and Shared VMware Tools Directory
There is a known issue with the GA release of ESXi 5.0 using a shared VMware Tools directory. Make sure you're running at least 5.0 update 1 to avoid this defect.

SNMP Hardware Monitoring In addition to the CIM agentless monitoring available, ESXi can also use SNMP to send monitoring traps about the server's hardware and VMs. vSphere 5.0 embedded the SNMP agent in the hostd service, but in 5.1 this has been decoupled and runs as its own daemon. vSphere 5.1 has also been upgraded to run SNMP v3 (5.0 used SNMP v2), which improves the security options. To enable SNMP monitoring of your hosts, you need to use the esxcli system snmp command (vicfg-snmp on ESXi 5.0 hosts).
Local User Permissions There are several options here. You allocate permissions to most users via vCenter Server, but you can also create local user accounts. Local user accounts are obviously important if the design won't have access to a vCenter, but their management doesn't scale well past a handful of users and servers. Local users are configured on a per-host basis and provide user roles akin to vCenter roles, to graduate levels of access and control. Local host access is important if users will connect directly to the host via the vSphere Client, the DCUI, or the ESXi Shell. In vSphere 5.1, the requirement to use the root account when working on the ESXi Shell has been removed. Local users who are assigned the Administrative role on the host get full shell access. This means all sessions can be logged and audited against named local users. Host profiles can also be used in 5.1 to create named local user accounts and assign privileges on every host.
Active Directory Authentication Integrated AD authentication provides a secure, convenient way to manage local access to ESXi hosts. Using AD authentication requires that the host be joined to AD and the required users or groups be given the desired permissions. A default AD group entitled ESX Admins simplifies the process, because it's automatically added to each host and given full administrator access to each host.

To restrict access, you may wish to create specialized AD groups and provide only a certain level of access and only to specific hosts. An advanced setting can also be set on hosts to prevent the ESX Admin group from getting full administrative access: Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroupAutoAdd.

If you're deploying hosts via Auto Deploy, a small tool called the AD Authentication Proxy eliminates the need to store domain admin credentials in the host profiles. This authentication proxy tool is a ready-to-use service on the VCSAs or a Windows-installable application available on the vCenter ISO image.

Lockdown Mode Lockdown mode is a vCenter feature that can increase the security of ESXi hosts by forcing all interactions through vCenter. It disables remote access, except for vCenter's vpxuser account. This means it can take advantage of the centralized nature of vCenter's roles and permissions and makes vCenter audit all remote access. The root user can still access the ESXi host locally on the DCUI interface.

Lockdown mode doesn't disable local ESXi Shell or remote ESXi Shell services, but it does prevent any user (including root) from accessing them because the authentication permissions are locked.

You can only enable lockdown mode on vCenter-connected hosts. It's disabled by default but can be enabled via the vSphere Client or the DCUI. Figure 2.4 shows the lockdown mode interface on the vSphere Client.

Table 2.2 shows how lockdown mode affects each remote-access method for hosts.

Table 2.2 Lockdown mode impact

Access Default Mode Lockdown Mode
DCUI Root and users with admin privileges Root only
Local ESXi Shell Root and users with admin privileges No access
Remote ESXi Shell (SSH) Root and users with admin privileges No access
vSphere Client direct to host Root and users with admin privileges No access
vSphere Client via vCenter Users with admin privileges Users with admin privileges
vCLI/vMA script to host Root and users with admin privileges No access
PowerCLI script to host Root and users with admin privileges No access

Figure 2.4 Lockdown mode

Third-party monitoring software that uses the CIM broker on each host is also affected by lockdown mode. A CIM customer must connect directly to hosts to get the hardware information, but in lockdown mode it must get an authentication ticket from vCenter. This allows it to use the vpxuser credentials to gather the details from the host's CIM interface.

