© Mohamed Bouzid 2020
M. BouzidWebpack for Beginnershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5896-5_6

6. Webpack DevServer

Mohamed Bouzid1 
NA, Morocco

Now it’s time to talk about the webpack development server, which is mostly referred to as webpack-dev-server. We will explore the basic options and see how it will save us compilation time and give us a nice URL to work with. We will also learn about HMR (Hot Module Replacement), which will help us update our page without a full reload.

Installing and Configuring Webpack Dev Server

So far, we have used the command “npm run build repeatedly in order to bundle our code. Then to view the changes, we open the index.html file in the browser manually after locating that file first in our machine. In addition to that. keep in mind that when your files get bigger and/or you’re adding more plugins or loaders to do certain tasks, you will notice that the compilation is taking more time to finish. Sometimes it’s really slow, but the good news is that you don’t have to suffer either waiting (at least after the first compilation) or searching for that index.html in your file system every time – there is a better way to do it: Webpack-Dev-Server.

Webpack provides us with a ready-to-use development web server, which will help us reduce our compilation time drastically, give us an HTTP URL to access our HTML page(s) from (rather than the file protocol), and can even recompile the bundle and reload our page whenever something gets changed in our JavaScript, CSS, etc.

The first step we have to do is to install webpack-dev-server:
$ npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server
After the installation is done, let’s open webpack.config.js and configure webpack-dev-server as follows:
module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    port: 9000,
    contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build')
  // ...

Here we have set a port (9000) for our server. You can set this to whatever you like; just make sure it’s a free port that’s not used by any of your running programs. The contentBase option role is to specify which folder should be used to serve the static content (I’m referring more precisely to the index.html file) from. In case it's not set, it will default to the root of the working directory. But in our case, even though we have set that option explicitly, it won’t make any difference because we are using htmlWebpackPlugin, as a consequence the index.html file will be part of the webpack bundle, and when using webpack-dev-server, that bundle will be built and served from memory (which takes precedence over the local filesystem) regardless of the specified “contentBase” path. In case any file (HTML, JS, CSS, etc.) is not found in memory, webpack-dev-server will fall back on “contentBase” directory and tries to fetch that file.

So, in short, you need to retain this: webpack-dev-server loads and serves any bundled file from memory instead of the local filesystem. If any resource (HTML, JS, CSS, etc.) is not found in memory, webpack-dev-server will look at the “contentBase” path and try to find the missed file there. When no “contentBase” option is set, it will look at the root of the working directory.


When specifying the contentBase option, Webpack recommends using an absolute path; that’s why we relied on path.resolve in the snippet above. While it was my intention to make clear how the “contentBase” works, using it is optional. You may not need to use it in most cases.

I would like to remind you that so far, we were using “npm run build” to compile our files. It’s the package.json that has made that command possible, which under the surface calls webpack itself:
"scripts": {
  "build": "webpack"
We are going to do the same thing by adding another script that will call webpack-dev-server whenever we run npm with a command like “start” or “serve” or any other word you like to use. I would prefer to use “start” here (referring to “start the server”) as follows:
"scripts": {
  "build": "webpack",
  "start": "webpack-dev-server"
So let’s try calling webpack-dev-server using the new command:
$ npm run start
Figure 6-1 shows the output of our terminal after starting our webpack-dev-server.
Figure 6-1

Webpack-dev-server has started, and it tells us that it’s running at http://localhost:9000/

Webpack is started and running at port 9000. You can see that it says, “webpack output is served from /” which means that webpack is serving our bundle (JavaScript, CSS, etc.) from the root url “/” (related to the root web server), which is basically http://localhost:9000/ and not from a subdirectory like http://localhost:9000/subdirectory/. You can also notice that it says, “Content not from webpack is served from …/build” which is where index.html is supposed to be, if it did not already exist in memory. Another way to explain “content not from webpack” is any static file that is not part of the webpack bundle.

In case you are curious and you want to verify that our bundle is served from memory, you can check the “build” folder (after starting the server) and make sure it’s empty.


I’m assuming here that you are using the CleanWebpackPlugin we saw previously, which cleans up the “build” folder every time before a new bundle is created. In case you are not using that plugin, the “build” folder may contain the old generated bundle (created when the “npm run build” command was used) but all the files in that bundle will remain unchanged across builds.

So whenever you see the expression, “Webpack output is served from /”, this means that the bundle will be served from the root of the server, which is basically like a virtual location in the memory. This location can be changed using an option called publicPath, and we will talk more about it in the next section.

