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ABC, 73, 102–103


     corporate culture and, 132–135

     evaluation and, 203–206

Admonishment, 24, 176–177

Agendas, 32, 48, 146–147


     bullying, 195–198

     dressing-down, 24, 176–177

Akhromeyev, Sergei, 170, 171

Allstate Insurance, 77

Ambrose, James, 196–198

America’s Promise—Alliance for Youth, 10, 76–77, 162, 179–181


     being a strategic asset, 75–77, 113–116

     cover for the boss, 85–86, 149–152, 156

     for existing boss, 17–20, 113–116

     expecting the unexpected, 125–130, 150–152

     importance of, 13–15, 17–21, 71–74, 75–77

     for new boss, 20–21

     preparing for events and activities, 93, 95–99

Appointments, 33

Ardrey, Robert, 161

Armitage, Richard, 106

Army Command Center, 111

Arnett, Peter, 132–134

Arrow Airline, 111

Athletic competition, 27–30

AT&T, 18


     conscience for boss and, 191–193

     front office, 137–139

     having fun, 199–201

     impressing early and often, 142–144

     negative, 146, 175

     positive, 137–139, 142–144


     exceeding, 35–38, 43–45, 87–90

     signatures and, 43–45

Autographs, 68–69

Believing in your boss, 1–3

Berry, Sidney B., 110–111

Bishop, Maurice, 154

Boeheim, Jim, 28–30

Bosses. See Leaders/bosses

Bottom-up approach to change, 81

Boy Scout motto, 95

Bradley, Ed, 122–124

Bradley, Omar, 15

Brand management, 9–11, 70

     comfort zone and, 185

     crisis audits, 110

Buffers, 18

Bullying, 195–198

Burrows, James, 200–201

Bush, George H. W., 88, 89, 98, 158–159

Business travel, 63–66

     after-hours time, 63–64

     personal needs and, 53

     time management, 52–53

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 111

Capacity, 27–30, 51–54

CBS, 73, 122, 124, 170–171

Chain of command, open lines of communication, 161–163

Character. See also Honesty

     conscience for boss, 191–193

     credibility in, 81–82

     someone’s always watching, 153–156

Cheating, 79–80

Cheers (TV series), 200–201

Cheney, Dick, 18–20, 89, 114–116, 151

Clinton, Bill, 72

Clothing, 48, 137–138

CNN, 19, 29, 72, 73, 132–134

Coard, Bernard, 154

Code of conduct. See Ethics/code of conduct

Cohen, William, 133

Cold War, 173, 198

Comfort zone, 183–185


     expressing, 128–129

     impressions and, 142


     in brand management, 9–11, 70, 110, 185

     keeping staff informed, 161–163

     management by walking around, 162, 191–193

     perception problems and, 179–181

“Company man/woman,” 39–41

Compartmentalization, 176

Conditioning, 27–30

Confidence, 6–7

     of boss, gaining, 5–6

     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

Conflict management, 101–104

     loyalty and, 101–104

     media and, 72–74, 102–104, 132–134, 154–156

Conscience, for boss, 191–193

Consigliere role, 37–38

Corporate culture:

     accountability and, 132–135

     bullying and, 195–198

     ethics and, 131–135

     management by walking around and, 162, 191–193


     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

     problem-solving and, 179–181, 193

Cover for the boss, 85–86, 149–152, 156


     avoiding surprises, 39–41, 151, 162

     of boss, 11, 79–82

     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

     feedback and, 80–81

     importance of, 79–82

     maintaining, 79–82

     participation and, 47–50

     personal, 39–41, 47–50, 79

Crisis audits, 110

Crisis situations, 51, 60, 76, 109–112

     anticipating, 109–112

     Army honor scandal of 1976, 110–111

     conflict management, 101–104

     crisis management, 112, 163

     Hurricane Katrina (2005), 109, 110

     meetings in, 147–148

     military air disaster of 1985, 111–112

     Murphy’s Law and, 109, 112

     Operation Just Cause/Panama invasion (1989), 114–116

     preparing for, 109–112

     risk management, 105–107

     terrorist attacks of 2001, 106–107, 109, 110

     women admitted to service academies (1975), 110, 111

Cross-training staff, 98

Crowe, William J., Jr.:

     cameo appearance on Cheers, 200–201

     as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 6, 10, 49, 169–173, 184–185, 199–200

     retirement, 83–84

Darwin, Charles, 175

de Gaulle, Charles, 112

Deadlines, 33

Decision making, disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

Delegating, 32, 176

Denial, 39, 112

Dickens, Charles, 139

Dinkens, David, 159

Disagreement, 117–119, 121–124

Disraeli, Benjamin, 125

Dressing-down, 24, 176–177

Dressing for success, 48, 137–138

Drop-ins, 33

Dugan, Michael J., 88–90

Eisenhower, Dwight, 15, 116

Emergency evacuation plans, 106–107

Enron, 80

Ethics/code of conduct, 131–135

     benefits of corporate programs, 134–135

     credibility and, 79–82

     news media and, 132–134

     workplace bullying and, 195–198

Evaluation, 203–206

     of boss, 204

     personal performance appraisals, 205–206

     as preventative medicine, 206

     self-, 205

     by stakeholders, 205

     of time management, 33

Evans, Harold, 103


     exceeding, 13–15, 25, 32

     expecting the unexpected, 125–130, 150–152

Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 175

Faithfulness, 5–7

Favors, 84–85

Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), 109–110

Fields, W. C., 121, 124

First impressions:

     front office, 137–139, 144

     impressing early and often, 141–144

Flutie, Doug, 68

Ford, Gerald R., 98, 110

Fort Belvoir (Virginia), 64

Fort Benning (Georgia), 31, 63, 102

Fort Campbell (Kentucky), 111–112

Fort Carson (Colorado), 14, 142–143

Fort Drum (New York), 28–30

Fort Vancouver National Site (Vancouver U.S. Army Barracks), 123

Frank, Patrick, 28–30

Front office, 137–139, 144

Fun, having, 199–201

Garigan, Thomas P., 145–146

Gatekeeper role, 83–86

George C. Marshall Foundation, 123

Global information system, 10

Go-betweens, 18

Godfather, The (Puzo), 37

Goldwater, Barry, 154

Good Morning America, 73

Governance, 113–116

Grenada invasion/Operation Urgent Fury (1983), 153–156

Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm (1990-1991), 18–21, 83–85, 88–90, 122, 158

Handshakes, 144

Hanscom Air Force Base (Massachusetts), 84–85

Harvard Business School, 56

HDNet, 134

Hill, Pam, 134

Holmes, Andrew J., 90


     corporate culture and, 132–135

     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

     importance of, 128–129

Hubbard, Elbert, 157

Humility, 35–38

Hurricane Katrina (2005), 109, 110

Hussein, Saddam, 19, 88, 158

Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 98

Identity, signatures and, 43–45

II Corps, 23–24

Imagination, failure of, 17–18

Institute for Global Ethics, 132

Iron Curtain, 170

Issues Book, 92

Job mobility, 1–3, 5

John Paul II, Pope, 188, 189

Johnson, Tom, 133–134

Joint Chiefs of Staff:

     Crowe as chairman, 6, 10, 49, 169–173, 184–185, 199–200

     morning staff meetings, 49–50

     Powell as chairman, 6–7, 10, 18–20, 40, 49, 61–62, 65–68, 71–74, 83–84, 88–90, 92–93, 114–116, 122–124, 126, 159, 198