Lockdown mode is reversible and can be disabled on a host-by-host basis. Despite lockdown mode being disabled by default, it's worth considering enabling it across an environment during your design. If you need remote access to the host, you can temporarily disable lockdown while you perform administrative local tasks, and then re-enable it afterward. However, enabling lockdown mode via the DCUI causes the local user and group permissions to be lost. To retain these local permissions, be sure you enable lockdown mode via vCenter.

For very security-conscious settings, you can take an additional step known as total lockdown mode. This is a combination of enabling lockdown mode and disabling the DCUI. Access can only be granted via vCenter, preventing anyone with the root password from disabling lockdown mode locally via the DCUI. But if the DCUI is disabled, and vCenter isn't available and can't be restored, then your only recourse to gain administrative access to the host is to reinstall ESXi.

Security Profile The security profile allows configuration of ESXi's internal firewall, which protects the management network port. By default, all ports are closed except those considered essential services.

On ESXi hosts, you can enable and disable access to certain remote access services, as you can see in Figure 2.4. But you're merely specifying that listed daemons can start or stop, and the setting of their runlevels. The most common services are listed explicitly in the web client, but additional ports can be manually added as regular firewall rules. Access can also be restricted to an IP address or a subnet. In addition to using the web client, you can adjust the security profile via PowerCLI, ESXCLI, or host profiles.

Firewall Ports Finally, you may need to open a number of ports if your hosts and other infrastructure pieces are divided with firewalls. Don't confuse this with ESXi's local security profile firewall mechanism just described. The primary ports required are listed in Table 2.3. Other ports that may be required are 88/389/445/464/1024 AD, 161/162 SNMP, 445 SMB, 514/8001 syslog, 111/2049 NFS, 3260 iSCSI, 6500/8000 Dump Collector, 6501/6502 Auto Deploy, 8100/8200 FT, and 8182 HA. You can find an excellent article that details firewall ports for vSphere and many other VMware products at Table 2.3 shows the ESXi host firewall requirements.

Table 2.3 ESXi host firewall requirements


Management Tools Overview

Once any ESXi host is deployed and configured, several management tools exist to monitor and maintain it. Many of these are discussed in depth in the next chapter, but let's review the full gamut of tools available and how they help specifically with the corralling of your ESXi hosts. The tools' functionality can fundamentally affect your design of a vSphere environment and how it will be maintained, and therefore your hypervisor architecture.

Host-Management Tools

Here are some tools you can use to manage hosts directly without any access to vCenter. These are often useful when first configuring hosts, when troubleshooting hosts, or while there are problems with vCenter.

vSphere Client

The Windows vSphere Client, often referred to as the C# or legacy client these days, can connect to an ESXi host directly in a way similar to how it can connect to vCenter. When directly connected, it uses the local ESXi accounts.


The DCUI is the BIOS-styled yellow menu tool that appears on an ESXi server's console screen. Figure 2.5 shows a typical DCUI screen.

Figure 2.5 DCUI interface


You can use the DCUI to initially configure the management network's details, set the administrative password, monitor and restart management agents, view logs locally, enable access to the ESXi Shell, and turn on lockdown mode. It allows onsite first-line staff to set basic configuration options and perform rudimentary troubleshooting actions. This allows more complex configuration and management tasks to be performed remotely. The DCUI is focused on all the tasks that can prevent successful remote connections, such as network-configuration errors and failed management agents.

ESXi Shell

The ESXi Shell is a simple shell that provides a local console on which you can perform advanced troubleshooting and technical support. Regular maintenance tasks are still best executed with tools such as the vSphere Web Client and the vMA. In addition to local access, the tool offers remote ESXi Shell mode, which allows remote connections through SSH. Figure 2.6 shows an active logged-in local ESXi Shell session.