Let’s open up the browser and type in the URL http://localhost:9000 in the address bar, like shown in Figure 6-2. Our page is working as before but this time with a much cleaner URL.
Figure 6-2

Our page served from WebpackDevServer under the URL of localhost:9000

Also note that the server stays running, so we can go and edit/update things like the content of our HTML template or our CSS/JS source files. Then we will see that the content of our page gets reloaded whenever we make and save these changes because webpack will reflect those updates in memory instantly. This is cool but the page gets fully reloaded (which will take a little time) and if you have, for example, some kind of form on your page filled with data and then you decided to change something like a button background color, the whole page will get reloaded and your data will be gone once you save the source file. To solve this, we will be using a feature called the Hot Module Replacement. We will talk about HMR shortly.

Understanding publicPath option

As we have just seen in the previous section, the webpack bundle is built and served from memory at the root url (/) of our server, which means that if we have an application.js file, we can access it in the browser at the url http://localhost:9000/application.js. That’s because webpack-dev-server has a “publicPath” option that is by default set to '/'.

Sometimes, we want to serve our static files under a specific folder like “assets” or “statics” etc. In this case, we just need to set the devServer.publicPath option to the desired folder as follows:
devServer: {
  port: 9000,
  contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
  publicPath: '/assets/'

Now the application.js file will be available virtually (in memory) under a folder “/assets/” and we can access it from http://localhost:9000/assets/application.js.

Let’s try the above configuration (do not forget to re-run the “npm run start” command after that) and see what will happen when we visit the root url http://localhost:9000.

Oops! Our index.html page disappeared and all we see is an empty page with a sign similar to this “~ /”. This indicates that there is nothing at the root of the server. How that can be?

It’s because we are using htmlWebpackPlugin which makes the generated index.html part of the webpack bundle. As you may have guessed, our bundle is (virtually) no longer under the root “/” but under “/assets/” (after we used the publicPath option), which means that index.html is too located under “/assets/” folder. You can prove this by visiting http://localhost:9000/assets/index.html

Does webpack-dev-server try to fallback to something when no index.html was found in the server root? Yes, it does fallback to the “contentBase” path which is the “build” folder, but as this folder is empty, there is nothing to show there. In case you’re curious, go ahead and create a dummy index.html (with some dummy content) in the “build” folder and then refresh the page (without restarting the server) at http://localhost:9000 to see that this time it will use the HTML file you have just created.

With all that in mind, the publicPath option makes more sense when used with an index.html not generated as part of the bundle (like it’s the case with htmlWebpackPlugin), but more practically when used with an index file that is generated by a programming language in conjunction with the manifest.json file (we talked about manifest.json in chapter 4) in order to get the name of each bundled file and have it proceeded by the publicPath folder name i.e:
<script src="./assets/<?= getBundleFileName(); ?>"></script>

One last thing to know is that there is a similar option to devServer.pubicPath, but for the output configuration called also publicPath (output.publicPath) and it’s recommended that devServer.publicPath is the same as output.publicPath in case the later one is used.

Before we move to the next section, make sure you delete or comment out the “publicPath” option as we are not going to use here. I just wanted you to be aware of it and understand how it’s used in case you may need it in the future.

Hot Module Replacement

Sometimes we need to apply a few changes to certain elements in the page like changing the color, the text, or the position of a button, etc., and we want these changes to be reflected in the page immediately without fully reloading it. That’s when HMR (Hot Module Replacement) comes into play; it works out of the box with webpack and fortunately it’s easy to activate.

HMR depends on a plugin called “webpack HotModuleReplacementPlugin,” but webpack makes it even easier for us to use by just adding an extra option to the configuration file. That option will add the necessary plugin for us, and no extra step is required from our part as described in the documentation:

Note that webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin is required to fully enable HMR. If webpack or webpack-dev-server are launched with the --hot option, this plugin will be added automatically, so you may not need to add this to your webpack.config.js. See the HMR concepts page for more information.

So all we have to do is to add (hot: true) to the devServer configuration in webpack.config.js as follows:
devServer: {
  port: 9000,
  contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
  hot: true

And voilà! You have just added the HMR power to your webpack-dev-server.


It’s totally possible to append the --hot option to the server call in our package.json under “scripts” for the line (“start”: “webpack-dev-server --hot”) so that the command “npm run start” runs the server with HMR enabled.