Kansas State University, 93

Keller, Bill, 154, 155

Kelly, Brendan, 188, 189

Kelly, Jim, 103

Kelly, Tom, 18–19, 115

Kilpatrick, James, 166

King, John, 29–30

Klaus, Marley, 123

Kramer, Michael, 103

Lando, Barry, 171, 172

Lay, Kenneth, 80


     anticipation for, 20–21, 85–86, 149–152, 156

     being conscience for, 191–193

     believing in, 1–3

     covering for, 85–86, 149–152, 156

     credibility of, 11, 79–82

     disagreeing with, 117–119, 121–124

     evaluating, 204

     eye contact with, 65, 66, 68

     loyalty to, 5–7

     misrepresenting, 35–38, 43–45, 87–90

     preparing for events and activities, 93, 95–99

     qualities of, 23–25

     spouses of, 60, 61–62, 129

     supporting, 176–177

Lincoln, Abraham, 161

“Listen and learn” lessons, 14–15


     in business travel, 63–66

     in public appearances, 61–62

     for speeches, 63–64, 96–99

     spouses and, 60

London School of Economics, 56

Loyalty, 5–7

     conflict management and, 101–104

     transferring, 6–7

Lunch, packing, 143–144

Lying, 79–80

MacArthur, Douglas A., 89

Major League Baseball, 158

Make-A-Wish Foundation, 187–189

Management by walking around, 162, 191–193

Marrone, Doug, 28–30

Marsh, John O., Jr., 63–65, 155

Marshall, George C., 15, 123–124

Matlock, Jack, 65–66

MBNA, 53

McConnell, Mike, 18–19, 115


     comfort zone with, 184–185

     conflict management, 72–74, 102–104, 132–134, 154–156

     corporate culture, 131–135

     cover for the boss, 149–152, 156

     crisis management, 110–111, 163

     daily press conferences, 19–20

     dealing with, 71–74, 102–104, 122–124, 129, 132–134

     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 122–124

     ethics and, 132–134

     exceeding authority with, 88–90

     grand slam, 73

     monitoring news, 15, 65

     Operation Just Cause/Panama invasion (1989), 114–116

     Operation Urgent Fury/Grenada invasion (1983), 153–156

     public relations and, 18–21, 71–74

     risk-taking with, 170–173

     thinking ahead and, 15, 19–20, 93, 150–152


     agendas, 32, 48, 146–147

     in crisis situations, 147–148

     front office and, 137–139

     gatekeeper role and, 85–86

     management by walking around versus, 162

     minutes, 147

     participation and, 47–50

     preparation for, 48, 76

     punctuality, 32, 146–147

     standing, 33, 147

     30-minute rule, 145–148

     time management, 32, 33, 48, 145–148

     time spent in, 56, 145–148

Mentoring relationships, 193

Messaging, in brand management, 10

Misrepresentation, 35–38, 43–45, 87–90

Moiseyev, Mikhail, 66, 170, 172–173

Morale, 24, 28–30

Moving on, 1–3, 5

Murphy, Edward A., Jr., 109

Murphy’s Law, 109, 112

My American Journey (Powell), 53, 102–104, 126

National Military Command Center, 49, 115

National Public Radio, 15

NATO, 52–53

NBC, 73, 134

Negative attitude, 146, 175

Neuman, Alfred E., 169, 174

New England Patriots, 68–69

New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina (2005), 109, 110

New York City terrorist attacks of 2001, 106–107, 109, 110

New York Times, 72–73, 154, 166

New York Yankees, 158–159

New Yorker magazine, 107

NewsStand, 132

Newsweek, 102–104

Nicholson, Jim, 188

Noriega, Manuel, 114–116

Nunn, Sam, 154, 155

Oliver, April, 133, 134

Openness, disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

Operation Desert Storm/Gulf War (1990-1991), 18–21, 83–85, 88–90, 122, 158

Operation Just Cause/Panama invasion (1989), 114–116

Operation Tailwind/Vietnam War (1970), 132–134

Operation Urgent Fury/Grenada invasion (1983), 153–156


     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

     persistence and, 121–124

Organization for American States (OAS), 154

Pacing, 51–54

Page, Arthur, 18, 20

Panama invasion/Operation Just Cause (1989), 114–116


     Panama invasion (1989), 114–116

     terrorist attack (2001), 106–107


     in brand management, 9–11

     in crisis management, 110

     problems with, 179–181

Performance appraisals, 205–206

Pershing, John, 15

Persistence, 121–124

Photographs, 68, 69

Pope, Alexander, 85

Positive attitude:

     first impressions, 137–139

     lasting impressions, 142–144

Powell, Alma, 61–62, 129

Powell, Colin L.:

     America’s Promise—Alliance for Youth, 10, 76–77, 162, 179–181

     book tour, 53, 126, 128, 130

     as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 6–7, 10, 18–20, 40, 49, 61–62, 65–68, 71–74, 83–84, 88–90, 92–93, 114–116, 122–124, 126, 159, 198

     interviews, 102–104, 122–124, 150–151

     issue of seeking public office, 126–130

     keynote address at Republican National Convention (1996), 97–98

     lecture at George C. Marshall Foundation (1991), 123–124

     media relations and, 101–104

     memoirs, 53, 102–104, 126

     as national security advisor, 62

     popularity of, 67

     retirement, 37, 53, 68–70, 85–86

     as secretary of state, 56–57

     throws pitch at Yankee Stadium (1991), 158–159

     as White House Fellow, 133

Powell, Michael, 159


     bullying and, 195–198

     gatekeeper role and, 83–86

     overstepping authority, 35–38, 87–90

     signatures and, 43–45

     speaking for the boss, 71–74, 87–90

PowerPoint presentations, 64, 96


     anticipation in, 93, 95–99

     being a strategic asset, 113–116

     for crisis situations, 109–112

     for meetings, 48, 76

     risk management and, 40, 105–107

Presidents’ Summit for America’s Future, 76–77

Prioritizing, 32–33

     meeting agendas, 32, 48, 146–147

Privacy, daily quiet time, 55–57

Problem-solving, 179–181, 193

Procrastination, 33

Public appearances:

     autographs, 68–69

     comfort zone and, 184–185

     logistics of, 61–62

     photographs, 68, 69

     popularity and, 67–70

     preparation for, 93, 95–99, 184–185

     storytelling and, 91–93

Public approval, 18–21

Public relations, 18–21, 71–74, 117–119, 121–124

Punctuality, 32, 146–147

Puzo, Mario, 37

Quality control officers, 40

Quiet time, 55–57

Random House, 53, 102–104

Reagan, Nancy, 98

Reagan, Ronald, 62, 76–77, 119, 154, 206

Reassignment, 1–3, 5

Recognition, participation and, 47–50

Relationships, 175–177

Republic of Korea, 43–44, 48–49

Republican National Convention (1996), 97–98


     of boss, 11, 70

     participation in building, 47–50


     business travel, 63–66

     corporate culture and, 132–135

     ethics and, 79–82, 132–134

     evaluation and, 203–206

     exceeding, 35–38, 87–90

     expecting the unexpected, 125–130, 150–152

     signatures and, 43–45

Ridge, Tom, 63–64

Ridgway, Matthew, 15

Ripken, Cal, 188

Risk management, 105–107

     emergency evacuation plans, 106–107

     importance of, 105–106

     nature of, 105

     risk management plans, 106–107

     risk officers and, 40

     taking risks, 169–174

Rockefeller, Jay, 64

Rodriguez, Michael, 83–85

Ross, Harold Wallace, 107

Salvation Army, 181

Scanned signatures, 45

Schedules, 32, 52, 53, 85–86

Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, Jr., 18, 84–85

Scooping, 102–104

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 80

Self-awareness, 175

Self-evaluation, 205

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 106–107, 109, 110

Shakespeare, William, 131

Shaw, Bernard, 72, 73


     autographs, 68–69

     identity and, 43–45

Silence, 118–119

Situational mentoring, 193

60 Minutes, 122–124, 170–173

Skype, 96

Smiling, 144, 199

Smith, Jack, 134

Smith, Perry, 132–133

Smith, R. Jeffrey, 150–151

Socializing, 141–144

Soviet Union, former, 65–66, 169–174, 198

Speaking for the boss:

     in media relations, 71–74

     overstepping authority in, 35–38, 43–45, 87–90

Special treatment, 35–38


     lighting, 96

     logistics for, 63–64, 96–99

     PowerPoint presentations, 64, 96

     preparation for, 93, 95–99

     rehearsing, 98

     sound systems, 96

     storytelling and, 91–93

     teleprompters, 98

     video teleconferences, 96

     writing support for, 97

Speechwriters, 97

Speed-reading, 31


     expectations for, 60

     logistics and, 60, 61–62

     major decisions and, 129

     in public appearances, 61–62

Stacks, John, 103


     brand management and, 9–11

     evaluation by, 205

     front office and, 137–139

     gatekeeper role and, 83–86

     public approval and, 18–21

     storytelling and, 91–93

Standing meetings, 33, 147

Stealing, 79–80

Storytelling, 91–93

Strategic management process:

     anticipation, 75–77, 113–116

     comfort zone, 183–185

     daily quiet time, 55–57

     expecting the unexpected, 125–130, 150–152


     avoiding, 39–41, 151, 162

     expecting the unexpected, 125–130, 150–152

SWOT analysis, 107

Syracuse University:

     National Security Studies Program, 28, 35–36

     U.S. Army and, 28–30

Tailwind report, 132–134

Taylor, Maxwell, 15

Teleprompters, 98

Teresa, Mother, 67

Territorial Imperative, The (Ardrey), 161

Terrorist attacks of 2001, 106–107, 109, 110

Texas Rangers, 158–159

Thanking others, 189

Third Brigade Combat Team (3BCT), 28

Threatening behavior, 165–167

TIME magazine, 102–103, 132, 134, 199–200

Time management, 31–33

     come early, stay late, 143–144

     deadlines, 33

     gatekeeper role and, 85–86

     meeting, 32, 33, 48, 145–148

     pacing, 51–54

     packing lunch, 143–144

     punctuality, 32, 146–147

     quiet time, 55–57

     schedules, 32, 52, 53, 85–86

     vacations, 59–60

Today Show, 73

Toyota, 9

Training duties, 48–49

Transfers, 1–3, 5


     business travel, 52–53, 63–66

     vacations, 59–60

Truman, Harry, 89

Trust, 23, 79

     in brand management, 9

     corporate culture and, 132–135

     gaining confidence of boss, 6–7


     disagreeing with the boss, 117–119, 121–124

     importance of, 128–129

20/20, 102–103

Tylenol, 9

Unexpected, expecting, 125–130, 150–152

United States Military Academy at West Point, 110–111

U.S. Air Force, 111–112

U.S. Army, 10, 13–15, 111, 154–155, 196–197

     Army Command Center, 111

     Delta Force, 154

     honor scandal of 1976, 110–111

     military air disaster of 1985, 111–112

     Rapid Deployment Force, 154

     in Republic of Korea, 43–44, 48–49

     Syracuse University and, 28–30

     Third Brigade Combat Team (3BCT), Fort Drum, New York, 28–30

U.S. Army Infantry School, 31

U.S. Navy SEALS, 154

Vacations, 59–60

van Voorst, Bruce, 199–200

Vessey, John, 92

Video teleconferences, 96, 106

Vietnam War, 18, 23–24, 118, 132–134

Virgil, Sue, 68

Wallace, Mike, 170–173

Walters, Barbara, 102–103

Washington Post, 14, 72, 88, 150–151, 196–197

Welch, Jack, 23

Westmoreland, William, 15

White House Fellows, 133

Wickham, John A., Jr., 13–14

Williams, Pete, 20

Wilson, George, 197

Winning (Welch), 23

Woods, Tiger, 9

Work ethic, 131–135

Workaholism, 52, 59–60

Workplace bullying, 195–198

World Trade Center terrorist attacks (2001), 106–107, 109, 110

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