The ESXi Shell isn't a regular Linux shell and doesn't give you exactly the same environment that the Service Console used to. It uses the ash shell, instead of the more common bash shell, and it doesn't include all the normal Linux commands. For example, the current ESXi Shell mode doesn't include man (manual) pages for commands. Those commands that are present may not offer the same arguments and options, may be limited, and may not operate as you expect. The ESXi Shell is still a very useful tool for quick break-fix situations. Most important, the ESXi Shell gives you access to the complete esxcli command set and esxtop, the real-time resource management tool for the console. The ESXi Shell doesn't allow any scheduled scripting jobs and is focused only on that single host—this is where the vMA shines.

Figure 2.6 ESXi Shell console


The ESXi Shell is disabled by default and must be turned on via the DCUI or vSphere Client before use. All commands are logged by the syslog service, so a full audit trail remains; and a timeout is available for both local ESXi Shell and remote ESXi Shell modes to ensure that no sessions stay logged in.

The ESXi Shell can be very useful if management agents are unresponsive, because at that point the vSphere Client, vCenter, vMA, or PowerCLI tools won't help. You can log in to the DCUI and try to restart the agents; if there are further problems, the ESXi Shell gives you console access to troubleshoot the issue. The ESXi Shell is usually quicker to use than some of the remote tools, so it's ideal when you need a fix as soon as possible. However, the filesystem presented in the ESXi Shell is formed from relatively small ramdisks; you must be careful not to copy large files to it as you may do on the vMA, because filling any of the partitions is likely to make the entire server unstable. Also remember that the system's files are laid out as it boots from the system image, so files that you change or add may not survive a reboot. The ESXi Shell is a user world on ESXi and so is limited by the resource constraints the VMkernel sets. This means the console can run out of memory if too many commands are run at once.

Local ESXi Shell and remote ESXi Shell access are both available to local users who are granted the Administrator role. The modes must be enabled for use, and access can be affected by the lockdown mode discussed earlier in the chapter.

vCLI and vMA

The vCLI is a Perl-based set of scripts that mimics the commands available at the ESXi Shell. The major difference between vCLI commands and ESXi Shell commands is that in the command syntax, you need to specify which host or vCenter you wish to direct the command to and with what credentials. The vCLI is packaged for both Linux and Windows.

The vMA is a small, Just enough OS (JeOS) prepackaged Linux virtual appliance that comes with the vCLI installed and ready to use. It's a convenient way to get the vCLI toolkit up and running quickly. You can also use the vMA as a syslog server for your ESXi hosts. And you can use it to run scripts, create scheduled tasks with cron, and centrally run commands to several hosts at once. Both the vCLI and the vMA can be used against ESXi hosts and vCenter Server.


The PowerCLI is similar to the vCLI, except that instead of Perl and Unix style syntax, it's Microsoft PowerShell based. It's a toolkit that you can install on Windows PCs with PowerShell installed. You can use it to run remote commands and scripts against ESXi hosts and vCenter. Like the vCLI, it has a vibrant community around it with many sample code snippets and scripts openly available.

Browser-Based Tools

A notable deficiency of ESXi at the time of writing (5.1 GA) is the lack of Web Client access. As long as the ESXi host is attached to vCenter, you can control VMs through vCenter's Web Client.

A nice web-based feature that is available on all vSphere hosts is a listing of the configuration files and log files. Although very simplistic, it gives a quick one-stop view of a host's settings. Figure 2.7 shows an example of the file listing, which is available through https://<hostname>/host.

There is also a similar web-based access to view a host's datastores on https://<hostname>/folder.

Centralized Management Tools

In addition to the stand-alone direct tools we just covered, there are several centralized management tools to nurture your ESXi hosts. vCenter is pivotal to these tools and is covered heavily in Chapter 3, “The Management Layer.” Suffice it to say most of the following are dependent on vCenter for their operation.

vSphere Web Server

The vSphere Web Server client is the new interface of vCenter operations. First introduced in 5.0 as a basic VM management tool, the 5.1 release promoted it to full status as a vSphere client. It now supplants the Windows client as the principal tool, with all new features from 5.1 only available through it. It's undoubtedly the forward direction for vSphere, and the race is on for third-party plug-ins and remaining features still attached to the Windows client to get on board.