After either setting the option “hot” to true or adding the “--hot” flag to the webpack-dev-server command call like noted above, let’s jump into the terminal and start the server in order to see what will happen:
$ npm run start
An unexpected error message shows up! As seen in Figure 6-3, It seems that the HMR doesn’t like the [contenthash] we used before to output filenames.
Figure 6-3

HMR complains about contenthash substitution

What that error tells us basically is to use [hash] instead of using [chunkhash] or [contenthash]. This issue is related to the usage of [contenthash] in conjunction with webpack-dev-server and it’s caused by the “hot” option we used previously in our devServer configuration. While the reason behind this is not officially documented by webpack, it’s reported that using it causes many other issues, like memory leak and also because the devServer does not know when to clean up the old cached files. To avoid any issue, it’s recommended to turn caching off in development and use it only for the production mode in which we won’t need to use webpack-dev-server anyway.

In case you are wondering what’s the difference between [hash], [chunkhash], and [contenthash], a brief explanation follows.

On one hand, the substitution [hash] will generate the same hash string for the bundled files across every build, the generated hash is based on our source files together, that means if we change something in one file, a new hash will be generated and all bundled files’ names will be set with this new hash. In production, when something changes, this will result in the browser not only downloading the specific file that got updated but all the other files as well regardless if they got updated or not.

On the other hand, [chunkhash] is based on every chunk. For example, if you have a file index.js where you imported index.css and you have another file admin.js where you imported admin.css, this will result on application-∗.js and application-∗.css having the same hash because they are the result of the same chunk “application.” However, admin-∗.js and admin-∗.css have a different hash (but are identical for both) because they are coming from another chunk “admin.” If you update the content of admin.css (which is part of the chunk “admin”), a new hash will be generated and both admin-∗.css and admin-∗.js will get the same new hash without affecting or changing the hash of application-*.css and application-*.js.

Last, the [contenthash] is calculated based on each file content separately, which means if the content of a file changes, only that file will get a different hash when bundled. Easy to understand, isn’t it?

Every situation is different and there are use cases where you want to use [hash] or [chunkhash] but in production, for most cases you would use [contenthash].


All the types of hashes can be shortened using two colons followed by a number that represents the desired length, that is, [contenthash:6], [hash:8], [chunkhash:5], etc. ...

Now that we have an idea about the different hashes we can use and how each one is generated, let’s try and fix the error we have faced above in our terminal. But just before that, my suggestion to you is to create a variable that contains the mode we are working on (development or production) and use that variable instead of hard-coding the value itself, so instead of using:
module.exports = {
  mode: "development",
  // ...
I would prefer to do something like:
// ...
const mode = "development";
module.exports = {
  mode: mode,
  // ...
Then to solve the issue that we have just seen, we are going to use [contenthash] only for production while using [hash] or even better not using caching at all in development mode. So here is how I do it in my webpack.config.js file:
output: {
  filename: mode === 'production' ? "[name]-[contenthash].js" : '[name].js',
  // ...
With that conditional line, the contenthash will be used only for production mode. Let’s do the same for the MiniCssExtractPlugin as follows:
plugins: [
  // ...
  new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
    filename: mode === 'production' ? "[name]-[contenthash].css" : '[name].css',

For the HMR to work later… avoid adding any hash to MiniCssExtractPlugin in “development” mode

The same applies to the “url-loader” configuration:
test: /.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/i,
use: [
    loader:  'url-loader ',
    options: {
      // ...
      name: mode === "production" ? "[name]-[hash:7].[ext]" : "[name].[ext]"
Make sure your “mode” variable is set to “development,” and once everything is set up correctly, all you have to do is start the webpack server:
$ npm run start
Now try to update something in your JS or CSS. In my case, I’m going to change the yellow (I have set using jQuery) in my index.js file to another color, like “green,” for example:
$('body').append('<div style="background:green;padding:10px;">Hello jQuery!</div>');

You can add/edit anything, or just change yellow to green like I did. Then save the file while keeping an eye open in your browser to see what will happen to the page.

As you may notice, the page reloaded, however FULLY! This is not what we are aiming for. We want to update only the part that was changed, but the whole page was reloaded – which is equivalent to refreshing the browser tab. Note that it may take a few seconds to see the page reloading but if the page doesn’t get reloaded like expected, you can refresh it manually for the first time then start editing and testing your files.

While the page is getting refreshed, the browser’s console is trying to tell us why the reloading part is not working as expected, but the message disappeared so quickly because of how console logs are configured by default in the browser’s developer tools. To find out more about the issue, we are going to make our console logs persistent from page to page, and that will help us see why the HMR is not working as expected.

If you are using Mozilla Firefox, then open your console and click the gear icon, then click the “Persist Logs” as shown in Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4

Persisting log under Mozilla Firefox

The same thing applies to Google Chrome browser. You have to open your console, click on the “gear” icon at the top right corner, and a list of options will appear. Check the “Preserve log” check box as shown in Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5

Persisting log under Google Chrome


Depending on the browser you are using and its current version, you may have a slightly different user interface than mine, but the principle remains the same.

Now that our logs are ready to be persisted from page to page (or from refresh to refresh), let’s edit the index.js file and change the “green” we have set previously to “orange” like this:
$('body').append('<div style="background:orange;padding:10px;">Hello jQuery!</div>');
When we save, the page will be reloaded fully like before, but we are able to see the warning of the issue clearly in the browser console. As shown in Figure 6-6, the warning says, “Aborted because ./src/javascripts/index.js is not accepted.”
Figure 6-6

Hot Module Reload warning as it falls back to a full reload

What this means is that our index.js is not accepting hot updates because we haven’t instructed it to do so. That’s why it falls back to full page reloading!

To fix this, we just need to add the simple following code to the end of the “src/javascripts/index.js” file:
if (module.hot) {
  module.hot.accept(function (err) {

The callback function we have passed as an argument to module.hot.accept() is optional, and it can be used in case an error happens and you want to log it or do something else.

Once done, reload the page and start making some changes to your source code. The Hot Module Reload will start functioning as expected. One thing to note though is that if you’re using something like jQuery append method that we have been playing with previously, you will notice that the appended div (or any element you are appending) will show in the page and whenever you change something in index.js file, all the code in that file will get executed again, which will recall the append method one more time; and a new DIV will be added to our page body while keeping the older appended DIV there. In Figure 6-7, you will see what I ended up with by changing the color of the div appended by jquery from yellow to orange (the one saying “Hello jQuery!”).
Figure 6-7

HMR: A new div appended when editing the “div” color in jquery append method, resulting in having two appended DIVs

You are maybe saying this is not what I’m expecting but re-executing all the code in the updated file is how HMR works with JavaScript. There is a “Gotchas” section in the webpack documentation if you want to explore more at https://webpack.js.org/guides/hot-module-replacement/#gotchas where it explains exactly that, and what they did in the example is that they removed the elements added using some JavaScript within the “module.hot.accept. I won’t go deep into this because it’s out of the scope of this book and also it’s not the most important thing you have to worry about because mostly you will have HMR already set up for you within the web framework you are using instead of the one provided by webpack. But in case you are using webpack as a stand-alone solution, then feel free to check the example provided in the documentation.

However, with CSS, there is no such issue like with JavaScript. You will see that the HMR will work fine; you just need to add (hmr: true) to MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader so the line:
has to be changed to the following form in order to add the “hmr” option:
  loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
  options: {
    hmr: true,
This should be done for both CSS and SCSS rules as shown in Listing 6-1.
module: {
  rules: [
    // ...
      test: /.css$/i,
      use: [
          loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
          options: {
            hmr: true,
        // ...
      test: /.scss$/i,
      use: [
          loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
          options: {
            hmr: true,
        // ...
Listing 6-1

Enabling HMR for MiniCssExtractPlugin in CSS and SCSS Rules

I know that I’m pushing everything in one config file, which might not be the best solution. You might want to separate your webpack configuration file into two separate files with different names: one for development and another one for production. If you prefer to do so, then in your package.json file, you can set them as follows:
"scripts": {
  "build": "webpack",
  "dev": "webpack-dev-server --hot --config ./webpack.dev.config.js"
  "prod": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack.prod.config.js"
But in our case, let’s keep everything in one file. We won’t need to do more configurations than that; just go to your terminal and start webpack-dev-server again:
$ npm run start
Go this time to application.scss under “src/stylesheets” and let’s remove the body background image:
background-image: url('../images/cat.jpg');

Save and verify that your page background image disappeared without reloading the entire page. You can add more style like setting another background image or changing the text color. Every change you make will be updated without the need of full reloading.

There are many other options we can add to the webpack-dev-server configuration like, for example, the “overlay” option:
devServer: {
  // ...
  overlay: true

This will tell webpack devServer to show errors straight in your web browser on an overlay popup whenever something wrong occurs; this way you won’t need to go and check your terminal every time, which is very handy.


In this chapter, we have seen the main options for webpack-dev-server, how to use it, and how to activate the HMR (Hot Module Replacement) in order to update the page without fully reloading. Also, an important thing to remember is that the webpack-dev-server is built for development purposes only, NOT as a production server. So, in any case, it isn’t meant to replace a true classic web server. Other than that, you can go to the webpack documentation website and learn additional options if you are interested to know more. In the next chapter, we will explore the installation and usage of third-party libraries, which will be the final lesson in this journey, so let’s jump right in.

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