With the release of vSphere 5.1, the main sticking point is the Web Client's inability to connect directly to hosts. We'll have to wait for a future release until the ESXi hosts can be recognized by the SSO system to allow this functionality.


VUM is a vCenter plug-in that can scan hosts for missing updates, upgrades, and third-party driver and CIM modules, and centrally push out those patches and coordinate their installation. It's very useful for large environments where patching hosts regularly can otherwise prove to be an onerous task.

Host Profiles

Host profiles are a vCenter feature that can check for and apply consistency across ESXi hosts. This feature allows you to set a standard configuration to a single host or a cluster of hosts and also automatically check for compliance to that standard. It reduces the management overhead associated with maintaining host configurations, helps to prevent misconfigurations, and alleviates some of the repetitive burden of setting up each host. Hosts must have Enterprise Plus licensing to use host profiles.

Figure 2.7 Web browser access to configuration and log files


Host profiles have a growing relevance to ESXi hosts moving forward. As organizations look to automatic host deployments and more Stateless hosts, host profiles provide an especially useful tool to automate the post-install configuration.

Host profiles are also valuable to companies with very large numbers of hosts, to keep their settings consistent. You can create scheduled tasks in vCenter to check on host compliance. By default, a check for compliance is set to run once every 24 hours when a host profile is applied. Alarms triggers can also be applied, to alert you that profiles are being applied or non-compliance exists. You can only schedule tasks around compliance, not tasks to apply profiles.

Host profiles are particularly suited to new host installations, because this is when most of the work involving configuration-setting takes place, and host profiles work best on clusters of identical hardware. Slight differences between hardware can be tolerated, but it's advisable to start with the oldest server with the fewest hardware options (such as additional PCI cards). The profile won't work well if the reference host has more settings configured than a recipient host can apply.

Each profile is captured from a reference host when the settings of one host that has been configured properly are recorded. You can export each profile to a file with the extension .vpf; it's a simple XML-formatted file. To modify and update a profile, you can either change the settings on the reference host and recapture the profile or use the Profile Editor in vCenter, which lets you apply more advanced options. When you use the Profile Editor to change an existing profile, it's advisable to export the original first, rename it, and import it back in. Then you can work on a duplicate profile, test it before it's applied to an entire cluster, and still have the base profile to roll-back to.

Profiles are flexible enough to allow per-host settings, so even though most of the configuration options will be exactly same for every host, each host can vary. The options available for each setting are as follows:

Fixed Configuration Every host will be identical.
Allow the User to Specify Before applying a profile, the user is asked for the value. This is useful for per-server settings like hostname and IP address.
Let vCenter Pick The best value is chosen by vCenter. This option is often used for network settings and selecting which adapters to use.
Disregard Setting The setting will be ignored by the profile.

Although you can apply host profiles just to individual hosts, doing so limits the usefulness of host profiles to compliancy. To make the most of this feature, you should try to apply profiles at the cluster level. If you have multiple vCenters in linked mode, then the host profiles aren't available across them. You can export a profile from one vCenter to use in another, but it won't remain synchronized.

Try to minimize the number of different configurations where possible, and group like hosts together. You can apply a profile to a mixed cluster containing legacy vSphere 4.x hosts (ESX and ESXi). It's possible to apply ESX classic profiles to ESXi hosts but not vice versa. The Host Profiles feature can translate the Service Console and VMkernel traffic settings to ESXi management networks, but not the other way around. Therefore, if you have clusters with mixtures of ESX and ESXi hosts, you should use one of the ESX hosts as the reference host to avoid issues.

To apply a profile to a host, that host must first be in maintenance mode. For that reason, you must maintain sufficient redundant capacity with the servers to apply profiles without causing VM outages. Clusters have inherent compliance checks for special features such as DRS, DPM, HA, and FT. You don't need host profiles to keep these settings consistent.

Hardware Monitoring

ESXi's primary hardware monitoring is based on CIM. CIM is an open standard that allows information to be exchanged and can allow control of managed items. For example, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a CIM implementation, and storage vendors have a version of CIM known as Storage Management Initiative-Specification (SMI-S).

ESXi's CIM usage provides an agentless service to monitor hardware resources. It consists of two pieces: the CIM providers that allow access to particular device drivers and hardware, and the CIM broker that collects the information from all the providers and makes it available via a common API. In addition to the default VMware CIM providers for common hardware on the HCL, you can install supplementary server-vendor, and OEM manufacturer specific CIM providers to extend the hardware-monitoring capabilities.

Because CIM is a common standard, most server-monitoring software can collect information from ESXi servers. vCenter can use the CIM information from the ESXi brokers. You can view this from connected vSphere Clients, and you can set vCenter alarms to warn of failures.


The collation and retention of logs is not only vital for troubleshooting host issues but also usually necessary for legal compliance reasons. It's important that you configure the hosts correctly for time synchronization with a suitable NTP time source, to ensure that the logs are accurate. Locally, all ESXi server logs are stored in /var/log. An improvement with vSphere 5 is that the logs that were previously combined into just a handful of files are now split into multiple single-purpose logs. This makes finding the pertinent information when troubleshooting that much more straightforward. The logs of primary interest are as follows:

  • auth.log ESXi Shell authentication
  • esxupdate.log ESXi patches/updates
  • fdm.log HA logs
  • hostd.log Host management
  • shell.log ESXi Shell usage
  • sysboot.log VMkernel and module startup
  • syslog.log Management service initialization, watchdogs, scheduled tasks, and DCUI
  • vmkernel.log Core VMkernel logs (devices, storage/network device/driver events, and VM startup)
  • vmkwarning.log VMkernel warnings and alerts
  • vmksummary.log ESXi startup/shutdown, uptime, VMs running, and service usage
  • vpxa.log vCenter vpxa agent

A little known gem included in the new 5.1 Web Client is the integrated Log Browser. From it you can not only view all the pertinent logs centrally in a simple GUI interface, but it has advanced filtering and searching, can compare multiple logs to each other, and highlights key words and entries. You can review the ESXi logs in a number of other ways:

  • vSphere Web Client's excellent log browser
  • DCUI: Select View System Logs (can be seen in Figure 2.5)
  • ESXi Shell console (local or remote): tail each log file
  • vMA/vCLI/PowerCLI: Programmatically retrieve files
  • vSphere Windows Client (connected to host or vCenter): Export diagnostic data
  • Web browser: http://<hostname>/host (seen in Figure 2.7)
  • Syslog server


Host design is an important foundation for any vSphere deployment. The host is the core component; the efficiency and effectiveness of any design depends on this key underpinning. A deeper understanding of its internal make-up and moving parts helps to ensure that you can respond to the associated design questions.

We've looked at the many decision points regarding ESXi deployment and upgrades. The selection depends on many diverse factors such as the size of the deployment, geographical distribution, available equipment, skills of the support staff, delivery expedience required, frequency of builds and rebuilds, and resilience of the infrastructure. It's feasible that your deployment solution will encompass more than one technique to suit your disparate environment.

The other important aspect of the design, once the deployment is complete, is a grasp of the outcome. Each host's layout and configuration is not a result of happenstance but of several competing factors weighing in, and the upshot can be complex to predict. The image used, hardware, delivery system, destination, and settings applied all determine how a host will react. How the servers cope with key infrastructure pieces like vCenter and the Auto Deploy hosts being offline, the ability of hosts to maintain log files after a crash, and how your operations team needs to subsequently patch the hosts need to be tested thoroughly to vindicate the design.

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